

单词 掌握电脑

See also:

掌握 n

mastery n
grasp n
clutch n
command n
grip n


know well
understand sth. well and know how to use it
grasp (often fig.)
seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny)

电脑 pl

laptops pl

电脑 n

laptop n

External sources (not reviewed)

Ncomputing公司董事长兼首席执行官Stephen Dukker说:“Ncomputing公司非常自豪地被安得拉邦政府选中,帮助实现其提高全邦学习 掌握电脑 知 识 水平的愿望。
NComputing is proud to have been chosen by Andhra Pradesh to fulfill its vision to improve learning and computer literacy throughout the state," said Stephen Dukker, chairman and CEO of NComputing.
工作内容是通过讲课形式向客户传授系统及硬件方面的操作方法,帮助 客户熟掌握电脑操作
Customer engineers lecture on how to operate systems and hardware so that customers can effectively use computer systems.
学生们通过 志愿者的教导后掌握了电脑绘画 的技巧。
Through the instruction of employee-volunteers, students were able to learn the basics.
人们不仅能从游戏中得到快乐,同时还能学习、触摸、感受、实验 掌握 知 识, 大 脑 也 是 通过这种方式吸收新经验和新知识。
Playing is not just about having fun. It is also about
learning, touching, feeling,
[...] experimenting and grasping – it is the mechanism by which our brain assimilates new experiences [...]
and new knowledge.
它稳定的性能以及极其多样化的特性使它成为需要日历时间表以及每日规划 掌 上 电脑 应 用程序当然的选择。
Its stable performance and remarkable variety of characteristics make it the obvious choice for any Pocket PC application that need calendar timetable and day planning.
如果您随身携带装有Palm OS适用的ALPRO™ 1.1的掌上电脑,您 可在牛舍中检查您的奶牛的同时输入分选数据。
If you carry a Palm with ALPRO™ 1.1 for Palm OS, you can enter sort data while checking your cows in the barn.
评估的因素包括 国家名称、世界地区;并具有以下功能:在线出版物、在线数据库、音频片段、视频片段、非母 语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素、在线服
[...] 务、服务的项目、数字签名、信用卡支付、电子邮件地址、评论表格、自动电子邮件更新、网站 个性化定制掌上电脑(PDA)访问和网站的英语版本。
Features assessed included the name of the nation, region of the world and having the following features: online publications, online database, audio clips, video clips, non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy policy, security features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card payments, email address, comment form,
automatic email updates, website personalization,
[...] personal digital assistant (PDA) access and [...]
an English version of the website.
无线网络电脑、掌上电脑、电话提 供高速连接,您可以在摇曳的海浪中更新博客、收发邮件、网上冲浪。
Our wireless networks (connection at a fee) deliver high-speed internet to your PC, PDA or phone so you can blog, email and surf the net whilst you sail the ocean waves!
例如: 针对信息化技术在汽车设计制造中的应用,汽车电子的迅速发展,车辆工程专业方向加 强了信息和控制方面的实验和实习,培养学 掌握 机 电 一 体 化核心技术的能力。
For example, because of the widely application of information technologies in design and manufacturing of automobiles, as well as rapid development of automotive electronics, we added experiments and projects in information and
control aspects for vehicle engineering students,
[...] trained them to grasp the core technology of electromechanical integration.
首先通过无故障情况下的在线慢同调分析 掌握 系 统中 发 电 机 群 的关联特性;在扰动发生后,利用平均数充分性(MIA)同调识别法获取具体的发电机摇摆分群模式;在发电机的分群模式约束下,把电网中节点间关系表达为拓扑距离,并按照该距离关系完成系统节点的K-Medoids聚类,最终得到满足孤岛功率平衡约束的解列面;为避免电网连锁解列和提前解列,对全网线路运用“激活-闭锁”的策略,使参与解列的线路在检测到可靠的失步信号后,同步速动完成解列。
The correlation among generator groups in system is obtained by the online slow coherency analysis during non-faulty period;the actual grouping pattern of generator swing is detected [...]
during faulty period
by the MIA(Mean Index Adequacy) coherency identification;in the constraint of grouping pattern,the relationship among buses is expressed as the topological distance and the K-Medoids clustering of system buses is carried out according to the distance to obtain the split section meeting the constraint of islanding power balance;in order to avoid the cascading split and premature split,the “activation-blocking” strategy is applied to all lines in system to quickly and simultaneously split all participated power lines after the out-of-step signal of generator is detected.
HTTP是网上浏览器和网上服务器之间 电脑 “交握式通 信协议”,并且用来要求和接收互联网网页。
HTTP is the computer “handshaking protocol” between [...]
a web browser and a web server, and is used to request and receive a web page on the Internet.
至于按开支细目对预算外资 金的监管是由中心项目主任来进行的,他根据与出资人签署的合同里的财务附件规定的分 类,利电子表格掌握资金 的使用情况。
As to the monitoring of extrabudgetary funds by item of expenditure, this is carried out by the Centre’s project managers, who have the implementation status of the funds in spreadsheet form, in accordance with the breakdown provided for in the financial annexes to contracts with donors.
从事不间断电源技术销售的古巴 EcoSol Electric 公司同样受到美国封锁的影 响,因为这种不间断电源的生产全部集中在美国伊顿公司(Eaton)手中,伊顿公掌握着电子网络用单相和三相电源系统的生产线。
EcoSol Electric, which markets technology for the use of renewable sources of energy, has also suffered the impact of the embargo owing to the high concentration of production within the United States-based Eaton Group, which has assembled the product line of single-phase and three-phase systems used in the electrical grid.
具有以下每一项功能的网站分别 获得四分:出版物、数据库、音频片段、视频片段、外语通道、无广告、无额外费用、无用户费
[...] 用、残疾人通道、拥有隐私政策、安全政策、允许交易数字签名、信用卡支付选项、电子邮件联 系信息、评论区域、电子邮件更新选项、网站定制选项 掌 上 电脑 访 问
Four points are awarded to each website for the presence of the following features: publications, databases, audio clips, video clips, foreign language access, not having ads, not having premium fees, not having user fees, disability access, having privacy policies, security policies, allowing digital signatures on transactions, an option to pay via credit cards, email contact
information, areas to post comments, option for email updates, option for website
[...] personalization and PDA accessibility.
通 讯 设 备 ” 指 手 提 电 脑 丶 桌电 脑 丶 掌 上 型 电 脑 丶 个 人 数 码 助 理 丶 手 提 电 话 及 任 何 其 他 作 为 使 用 「 服 务 」 之 电 子 媒 介 及 / 或 器 材 。
Telecommunications Equipment" means laptop computers, desktop PCs, pocket PCs, personal digital assistants, mobile phones and any other electronic media and/or equipment employed to use the Service.
在耳麦、笔记本、个电脑、手机、 掌 上 电脑 、 打 印机等之间以无线方式进行数据和语音传输。
Wireless data and voice transfer between headsets, laptops, PCs, mobile phones, PDA ‘s, printers etc. Unlike infrared, Bluetooth does not need a visual connection.
b) 在教科文组织特别项目“青年参与世界遗产的保护和宣传”框架内,制订世界遗 产教育计划,其目标群体为 12--16 岁学生,在耶路撒冷中学举办讲习班,宣传现 有的材料:倡导青年参与遗产遗址的管理和保护实用手册(教科文组织和国际文 化财产保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)于 2002 年在皮特拉开始根据耶路撒冷情 况调整活动)和世界遗掌握在青 年手中教育包。
(b) Development of a World Heritage Education programme, the target group of which are 12-16 years old students, within the framework of the UNESCO Special Project “Young People’s Participation in World Heritage Preservation and Promotion”, through workshops diffusing already available materials: the practical manual Introducing Young People to Heritage Site Management and Protection (adapting an activity initiated in 2002 in Petra by UNESCO and ICCROM to the case of Jerusalem) and the World Heritage in Young Hands Kit in Jerusalem secondary schools.
教科文组织应为地区中心提供本组织的相关出版物和其他有关资料,并将通过教科文组织的 网站及掌握的其 他通讯和机制来宣传地区中心的活动信息。
It shall provide the Regional Centre with relevant UNESCO publications and other pertinent material, and shall disseminate information on the activities of the Regional Centre via the UNESCO website and other newsletters and mechanisms at its disposal.
由於其中某些新的禁制涉及考慮某營業行為是 否導致或相當可能導致一般消費者作出某項交易決定,而倘若該消費 者沒有接觸該營業行為,該消費者不會作出該項交易決定,因此擬議第 13D條訂明,在斷定某營業行為對一般消費者的影響時,須考慮到有 關的一般消費者的重要特徵,包括該消費者 掌握 的 資 料、該消費 者的觀察力和謹慎程度均達到合理水平。
As some of the new prohibitions involve a consideration of whether a commercial practice causes or is likely to cause an average consumer to make a transactional decision that the consumer would not have made otherwise, the proposed section 13D provides that in determining the effect of a commercial practice on the average consumer, account must be taken of the material characteristics of such an average consumer, including that the consumer is reasonably well informed, reasonably observant and circumspect.
即使開設擬議新聞秘書職 位,每名新聞秘書的工作量亦不會大幅削減,因為當局
[...] 期望他們的服務質素得以藉此提升,包括更 掌握 市民 大眾對現有及新的政策措施的反應,更妥善地協調傳媒 [...]
及公關的工作,以及更積極主動地面對傳媒及社會大 眾。
Even if the proposed Press Secretary post was created, the workload of each Press Secretary would not be significantly reduced as the quality of
their service was expected to improve in
[...] terms of firmer grasp of public reaction [...]
to existing and new policy initiatives,
better co-ordinated media and PR efforts, and a more proactive approach in dealing with the media and the community.
本产品安装包附带有可掌上电脑、 Wi ndows CE 以及智能电话平台下使用的 [...]
VB.NET 以及 C#.NET 示例,这些示例可以大大缩短您学习如何将条形码集成到您的应用程序的学习曲线。
NET samples for Pocket PC, Windows CE and Smartphone [...]
platforms, which can dramatically shorten the learning curve in terms
of how to integrate the PDF417 barcode into your application.
我们还引入了一个被我们称为拇指键盘的新布局(我们约在一年前首次发布 Windows 8
[...] 预览版时向公众展示了该布局),该布局专为使用双 握 住 平 板 电脑 , 并使用其拇指键入的用户而设计。
We also introduced a new layout we call the thumb keyboard (which we showed for the first time at our very first
preview of Windows 8 about a year ago), which is designed for
[...] holding the tablet with two hands and typing with [...]
your thumbs.
由电子标签技术来构建宠物的“电子宠物牌”,“电子宠物牌”中采用了最新的无线射频技术,将宠物的各种信息如主人姓名、住址、宠物的名字、宠物的种类、宠物的照片、宠物的免疫情况、宠物的年检等信息存储在“电子宠物牌”中,而城市管理人员通过基于 P D A 掌 上 电脑 的 手 持读写器就可以在远距离轻松查验宠物佩戴的“电子宠物牌”,对宠物进行高效管理。
Constructed the pet by the electronic label technology "the electronic pet sign", "the electronic pet sign" center has used the newest wireless radio frequency technology, pet's each kind of information like master name, address, pet's name, pet's type, pet's picture, pet's immunity situation, pet's information storage and so on annual inspection in "electronic pet sign" center, but the city
administrative personnel
[...] through the computer grasped read-write based on the PDA palm on may wear [...]
"the electronic pet sign"
in the long-distance range relaxed inspection pet, carried on the highly effective management to the pet.
本项目的建设使北京联通公司全面准确 掌握 各 类 电 信 网 络资源信息,实行网络资源结构的优化,便利地进行网络调度、设备管理、业务管理等等,全面提升运营商的服务水平和市场竞争力,同时降低管理成本,提高工作效率,为宏观决策提供有力的支撑。
The construction of this project allows Beijing
Unicom to get a general,
[...] accurate mastery of a variety of telecommunications network resources [...]
information, execute network
resources structure optimization, conveniently carry out network dispatching, equipment management, business management and the like, and generally enhance the carrier’s service level and market competitiveness while reducing management cost, increasing work efficiency and providing potent support to macroscopic decision-making.
超级电容器解决了电池及其他能源的峰值功率限制问题, 掌 上 电脑 、 销 售点系统、固态硬盘、位置跟踪设备、电子锁及智能电表和无线传感器网络中的调制解调器提供保护任务关键型数据和通信的备用电源。
Supercapacitors resolve the peak-power
[...] limitations of batteries and other energy [...]
sources, and provide back-up power to protect
mission-critical data and communications, in products such as handheld computers, point-of-sale systems, solid state drives, location-tracking devices, electronic locks and modems in smart meters and wireless sensor networks.
信息和传播技术为穷人所用,其主要方式包括 1)将信息和传播中心与各种社区媒体连 接起来,包括印刷媒体、有线广播和电视;2)在现有资源和网络的基础上,建立穷人特别
是贫穷妇女的自助小组(SHGs),以及地方青年会;3)加强横向联系,比如在穷人和国立 大学之间,以及在更广泛的一般社区范围内;4)对信息和传播技术设施实行战略性配备,
[...] 比如在妇女之家、地方火车站和各类地方学校;并 5)调整和应用创新技术,如手持、手写 和触摸电脑。
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include (1) linking ICT centres with various types of community media, including print and both cable radio and television; (2) building on existing assets and networks of the poor, particularly women’s self-help groups (SHGs) and local youth clubs; (3) strengthening horizontal linkages, for instance between the poor and state universities and more broadly within the community-at-large; (4) strategically locating ICT facilities, in women’s homes, in local railway stations and various types of local schools;
and (5) innovating adaptations and new applications of technology, including
[...] hand-held, tablet and touchscreen computers.
内建新一代数位引擎、3D BIOS 和第四代超耐久™等众多新技术的技嘉7系列主板,确实能提供更精确 电 源 供 应 掌握 度 , 为直觉的BIOS图形化界面,以提供更好的用户体验。
With an exclusive 'Digital' VRM design, GIGABYTE 3D Power and GIGABYTE 3D BIOS (Dual UEFI), GIGABYTE 7 series motherboards ensure exceptional power delivery and absolute control, with additional features that ensure an unrivalled experience on your next PC build.
[...] 项目的经费数额而定:就小型信通技术项目而言 掌握 决 策 权的是首席信息干事 和(或)实务部门或区域或外地办事处负责人;中型项目需要获得部门负责人认 [...]
可,在某些情况下,需获得该组织信通技术治理委员会的认可以及高级主管和 (或)有关信通技术的最高权威官员或组织首长批准;对非常大型和成本密集型的
项目而言,则必须设立由指导委员会和管理委员会、工作组等组成的特设项目治 理结构,并争取成员国为这些项目提供经费,或可能从该组织的资本预算中为之 拨出经费。
In most organizations, the decision-making process depends on the
financial volume of the projects: for
[...] small ICT projects, the decision-making [...]
authority would be the CIO and/or the heads
of substantive departments or regional or field offices; medium-size projects would need endorsement from the head of the department and, in some cases, the organization’s ICT governance committee, as well as the approval of senior managers and/or the highest authority on ICT or the head of the organization; for very large and cost-intensive projects, ad hoc project governance structures, comprising steering and management committees, working groups and so on have to be established, and funding for those projects would be sought from Member States or they may be funded from the organizations’ capital budgets.
该系统的成功研发将有助于开展DNSSEC设备与系统的测试评估与认证工作 掌握 D N S SE C部署后对现 有DNS影响的实测数据,综合评估我国部署DNSSEC系统的安全风险,研究制定我国DNSSEC部署策略及相 [...]
Successful R&D of this system will facilitate the evaluation of DNSSEC device and system testing and the authentication
[...] work, obtaining the measured data about the influence of DNSSEC deployment [...]
on the existing DNS,
comprehensive evaluation of the risk of deploying DNSSEC system and research and formulation of DNSSEC deployment policy and relevant management policy, so as to provide technical support and management basis for safe, high-efficient and orderly deployment of China’s DNSSEC system.




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