

单词 授权令

See also:

授权 (...) v

mandate sth. v
authoriseBE v
empower v
vest v


an order n
order n
warrant n
command n
season n

make sth. happen
government position (old)
honorific title

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 下达连贯一致且综合全面的行政文书和个 授权令 , 明 确界定所授的权力, 包括所授予的一切财力和人力资源
(c) Clearly defining delegation of
[...] authority in administrative instruments and individual delegation orders, that are consistent [...]
and comprehensive,
including delegation of all financial and human resources
如果没授权令,羁 押被拘留者的狱警应立即查明被拘留原因。
Where there is no warrant, the prison official [...]
who takes the detainee into custody must immediately ascertain the reasons for the detention.
第 48 条确认,只有在下列情况下,主管机关才可毋 授权令 进 入 一所 住宅
Article 48, affirming that the competent authorities may not enter a house without a warrant except in the following cases
缔约国指出,在政府发出引渡他授 权令之前 ,申诉人享有一切合乎法律和司法标准的待遇。
The State party submits that the
complainant was granted all legal and judicial safeguards before
[...] the Government decree authorizing his extradition [...]
was issued.
安全理事会一再侵占《宪章》规定的联合国其他 主要机关的任授权,令人感 到严重关切。
The repeated encroachment of the Security Council into the Charter-defined mandates of the other principal organs of the United Nations is a matter of serious concern.
各国可以使用某些 预防性 措施,如 秘密监视或拦截并监测通讯,只 要这 些措施是针
[...] 对具体案件的行动,并由法官根据所出示 的可能的原因 或理由发布授 权 令 ,有 关某 一个人的行为必须有一些是可以怀疑他可能在筹备一项恐怖主义 [...]
States may make use of certain preventive measures like covert surveillance or the interception and monitoring of communications, provided that
these are case-specific interferences, on
[...] the basis of a warrant issued by a judge [...]
on showing of probable cause or reasonable
grounds; there must be some factual basis, related to the behaviour of an individual which justifies the suspicion that he may be engaged in preparing a terrorist attack.
[...] 为起诉或服刑目的进行的引渡须建立在国际条约(如葡萄牙、白俄罗斯、突尼斯 )、 授权令(葡萄 牙)或对等安排(如白俄罗斯、突尼斯)的基础上。
It was also noted that extradition for purposes of prosecution or serving a prison term would have to be founded on an
international treaty (e.g., Belarus,
[...] Portugal, Tunisia), warrant (e.g., Portugal) [...]
or reciprocity (e.g., Belarus, Tunisia).
检察官也可要求预审法官签发采取调查措施的命令,包括诉讼传票授权令、移送令、授权进行 现场调查和质询证人(例如见法庭《规约》第 11 条第 ⑸款和 18 条第⑵款及规则 77、92 和 93)
The Pre-Trial Judge may also be
requested by the Prosecutor
[...] to issue orders for investigative measures, including for instance summonses, warrants, transfer orders, authorizations to conduct on-site [...]
and questionings of witnesses (see articles 11 (5) and 18 (2) of the statute and rules 77, 92 and 93 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence)
(a) 审判室活动:初次出庭、情况会商、审前会商、审判、上诉以及做出判 决;(b) 有关以下方面的裁定:复核及确认起诉书,逮捕令及其 授权令 , 各
(a) Courtroom activities: initial appearances, status conferences, pretrial conferences, trials, appeals and delivery of judgements
根据 2005 年《商业航运令》第 201(1)节,获令授权的人 员可随时为执行 该令:(a) 登上任何船只,检查船只或其任何部分或设备
(a) Go on board any ship and inspect and examine the ship or any part thereof or its equipment
令第 67 节授权管理 局在其认为必要时发出有关任何人或任何类别的人的 指令或规定,以防止资助恐怖主义行为。
Section 67 of the Order empowers the Authority [...]
to issue such directions or make such regulations concerning any person or
any class of person as the Authority considers necessary for the prevention of financing of terrorism.
一旦完成司 法引渡程序,摩洛哥政府可发布一个 令 , 授权 将 其 引渡给俄罗斯当局。
Once the judicial extradition procedures are completed, the Government of
[...] Morocco can issue a decree authorizing his extradition [...]
to the Russian authorities.
根据上文(b)和(c) 项索要的资料,如未在规定时限内提供或提供后显然 不令人满意,授权主席 会同主席团成员,继续与缔约国跟进处理这一问题。
(f) If the information requested in accordance with (b) and (c) above is not provided by the specified
date, or is patently
[...] unsatisfactory, the Chairperson, in consultation with the members of the Bureau, could be authorized to follow up the [...]
matter with the State party.
在乌拉圭,共和国总统经与内务部长磋商之后,于2000 年发布了一项令,授权实施一项方案,以保护为所控罪行提供证据的证人和举报人。
In Uruguay, the President of the Republic, in
consultation with the Minister of the
[...] Interior, issued a decree in 2000 authorizing the implementation [...]
of a programme to protect witnesses
and informants giving evidence on alleged offences.
[...] 活动包括通过以下办法促进国家淘汰计划:与政府、产业和贸易利益相关者开展互动,以 及起草给予更授权的法令以强 制实施现有的消耗臭氧层物质许可证制度的条例。
Policy and awareness activities implemented so far include promotion of the NPP through interaction with Government, industry and trade
stakeholders, as 14 well as the
[...] drafting of a decree to provide additional mandates to enforce [...]
the existing ODS licensing system regulation.
第三是在今年四月生效的以色列关于 渗透的军事命令,该令授权以色列占领军驱逐至少 25 000 名居住在西岸的巴勒斯坦人和加沙人。
The third is the Israeli military order on
infiltration that went into effect in April
[...] this year, which authorizes the Israeli occupying [...]
forces to deport at least 25,000
Palestinian and Gazans residing in the West Bank.
按照相当于《示范法》第 21(1)(e)条的规定,法授权外国管理人对 债务人在澳大利亚的所有资产进行管理和变现, 令 任 何 人不得执行债务人财 产上的抵押权,占有债务人财产的质权或留置权持有人可以继续占有,但不得 出售或以其他方式执行该留置权或质权。
Pursuant to the provision equivalent to art. 21
(1)(e) of the Model
[...] Law, the court entrusted the administration and realisation of all of the debtor’s assets in Australia to the foreign representatives, ordered that no person could [...]
enforce a charge
on the property of the debtor and that a pledge or lienholder in possession of the property of the debtor could continue in possession, but could not sell or otherwise enforce the lien or pledge.
令第 66 节授权有关 监管当局在其认为必要时向其监管下的任何人或任何 类别的人发出指令或指导,以 [...]
履 行 或 协助履行文莱达鲁萨兰国根据联合国安全理 事会有关恐怖主义问题的决议或决定所应承担的义务。
Section 66 of the Order provides powers for the relevant [...]
regulatory or supervisory authority to issue such directions and
guidelines to any person or any class of person under their regulation or supervision as they consider necessary in order to discharge or facilitate the discharge of any obligation by virtue of a resolution or decision of the United Nations Security Council relating to terrorism.
最近有关执行一项军事命令的报导更加令人不 安,这项令授权占领军任意把巴勒斯坦人民逐出西 岸和加沙。
More disquieting are the latest reports of the imposition of a
[...] military order that empowers the occupying [...]
forces to arbitrarily expel the Palestinian
people from the West Bank and Gaza.
执行局通过了决定 151 EX/6.4。它意识到某些国际组织的性质既不属于政府间组织也不是非政府组织,并希望 与这些组织作令双方 满意的适当安排,以便开展合作,并因此决定总干事可以根据执行局 的总授权,与 根据不同国家政府之间的协议建立起来的政府间组织以外的国际组织,或 《关于教科文组织与非政府组织之关系的指示》所规定的组织以外的国际组织,建立合作关 [...]
By adopting 151 EX/Decision 9.4, the Executive Board, “(a)ware that certain international organizations are neither intergovernmental nor non-governmental in character and desirous of
ensuring that suitable and
[...] mutually satisfactory arrangements can be made to cooperate with them, therefore decide(d) that: the Director-General may, under the general authority of the Executive [...]
Board, establish
relations of cooperation with international organizations other than intergovernmental organizations established by agreement among governments of states, or organizations as defined under the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with non-governmental organizations…”; and that “the principles set out in the (…) aforementioned NGO Directives (…) apply to relations of cooperation with organizations of this type”.
在一个月内颁布令,授权建立一个独立的高级监督办公室,负责调查 和制裁腐败官员,并领导反腐败工作
Empowering an independent High Office of [...]
Oversight to investigate and sanction corrupt officials and lead the fight against
corruption, through decree within one month
[...] 东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦居民的居住权,禁止他们生活在 自己的出生地城市;以色列军方下达新 令 , 授权以 色 列占领军驱逐被认为是渗透到被占领土的西岸巴 勒斯坦人;以色列非法定居者不断袭击巴勒斯坦人, [...]
而以色列当局没有采取执法行动来阻止或防止此类 袭击。
Other examples include the building of the separation wall, which snakes into Palestinian territory; the eviction of Palestinian families and the demolition of Palestinian homes; the revocation of residency rights of Palestinian inhabitants of East Jerusalem, forbidding them to live in the city of their
birth; the new Israeli
[...] military order which will give the Israeli occupying forces the power to deport [...]
Palestinians in the West
Bank who are deemed to be infiltrating the occupied territory; and, incessant attacks on Palestinians by illegal Israeli settlers, and the lack of law enforcement by Israeli authorities to stop or even prevent such attacks.
2010 年通过的一项法令表示欢迎,该 令授权 国 家 监狱 改革委员会对监狱系统,特别是目前的拘留条件进行审查。
It also welcomed the
[...] adoption of a decree in 2010 which authorizes the National Commission [...]
for Prison Reform to review the
prison system in the light of contemporary conditions of detention.
该行政令授权特别工 作队编写、协调、磋商并提交报告。
The Executive Order authorized the Task Force [...]
to prepare, coordinate, consult and submit the Report.
这一军事命令因此令人不禁回想起 1967 年 6 月之后在巴勒斯坦被占领土上
[...] 设立的以色列军事政府和 1969 年的一批军事命令,占领国通过这些 令授权它 自 己驱逐那些被认为“非法”进入被占领土的所谓“渗透者”。
This military order thus harkens back to the period of the Israeli military government established in the Occupied Palestinian Territory following the
occupation in June 1967 and the 1969
[...] military orders by which the occupying Power granted itself the power [...]
to expel so-called “infiltrators”
that were deemed to have entered the Territory “illegally”.
委员会收到的资料显示,1950 年《第61 号法令》和2008 年《第64号令》授予了 情报部门的成员、包括军事、航空和公安部队的成员、有不必由于职 务上的罪行被起诉的事实豁权。
(13) According to information before the Committee,
[...] Legislative Decree No. 61 of 1950 and Decree No. 64 of 2008 grant members of intelligence agencies, including military, air and public security forces, de facto immunity from prosecution [...]
for crimes committed while they were on duty.
尽管保安部队用“白色面包车”进行绑架的案例很可能是非法的,并且根 据斯里兰卡法律还可能是刑事犯罪行为,但酷刑问题特别报告员393 和国际法学 家委员会仍然提请注意,反恐法律和 令授 予 斯里兰卡安全部队广泛的逮捕和拘权力。
While the conduct of the security forces in “white van” abduction cases is most likely unlawful and criminal also under the law of Sri Lanka, the Special Rapporteur on torture393and the International Commission of Jurists have drawn attention to the far-reaching powers of arrest and detention that anti-terrorism laws and ordinances bestow upon the Sri Lankan security forces.394 Under Emergency (Miscellaneous Provisions and Powers) Regulation No. 1 of 2005, persons “acting in any manner prejudicial to the national
security or the
[...] maintenance of public order” may be arrested and held in detention for up to one year, without access to judicial review by an independent body.
这些指 令旨在为管理公司提供新的运营条 件,并简化基金发售说明书(即管理 公司令),同时授予更广泛的投权力(即产品指令)。
Together, they aimed to provide new operating conditions for management companies and to introduce simplified fund prospectuses (i.e. the management company directive) as well as a wider range of investment powers (i.e. the product directive).
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管权,并对那些犯有或 令 犯 有 上述行为(VII.个人的刑事责任)并在 该国领土被发现的个人(不论其国籍如何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a
view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against,
[...] those persons who have committed or have ordered to be committed [...]
acts referred to above
(VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found present on its territory, regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
(29) 與任何政府或機關(最高、市、地方或其他級別)或任何可能有助實踐本公 司全部或其中任何目的之法團、公司或人士訂立任何安排,並向任何該等政 府、機關、法團、公司或人士取得任何約章、合約、法令、權利、特權及優
[...] 申請、促進及取得任何可直接或間接令本公司受惠之法規、 令 、 規 例或其授權或頒令,及 反對任何可能直接或間接損害本公司利益之法案、法律程 [...]
序或申請;及促使本公司在任何其他海外國家或地方根據當地法例登記或取 得認可地位。
(29) To enter into any arrangements with any Governments or authorities (supreme, municipal, local or otherwise), or any corporations, companies, or persons that may seem conducive to the attainment of the Company's objects, or any of them, and to obtain from any such Government, authority, corporation, company or person any charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such charters, contracts, decrees, rights, privileges and concessions; to apply for,
promote and obtain any statute, order,
[...] regulation or other authorisation or enactment which may seem calculated [...]
directly or
indirectly to benefit the Company, and to oppose any bills, proceedings or applications which may seem calculated or likely directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company's interests; and to procure the Company to be registered or recognised in or under the laws of any other foreign country or place.




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