

单词 授时

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External sources (not reviewed)

截止至2011 年,查尔斯特每个科目的授时间已 达40 小时。
As of 2011, CSU will be delivering 40 hours of contact per subject.
在静态运行期间,可在只有一颗卫星可见的情况下进行 GPS 授时; 并且消除授时误差, 以避免引起定位错误。
[...] operation enables GPS timing with only one visible satellite and eliminates timing errors which [...]
otherwise result in positioning errors.
u-blox 精授时模块和相应的评估套件可从 u-blox 的 在线商店订购。
Samples of
[...] u-blox precision timing modules and evaluation [...]
kit can be ordered via u-blox’ Online Shop.
它注意到导航卫星委员会各工作组重点讨论了以下问题:兼容性和互操作 性;提高全球导航卫星系统的服务性能;信息传播和能力建设;参照基准授 时和应用。
It was noted that the ICG working groups focused on the following issues: compatibility and interoperability; enhancement of the
performance of GNSS services; information dissemination and capacity-building;
[...] and reference frames, timing and applications.
PT10工业授时时钟利用全球定位系统(Global Positioning [...]
The PT10
[...] technical grade time service clock uses [...]
the global positioning system (Global Positioning System) when the satellite
transmission coordinated world (UTC) the time signal, the accurate clock signal which provides for each kind of automated installment user, may turn on each demand time service directly through the traditional industry serial interface the computer or the intellectualized equipment, near provides, the long-distance range two serial connections way, at the same time can provide the global unification for the intellectualized equipment the clock synchropulse signal (a second pulse), the characteristic is can be safe, succinctly provides the clock information for the multi- Taiwan special purpose computer and the industry intelligence equipment.
委员会赞赏地注意到定位、导航 授时 服 务提供商和用户在推广全球导航 卫星系统方面取得的成就,有关情况反映在题为“联合国全球导航卫星系统 [...]
10 年成就”的出版物(ST/SPACE/55)中。
The Committee noted with appreciation the
achievements of providers and users of
[...] positioning, navigation and timing services in promoting [...]
GNSS, as reflected in the publication
entitled “10 years of achievement of the United Nations on Global Navigation Satellite Systems” (ST/SPACE/55).
[...] 重要的研究型大学聘请您为合作副教授或合作 授时 , 您 会获得 仅在商业环境内工作所无法获得的个人威望与学术认可。
If you are working in a commercial
company, your appointment as an affiliate
[...] Associate or full Professor by a major research [...]
university provides you a personal
cachet and academic recognition that would not be possible working exclusively within your commercial environment.
联合国实体包括驻地协调员的反应指出,理论材料如果是作为参考材料,可 以是有用的,但授时过于 侧重,往往会让培训班超负荷,影响了促进性别平等 主流化实用方法的经验分享和知识转移。
Responses from United Nations entities, including Resident Coordinators, pointed out that focusing on theoretical material can be useful if the material is provided for reference, but tends to overload training sessions and to undermine the sharing of experiences and transfer of knowledge on the practical application of gender mainstreaming approaches.
[...] Auerbach将给与会人士带来关于“美国与全球GNSS系统的合作”的重要发言,美国国家天基定位、导航 授时 协 调 办公室主任Anthony Russo也将发表有关“美国GPS卫星系统及其现代化计划和相关政策”的主题演讲。
Jeff Auerbach, Advisor on GNSS Affairs, Office of Space and Advanced Technology, U.S. Department of State, will make a presentation on "U.S. International GNSS Cooperation," and Anthony Russo, Director of the U.S.
National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning,
[...] Navigation, and Timing, will make a keynote [...]
about "GPS Constellation,
Modernization Plans and Policy.
由于他尚未收到一些出席会议的缔约国适当 的全权证书,他建议根据第 3 条时授权这 些缔约 国的代表参加会议,并敦促他们尽速递交其全权证 书。
As he had yet to receive proper credentials from some of the States parties represented at the meeting, he suggested that, in accordance with rule 3, the
representatives of those States parties
[...] should be entitled provisionally to participate [...]
in the meeting and urged them to submit
their credentials as soon as possible.
10.1 持卡人应有权从CSC的授权卡由或通过它已经被执行,如果满足以下条件收款人发起的交易退款:(一)没有指定的授权卡交易的具体数 时授 权 制作的;及(b)卡的交易金额超过了持卡人的金额可以合理地预期考虑到他以前的消费模式,在卡协议和案件相关情况的条件.
10.1 The Cardholder shall be entitled to a refund from CSC of an authorised Card Transaction initiated by or through a payee which has already been executed, if the
following conditions are
[...] met: (a) the authorisation did not specify the exact amount of the Card Transaction when the authorisation was made; [...]
and(b) the amount of the
Card Transaction exceeded the amount the Cardholder could reasonably have expected taking into account his previous spending pattern, the conditions in Card Agreement and relevant circumstances of the case.
它是由DQS—一个来自德国的官方独立外审认证权威机构颁发,并授权Dennemeyer律师事务所"在知识产权法和版权法领域提供法律咨询建议", 时授 权 Dennemeyer S. A. 公司"为专利年金代缴和商标续展以及就知识产权软件和咨询提供服务。
It was issued by the DQS, an official, independent certification authority from Germany, enabling Dennemeyer & Associates entities to "Provide legal advice in the areas of Intellectual Property Law and Copyright Law" and Dennemeyer S.A. entities to "Provide services for patent annuity payments and trademark renewals as well as Intellectual Property software and consulting".
2010 年 8 月,MiniGUI 授权模式发生重大改变,从 MiniGUI 3.0.10
版本开始,对使用 MiniGUI 3.0.10 for Linux 版本开发非消费类终端产品(如工业控制系统、工业仪表、医疗仪器、DVR、门禁系统等年出货量低于 10K
[...] 的产品)的客户,将不再按照副本个数计算 MiniGUI 的运 时授 权 费 ,而以年费或者订阅费取代。
August 2010, MiniGUI significant change licensing models, starting from the MiniGUI 3.0.10 version, on the use of MiniGUI 3.0.10 for Linux version of the development of non-consumer end-products (such as industrial control systems, industrial instrumentation, medical equipment, DVR, Access Control systems less than 10K in shipments of products) to customers, will no longer be calculated in
accordance with the number of copies
[...] of MiniGUI the run-time licensing fees, and to [...]
replace the annual fee or subscription fee.
用户无需为之支付后续费用即可在大部分的桌面应用程序之间传递使用,其企业版还包含了用于服务器的运 时授 权。
It can be passed on with most desktop applications without
paying any further royalty fees. The Enterprise
[...] Edition includes runtime licenses for [...]
server / web server applications.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未授权的 武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern
Lebanon in parallel
[...] with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets [...]
and weapons, taking
all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
[...] 1861(2009)号决议建立中乍特派团军事部 时 , 授 权特 派团帮助创造有利的安全条件,以便难民和流离失所者自愿、有保障和持续地返 [...]
回,特别是促进对处于危险之中的难民、境内流离失所者和平民的保护,协助在 乍得东部和中非共和国东北部提供人道主义援助,并为这些地区重建及经济和社
In establishing the military component of
MINURCAT under resolution 1861 (2009), the
[...] Security Council mandated the Mission to [...]
help create security conditions conducive
to the voluntary, secure and sustainable return of refugees and displaced persons, inter alia, by contributing to the protection of refugees, IDPs and civilians in danger, facilitating the provision of humanitarian assistance in eastern Chad and north-eastern Central African Republic and creating conditions favourable to the reconstruction and the economic and social development of those areas.
议会时授权政 府修订 1998 年法令,条件是将这三类外国人排除出这一附 加处罚的适用范围。
The Parliament had then authorized the Government [...]
to amend the decree-law of 1998 on condition of excluding these three
categories of aliens from the scope of the accessory penalty.
(b) 高等教育的第二个阶段(研究生阶段)旨在保证专业人员的深造,使其具
[...] 备科学教学和科研工作所需的知识、技能和能力,结 时授 予 硕 士学位并颁发硕 士文凭,毕业生有权在研究机构进一步深造或根据所学专业和掌握的技能安排就 业。
(b) The second level (master’s degree programme) provides in-depth specialist training and the development of knowledge, faculties and academic methodology and research skills, culminating in the award of a master’s degree and a master’s
diploma, which entitle the holders to enrol in a
[...] course of study leading to a candidate’s [...]
degree and to employment according to
the area of specialization studied and qualifications obtained.
[...] 政和预算问题咨询委员会的同意下,当安全理事会决定设立新的维和特派团或扩 大现有维和特派时,授权他 从维持和平准备基金可最多承付 1.5 [...]
亿美元并可动 用战略部署物资储存中剩余的所有现存物资。
In addition, given the greater transparency and tighter control over the budget that a standardized funding model provides, the Secretary-General also recommends that, where warranted, prudent and agreed to by the Advisory
Committee on Administrative and Budgetary
[...] Questions, he be authorized to enter into [...]
commitments of up to $150 million from the
Peacekeeping Reserve Fund and equal to the full available balance of strategic deployment stocks should the Security Council decide to establish or expand a peacekeeping mission.
并通过了案文,时授权报告员在主席的指导和秘书处的协助下完成报 告。
99. At the 9th meeting, on 18–19 December, the COP considered the draft report on its fifteenth session45 and
[...] adopted the text, authorizing the Rapporteur to [...]
complete the report, under
the guidance of the President and with the assistance of the secretariat.
例如,37 人仍然拥有时授权,可在 FABS 系统创立一个供应商,并对同一供应商输入一张发票,这绝对不是好的 作法,并产生重大风险。
For example, 37 staff members still hold concurrent authority to create a supplier account in the FABS database and to enter an invoice in respect of that same supplier, which runs counter to best practices and creates a material risk.
亚太统计所应用卫星通信技术给留在各国国内的学员进行 时授课 的试点项目值得赞赏。
SIAP is to be commended on its pilot project using satellite communications to deliver
[...] lectures in real time to students in their home countries.
背景:根据南非共和国关于建立由教科文组织赞助的非洲世界遗产基金 (AWHF)(第 2 类中心)的建议,执行局在其第一八二届会议上对该建议表示
[...] 欢迎并建议大会第三十五届会议批准它, 时授 权 总 干事签署 182 EX/20 号文件 第 VI [...]
Background: In pursuance of a proposal from the Republic of South Africa for the establishment of the African World Heritage Fund (AWHF), as a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO, the Executive Board, at its 182nd session, welcomed such a proposal and recommended that the
General Conference approve it at its 35th
[...] session and that it authorize the Director-General [...]
to sign the Agreement between UNESCO
and the Government of South Africa contained in the Annex to document 182 EX/20 Part VI.
上文第 1
[...] 段所定数额不足以应付周转基金正常用 时 , 授 权 秘 书长在 2012-2013 两年期内,依照大会 [...]
1958 年 12 月 13 日第 1341(XIII)号决议核准的 条件动用他所保管的特别基金和账户的现金,或者动用大会核准的贷款进项。
Should the provision in paragraph 1 above prove inadequate to meet the purposes normally
related to the Working Capital Fund, the
[...] Secretary-General is authorized to utilize, in [...]
the biennium 2012–2013, cash from special
funds and accounts in his custody, under the conditions approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 1341 (XIII) of 13 December 1958, or the proceeds of loans authorized by the Assembly.
这些指 令旨在为管理公司提供新的运营条 件,并简化基金发售说明书(即管理 公司指令),时授予更广泛的投资 权力(即产品指令)。
Together, they aimed to provide new operating conditions for management companies and to introduce simplified fund prospectuses (i.e. the management company directive) as well as a wider range of investment powers (i.e. the product directive).
因此,她建议,根据议事 规则第 3 条,时授权缔约国代表参加会议,但条 件是有关缔约国将尽快向秘书长递交其代表的全权 证书。
He therefore suggested that, in accordance with rule 3 of the rules of procedure, the representatives of those States parties should be permitted to participate in the Meeting provisionally, on the understanding that the States concerned would submit the credentials of their representatives to the Secretary-General as soon as possible.
安全理事会要坚 持中立、当事方同意、非自卫不使用武力的“哈马舍尔 德”三原则,密切与当事方的沟通,加强与区域组织的
[...] 配合,统筹维和行动的“进入”与“撤出”战略;协调 军事与政治努力;在通盘考虑的基础上 时授 权 部 署维 和行动。
It should consult closely with the parties concerned, step up cooperation with regional organizations, make overall arrangements for entry and exit strategies, coordinate military and political efforts and
authorize the deployment of peacekeeping missions
[...] at an appropriate time on the basis of [...]
thorough analysis of all factors.
在清洁发展机制下,指定的运作实体(DOE) 是由执行理事会时授权指 派的国家法律实体或国 际机构,最后由《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议 (CMP) 认证。
Certified Emission reduction units from CDm projects undertaken in nAi countries that limit or reduce gHg emissions, when certified by operational entities designated by Conference of the parties / meeting of the parties, can be accrued to the investor (government or industry) from parties in Annex B. A share of the proceeds from certified project activities is used to cover administrative expenses as well as to assist developing country parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change to meet the costs of adaptation.




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