

单词 授信

See also:


award v
teach v


External sources (not reviewed)

会议提出了向贫穷群体授信息和 传播技术的 具体构想方案以及研究信息和科学技术在消除贫困方面影响的新方法。
The meeting advanced specific concept proposals to put ICTs into the hands of the poor as well as a new methodology to research impact of ICTs for poverty reduction.
授 信安排將幫助我們達到更為健康的資本結構,也顯示政策性銀行及商業銀行對我們發展 [...]
These credit arrangements have [...]
helped us achieve a healthier capital structure, and show that both policy and commercial
banks recognize our potential.
(c) 因應《關 於中國 銀 行 ( 香港) 有限公司公司治 理授信審 批 程 序、風險管理及內 部監控機制 的專責委員會調查報告》(下 稱 “專責委員會調 查報告”)研究有關認可機構的 規 管 工作。
(c) Examination of the regulatory
[...] work in respect of authorized institutions in the light of the “Report of the Special Committee on the Corporate Governance, Credit Approval Process, [...]
Risk Management
and Internal Control Mechanism of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited” (the Special Committee Report).
这项权利包括不受官方当局干扰,自由地接受和 授信 息 和思 想。
This right includes the freedom to receive and impart information and ideas without interference from official authorities.
批准授權董事會可以在不超過前述249億元人民幣綜 授信 額 度 以及決議期限的範 圍內依據公司需要或與銀行的協商結果調 授信 額 度的具體內容和具 授信期 限,授權董 事會以及董事會授權的其他人士與銀行協商並簽署與前述綜 授信相 關的所授信協議 、融資協議和其他相關法律合同及文件,辦理與該等協議相關 的其他事宜。
That the Board
[...] of Directors be authorised to adjust the details and actual duration of the credit facilities pursuant to the Company’s requirements or negotiations with the bank, subject to the cap of the aforesaid RMB24.9 billion composite credit facility within the effective term of the resolution, and the Board of Directors and other parties delegated by the Board of Directors be authorised to negotiate with the bank and sign all facilities agreements, financing agreements and other related legal contracts and documents relating to the above composite credit facilities and to [...]
deal with other matters relating to such agreements.
试验性可偿还种子资金业务循环贷款方案下的当前业务将导致在巴勒斯坦 修建新的经济适用住房单位、在坦桑尼亚联合共和国平整有公共设施的地块、乌 干达贫困人口获得新的和整修的住房、尼加拉瓜通过小额信贷机构提供住房小额 贷款的次级放贷、向尼泊尔的储蓄和建造信用合作 授信 和 在老挝人民民主共和 国创建抵押贷款市场。
Current transactions under the experimental reimbursable seeding operations revolving loan programme will result in the construction of new affordable housing units in Palestine, the creation of serviced plots in the United Republic of Tanzania, new and upgraded homes for the poor in Uganda, secondary lending for housing microfinance loans through microfinance institutions in Nicaragua, credit extension to save-and-build credit cooperatives in Nepal and the creation of a mortgage market in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic.
截 止 本 報
[...] 告 期,公 司 以 其 銀授 信 額 度 開 具 備 用 信 用 [...]
證 方 式 為 中 興 印 尼 提 供 的500萬 美 元 擔 保 已 開 始 履 行,公 司 為 中 興 印 尼 提 供',000萬 美 元 的 履
約 擔 保 以 及 為 塔 中 移 動 的 銀 行 貸 款 提 供 的 股 權 質 押 擔 保 由 於 相 關 協 議 還 未 簽 訂,暫 未 履 行。
As at the date of this report, the US$5 million guarantee provided by
the Company for ZTE Indonesia by
[...] way of standby letter of credit drawn [...]
against its bank credit facilities
has come into effect. The US$'0 million performance guarantee provided for ZTE Indonesia and the guarantee by way of equity pledge provided as a security against the bank loan extended to CJSC TK Mobile have yet to come into effect, pending execution of relevant agreements.
其他金融产品方面,2012年私人银行客户除了专属交易方式外,对通过信用卡、个人或公司形式获 授信 更 为 关注。
In terms of other financial products, besides priority transactional services, PB clients show more interest in private-banking lending in 2012.
政府建立了各种机构,以改善民主,确保不同文化社区的代表权,其中包括 Aapravasi Ghat 信托基金、阅读和文化活动中心、伊斯兰文化中心、毛岛遗产 信托基金、Malcolm De
Chazal 艺术馆信托基金、毛里求斯博物馆理事会、毛里 求斯电影制作公司、毛里求斯作家协会、国家档案馆、国家艺术馆、国家遗产基
[...] 金、国家图书馆、纳尔逊·曼德拉非洲文化中心、总统创作基金和 Basdeo Bissoondoyal 教授信托基金。
These include the Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund, the Centre de Lecture et d’Animation Culturelle, the Islamic Cultural Centre, the Le Morne Heritage Trust Fund, the Malcolm De Chazal Trust Fund, the Mauritius Museums Council, the Mauritius Film Development Corporation, the Mauritius Society of Authors, the National Archives, the National Art Gallery, the National Heritage Fund, the National Library, the Nelson Mandela
Centre for African Culture, the President’s Fund for Creative
[...] Writing and the Professor Basdeo Bissoondoyal Trust Fund.
Impact Finishers业务的服务、技术经验和品质也通过了许多航空航天业的认证,如罗尔斯·罗伊斯、航空航天和国防合同 授信 项 目 以及ISO 9001:2008等。
The service, technical experience and quality of the Impact Finishers business is backed up by a long list of aerospace approvals including Rolls Royce, NADCAP and ISO 9001:2008.
於九十四年八月九日共同簽訂總額度為新台幣 7,000,000 仟元之聯 合貸款案授信期間 為七年,以因應資本支出及營業資金之需求。
TFNM and its subsidiaries entered into an agreement of $7,000,000 thousand 7-year
syndicated bank loan with 18 financial
[...] institutions led by Chinatrust Commercial Bank on [...]
August 9, 2005 for the needs of capital expenditure and operations.
毛里求斯共和国报告称,《宪法》第 11 条——“保护良心自由”规定,“除 非本人同意,不得禁止任何人享受良心自由,并且,依照本条目的,享受单独或 与其他人公开或私下在礼拜、授、 信 奉 和 祈祷活动中表达或宣传自己的宗教或 信仰的自由”。
The Republic of Mauritius reported that article 11 of the Constitution, entitled “Protection of freedom of conscience”, provides that “except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of conscience, and for the purposes of this section, that freedom, either alone or in community with others both in public and in private, to manifest and propagate his religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance”.
(十一)遞延資產及攤銷 主要係遞延銀行聯授信費用 等及購入電腦軟體系統之成本,並按其估計經濟效 益年限平均攤銷。
Deferred assets consist of capitalized costs
on issuance of convertible
[...] bonds, handling charges of associated bank credit facilities, capitalized [...]
costs on use of Taiwan
Power Company’s electric circuit and purchase of computer software, which are amortized over their estimated redemption period and usage period, respectively, using the straight-line method.
没 有任何一个机构可以涵盖国际融资的方方面面,
[...] 相反,每个国际组织都分工明确,比较重要的如 国际能源署(IEA )129 、经济合作与发展组织 (OECD)130 《官方支持之出授信指导原则协 议》和世界贸易组织(WTO)。
No single institution covers all aspects of international finance; rather, each institution plays a distinct role, including the International Energy
Agency (IEA),129 the
[...] Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credit of the Organisation [...]
for Economic Cooperation
and Development (OECD),130 and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
於二零一零年十二月三十一日,本集團為聯屬公司提供之財務支持及就聯屬公司 授信 貸 額而提供之擔保合共總額為 3,742,200,000港元,並超過上市規則第14.07(1)條所界定之8%之資產比率。
As at 31 December 2010, the aggregate amount of
financial assistance to and guarantees given
[...] for facilities granted to affiliated [...]
companies by the Group amounted to HK$3,742.2
million in aggregate which exceeded 8% of the assets ratio as defined in Rule 14.07(1) of the Listing Rules.
国家环保总局、中国人民银行和中国银监会必 须制订出一个普遍能够接受的绿色信用体系,以便 更加有效地实施“绿色信贷行动”,和基于能效和 排放授信评估体系。
SEPA, PBOC and CBRC have to work out a green credit system that can be commonly accepted, so that the greening lending campaign, energy efficiency and emission-based credit screening systems can become more effective.
本 銀 行 根 據 銀 行 法 第 三 十
[...] 二 及 三 十 三 條 之 規 定 , 對 有 利 害 關 係 者 , 除 消 費 者 貸 款 額 度 內 及 對 政 府 貸 款 外 , 不 得 為 無 擔授 信 ; 為授 信 時,應 有 十 足 擔 保,且 其 條 件 不 得 優 於 其 他 同授 信 對 象
Based on the Banking Act, except for consumer loans and
government loans,
[...] credits extended by the Bank to any related party were fully secured, and the other terms of these credits were similar to those for third parties.
於聯授信合約 存續期間,各年度之年底負 債比率應維持100%以下。
During the effective period of
[...] the syndicated credit agreement, the [...]
debt to equity ratio at the end of each year must be maintained at less than 100%.
直 接 投 資 業 務 主 要 辦 理 直 接 投 資 、 股 權 相 關 之 金 融 商 品 投 資 及 交 易 業 務 ; 金 融 市 場 業 務 主 要 辦 理 資 金 調 度 、 金 融 債 券 發 行 與
貨 幣 、 外 匯 、 債 券 、 商 品 、 股 權 及 其 他 金 融 市 場 相 關 產 品 暨 其 衍 生 性 產 品 之 交 易 與 銷 售 ; 企 業 金 融
[...] 業 務 主 要 辦 理 存 款 與 匯 兌授 信 業 務
Direct investment business includes principal investments, equity-related financial product investments and trading business. Financial market business includes fund dispatch, issuance of bank debentures, money market, foreign exchange, bond market, products, equity, other financial markets related products and
transactions and sales of derivative products; and corporate banking business includes deposits,
[...] remittance and corporate lending.
结果,银监会决定把这些问题都纳授 信评估程序中去。
Consequently, CBRC decided to integrate these
[...] issues into the credit checking process.
调查目标企业以客户维系与管理为核心的商务流程运作体系,不仅停留在系统、组织和制度层面,同时还研究实际运行过程中的问题及变异措施,环节覆盖开户、客户分类、考评、下单 授信 等 等
Survey target enterprise customers maintain and manage business processes as the core operation system, not only remain in the system, organizational and institutional levels, and also during the operation of the real
problems and variation measures, covering areas accounts, customer classification,
[...] appraisal, order , credit and so on.
本校老年化医学研究所心脏病电子医学(山家智之 授 ) , 信 息 中心(吉泽诚教授)等人开发了可以在移动环境中传送高清晰度图像等生物信息的系统,并设立了一个可随时对人口稀少地区提供访问治疗•检查•灾害的急救等的通讯系统财团。
A Tohoku University research
[...] group led by Professor Tomoyuki Yambe at Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer and Professor Makoto Yoshizawa at Cyberscience Center developed the telemedicine systems called Electronic [...]
Doctor’s Bag 
that allow to send biological data including high-definition images in the mobile environment, and established a consortium to provide the ubiquitous communications system for healthcare in remote areas, home-visit medical services, mass examination, emergency care or disaster.
註一:利害關係授信比率 =對利害關係 授信 金 額 ÷ 授信 總額
Note a: Percentage of loans to parties with common interests Loans to parties with common interests Total loans.
[...] 合出現減值之客觀證據包括本集團過往收款記錄、組合延遲付款至超出 授信 貸 期之數目增加及國家或地區經濟狀 [...]
For certain categories of financial asset, such as trade receivables, assets that are assessed not to be impaired individually are subsequently
assessed for impairment on a collective
[...] basis. objective evidence of impairment [...]
for a portfolio of receivables could include
the Group’s past experience of collecting payments, an increase in the number of delayed payments in the portfolio past the credit period given and observable changes in national or local economic conditions that correlate with default on receivables.
註 1:依授 信 戶 之 授 信 總 額 排 序,列 出 非 屬 政 府 或 國 營 事 業 之 前 十 大 企授 信 戶 名 稱 , 若 該 授 戶 係 屬 集 團 企 業 者 , 則 將 該 集 團 企 業授 信 金 額 予 以 歸 戶 後 加 總 列 示,並 以「 代 號 」 加 「 行 業 別 」 之 方 式 揭 露 ; 若 為 集 團 企 業 , 則 揭 露 對 該 集 團 企 業 暴 險 最 大 者 之 行 業 類 別 , 行 業 別 依 主 計 處 之 行 業 [...]
標 註 2:集 團 企 業 係 指 符 合「
臺 灣 證 券 交 易 所 股 份 有 限 公 司 有 價 證 券 上 市 審 查 準 則 補 充 規 定 」 第 六 條 之 定 義 者 。
Note 2: “Group Enterprise” conforms to the definition of article 6 in “Supplementary Provisions to the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Rules for Review of Securities Listings”.
授信風險 集中情形 當金融商品交易相對人顯著集中於一人,或金融商品交易 相對人雖有若干,但大多從事類似之商業活動,且具有類似之 經濟特質,使其履行合約之能力受到經濟或其他狀況之影響亦 相類似時,則發生信用風險顯著集中之情況。
If the counter-parties of financial instrument transactions are individuals or groups engaged in similar business activities or activities in the same region, which may impact their ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly affected by changes in economic or other conditions, credit risk concentration may occur.
註二:合併子公司一品光學於民國九十八年八月十四日與銀行簽訂聯 授信 合 約 ,授 信總額度計新台幣600,000千元,各分 授信 額 度 為: A.甲授信:新 臺幣400,000千元整,得分次動用,但不得循環動用。
Following the resolution by the shareholders during their Annual Meeting, ADDTEK Corporation carried out a capital reduction of $98,125 and $158,000, divided into 9,812 and 15,800 shares, in order to cover its accumulated deficit at March 30, 2010 and December 31, 2010, respectively.
[...] SUV汽车生产商,与中国招商银行台州分行达成 授信 协 议,循环信贷额度合计为2100万元人民币(328万美元),该公司总共可从中国招商银行获得 [...]
Jonway Automobile, a Sanmen, China based
manufacturer of the 3 and 5-door A380 SUV,
[...] entered into a Credit Granting Agreement [...]
with the Taizhou Branch of China Merchants
Bank for a revolving credit line in the aggregate amount of RMB21 million (US$3.28 million) from a total of RMB40 million (US$6.25 million) that is available through China Merchants Bank.
参加交流会的有:来自沃顿商学院的市场营销专业的David R. Bell教授、信息管理专业的Ziv KATALAN教授、健康管理专业的Katherine KLEIN教授;METI的柳濑唯夫审议官(负责经济产业政策局);RIETI所长藤田昌久、理事长中岛厚志以及研究项目主任兼教职研究员长冈贞男(一桥大学)和教职研究员青木玲子(一桥大学)。
The participants from the Wharton
[...] School included Professor David R. BELL, a marketing specialist, Professor Ziv KATALAN, an information management [...]
specialist, and Professor
Katherine KLEIN, a healthcare management specialist. METI's participant was YANASE Tadao, Deputy Director-General, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, and RIETI's participants included President FUJITA Masahisa, Chairman NAKAJIMA Atsushi, Program Director/Faculty Fellow NAGAOKA Sadao (Hitotsubashi University), and Faculty Fellow AOKI Reiko (Hitotsubashi University).
授 信 承 受 之 擔 保 品 ( 列 入 其 他 [...]
資 產 - 其 他 ) 按 承 受 價 格 入 帳 , 並 按 成 本 與 淨 變 現 價 值 孰 低 評 價 , 其 跌 價 損 失 列 為 資 產 減 損 損 失 項 下 ; 出
售 損 益 列 為 其 他 收 入 或 支 出 。
Collaterals assumed (included in “other assets -
[...] miscellaneous”) are recorded at [...]
the lower of cost or net realizable value at balance
sheet date. Any resulting loss on decline in value is recognized as current impairment losses and any resulting gain or loss on sale of other assets is recognized as other net gains or losses.




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