

单词 授人以鱼不如授人以渔

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110. 穆明先生说,当天的讨论使人想起著名的中国格言“授以鱼不如授人以 渔”, 意指过去和现在教育都增强权能。
Mr. Momen remarked that the day’s discussions brought
to mind a famous Chinese proverb,
[...] “give a man a fish and feed him for a day — yet teach him to fish and feed him for [...]
life,” which symbolizes
the message that education empowers, then and now.
As a Chinese saying goes, it is better to teach
[...] one the skill of fishing than to offer him fish.
但是,一些有历史渔业,例如鳕鱼 、 美首鲽和平鲉依然 没有恢复,或有限恢复,原因可能 不 利 的 海洋条 以 及 海 豹、 鱼 和 鲱 鱼数量 增加造成的高自然死亡率。
However, some historical fisheries such as cod, witch flounder and redfish still evidence lack of recovery, or limited recovery, which may be the result of unfavourable [...]
oceanographic conditions and the high natural morality caused by increasing numbers of seals, mackerel and herring.
(5) 任人如沒有獲得人員的 特准(特准不得無理 不授 予 )而 持有免費或優惠車票, 並沒有出示充分證以證明 其有權持有該車票,則在人員的要求下,須將該車票交回該人員。
(5) Any person who without the authority of an official, which authority shall not be unreasonably withheld, holds a free or concessionary ticket and fails to produce sufficient evidence to prove his entitlement to hold such ticket shall be required upon demand by an official to surrender such ticket to the official.
(iv) 就股份选项被适当行使的股份(「行使选项股份」)而言,有 关股息(或授予选 项权利的该部份股息 不 得 以 现 金 支付, 而须基如上所 述决定的配发基准向行使选项股份的持 人以 入账 列为缴足方式配发有关类别的股份,而就此而言,董事会 应把其决定的任何部份本公司未分利润(包括转入任何储备或 其他特别账项、股份溢价账、资本赎回储备作为进账的利润, [...]
但认购权储备除外)拨充资本及予以运用,该笔款项按此基准 可能须用于缴足该等向行使选项股份的持有人配发及分派的有
(iv) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in
respect of which a
[...] right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu thereof [...]
shares of the relevant
class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the undivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account, share premium account, capital redemption reserve other than the Subscription Rights Reserve) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.
海洋遭受着过度捕捞、非法、未报告和 无管制的渔捞和其不负责任的渔捞 做 法, 如 底拖 网和猎取鱼鳍的做法所带来的危害。
The oceans are subject to overfishing, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and other irresponsible fishing practices, such as bottom trawling and shark finning.
自粮农组织在 2005 年编写上一次全球评估报告以来,种群状况基本未变, 这进一步支持以下结论:要增加开发活动的机会可 不 大 有,但在太平洋的一 些地区大幅增加鱼渔获量也许在生态上仍可维持,在印度洋可能也 如 此。
The state of stocks remained practically unchanged since the last global assessment prepared by FAO in 2005, reinforcing the
conclusion that there are
[...] probably few opportunities to increase exploitation, except in some areas of the Pacific, and possibly in the Indian Ocean, where significant increases in catches of skipjack tuna might be sustainable.
如,迄今金鱼渔业是 太平洋区域最有 价值的捕鱼活动,占太平洋一些小岛屿发展中国家国内总产值的 10%以上,占出 口的 50%以上。
For example, tuna fisheries constitute by far the most valuable fishing activity in the Pacific region, contributing more than 10 per cent of GDP and over 50 per cent of exports [...] [...]
in some Pacific small island developing States (A/65/115).
它们需要援助的领域除其他外,还有拟定渔业管理计划; 用现代化方法管渔业;建造人工礁 和实 鱼 种 放 养方案 以 增 加 野生鱼种、管 理和监督海洋保护区促进水产养殖,并更好地利用副渔获物。
They may also require assistance,
inter alia, in the
[...] preparation of fisheries management plans, the implementation of a modern approach to fisheries management, the development of artificial reefs and fish-releasing programmes to enhance wild [...]
stocks, the management
and monitoring of marine protected areas for fish nurseries and better utilization of by-catches.
欧共体代表团在表示支持通过该规范时说明 如 果 食典 委 不 支 持通过龙虾的部分, 整个部分应退回鱼和渔业产品委员会进一步审议。
The Delegation of the European Community, while supporting the adoption of the Code, expressed the
opinion that, should
[...] the Commission not support adoption of the section on lobsters, the entire section should be returned to the Committee on Fish and Fishery Product for further [...]
加拿不列颠哥伦比亚大学 Ussif Rasid Sumaila 教授着重 提到全球变暖对可持续利用海洋鱼类资源的一些影响如鱼类繁 殖、物种分布范围、迁移模式的变化、珊瑚漂白增加、海洋酸化和生态 系统组成的变化以 及 渔获量 变化和渔获值变化带来的经济影响。
Ussif Rashid Sumaila, Professor, University of British Columbia, highlighted some of the impacts of global warming on the sustainable use of ocean fish resources such as changes in fish productivity, distributional range of species, migration patterns, increases in coral bleaching, ocean acidification, and changes in ecosystem composition; as well as economic effects through changes in catches and catch values.
克罗地亚 定期向相关区域渔业管理组织(如地中 海 渔 业 总委员会和大西洋金枪鱼委员会) 传送关于其获得鱼授权的 船队(包括底拖 渔 船 )的 数据。
Croatia regularly transmitted data on its fleet that was authorized to fish, including bottom trawlers, to relevant RFMOs, such as GFCM and ICCAT.
受限於或按照本章程細則有關任何股份當時所附有關表決之任何特別權利或限 制,於任何股東大會如以舉手 表決,則親身出席(或倘股東為公司,則其正授 權代表)或由受委代表出席之股東 人 可 投 一票;倘按股數投票表決,則每名親身 或由受委代表出席之股東或倘股東為公司,則其正式授權代表每持有一股繳足股份 可投一票;惟於催繳股款之前就股份實繳或入賬列為實繳之股款或分期股款,就上 述情況而不得作實繳股款論。
Subject to any special rights or restrictions as to voting for the time being attached to any shares by or in accordance with these Articles, at any general meeting on a show of hands every member present in
person (or being a corporation, is present by a duly authorised representative), or by proxy shall have one vote and on a poll every member present in person or by proxy or, in case of a member being a corporation, by its duly authorised representative shall have one vote for every fully paid share of which he is the holder but so that no amount paid up or credited as paid up on a share in advance of calls or instalments is treated for the foregoing purposes as paid up on the share.
权利系统方不是仅仅集中于单 独的货物如鱼)和依赖于一种知识 如渔 业 资 源评估),还将探讨整个系统的功能(如海岸生态系 统),从而人类及 其知识看作该系统的一部分(如渔业社区——其需要、规则和条例)。
Instead of focussing on single goods (eg fish) and relying on one type knowledge only (eg fish stock assessments), the Ecosystem Approach examines the functioning of the entire system (eg coastal ecosystem), [...]
and to consider human beings
and their knowledge as part of that system (eg fishing communities - their needs, rules and practices).
新西兰指出,托克劳的能力建设需求包括:种群评估和科学研究;数据收集和报 告;监测、控制和监督;港口国措施;跨界鱼类种群和高度洄 鱼 类 种 群 渔 业的 发展人力资源开发以及信 息交流,包括关于船只和非法、未报告和无管制的 捕捞活动的资料。
New Zealand observed that the capacity-building needs of Tokelau included stock assessment and scientific research; data collection and reporting; monitoring, control and
surveillance; port State
[...] measures; development of fisheries for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; human [...]
resource development;
and the sharing of information, including information on vessels and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities.
政府當局解釋,雖然馬尼托巴省有限法律責任合夥法例 所訂的退還財產期為由分發日期起計的兩年,但須注意的是, 根據《馬尼托巴合夥法令》第86(2)條,有限法律責任合夥的合人如授權作出不符合流動資金或資產驗證標準的分發,有關 合夥人須就一名收取人須負上法律責任的任何款額,向該合夥 負上共同及個別的法律責任,而款 以 未 能從該收取人收回的 款額為限。
The Administration has explained that although the clawback period in the LLP legislation of the province of Manitoba is two
years from the date of
[...] distribution, it should be noted that under section 86(2) of the Manitoba Partnership Act, a partner of an LLP who authorized a distribution in contravention of the liquidity or asset test is jointly and severally liable to the partnership [...]
for any amount for which
a recipient is liable, to the extent that the amount is not recovered from the recipient.
欧洲共同体采用了一个授权在欧洲共同体外水域开展捕捞活以及准 许第三国船只进入欧洲共同体水域 渔 船 许 可系统,规定了欧洲共同体成 员国在有授权捕鱼活动 程序方面的责任。
A European Community system was introduced for authorization of fishing activities of fishing vessels outside European Community waters and the access of
third-country vessels to European
[...] Community waters, which described the responsibilities of the European Community member States concerning the procedure for the authorization of fishing activities.
(D) 任何董事可人或經由其公以專業 身份為本公司行事及彼或其公 司有權就提供之專業服務獲得報酬, 如 彼 並非為一名董事,惟本條所載任何內 容不授權董 事或其公司出任本公司之核數師。
(D) Any Director may act by himself or by his firm in a
[...] professional capacity for the Company and he or his firm shall be entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a Director, provided that nothing herein contained shall authorise a Director or his [...]
firm to act as Auditor to the Company.
在一定程度上,是基于配额的管理如何影响 着参渔业的人员、他们如何参与以 及 他 们参与的条件和激励措施。
Rather, it is how quota-based management affects those who participate in the fishery, how they participate, [...]
and the conditions
and incentives under which they participate.
渔业通过两个途径对粮食安全作出贡献:提 鱼 供 人 食 用 ,特别是对低收入 消费者,从而改善粮食可供性和饮食的充足性 以 此 作 出直接贡献 以 及 通 过创渔业部门的收入作出间接贡献。
Fisheries contribute to food security
through two pathways:
[...] directly, by providing fish for people, especially low-income consumers, to eat, thereby improving both food availability and the adequacy of diets; and indirectly, by generating income from the fisheries sector.
164 董事會可不時並於任何時間,藉授權書委任任何經其直接或間接提名的公 司、商號、個人或人數不等之團體,作為本公司的一名或多於一名受權人, 而委任的目的,所授予的權力、權限及酌情決定權 ( 以 不 超 過 根據本章程細則 歸於董事或可由董事行使者為限),以及委任的期限和規限的條件,均須按董 事會認為合適者而定;任何此等授權書,均可載有董事認為適合用以保障及 方便與任何此等受權人進行交易人 , 以 及 可 授 權 任何此等受權人將歸於他 的所有或任何權力、權限及酌情決定權轉授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such
powers, authorities and
[...] discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate [...]
all or any of the
powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
如,加拿大近海虾和底鱼类拖 网渔业在新斯科舍近海实行了自愿性渔,以保护一个稀有海绵密集的区域。
For example, in Canada, the offshore trawling industry for shrimp and groundfish had instituted a voluntary closure off [...]
Nova Scotia to protect
a concentration of rare sponges.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978) 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止;以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队在整个黎巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间的地区没有任何未授权的武装人 员 、 资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动不被用 来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 境和其他入境点的安全,防止武器或有关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the
withdrawal of the
[...] Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting [...]
the Government of
Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
165 本公司可於一般情況下或就任何特定事項以加蓋印章的書面文 授 權 任 何人 士作為其受人,以於世 界任何地方代表本公司簽立契據及文書,以及代表 本公司訂立及簽署合同,而由該受權人代表本公司簽署並加蓋其印章的每份 契據均對本公司具有約束力,如加 蓋 本公司印章般具有同等效力。
165 The Company may, by writing under its seal, empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified
matter, as its attorney
[...] to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf in any part of the world and to enter into contracts and sign the same on its behalf and every deed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as if it were under the seal [...]
of the Company.
股額持人應根 據其所持股額的金額,就股息、於清盤時參與資產分配、會 議投票 權及其他事項擁有相同權利、特權及利益, 如 其 持有股額由其產生 的股份,但任何股額的金額不授予 以 股 份 形式存在時不會授予的有關權利、 特權或利益(參與股息分配及本公司利潤及清盤時參與資產分配的權利除外)。
The holders of stock shall, according to the amount of the stock held by them, have the same rights, privileges and advantages as regards dividends,
participation in assets on a winding up, voting at meetings, and other matters, as if they held the shares from which the stock arose, but no such right, privilege or advantage (except participation in the dividends and profits of the Company and in the assets on winding up) shall be conferred by an amount of stock which would not, if existing in shares, have conferred such right, privilege or advantage.
如工作人员外派到联合国外地特派团三个月或以上,秘书长应在外派时 决定是否适用外派工作地点的差价调整数,并且酌情根据工作人员细则 7.14 支付外派补助金和根据工人员细 则 3.13、3.14 和 7.16(h)支付艰苦条件津 贴以及流动和艰苦条件津贴中的不搬运津贴, 不 采 取 上述办法, 以授权 支付适当的生活津贴。
(iii) When a staff member is assigned to a United Nations field mission for a period of three months or less, the Secretary-General shall decide at that time whether to apply the post adjustment applicable to the duty station and, if appropriate, to pay an assignment grant under staff rule 7.14 and the hardship and non-removal elements of the mobility and hardship allowance under staff rules 3.13, 3.14 and 7.16 (h) or, in lieu of the above, to authorize appropriate subsistence [...]
尽管制定渔业管理 政策主要是实现资源管以及社 会和经济目标,但其可能通过影 渔 民 的 观点如何、何时和在何地鱼)间 接影响捕捞安全,刺激渔民做出有风险的选择。
Although fisheries
[...] management policies are enacted primarily to achieve resource management and social and economic goals, they may affect fishing safety indirectly by affecting fishers’ options [...]
(how, when and where they may fish), creating incentives for fishers to make risky choices.
虽然法院没有明确援引《销售公 约》第 8(3)条或第 9(2)条,却认为,“对于按每公斤鱼的条数确 鱼 的 不 同类 型以及每种类型的价格,尚无法定标准,因此,必需参考市场惯例; [认为 ]每个 交易商在单位网渔获量 (所捕获鳀鱼的数量及其大小)基础上,按类型确定 每公斤鱼的条数以及每种类型的价格; [认为 ]由各交易商独立确定的这些数字不 一定总是相同,却非常相似——价格偏差仅±0.10 [...]
美元,或者各种类型鱼的条数 偏差为±1 或 2 条。
Although the court did not explicitly cite article 8 (3) or 9 (2) of CISG, it argued that “there is no legally established criterion for determining different
types on the basis of
[...] the number of fish per kilogram and the price for each type, as a result of which market practice must be referred to; [that] each trader, on the basis of the number of fish in each haul [...]
(number of anchovies
caught and their size), establishes the number of fish per kilogram according to type and the price for each type; [that] while those figures are not always the same, being established separately by each trader, they are nonetheless very similar — there may be a difference of only ± $0.10 in price or ± 1 or 2 fish per type.
如,金枪鱼渔业显然是太平 洋区域最有价值的渔业活动,在一些太平洋小岛屿发展中国家里,金 鱼渔 业对 国内生产总值的贡献在 10%以上,对出口的贡献在 50%以上。
For example, tuna fishery is by far the most valuable fishing activity in the Pacific region, contributing more than 10 per cent of GDP and over 50 per cent of exports in some Pacific small island [...]
developing States.




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