

单词 掀腾

See also:


rock v

lift (a lid)


press (bell)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 参加了辩论;委员会决腾出时 间讨论第 34 C/49 号文件附件第 [...]
6 段所载的决议草案,以供第八次会议加以审 议。
The representatives of 37 Member States and one
Observer took part in the debate and the
[...] Commission decided to allow time for [...]
discussions on the draft resolution contained
in paragraph 6 of the Annex to document 34 C/49 in view of its consideration at its eighth meeting.
西方国家的债务危机 将进一掀起波 澜,尤其是在那些依靠农业出口的国家。
The debt crisis in the Western countries will create further ripples, particularly in countries that depend on agricultural exports.
为引发公众对城市移民境遇的关 注掀起关 于有必要将移民纳入城市结构的批判性和建设性辩论,以及为移民、城市居民、研究人 [...]
员、非政府组织和艺术家之间的互动和交流提供一个论坛,2006 年 6 月组织了“我们在一起”农民 工节。
To draw public attention to the situation [...]
of migrants in the city, stimulate critical and constructive debates about the
necessity of integrating the migrants into the urban fabric, and provide a forum for interaction and exchange between migrants, urbanites, researchers, NGOs and artists, the “Together with Migrants 2006 Festival” was organized in June 2006.
因此,请提出决议草案的会员国明确指出其决议草案所涉及的预算的数额,而且都要 说明,如决议草案获大会通过,建议其资金从哪里出:是减少或取消 32 C/5 中所安排的某 项活动,腾出必要的资金,还是寻求预算外资金。
Member States proposing draft resolutions are invited to indicate clearly the amount of their budgetary implications and, in all cases, the source of funding envisaged should they be adopted by the General Conference, namely, the activity shown in document 32 C/5 that would be curtailed or abolished for the purpose of releasing appropriate funds, or an attempt to find extrabudgetary resources.
中国当代书画板块一直被认为是一个过度炒作的市场,虽然无法和古代 及近现代书画比较,本年度无一作品入围2012年中国纯艺术拍卖TOP100榜
[...] 单,但范曾、何家英、崔如琢等书画家作品市场的迅速发展为此板块市掀 起了一定的波澜。
The Chinese Contemporary painting and calligraphy segment has always been considered an excessively speculative market, although there is no way it can be compared to traditional and Modern painting and calligraphy - this year it had no works entering the 2012 Chinese Fine Art Top 100 list However the
rapidly developing market for works by artists such as Fan Zeng, He Jiaying and
[...] Cui Ruzhuo set off waves in this [...]
因 此,如秘书长报告(A/64/349/Add.6,第 11 段)所述,协调人腾出一 部 分时间,向监察员提供足适的支助,同时提供与除名有关的机构记忆、 帮助查阅文卷,协助正常范围的办公室后勤工作。
Consequently, and as indicated in the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/349/Add.6, para. 11), part of the focal point’s time will be freed to provide support to the Ombudsman at an adequate level while providing the institutional memory related to de-listing, access to files and the normal range of office logistics.
更重要的是,它在欧洲内掀起了 一场政策讨论,最终以欧盟关于化学品立法方 面重要和积极的改革结束。
More importantly, it initiated a policy debate within Europe that culminated with important, positive reforms of European Union (EU) legislation on chemicals.
阿塞拜疆常驻联合国代表于 2010 年 2 月 8 日通过大会议程项目 14 和 18 下 的 A/64/658-S/2010/78 号文件,分发了一份危言耸听的信,其目的无他,就是掀起新 一轮的针对亚美尼亚共和国和纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫的仇恨宣传。
The Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan has circulated an appalling letter, contained in document A/64/658-S/2010/78 of 8 February 2010, under agenda items 14 and 18 of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly for the sole purpose of spreading a new wave of hate propaganda against the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh.
最初确定长岛市的联合国联邦信贷 协会(联信会)大楼是一个有吸引力二级数据中心选择地点,因其得以:合并各个 数据中心;利用租金较低的地区,同时为联合国业务需 腾 出 现有的办公场地; 与设在纽约市的各个基金和方案作出合作安排;提高至第 1 级灾后恢复和业务连 续性能力以及可扩缩性。
The United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) Building in Long Island City was initially identified as an attractive option for a secondary data centre as it would allow for: the consolidation of data centres; access to a lower-rent area along with the freeing up of existing office spaces for United Nations business needs; cooperative arrangements with New York-based funds and programmes; and improvements to tier 1 disaster recovery and business continuity capability and scalability.
当严冬毁了大部分的食物,三位领导人和他们的助 掀 起 冬 季未受找到了新的土地。
When a severe winter ruined most of the food, the three leaders and their assistants set off to find a new land untouched by winter.
如果不得不关闭家庭式孤儿院,父 母-养父母必腾出提 供给他们的住房,如果遭到拒绝,可将他们迁出并向他们 [...]
In cases when the family type orphanage is closed, the
[...] parents-adopters must free the given housing, [...]
in case of refusal they are evacuated
and are subsequently offered another living space with utilities.
在院士们的带领下,一批以博导、教授、骨干教师、研究生等组成的学科团队依托 自身学科优势,以技术成果作价入股,与社会投资合作 掀 起 了 学校创新创业的热潮, 推动了“学科性公司制”的健康快速发展。
In one word, under the guidance of our academicians and on the basis of our academic discipline superiority, our group of academic discipline buys a share with technical fruit and cooperates with social investors, which raised an innovative upsurge and promoted the healthy development of “academic based company”.
事實㆖,老年退休金計劃掀 起的 爭端,並不在於本港應否盡早設立退休保障制度,因為市民在這方面早有共識, 反而是計劃本身不單再度挑起僱主與僱員之間的利益衝突,更因為現時供款與將來收 益不相稱,而在受薪階層㆗產生很大的分化。
Rather, the Scheme has not only provoked the conflict of interests between employers and employees but as the contribution now is also uncommensurable with earnings in the future that a great dissimilation has arisen amongst the salaried class.
泰国亲建制运 动利用这个问掀起了 反柬埔寨的民族主义情绪并 试图推翻他信支持的政府。
Thai pro-establishment movements used this issue to whip up nationalist sentiments against Cambodia as they tried to topple the Thaksin-backed government.
特别报告员希望通过本报告在各国、科学研究人员和从业人员、民间社会群 体和私人部门掀起一场广泛而热烈的讨论,以进一步阐明科学权。
In the present report, the Special Rapporteur hopes to catalyse a robust discussion among States, scientific researchers and practitioners, civil society groups and the private sector to further elucidate the right to science.
由于迄今 151 个国家批准了《联合国反腐败公约》(《反腐公约》),全球掀反腐 败和欺诈浪潮,开发署加大了支持反腐败举措的力度。
Due to the ratification of UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) by 151 countries to date and a global resurgence against corruption and fraud, UNDP support to anti-corruption initiatives has been increasing.
它的显著特点是:世界上第一个带中央鸡蛋传送带 掀 斜 式 地板的鸡笼,大大提高鸡蛋生产与收集率。
A special characteristic is that it is the first combination worldwide of a central egg belt and a divided tilting poultry nest floor for improved egg production and collection.
因此只要立法會議員有一個合理基礎提出質疑,而這質疑能 掀動 社 會更關心香港的司法獨立,以及這種司法獨立是否得以薪火相傳,這 便是一個合理的起點,而且令香港人更警惕,司法獨立對香港的未來是 非常珍貴,特別是在三權分立的社會中。
Therefore, as long as Members of this Council have a reasonable ground for raising a query which may cause the society to care more about judicial independence in Hong Kong and whether or not such judicial independence can be maintained successively, it is already a reasonable starting point, and it will also enable the people of Hong Kong to be more aware of the value of judicial independence to the future of Hong Kong, especially in a society with the separation of powers.
今年TED大獎主題為「城市2.0」的新構想,結合遊戲、群眾外包和地方參與,或許能形成超完美風暴 掀 起 都市設計革命,培養新一代熱情、主動的都市公民。
With this year’s TED Prize looking for new ideas on City 2.0, this combination of gaming, crowd sourcing, and local participation may be the perfect storm to start a revolution in urban design to create a new active populace of passionate urban citizens.
参与」在此艺术行动过程里的意义与价值在于:它既是姚瑞中与其学生的集体艺术行动,也是以艺术的方 掀 起 社 会现实问题的一角,开展全民对此议题的问题意识。
The significance and value of this “participation” lie in the fact that it is both a collective action by Yao Jui-chung and his students, and in that it used artistic methods to hold up a social issue to scrutiny and engage the awareness of the people in regards to that issue.
掀起了 历史上最明确、最广泛的共同行动,来 消除世界许多地区依然存在的贫困、极端贫困、绝望 与文盲现象。
It has brought about the clearest and most broadly shared mobilization in history towards eradicating the poverty, extreme poverty, despair and illiteracy that we still find in so many parts of the world.
他们不是通过金融机构重新分配现有资金,而是使用外汇借款对发达国家 和发展中国家收益较高的货币进行投资,再 掀 起 发 展迅速的“套利交易”。
Other than reallocation of existing funds by financial institutions, there is once again the burgeoning “carry trade”, using borrowings in foreign currencies to invest in higher-yielding currencies in both the developed and developing countries.
這個地區於一八六零年代因舖設鐵路線興起,是堪薩斯市最初的市中心,兩河距離相近,再加上地勢平坦適合鐵路發展,故很快成為當地經濟發展重鎮,運用鐵路 掀 起 的 工業革命,形成牲畜交易中心,將中西部牛隻配送至全國,其他如種籽倉庫、家具店、家庭用品等小型產業也相當繁榮。
The area capitalized on the industrial revolution of the railroad industry allowing for the Livestock Exchange to be the distribution hub of Midwestern cattle around the nation and other smaller industries such as seed warehouses, furniture stores, and household products to prosper.




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