单词 | 据闻 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 据闻 —accountsone's understandingExamples:传闻证据—hearsay (law) See also:闻 n—news n • reputation n • auscultation n 闻—well-known • fame • sniff at • surname Wen
在利比亚和科特迪瓦最近占据新闻头 条 的同时, 身陷其它冲突的平民继续出现伤亡,因为当事方未能 [...] 在实施敌对行为时履行自身义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | While Libya and Côte d’Ivoire have [...] recently occupied the headlines, civilians [...]in other conflicts continue to be killed and [...]injured as the parties fail to comply with their obligations in the conduct of hostilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
最 严重的侵权行为包括安全机构根据新 闻 记 者的工作,或者是其政治归属,或者是 他们发表的书面或视听材料,逮捕、拘留和审讯这些记者;部分人在被安全机构 拘留或逮捕期间遭受了酷刑以及不人道和有辱人格的待遇;安全机构阻碍或妨碍 新闻工作,或者因为新闻工作者的政治归属有关,或者为了阻止记者发表或调查 [...] 那些安全机构不想被调查的题目。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most egregious of these included the arrest, [...] detention and interrogation of journalists by the security services on the basis of their journalistic work, in relation [...]either to their [...]political affiliation or to their publication of written, audio or visual material; the subjection of some of them to torture and degrading and humiliating treatment during their detention or arrest by the security services; and the prevention and hindrance by the security services of the practice of journalism either because of the political affiliation of the journalists or in order to prevent the journalists from publicizing or researching subjects which the security services did not wish to be investigated. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据新闻报道,针对 2011 年 3 月 11 月在日本 发生的地震和海啸,截至 3 月 17 日已有大约 113 个国家表示愿意援助。140与此 相似的是,根据有关新闻及美 国国会消息来源,2005 年发生“卡特里娜”飓风后, 很多国家向美利坚合众国提供现金和实物援助,价值达 8.54 亿美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to press reports, in response to the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011, offers of assistance were made as of 17 March by about 113 countries.140 Likewise, press and United States congressional [...] sources report [...]that in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, a large number of States offered US$ 854 million in cash and in kind to the United States of America.141 Similarly, many international organizations have made offers of assistance to States affected by disaster. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然这个部门很难衡 量,但根据传闻,在 西亚经社会地区,这个部门是相当可观的,在埃及、约旦、 [...] 黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,这个部门约占 GDP 的三分之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although this sector is difficult to [...] measure, anecdotal evidence suggests that it [...]is significant in the ESCWA region, accounting [...]for around one third of GDP in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yemen. daccess-ods.un.org |
141 同样, 很多国际组织也向受灾国提供援助。例如, 根 据 新 闻 报 道 ,2010 年 1 月 12 日海 地发生地震后,欧洲联盟向这个满目苍夷的国家提供 3.37 亿欧元的援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, according to press information, after the Haiti earthquake of 12 January 2010, the European Union offered €337 million in aid to the ravaged country.142 In addition to about 113 States which offered assistance to Japan following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, 28 international organizations offered humanitarian assistance.143 106. daccess-ods.un.org |
据称新闻检查 和注册司还通知私营媒体只 许传播联邦选举委员会发表的官方新闻。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Press Scrutiny and [...] Registration Division also reportedly informed private [...]media that they were only allowed to carry [...]official news issued by the Union Election Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据 2001 年《新闻法》 ,公共部门可以利用的所有信息,公众都可以获取 (特别限制查阅的信息除外)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the Public Information Act 2001, all information available to the public sector is accessible to the public (except information to which access has been restricted specifically). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们没有附 加任何条件,要求以这种或那种方式对待某个人,而 据我所闻,普里什蒂纳却这样做了。 daccess-ods.un.org | We do not attach — as I heard that Pristina does — conditions that someone is to be treated in this way or that way. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据联合国新闻部( DPI)的提议,第 61 届与联合国新闻部有协作关系的非政府组织 年度大会将于 2008 年 9 月 3-5 日在教科文组织总部举办。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Following the [...] proposal of the United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI), the 61st annual Conference [...]of Non-Governmental [...]Organizations associated with DPI will take place at UNESCO Headquarters from 3 to 5 September 2008. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Lilina是一个简单,基于文本文件(不需要使用 数 据 库 )的 新 闻 聚 合 器。 javakaiyuan.com | Lilina is a simple , [...] text-based files (no database ) news aggregator . javakaiyuan.com |
但占据 全球新闻头条 的是亚洲债务危机、泰国股票市场崩 盘、印尼暴乱以及马来西亚废除其国际货币并实施 [...] 外汇管制。 teebweb.org | But what grabbed the headlines globally was [...] the Asian debt crisis, the collapse of Thailand’s stock markets, the riots in [...]Indonesia, and Malaysia tearing up its international currency and replacing it with exchange controls. teebweb.org |
尽管仅仅有1.54亿美元的市值,但有关明阳风电正在进行收购丹麦公司维斯塔斯(Copenhagen: VWS) 的流言使之占据了众新闻头条。 youngchinabiz.com | Despite having a market cap of just $154 million, Ming Yang was in the headlines earlier this week when rumors surfaced that it was in talks to buy larger Danish rival Vestas (Copenhagen: VWS) Something about the [...] deal didn’t seem right, since Ming Yang was much smaller than Vestas in terms of market cap, with Vestas’ [...] current market value at around $900 million. youngchinabiz.com |
Zygo Corporation没有义务根据本新闻发稿 日后的事件或情况对前瞻性声明进行公开更新或修订。 tipschina.gov.cn | Zygo Corporation undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release. tipschina.gov.cn |
根据 3 月初的新 闻报道,佩什梅加部队在基尔库克市以南发现了一个约 3 000 [...] 人遗骸的群葬坑。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to press reports in early March, [...] a mass grave containing the remains of some 3,000 persons was discovered by Peshmerga forces south of Kirkuk City. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些数据是由新闻记者 协会透明地和公开地收集的,并且所有案 例,特别是有关警方和司法当局在确认暴力、威胁和恐吓案例的调查 [...] 中的反应均不断地受到监督,这一事实本身就是很好的证明。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fact that these data is transparently [...] and publicly collected by journalists' associations and that all cases and in [...]particular the reaction of the competent police and judicial authorities regarding the investigations when they identify cases of violence, threats and intimidation are continuously monitored, speaks volumes. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据 CNPC 一份新闻稿,CNPC 旗下建筑公司,中国石油工 程建设(集团)公司(CPECC)参与了从苏丹中南部到 [...] 红海地区 1500 公里管道的建设工作。 crisisgroup.org | According to a CNPC press release, China [...] Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation (CPECC), CNPC’s construction arm, [...]participated in building a 1,500-km pipeline from south-central Sudan to the Red Sea. crisisgroup.org |
数字化资料所涉范围从病 例记录到 DVD 电影光盘,从卫星监视数据到万维网站展示了多媒体艺术,从超级市场收集 的消费行为数据到记载人类基因组资料的 数 据 库 ,从 新 闻 团 体 档案到博物馆目录。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Digital resources range from medical records to movie DVDs, from satellite surveillance data to websites presenting multimedia art, from data on consumer behaviour collected by [...] supermarket tills to [...] a scientific database documenting the human genome, from news group archives to [...]museum catalogues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
18 一位在 被限制名单上的人士解释说这些制裁没能阻止那些 [...] 被针对的个人或实体“挣钱,仅仅只是使得过程复 杂了一些”。19 有证据(同样也是传闻)表 明,制裁的存在加深了 ZANU-PF 强硬派对更具改良主义的元素以及对 [...] MDC-T 的反感,并为其阻止改革提供了一个表面 的理由。 crisisgroup.org | President Mugabe and other senior officials have been able to attend a number of international forums, exposing inconsistent interpretations and implementation of the restrictions.18 A listed individual explained that sanctions had not kept those targeted “from making money; merely added a [...] few complications to the [...] process”.19 Available evidence (again anecdotal) indicates that [...]the existence of sanctions has strengthened [...]ZANU-PF hardliners against more reformist elements and the MDC-T and provided an ostensible justification to block reforms. crisisgroup.org |
此外,轶闻类证据显示 ,这些影 响使得小岛屿发展中国家本已有限的应对能力更加捉襟见肘,从而增加他们面临 [...] 的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, anecdotal evidence suggests that [...] those impacts have overstretched the already limited coping capacities of [...]small island developing States to the point where they are lagging behind, thus increasing their exposure. daccess-ods.un.org |
新 闻部根据其产 出监测和评价经验,使用 Teletrax 系统和谷歌分析工具不断评估 其业务,使其更能迎合目标受众和客户的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Building on its experience of monitoring and evaluating [...] its output, the Department used the Teletrax system [...]and Google Analytics to continuously [...]assess its operations and make them more responsive to the needs of their target audiences and clients. daccess-ods.un.org |
有传闻证据表明,一些武装团伙为初次参与的儿童家庭提供 经济奖励,每次根据其参与的性质付给儿童报酬。 daccess-ods.un.org | Anecdotal evidence suggests that [...] some armed groups provide economic incentives to the children’s families for their initial [...]involvement and that children are paid on a case-by-case basis according to the nature of their involvement. daccess-ods.un.org |
据安哥拉Angop新闻社报道,安哥拉经济部周三在罗安达推出安哥拉活跃风险基金(“FACRA”)。 angolahub.com | The Angolan Active Venture Capital Fund (FACRA), which is part of the Programme for Development of Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Companies (MPME), was launched Wednesday in Luanda by the Angolan Economy Ministry, Angolan news agency Angop reported. angolahub.com |
最近没有做过类似的调查,但是传闻 证据显示 ,现在的活动或热情已今非昔比。 daccess-ods.un.org | No comparable survey has been undertaken recently, [...] although anecdotal evidence does not indicate [...]an equivalent level of activity or enthusiasm. daccess-ods.un.org |
在上述标题下编列的 1 412 200 美元经费包括给采购司的 1 204 700 美元 经费用于:在以往各期间完成的两个开发阶段之后开发高级在线培训模块(475 000 美元);供应商筛选事务(250 000 美元);维护联合国全球采购网——1 个网基供 应商登记和数据库方案(245 000 美元);邓白氏供应商信用报告、提供供应商法 律、刑事和商业背景调查的新闻全文 数 据 库 法律 数 据 库 服务、在杂志中刊登广告 和表达意向以及各种专业培训班的培训费(234 700 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The provision of $1,412,200 under the above heading includes a provision of $1,204,700 for the Procurement Division for: the development of advanced online training modules following the two development phases completed in the previous periods ($475,000); vendor screening services ($250,000); maintenance of the United Nations Global Marketplace, a web-based vendor registration and database programme ($245,000); and Dun to Bradstreet vendor credit reports, LexisNexis service to provide legal, criminal and commercial background checks of vendors, placement of advertisements and expressions of interest in magazines and training fees for various specialized training classes ($234,700). daccess-ods.un.org |
新闻部根据其监 测和评价其产出的经验,使用 Teletrax [...] 系统(其提供了关于联合国电视广播平台材料的转播情况)和“谷歌分析 工具”(一种新的网站流量分析系统)不断评估其业务,使其更为适合受众和客户 的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Building on its experience of monitoring and evaluating [...] its output, the Department used [...]the Teletrax system (which provides [...]information on the pickup of UNifeed material) and Google Analytics (a new system for website traffic analysis) to continuously assess its operations and make them more responsive to audience and client needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然传闻证据显示 ,非洲近期 的可卡因贩运促使整个大陆可卡因使用不断增加,但缺乏几乎所有非洲国家最 [...] 近关于毒品使用的可靠数据,使得对问题规模的评估难以进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | While anecdotal evidence shows that the [...] recent cocaine trafficking in Africa has triggered an increased use of cocaine in [...]the whole continent, the lack of recent and reliable data on drug use in virtually all African countries prevents an assessment of the magnitude of the problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
任何人均可以从其它服务器来使用本服务器之文档﹝例如白皮书、 新 闻 稿 、 数 据 表 或 常见问题解答(FAQ)),然而必须遵守以下的规定: [...] (1) 在所有文字数据的拷贝上必须出现著作权声明及此文档使用同意声明;(2) 本服务器文档之使用,仅限于为提供个人信息之非营利目的,且不得于任何网络计算机或传播媒体上复制或公告;(3) [...]任何情况下不得修改本服务器之文档。 solvusoft.com | Permission to use Documents (such as white [...] papers, press releases, datasheets and FAQs) from [...]the Services is granted, provided [...]that (1) the below copyright notice appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear, (2) use of such Documents from the Services is for informational and non-commercial or personal use only and will not be copied or posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media, and (3) no modifications of any Documents are made. solvusoft.com |
2010 年 4 [...] 月刊介绍:射流冲击冷却第 2 篇:单相、高级 MC 的热问题和冷却限制、使用池沸腾进行大功率元件热管理、冷却技术 新 闻 , 以及 数 据 中 心中的自适应冷却。 digikey.cn | The April 2010 issue covers: Jet Impingement Cooling, Part 2: Single Phase, Advanced MCs: Their Thermal Problems and Cooling [...] Limitations, Use of Pool Boiling to Thermally Manage High Power [...] Components, Cooling News, and Adaptive Cooling in Data Centers. digikey.ca |
而且同时包含版权声明和该许可声明;(2) 此类 Microsoft 商店或服务文档的使用仅限于获得信息以及非商业或个人用途,并且除非适用版权法的免除条款允许,否则不会在任何网络计算机上复制或公布,或者通过任何媒体传播;以及 (3) 没有对任何文档做出修改,则授予对 Microsoft 商店或服务文档(比如白皮书、新闻 稿 、 数 据 表 和 常见问题解答)的使用许可。 microsoftstore.com | appears in all copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear, (2) use of such Documents from the Microsoft Store or Services is for informational and non-commercial or personal use only and will not be copied or posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media, unless permitted by exemptions under applicable copyright laws, and (3) no modifications of any Documents are made. microsoftstore.com |
该决议草案的提案国出于个人利益对这一修正案充 耳不闻,提出的论据不足 ,其行为阻碍了在一切情 况下,消除对妇女一切形式暴力这一伟大目标的实 现。 daccess-ods.un.org | The sponsors of the draft resolution had turned a deaf ear and had made weak arguments motivated by personal interests, thereby hampering achievement of the noble goal of eliminating all forms of violence against women in all circumstances. daccess-ods.un.org |