

单词 据我看

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

观测条件非常好,天空万里无云,他首次描述了日冕,一个围绕着太阳的巨大光环 : " 据我看 来 , 月球之所以能够发光是因为日面的照射,这次观察让我们对明亮的日冕有了一个概念。
The conditions were excellent, the sky cloudless and, for the first time, he described
the solar corona, an
[...] immense halo of light surrounding the sun: "It has appeared to me, that [...]
the cause of the illumination
of the moon, as noticed above, is the irradiation of the solar disk, and this observation may serve to give an idea of the extension of the luminous corona of the sun.
据我们所看到的数据,它们每年造成 50 多万人死亡, 相当于每天死亡近 1 400 人。
According to the statistics that we have seen, they cause the [...]
deaths of more than 500,000 people annually — approximately 1,400 people per day.
r.a.d.grid控件自然的支持表的分页设置,使 我 们 可 以把 据看 成 小 的块从而更快的装载数据和更方便的浏览数据
r.a.d.grid natively supports table paging, which allows you to view the data into small chunks for faster loading and easier navigation.
42 我们认为,至关紧要的问题是知识产权体制对发展的促进程度, 我 们 审 察的 据 来 看, 知 识产权体制并没有对发展中国家的经济发展起到强大的直接促进作用。
The evidence we
[...] have reviewed does not suggest strong direct effects on [...]
economic growth in developing countries.43 One recent
study found that the more open (to trade) an economy, the more likely it was that patent rights would affect growth.
据我们对教科文组织财务报表的审计工作以及内部监督办公室对石油换食品计划的 [...]
Based on our audit work of [...]
UNESCO’s financial statements and on the winding-up audit of OFFP by IOS, we are in a position
to issue an unqualified opinion on UNESCO’s financial statements.
我看来, 决议的确有这样的禁止规定,至少在两点上是 如此:宣言超越了据决议 给予科索沃特派团的授权订立的《宪法框架》;宣言 是单方面的,而科索沃的最终地位必须获得安全理事会的核准。
In my view, it does establish such a bar, on at least two counts: because the
[...] is not within the Constitutional Framework established pursuant to the mandate given to UNMIK in the resolution; and because [...]
declaration is unilateral, whereas Kosovo’s final status must be approved by the Security Council.
虽然在某些情形中,一些发展中国家发展以著作权为基础的行业所带来的潜在利益可能是 诱人的,但根据从整个发展中国家世界得来的 据看 , 我 们 难 以否认:更为强硬的著作权 保护对世界大多数贫困人口的负面影响很可能更为直接和明显。
Although the potential benefits from the development of copyright-based industries in some developing countries may be
enticing in some cases, it is hard not to
[...] conclude from looking at the evidence from the developing [...]
world overall that the negative
impacts of stronger copyright protection are likely to be more immediate and significant for the majority of the world’s poor.
从较长远看,我们支 持缔结一项公约,不仅为行使管辖权提供 据 和 澄 清 一些问题,还向国际社会表明追究参加联合国行动的人员对任何犯罪行为的责任 的重要性。
In the longer term, a convention is supported, not only to provide a basis for the exercise of jurisdiction and clarification of a number of issues, but also to indicate to the international community the importance of holding persons participating in United Nations operations accountable for any criminal conduct.
2.4 2005 年据称,在观看阿塞拜疆的新闻时,H.M. 认出了曾袭击她的国家安 全局官员,他现在是边境检查司的高级官员。
2.4 In 2005, while watching the news from Azerbaijan, H.M. allegedly recognized the [...]
National Security Service officer who
had assaulted her and who is now a high-ranking official in the department of border control.
这一节包括如下建议:(i) 维持基金目前的医疗报销金额度和报销比例;(ii) 在基金参加者可继续自 由选择医生和(或)医疗机构的同时,研究可否建立一个参保者就医的首选专业保健网络;(iii) 进一步明 确可报销费用的条文,具体说明哪些费用可报销,哪些费用不能报销;(iv) 修改可报销的就诊费最高额, 提高在法国的就诊费最高报销额,并确定在法国以外的就诊费最高报销额;(v) 将看病单据的时 效期限由 三年缩短为两年;(vi) 开发基金参加者通过在线服务获取有关报销单信息的机会;(vii) 研究享受“生命 卡”服务的可行性;(viii) 制定一项医疗保险基金向受保人通报信息的政策。
The proposals in this section are the following: (i) maintain the current level of benefits paid by the Fund and the present rates of reimbursement; (ii) examine the possibility of a special network of health professionals to which the participants in the Fund could go, while maintaining the participants’ freedom to choose their practitioners and/or hospitals; (iii) improve the clarity of the texts relating to reimbursable benefits by specifying the benefits covered and the risks excluded, (iv) modify the ceilings for reimbursable medical care by raising those applicable to care provided in France and introducing ceilings for care provided outside France; (v) reduce the time limit for claims from three years to two; (vi) develop Internet access to information on the status of reimbursement claims; (vii) study the possibility of using the services available with the French carte vitale; (viii) develop a policy of communication between MBF and its participants.
从许多 角看,我们的 社会都是最发达国家,而不是最不发达国家。
In many ways, our societies are the most [...]
developed countries, not the least developed.
[...] 以及从我们作为法院缔约国的国家观点 看 , 我们 不能对达尔富尔人民所遭受的苦难和自2003年以来 [...]
在达尔富尔实施的严重行为,以及最近调查中所详 细阐述的、无论怎样衡量都构成危害人类罪的系统 性可悲事实视而不见。
It is in that same context that, as members of the Council and
from our national perspective as a State
[...] party to the Court, we cannot turn a blind [...]
eye to the suffering caused to the population
and the serious acts committed in Darfur since 2003, as well as to the recent investigations that detail systematic and lamentable facts, which by any measure constitute crimes against humanity.
從投資者角度看,我們認 為,以劃一的模式提供上市發行 人最新資料,比起要投資者參閱發行人以之前呈交的報表形式編備的第二份 [...]
From the
[...] investor’s perspective, we consider it more user-friendly [...]
to have one uniform mode of providing the latest information
on a listed issuer than to have to refer the investor to a second document in the form of a previously submitted Return.
我谨代表尼泊尔政府感谢秘书长本人给予尼泊 尔和平进程的支持,也感谢他向安理会提交的最新 报告(S/2009/1),其中建议据我国的请求把联合 国尼泊尔特派团(联尼特派团)的任务限期再延长 6 个月。
On behalf of the Government of Nepal, I would like to thank the Secretary-General for his personal support for the peace process in Nepal and for his latest report to the Council (S/2009/1) recommending extension of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) by another six months, at our request.
看出,该准则据的是《维也纳条约法公约》第 20 条第 4 款,其中规 定的一般规则是:“(a) [...]
保留经另一缔约国接受,就该另一缔约国而言,保留国 即成为条约之当事国,但须条约对各该国均已生效;(b) 保留经另一缔约国反对, 则条约在反对国与保留国间并不因此而不生效力,但反对国确切表示相反之意思
者不在此限;(c) 表示一国同意承受条约拘束而附以保留之行为,一俟至少有另 一缔约国接受保留,即发生效力。
As can be seen, this guideline is based on the [...]
provisions of article 20, paragraph 4, of the Vienna Convention on the Law
of Treaties, which sets out a general rule that: “(a) acceptance by another contracting State of a reservation constitutes the reserving State a party to the treaty in relation to that other State if or when the treaty is in force for those States; (b) an objection by another contracting State to a reservation does not preclude the entry into force of the treaty as between the objecting and reserving States unless a contrary intention is definitely expressed by the objecting State; (c) an act expressing a State’s consent to be bound by the treaty and containing a reservation is effective as soon as at least one of the contracting States has accepted the reservation”.
我们承诺据我们各 自国家的权限和法律并依照国际法采取一切适当的国 家措施,以防止为扩散而进行的筹资和运输,加强出口控制,保证敏感材料的安 全,并控制对无形技术转让的获取。
We are committed to take all appropriate national measures in accordance with our national [...]
authorities and legislation and,
consistent with international law, to prevent proliferation financing and shipments, to strengthen export controls, to secure sensitive materials, and to control access to intangible transfers of technology.
防止酷刑小组委员会还收到一些在被警察拘留期间遭到虐待的指控,如强迫 睡在肮脏的牢房地板上,没有相应的卫生条件、水和食物,不 看 病 ,包 括 据称 有儿童和青少年被警察弄伤。
The SPT also received allegations of ill-treatment during police custody such as the obligation to sleep on the floor in a filthy cell without proper access to sanitation, water and food, and the denial of health care, including for children and adolescents allegedly wounded by the police.
支持据查看并即 时修改,修改是可自动读取外键参考、默认值、列约束等。
Support data view and immediately [...]
modify , change is automatically read foreign key reference , the default value , the column constraints.
我不打算在此重述我們在法案 委員會審議工作中所作的多項討論,不過,我只有一點想說,便是我們真的
[...] 很希望這個局將來成立和運作後,能證明它可實際發揮功能,而不是只是一 個櫉窗式的裝飾,給外看我們香 港也有這樣的架構,能追上很多現代金 融、工商業發達的社會而已。
I do not intend to repeat the many discussions made during the deliberations by the Bills Committee, however, I wish to make just one point and that is, we really hope that after the FRC has been set up and has come into operation, it can prove that it may really discharge its role instead of being little more than window-dressing or a showcase
meant to demonstrate to the
[...] world that Hong Kong has such a framework and we can catch up with [...]
those advanced financial and
business centres of the world.
看我们信 赖的合作伙伴和零售商列表。
to find the list of trusted partners and retailers.
非常有用的新属性和方法为你和你的用户提供了 看 数 据 的 最好方式!例如,你可以合计数据并用小计方式来添加合计值或者用树属性来展示数据的层次视图。
For example, you can summarize data and add aggregate [...]
values with the Subtotal method or use the Tree property to display
hierarchical views of the data.
执行局还要特别注意外聘审计员对财务报表的下述意见:“ 据我 们 的 审计,这些报 表按照《国际公共部门会计标准》(IPSAS)的要求,真实反映了教科文组织截至 [...]
2011 年 12 月 31 日的财务状况,以及该日结束的 12 个月财务期的财务业绩、现金流以及预算与实际 金额之对比情况。
The Executive Board may also wish to note in particular the opinion of the
External Auditor on the financial statements
[...] which states: “Based on our audit, the financial [...]
statements give a fair view of
the financial position of the UNESCO as at 31 December 2011, as well as the financial performance, the cash flow and the comparison of budget and actual amounts for the 12-month period ending 31 December 2011 in conformity with IPSAS.
委员会感到关切的 是,缔约国的统计据中看不到 残疾儿童特别是土著儿童的情况。
The Committee is concerned at
[...] the invisibility of children with disabilities, in particular indigenous children, in statistical data of the State party.
为了以协调一致的方式支持妇女充分参与决策,联合国促进性别平等和增强 妇女权能署(妇女署)和南苏丹特派团 据我 提 交 的关于妇女参与建设和平的报 告(A/65/354-S/2010/466),正在合作制定一个关于增强妇女权能和促进性别平 等的共同行动框架。
In order to support, in a coherent and coordinated manner, women’s full participation in decision-making, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) and UNMISS are working, in line with my report on women’s participation in peacebuilding (A/65/354-S/2010/466), to develop a common framework for action on women’s empowerment and gender equality.
讲一点个人的有关经历,在我访问过的这个国家的每个角落,我们各自从事的工作中几乎都能看到这些共同利益的迹象:去年访问新疆一所美国出资为HIV呈阴性的注射吸毒者设立的治疗设施时 我看 到 了 我 们 共 同努力预防HIV/艾滋病的成果。
To personalize this a bit, I hardly visit a corner of this country without seeing evidence of these common interests in the work that each is doing: I saw the fruits of our shared efforts on HIV/AIDS prevention when I visited a joint U.S.-China treatment facility for HIV negative injecting drug addicts in Xinjiang last year.
行政部门也进行 了业务分析审查,发现目前与私人实体或半官方实体之间签订的所有协 定(租约、每周两次在基加利和阿鲁沙之间运行的Beechcraft飞机、物
[...] 品和文具采购、与安保公司之间的协定,等等)都是 据我 们 当 前的需 要定制而成,有足够的灵活性,不再需要时可以终止,需要的话也可延 长。
The Administration has also undertaken a business analysis review, which reveals that all agreements currently entered into with private or parastatal entities (rent agreement, the Beechcraft operating between Kigali and Arusha twice a week, procurement of goods and stationery, agreements
with security companies, etc.) have been
[...] tailored to suit our current needs [...]
and present sufficient flexibility to enable
termination when the need no longer arises, or prolongation if necessary.
实际上,通过与厉害相关者咨询和查阅有关 据 , 我 们 发现,问题最为严重的是:当地出 版业或赞助计划不能满足教育材料的需求及计算机软件的使用,而这是利用信息和在全球 经济中竞争的前提。
In fact, our consultations with stakeholders and reading of the evidence suggests that [...]
the issues are most serious in relation
to access to education materials where demand is not met by the local publishing industries or donor-financed programmes; and in relation to access to computer software, a pre-requisite for access to information and for competitiveness in the global economy.
虽然有关长期药理疗法的据可能看 起 来 令人忧虑, 但在解读这类据时应看到: (a)目前缺少被确认为可治疗兴奋剂依赖的药物; (b)由于类阿片依赖问题不是一个普遍的国家问题,因此缺少提供药理治疗的必 要性;(c)会员国缺少提供长期药理物质的适当立法;或(d)上述各项因素并存。
Although the data concerning long-lasting pharmacological therapies may appear worrying, the results should be read in the context of either: (a) the current absence of medications clearly recognized for the treatment of dependence [...]
on stimulants; (b) the
lack of the need to provide pharmacological therapy because opioid dependence is not a prevalent national problem; (c) the lack of appropriate legislation in the Member State to make the long-lasting pharmacological substances available; or (d) a combination of the above.
乌干达政府认为,第 1325(2000)号决议及其第 1889(2009)号后续决议是标志性的决议,这不仅仅是
[...] 因为我们坚信妇女在冲突期间和冲突后发挥的重要 作用,而且从我们的经验看,我们 承认妇女在预防 和调解冲突的进程中具有不容否认的作用。
Resolution 1325 (2000) and its follow-up resolution 1889 (2009) are considered by Uganda’s Government to be landmark resolutions not only because of our strong belief in the important role that women play
during and after conflict, but also
[...] because, from experience, we recognize women’s [...]
undeniably positive role in conflict
prevention and mediation processes.
虽然法院指出第 1244 号决议确实涉及建立一个科索沃临时自治框架,我 看不到法院的以下说法有任何理由:“在决议通过时,大家指望科索沃的最后地 位将产生于决议所确定的框架并在其中确立”(咨询意见,第 [...]
104 段)。
While resolution 1244 was indeed concerned with setting up an interim framework of self-government for
Kosovo, as the Court
[...] notes, I do not see anything to justify the assertion the Court then makes: “at [...]
the time of the adoption
of the resolution, it was expected that the final status of Kosovo would flow from, and be developed within, the framework set up by the resolution” (Advisory Opinion, paragraph 104).




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