单词 | 据悉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 据悉 —it is reported (that)less common: according reports See also:悉 v—know v 悉—in all cases
据悉,新加坡积极支持在国家、区域和全球各级开展各宗教间的工作, [...] 并提供了近期各宗教间对话与活动的一览表。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was noted that Singapore [...] actively supported interfaith efforts at the national, regional and global level and a list [...]of recent interfaith dialogues and activities was provided. daccess-ods.un.org |
据悉,经 过遴选和 面试,信息技术代理经理被评估为无论是在技术上还是在语言能力上,都是最合适的人选。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was informed that following the selection and interview processes, the interim IT manager was assessed as the most qualified candidate, both technically and in terms of linguistic skills. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据悉溺杀 女婴,采取窒息、溺水、忽视和置于危险或其它手段等方式致使 婴儿死亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Female infanticide has been known to take such forms as the induced death of infants by suffocation, drowning, neglect and exposure to danger or other means.135 79. daccess-ods.un.org |
在短短 12 个月里,世服宏图已占据悉尼ML C中心两个楼层,并在墨尔本市中心开业。 servcorp.com.sg | Servcorp, within 12 months, had two floors in the [...] MLC Centre Sydney and a location in Melbourne CBD. servcorp.com.sg |
据悉第一 个有影响力的分裂和非常反叛,并选择了第二种选择两-三倍是使神性,以确保在基督的人性写了不带有与自然的儿子独自与整个神性。 mb-soft.com | An influential and very learned section of the [...] schism rebelled, and chose the second of the two alternatives - that of making [...]the Divine Nature threefold, in order to ensure that the Human Nature in Christ was made one with the Nature of the Son alone and not with the whole Divine Nature. mb-soft.com |
由于工程科还运营和维持摩加 迪沙的各个营地和前方地点、特遣队所属和联合国所属水厂及发电机,因此 ,据 悉工程 科的人员必须在当地确立长期存在,以应付工作量并向非索特派团提供第 一手支持(见 A/66/685,第 102-105 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Engineering Section also operates and maintains camps and forward locations in Mogadishu, and contingent-owned and United Nations-owned water plants and generators, it is said to be imperative that the engineering staff develop a permanent presence on the ground to cope with the workload and provide first-hand support to AMISOM (see A/66/685, paras. 102-105). daccess-ods.un.org |
据悉,正 在做出努力将增加教育投资作为一个优先事项,委员会对此表示 欢迎。 daccess-ods.un.org | (16) The Committee welcomes the information that efforts are being made to increase investment in education as a matter of priority. daccess-ods.un.org |
据悉,壳 牌2001年在国内转让的首个煤气化项目中石化湖南巴陵化肥“煤 代油”改造工程已于2006年3月投产,中石化湖北化肥分公司和安徽安庆分公司 的壳牌煤气化项目已进入试车阶段,其余技术转让项目也进展顺利。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Sinopec Hubei fertilizer subsidiary and Anhui Anqing subsidiary coal-to-oil projects have entered the test phase, and other projects also runs smoothly. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据悉,Sa muel公司是世界排名第五的加工商,主营普碳、不锈钢、铝制品在北美地区的销售,全球超过100家服务中心及制造厂。 steelorbis.cn | Samuel is the fifth largest processor and distributor of carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum in North America and has over 100 steel service centers and manufacturing facilities. steelorbis.com |
据悉,前来韩国的特奥运动员们将不仅参与多个运动项目的角逐,他们更会亲身体验多项非运动活动。 specialolympics.org | The athletes of the seven countries taking part in the Special Hands Project may also be participating in some sports and non-sports activities. specialolympics.org |
据悉,在经济转型国家,一旦全环基金停止支持, 其国家臭氧机构也停止运作,这可能会妨碍实施处理臭氧层所面临剩余威胁的 措施,包括逐步淘汰氟氯烃和销毁臭氧消耗物质。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | It had been learned that in countries with economies in transition, national ozone units had ceased to function once GEF support had ended, which might prevent the implementation of measures to address the remaining threats to the ozone layer, including the phase-out of HCFCs and destruction of ozone-depleting substances. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
据悉,中 国柔道队将派出70多人的庞大阵容参赛。 samdecaux.com | Over 70 Chinese Judo contestants [...] attended the event, according to officials. samdecaux.com |
在此据悉馆长 莱纳收集的诗篇给我们一些非常重要的的片段,其中有二十四叶一纸莎草法典包含在其他两个希腊和Sahidic相反的网页,和更短的的片段,一旦整个诗篇双语羊皮纸手稿的诗篇,并仅在Sahidic其他羊皮纸碎片。 mb-soft.com | In this the learned curator of the Rainer collection gives us some very important fragments of the Psalms, among which are twenty-four leaves of a papyrus codex containing once the whole Psalter both in Greek and Sahidic on opposite pages, and shorter fragments of two other bilingual parchment manuscripts of the Psalms, and other parchment fragments in Sahidic only. mb-soft.com |
不过据悉,安全理事会成员一致认为,无论这些逃犯何时被捉拿归案,都不会让他们逍遥法外。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is noted, however, that there is general [...] agreement among members of the Security Council that there will be no impunity [...]regardless of when these remaining fugitives are apprehended. daccess-ods.un.org |
据悉这将是多边基金在四氯化碳方 面为乌干达提供的最后援助。 multilateralfund.org | It is understood that this will be the final assistance for Uganda in respect of CTC under the Multilateral Fund. multilateralfund.org |
委员会对于据悉在收 养过程中可能对于儿童保护不足表示关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | (30) The Committee is concerned about the information that the protection of children in the adoption process may not be adequate. daccess-ods.un.org |
据悉,圆 桌会议将有来自世界能源资源领域的政要、工商领袖和权威专家学者就国际间能源资源合作问题展开对话交流。 samdecaux.com | It is reported that the round table [...] conference will gather officials in the field of World Energy Resources Industry, with [...]business leaders and authoritative experts and scholars to develop dialogues and communications for international cooperation on energy resources. samdecaux.com |
据悉,浙 江省是我国重要的汽车零部件产业地带,全国著名的汽配大省,发展潜力很大,而此次由浙江省各地汽摩配行业协会联手打造的浙江省汽车零部件(用品)进出口交易会战略联盟,必将进一步促进整个浙江省汽车零部件行业的发展,意义非凡。 capafair.org | It is learned that China's Zhejiang Province is an important area of the auto parts industry, the well-known auto province, a great potential for development, and this time around by automobile and motorcycle Zhejiang Province joined hands with industry associations in Zhejiang Province built auto parts (supplies) Import and Export Fair strategic alliances, will further promote the auto parts industry in Zhejiang Province, significance. capafair.org |
据悉作为 其模仿能力猫的叫声的声音卡特伯德。 zh.northrup.org | It is known as a catbird for its ability to mimic the mewing sound of a cat. northrup.org |
据悉,进出口银行还提供了 2 亿美元优惠利率贷款。 crisisgroup.org | A $200 million favourable interest rate loan from [...] Exim Bank was also reportedly offered. crisisgroup.org |
据悉,国 货航另一架B747-400货机B2409号货机随后也将从重庆江北国际机场起飞,执行至上海浦东国际机场的包机运输任务。 oriental-sky.net | It is reported that another plane of Air China Cargo [...] B747-400 freighters freighters No. B2409 subsequently from Chongqing [...]Jiangbei International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport to the implementation of the charter transportation task. oriental-sky.net |
据悉,隆 达电子除磊晶、晶粒及系统外,针对50寸以下低价直下式和大尺寸电视侧光式背光源,已分别开发出3535、3030、3528、7020、7030等封装型式的LED,因应不同客户群的规格要求。 jxlcd.com | It is reported, ronda electronic [...] except epitaxial, grain and outside the system, in view of the low fifty inch straight [...]down type and large size TV side light type back light, already developed respectively 3535, 3030, 3528, 7020, 7030, the encapsulation type LED, according to different customers specifications. jxlcd.com |
据悉,NB A此次开展的训练班活动也是非洲篮球推广项目的组成部分,当天训练班在南非皇家巴福肯体育馆举办。 resources.specialolympics.org | The NBA conducts trainings and workshops in the Royal Bafokeng Nation in South Africa as part of a project to develop basketball skills as a sport in Africa. resources.specialolympics.org |
据悉,博 世包装技术杭州工厂每年新增研发投资约占销售额的8%,致力于满足其本土客户的定制化需求。 bosch.com.cn | About 8 % of sales will be invested each year in local research and development for satisfying our local customers. bosch.com.cn |
然而,据悉性别 问题顾问的专门知识往往没有得到充分利用。 un.org | However, the expertise of the gender advisers was reported to be often underutilized. un.org |
据悉,虽 然LG Micron與三星Cheil在ACF领域也有布局,但是全球占有率只有5%,而且主要自供,所以台湾面板厂商这次受到的影响将最大。 sbjlcd.cn | It is reported that, although [...] the LG Micron and Samsung Cheil has the layout of the field in the ACF, but only 5% of global [...]market share, and the main confession, so the Taiwan panel makers will be most affected. sbjlcd.cn |
据悉,主办方励展博览集团将与美国纸浆与造纸工业技术协会(简称:TAPPI)通力合作,在中国国际瓦楞展的展会现场举办TAPPI国际论坛,为现场观众提高瓦楞纸箱的生产率、提升质量、减少废品提供最佳解决方案。 sino-corrugated.com | This discussion platform will give visitors insights into the optimal solutions for improving efficiency in the production of corrugated boxes, upgrading quality and reducing waste products. sino-corrugated.com |
据悉,以 光学薄膜材料为例,李宇航告诉记者,该材料属于平板显示产业链的基础,包括光学级基膜和光学级功能膜,而中国仅在TAC(三醋酸纤维素)和 [...] PVA(聚乙烯醇)材料上占有小部分,其他几乎是空白。 sbjlcd.cn | It is reported that the optical [...] thin films, for example, Lee Aerospace, told reporters that the material is the basis of [...]flat panel display industry chain, including optical and optical-level class-based feature film membrane, and China only in the TAC (triacetate cellulose) and PVA (poly vinyl alcohol) occupies a small portion of material, the other is almost empty. sbjlcd.cn |
据悉,中 国泰尔实验室和《移动通信》杂志社于2008年7月15日,在北京共同举办“2008年无线室内覆盖研讨会”,福建先创电子有限公司(隶属于星辰通信国际控股有限公司,以下简称“先创电子”)受邀参与。 centron.com.cn | Held by China Telecommunication Technology Labs (CTTL) and Mobile Communication Magazine, the 2008 indoor Wireless Communications Coverage Conference was started on July 15, 2008. centron.com.cn |
据悉,本届苹果Global iBrands 品牌评选科学的全面评价了2012年度苹果i系列国际性TOP品牌的发展状况,并推介iFans最受欢迎,公布iFans用户服务满意度调查和消费者最喜爱品牌。 cebrands.cn | According to sources, this [...] year’s Global iBrands reviewed the international top brands designed for the “i"-series in 2012, [...]and announced the iFans’ most popular brands, their customer service satisfaction survey and the consumer favorable brands. cebrands.cn |