

单词 捣弄

捣弄 ()

move back and forward

See also:


attack v
beat v



do v
fix v

play with
mess with
fool with
toy with

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 如果所有其他通信手段都失灵,通过既有的督导员体系当面通知弄 清员工下落并保持联系的唯一途径。
(c) When all other communication fails, face-to-face communication through the established system of wardens is the only way to account for staff and to keep in touch.
[...] 母生活在一起有生命或健康危险的情况下,儿童保护工作者会着手把儿童从父母 身弄走或剥夺父母的权利。
In cases where counselling does not yield expected results and the life or health of a child are in danger if they
continue to live with parents, a child protection
[...] worker may initiate removal of [...]
a child from a parent or deprivation of parental rights.
在过去的 19 天里,以色列利用其全部的战争机 器入侵加沙,散播恐怖和破坏,暗杀无辜的儿童,消 灭整个家庭捣毁房 屋、学校和礼拜场所。
For the past 19 days, Israel has invaded Gaza using the full potential of its war machine, spreading terror and destruction, assassinating innocent children, annihilating entire families and destroying homes, schools and places of worship.
以书为指导开展的活动使阿尔及利亚得 弄 清 该部门的情况并且与其他马格里布 国家进行交流。
For example, activities undertaken in conjunction with the book sector provided Algeria with an opportunity to review the state of the sector and to engage in exchanges with the other Maghreb countries.
与会者一致认为,为弄清楚 战略与计划之间的联系,应当认真评估预期结果,以衡 量有关计划是否实现了《中期战略》规定的目标。
Participants unanimously agreed, that in order to ascertain the linkage between strategy and programme, expected results should be carefully evaluated to assess whether the programme has achieved the objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy.
在导致提出若干项起诉的行动中,通过开展“Metallica”行动,53 人因洗
[...] 钱被起诉;从而首次利用《有组织犯罪公约 捣 毁 了 一个重大有组织犯罪集 团。
Among the operations that had resulted in indictments, Operazione Metallica had led to the indictment of 53
persons for money-laundering; the Organized
[...] Crime Convention had thus been used [...]
for the first time in dismantling a major organized criminal group.
绝不能给这捣乱 分子破坏和平机会的可乘之机。
It is important that these spoiler elements not be given the opportunity to derail the chance for peace.
为继续减少罂粟 种植,有效的根除措施必须伴有替代生计方案、增加对无罂粟省份的良好治理的 奖励捣毁工场、制止官员和执法人员中的腐败行为以及起诉毒贩。
To sustain the decrease in poppy cultivation, effective eradication initiatives must be coupled with alternative livelihood programmes, increased incentives for good governance in poppy-free provinces, destruction of laboratories, countering corruption among officials and law enforcement officers, and prosecution of drug traffickers.
因此,較佳的做 法是協助場地管理人加強能力,要求吸煙者把燃着的香煙、雪茄或煙弄熄;如該人沒有遵辦,則要求該人提供其姓名和地址,以及出示 身份證明文件,或要求該人離開禁煙區。
Hence, a better approach would be to help venue managers build up their capacity in requesting a smoker to extinguish a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe or where the person fails to do so, requiring him to give his name and address and to produce proof of identity or leave the no-smoking area.
土耳其毒品和吸毒上瘾监测中心负责人、里斯本欧洲毒品和毒瘾监测中心国 家联络人(2006-2011 年);曾从事毒品相关调查,包括处理贩毒、路边毒品买卖捣毁秘 密制毒厂,以及进行国内和国际调查,包括与贩毒目的地国家开展了若干 次受控交货行动(1994-2006 年)。
Head, Turkish Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, National Focal Point for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Lisbon (2006-2011); experience in drug-related investigations, including drug trafficking, street drug dealing, dismantling clandestine laboratories and conducting domestic and international investigations, including several controlled delivery operations with drug destination countries (1994-2006).
(a) 由伊朗国民将去氧麻黄碱贩运至该区域的现象日益增多,为应对此问 题,该区域的各国政府应当鼓励其禁毒执法当局与伊朗伊斯兰共和国的对应当 局建立业务联系,并与之密切合作以交流关于参与贩运去氧麻黄碱人员及其所 用方法的信息,并交流其他可能促成更密切业务合作以查找、逮捕 捣 毁 相关 辛迪加组织的信息
(a) In response to the increasing flow of methamphetamine being trafficked into the region by Iranian nationals, Governments of the region should encourage their drug law enforcement authorities to establish operational contacts with their counterparts in the Islamic Republic of Iran and work closely with them to exchange information about those involved in trafficking in methamphetamine, the methods they have used and other relevant information that would lead to closer operational cooperation to target, arrest and dismantle the syndicates responsible
第 1964(2010)号决议只是部分满足了非洲联盟 向安理会提出的关于非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索 特派团)核定兵力的请求,即从联合国分摊会费中拿 出资金加强对特派团的一揽子支助措施,对索马里实 行海上封锁或是建立禁飞区,以及切实 捣 乱 者 实施 制裁。
Resolution 1964 (2010) only partially addressed the request submitted to the Council by the African Union regarding the authorized strength of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), on an enhanced support package for the Mission from United Nations assessed contribution, and on the imposition of a naval blockade of and no-fly zone over Somalia, as well as effective implementation of sanctions on spoilers.
因此,缔约国有权利 和义务,以一种免服兵役不捣乱公 共安全和公共秩序的方式来评估依良心拒服 兵役的权利是否应受到限制。
Thus, States parties have the right and responsibility to appreciate limits of the right of conscientious objection in such a way that exemption from military service does not perturb public safety and order.
就在最近,以色列拆除了 Hizma 镇的一个加油站和商店,将 Al-Baqa'a 村的 30
[...] 德南的农业用地夷为平地捣毁了灌溉系统,拆毁了 Al-Jihesh [...]
河谷 30 多名巴勒斯坦人栖身的 6 个帐篷房屋,摧毁了东耶路撒冷一处正在修建的住房,
拆毁拜特哈乌拉村的 13 000 平方米巴勒斯坦土地上的石垒梯田并将 100 棵橄榄 树连根拔起,向 Jinba 山村和 Arraba 镇的几个商店店主发出拆迁令,并准备拆 除一所学校、通道公路、帐篷、泥木屋和太阳能设施,向在东耶路撒冷老城 Alqurma 区的两名巴勒斯坦人家庭发出驱逐通知,并通知他们将财产交给以色列定居者。
In just the recent period, Israel demolished a gas station and shop
in the town of Hizma, razed 30 dunums of
[...] agricultural land and destroyed the [...]
irrigation system in the village of Al-Baqa’a,
demolished six residential tents housing over 30 Palestinians in Al-Jihesh valley, demolished a home that had been under construction in East Jerusalem, demolished stone terraces and uprooted 100 olive trees in 13,000 square metres of Palestinian land in the village of Beit Ula, issued demolition orders for a school, access roads, tents, mud huts and solar energy facilities in the Jinba cave village, and to several shop owners in the town of Arraba, and gave eviction notices to two Palestinian families in the Alqurma neighbourhood of the Old City in East Jerusalem, along with notices to hand their properties over to Israeli settlers.




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