

单词 换代



(math.) commutative algebra


(math.) commutative algebra

改朝换代 v

swap v

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

最新的视窗操作系统(Windows 8)不仅仅外观和功能上升换代,还 拥有了一个新的商标。
The new Windows 8 operating system not only comes with new features and functions, but also includes a brand new logo.
大会的决议 30
[...] C/84 估计旧的管理和监督系统的更换代 共需 1,900 万美元左右,其中 1,070 万美元用于财务和预算系统。
The General Conference, by 30 C/Resolution 84,
estimated the overall cost of replacing the legacy
[...] computer system with modern management and monitoring [...]
instruments to
be in the range of $19 million, of which $10.7 million was allotted to the finance and budget systems.
[...] 营的资金需要,其中包括:(a)登记处工作人员的工资;(b)更换硬件;(c)软件的 更换代;以 及(d)对工作人员进行不间断的培训。
However, in assessing the level of revenue needed to achieve cost-recovery, account should be taken of the need to fund the operation of the
registry, including: (a) salaries of registry
[...] staff; (b) replacement of hardware; [...]
(c) upgrading of software; and (d) ongoing staff training.
该 修正案规定,在符合某些条件的情况下,可在国际电联文件中 换代 表 某一国 际组织行事的通知行政机关,而无须征得前任通知行政机关的同意。
The amendment stipulated that, subject to certain conditions, a
notifying Administration
[...] acting on behalf of an international organization may be replaced in ITU documents [...]
with a new notifying
Administration without the consent of the previous notifying Administration.
对非洲馆的功能进行了评价,目标是 使其成为现代化的会议设施,即:包含展览和博物馆的空间,将所有家具和会议 支持装置升换代,保 留和恢复建筑物原有的历史和文化价值,提高其安全性, 并增加残疾人无障碍设施。
The functionality of Africa Hall was evaluated with a view to achieving a modern conference facility, incorporating exhibition and museum spaces, upgrading all furniture and conference support installations, preserving and restoring the historical and cultural values embedded in the architecture, enhancing its safety and incorporating access for persons with disabilities.
指南将于 2014
[...] 年向国家臭氧机构提供,其时机的选择有利于在低消费量国家的设备达到使用年限、 需要更换代时为 其技术决策过程提供支持。
The timing of this Guide, which will be available to National Ozone Unit (NOU) in 2014 will be useful to assist LVC
countries in the technology decision making process when the equipment reaches its
[...] end-of-life and needs to be replaced.
人口基金正在通过执行赞助方小组、机构间治理小组及其他机制,与使用 Atlas 系统的其他伙伴组织(开发署、儿基会、项目厅、妇女署和联合国大学)密 切配合,确保协调有关 Atlas 系统的活动,主动预测和解决质量保证、资源可供 性和资源管理、系统性能和升换代 等在Atlas 系统方面可能出现的任何问题, 包括《国际公共部门会计准则》的要求带来的问题。
Through the Executive Sponsors Group, the Inter-agency Governance Group and other mechanisms, UNFPA is working very closely with other Atlas partner organizations (UNDP, UNICEF, UNOPS, UN-Women, and the United Nations University) to ensure coordination of Atlas activities in anticipating and resolving any issues that may arise with regard to Atlas, such as quality assurance, availability and management of resources, system performance and upgrades, including those driven by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) requirements.
一个正在开展的项目力求减少拘押在警察机构的还押囚 犯,研究电子监测流动限制情况的前景,增加还押犯人参加囚室外活动的机会, 将警方拘押设施升换代以达 到《救援法》规定的标准。
An ongoing project is seeking to reduce the number of remand prisoners detained in police establishments, to study the prospects for electronic monitoring of mobility restrictions, to increase opportunities for remand prisoners to participate in activities outside of their cells, and to upgrade police detention facilities to meet the standards required in the Rescue Act.
GX系列洗砂机采用国内外先进技术,结合国内砂石行业实际情况生产的配合制砂机使用的高效轮斗式洗砂设备,它具有洗净度高、结构合理、处理量大、功率消耗小、砂子流失少、故障率低等特点,是国内洗砂设备升 换代 的 最 佳选择。
GX series sand washing machine with advanced technology, combined with sand and gravel industry, with the sand making the actual situation of production and efficient use of washing sand bucket wheel device, it has a high cleaning, reasonable structure, large capacity, power consumption small, less sand loss, low failure rate, etc, sand washing equipment is the best choice to upgrade.
迁移到基于服务器的计算和瘦客户机的一个重 要技术前提是将西门子 S5 工业自动化系统升换代到可网络化 的新型 S7 产品。
A fundamental technical prerequisite for the migration to server-based computing and
thin clients was the
[...] modernization of the Siemens S5 industrial automation system to the newer, network-capable S7 product generation.
事实上,联大第 63/250 号决议认可了行政和预算问题咨询委员会的建议,即秘书 长和国际公务员制度委员会探讨改变法定离职年龄的可能性,同时考虑到秘书处 人员的更换代、职 位的空缺率和这种行动方案所涉养恤基金精算事宜等问题。
Indeed, in resolution 63/250, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ARABQ) that the Secretary-General and ICSC explore the possibility of changing the mandatory age of separation, taking into account such issues as the rejuvenation of the Secretariat, vacancy rates and the actuarial implications of that course of action for the Pension Fund.
公司协助农民实现了农业生产的升 换代 ― ― 从自给自足发 展到商业农耕,并协助改善了某些非洲国家的粮食保障状况,例如购买亚洲稻 米,供应给非洲。
Through its operations, Olam has helped farmers to upgrade their farming activities – to move from subsistence to commercial farming; it has also helped improve the food security situation in some African countries, for example by buying rice in Asia and supplying it in Africa.
以低排放和高能效技术为方向的升 换代 应 是 工业政策的主要目标。
Upgrading towards technologies that are low on emissions and highly energyefficient should be a key objective of industrial policy.
MLO 电容器 - 得益于 AVX 获得专利的多层、低损耗有机 (MLO) 技术,使得这类电容器成为传统陶瓷和薄膜电容器的更 换代 之 作
MLO Capacitors - Based on AVX’s patented multilayer, low-loss organic (MLO) technology, these capacitors represent a paradigm shift from the traditional ceramic and thin film capacitors.
城市改造及环境保护、土地资源乏匮、农业机械化推广等诸多外部条件也迫使受酸雨而易老化、表面装饰性能差的混凝土杆及占用宝贵的土地资源多,妨碍农业机械化使用的角铁衍行架杆塔朝着有利环保、易装饰美化、占地少、安全系数高、性能价格比高的钢制自立杆更 换代。
Urban regeneration and environmental protection, the scarcity of land resources, agricultural mechanization promotion of many external conditions also forced by acid rain easily aging, surface decoration poor performance concrete pole and take up valuable land resources, to prevent the use of agricultural mechanization angle iron derivative line the the frame tower toward environmentally-friendly,
easy to decorate, small footprint, high safety factor, high performance and low cost steel
[...] self-supporting rod replacement.
行动:如有必要,将请科技咨询机构增选一位主席团成员,以 换代表 《 公约》缔约方但不是《京都议定书》缔约方的报告员。
Action: If necessary, the SBSTA will
be invited to elect an
[...] additional officer to replace the Rapporteur representing a [...]
State that is a Party to the Convention
but not a Party to the Kyoto Protocol.
国际电联的《章程》、《公约》和《无线电 条例》中的条款并未规定不可换代 表 其 他行政机关行事的通知行政机关,但 没有具体说明如何进行此种更换。
Provisions of the Constitution, Convention and the Radio Regulations of ITU do not rule out
that a notifying
[...] Administration acting on behalf of other Administrations can be replaced, but do not [...]
specify how such a replacement should be handled.
100美元的智能手机将可能在没有手机补贴 的市场极具吸引力,并吸引那些持有非智能 手机的预付费用户更换代。
The $100 smartphone is also likely to appeal in markets where the cost of devices is not subsidized, and to pre-paid customers who want to upgrade from their existing feature phones.
我们严格执行ISO9000质量管理体系,使产品升 换代 , 从 而享受了国内外的广泛认可。
We strictly implement ISO9000 quality management system and keep product updating and upgrading, thus enjoying wide recognition at home and abroad.
在谐波治理方面,艾默生网络能源一方面着手对目前在网的谐波大、效率低的供电系统进行产 换代 更 新和有源滤波改造,另一方面致力于低谐波、高效率产品的研发。
In terms of harmonic suppression, Emerson Network Power carries out product upgrading, updating and active power filtering improvement for networked power supply systems with large harmonic and
low efficiency on the one
[...] hand and engages in research and development of products with low harmonics [...]
and high efficiency on the other hand.
2009年11月5日,挪威主要电信运营商Telenor 选择中国华为科技有限公司为其即将掀起的彻头彻尾的移动通讯网络更 换代 提 供 技术支持。
November 5th 2009 Norway’s main telecom company Telenor chose the Chinese Huawei as technology provider for its upcoming complete overhaul of the Norwegian mobile network.
公司重视优化产品的生产、工艺以及研发,多年来为市场提供创新的技术解决方案,从第一台由交流电机控制的可顺畅闭合的自动电梯门产品(自 1968 年开始生产的思迈特 I, II, III 系列)、到思迈特 2000 门产品(带有线性皮带牵引装置,由直流电机通过模拟电子控制器驱动)系列,公司产品实现了从机械化操作臂(1982 年)到当今电子化的升换代。
The focus on the optimization of manufacturing processes, product engineering, research and development have enabled Sematic to always present on the market, over the years, innovative technological solutions, from the first automatic door operated by alternating-current motor that guaranteed harmonious opening and closing of the doors (Sematic I, II, III Series from 1968) to Sematic 2000, a family of doors, with linear belt traction operators driven by DC motors through an analog electronic controller, which marked the abandonment of motorizations with arm operators (1982).
将整个控制系统、网络和后端软件 更换代
Modernize the overall control [...]
system, network and backend software
3)定期开展能效标准的修订工作,使标准指标能够及时反映技术的进步, 对产品更换代起到促进作用。
To better guide enterprises’ energy conservation work and guarantee the implementation effect of labelling, the minimum allowable values set in the energy-efficiency standards at present should be raised effectively in the future. 3) Amending energy-efficiency standards at regular intervals so that the indexes for the standards can reflect technological progress in time and stimulate the upgrade of products.
三要看其是否是盗版产品,如果开发语言如果是基于PHP架构的,基于开源的问题,也可能会出现版权问题,购买盗版的OA产品存在的风险太大,如果购买了盗版的OA产品,以后升 换代 的 问 题就根本不用考虑了o(∩_∩)o…哈哈。
C depends on whether it is pirated goods, if the development of the language if it is based on the PHP framework, based on open source issues, there could be copyright issues, the purchase of pirated products in the risk of OA too, if the purchase of pirated products of OA , after the issue of upgrading simply do not have to consider the o (¡É _ ¡É) o These three tricks down, I believe that small businesses will be able to help or verify that Li Kui.
质量较差的数模转换器会在换代码 的过程中丢失细节,现在有一个好消息,Zeppelin Air音乐发烧级别的24位DAC是业界翘楚之一,也就是说,您用它所听到的声音将格外接近原声。
Poor quality DACs can lose detail in the conversion process – so it’s good to know that Zeppelin Air’s audiophile quality 24bit DACs are some of the best in the business.
公司拥有高质量的技术团队,完善的质量监控体系和售后服务网络;技术人员从新产品开发和现有产品的升 换代 方 面做出了突出成绩,为生产高质量的产品提供了技术支持;公司实行6S管理,不断提升员工的质量意识,结合考核机制进行监督检查,实行质量一票否决制,保证了产品的耐久性、可靠性,从根本上树立了质量第一的观念。
The company has high-quality technical team, perfect quality control system and service network; technical personnel have made outstanding achievements from the new product development and upgrading of existing products to provide technical support for high-quality products; the company implemented 6S management, and continually improve the quality awareness of staff, combined with the assessment mechanism to supervise and inspect, and carry out quality one-vote veto to ensure product durability, reliability, fundamentally set up the concepts of Quality First.
中国目前有16万艾滋病感染者正在接受抗病毒治疗;今年一年进行了8400万例艾滋病检测;治疗方案在更 换代 并 在 全国进行推广;中国在继续增加艾滋病防治的经费投入,目前国内投入占了艾滋病防治总投入的90%,这显示出中国承担责任和自力更生的精神。
In China today, 160,000 people are receiving antiretroviral treatment; 84 million HIV tests have been carried out so far this year; treatment regimens are being upgraded and rolled out across the country; and China has demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility and self-reliance by continuing to increase funding for HIV, now covering over 90% of its national response.
两国均能与诸如巴西和阿根廷之类的牛肉出口大国竞争,因为两国有大 量公共资金投入牲畜识别和回溯系统的建设以及屠宰设施的升 换代。
Both countries have been able to compete with large beef exporters such as Brazil and Argentina thanks to substantial public investments in livestock identification and trace-back systems and upgraded facilities in slaughterhouses.




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