



交换机 n

switch n

转换 pl

converts pl

转换 n

conversions pl

External sources (not reviewed)

换开关 油室和分接选 择器的装配以及分接选择器引出线的连接均应按第4.3节 进行。
The assembly of diverter switch oil compartment and tap selector as well as the connection of tap selector connecting leads have to be carried out according to section 4.3.
这为将甲苯换为价值更高的 PX 和苯的工艺创造了可观的盈利 空间。
This creates a favorable profit margin for processes that convert toluene to higher value PX and benzene.
这样、只要储备各种尺寸 和材料的联合弯头和联合三通接头 —— 以及常用的世伟洛克换接头 即可、没有必 要再储备特殊的弯头和三通。
So, stocking union elbows and union tees in various sizes and materials—along with commonly used Swagelok adapters—eliminates the need for stocking special elbows and tees.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对 换 家 具 和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、 换 或 转 让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法武器贩运、贩运人口、 [...]
绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、盗窃或国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律
后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives,
[...] deposits, trades in, converts or transfers [...]
money, securities, property or other financial resources
in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to drug trafficking, fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international trafficking in vehicles, as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their illicit origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商后,工发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉克不反对 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最后产品价格与使用 HFC-134a
的产品价格相当;该项 目制造和维修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用 HFC-134a 的 产品性能相似,必须铭记,巴格达夏季气温可轻易达到摄氏 50 度;提
[...] 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。
Following further consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summertime; and information was provided on similar
experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial
[...] refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology.
在这方面,为了掌控这一正在威胁几内亚比绍的和平与安全,并且可能有次 区域影响的局势,我谨请求安全理事会,在《联合国宪章》第二十四条赋予它的 权力范围内,以负责维持国际和平与安全的实体的身份,在特别会议上分析几内
亚比绍因有人不接受民主、公正和透明的选举的结果而造成的国内局势;并就向 几内亚比绍派遣一支维持和平部队举行辩论,这支维和部队将被赋予广泛的权
[...] 力,维护本国的政治稳定和捍卫几内亚比绍人民以极大的牺 换 来 的民主进步以 及维护本国经济、社会和文化发展的愿望。
In this connection, with a view to containing this situation which is threatening the peace and security of Guinea-Bissau, with possible subregional consequences, I would like to hereby request that the Security Council, within its powers enshrined under Article 24 of the Charter of the United Nations, in its capacity as the entity charged with the maintenance of international peace and security, analyse at an extraordinary meeting the internal situation of Guinea-Bissau resulting from the non-acceptance of democratic, free, just and transparent elections; and debate the dispatch of a peacekeeping force to Guinea-Bissau, the latter to be charged with extensive powers aimed at the maintenance of political stability in the country and at defence of the democratic gains
which the people of Guinea-Bissau obtained at
[...] great sacrifice and desire to preserve [...]
for the economic, social and cultural development of the country.
日本代表回顾说,缔约方大会第十六届会议在一项决定中请执行委员会考虑“(a) 资
[...] 助举办更多的示范项目,以根据执行委员会的有关决定帮助显示 换 冷 风机的好处;(b) 提 供资金,以采取行动来使根据第 [...]
5 条第 1 款行事的国家内的用户更多地认识到即将进行的 淘汰活动,并认识到可针对其冷风机选择的各种办法,并向各国政府和决策者提供协助;
(c) 请那些正在编制或执行制冷剂管理计划的国家考虑制定措施,以切实使用从冷风机回 收的消耗臭氧层物质来满足该行业的维修需要。
The representative of Japan recalled that a decision by the Sixteenth Meeting of the Parties had requested the Executive Committee to consider “(a) Funding additional demonstration
projects to help demonstrate the value of
[...] replacement of CFC-based chillers, pursuant [...]
to relevant decisions of the Executive
Committee; (b) Funding actions to increase awareness of users in countries operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, of the impending phase-out and options that may be available for dealing with their chillers and to assist Governments and decision makers; (c) Requesting those countries preparing or implementing refrigerant management plans to consider developing measures for the effective use of the ozone-depleting substances recovered from the chillers to meet servicing needs in the sector.
国际社会必须 迫使以色列停止其在被占领土公然违反国际人道主 义法的行为,并努力通过执行有关的联合国决议来 和平解决冲突,执行以土换和平 的原则,遵守《阿 拉伯和平倡议》和四方路线图,以实现中东的公正 和持久和平。
The international community must pressure Israel to stop its flagrant violations of international humanitarian law within the occupied territories and to work instead for a peaceful resolution of the conflict by implementing the relevant United Nations resolutions, adopting the principle of land for peace and conforming to the Arab peace initiative and the Quartet road map, in order to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.
最后,非洲集团感到高兴的是,已有一名高级审 校派任至非洲经济委员会,换一名 P-3 翻译,并希 望将来还将采取类似的措施。
Lastly, the African Group was pleased that a senior reviser had been assigned to the Commission in exchange for a P-3 translator and hoped that similar measures would be taken in the future.
厄瓜多尔政府重申了巴勒斯坦与以色列之间缔 结的各项协议的充分有效性,其中包括那些基于马 德里会议职权范围订立的协议,这些协议曾经基于 并必须继续基于“土换和平 ”原则,不允许施压、 威胁或使用武力,但注重巴勒斯坦人民和以色列和 平共处的权利,以及两国尊重联合国 1967 年所确立 的边界的义务,这不应被单方面或以虚假的现实为 基础或以因宗教所产生神话的名义所改变。
His Government reaffirmed the full validity of the agreements concluded between Palestine and Israel, including those based on the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, which had been and must continue to be based on the principle of land for peace, without allowing for pressure, threats or use of force, but focusing on the right of the people of Palestine and Israel to live together in peace and the obligation of both States to respect the borders established by the United Nations in 1967, which could not be modified unilaterally or on the basis of false realities or in the name of myths inspired by religion.
[...] 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 下缸体处于换位置 时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。
The output shaft of the gearbox and the connecting rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by
speeding up when the pressure drops
[...] (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down [...]
when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping).
ARC 还提供 RAID 类别换 (能够很容易地换RAID类别), 在线扩容 (扩展 容量无需使服务器断电) 和回写热备功能 (当一 个故障硬盘被换,数 据自动从热备复制到恢 复的硬盘)。
ARC also offers RAID Level Migration (the ability to easily migrate RAID levels), Online Capacity Expansion (expand capacity without powering down the server), and Copyback Hot Spare (when a failed drive has been replaced, data is automatically [...]
copied from
the hot spare back to the restored drive).
换句话 说,如果不进行 技术性调整将这些费用增加到上面所列的实际零增长预算的总额之上,活动的水平则势必会 降低。
In other words, the level of activities will inevitably be reduced if these costs are not added, as technical adjustment, on top of the ZRG budget level indicated above.
当收入和 支出不是美元而是其他货币时,按联合国实行的汇 换 算 成 美元,这一汇率接近于 该交易发生之日的实际市场汇率。
Income and expenditure in currencies other than US dollars are translated into US dollars at the UN operational rates of exchange, which approximate the market rate in effect at the date of the underlying transactions.
调整器固件利用这些信息算出新的偏置值, 换 算 成 显示在测量值记录器显示 屏上的日期和时间。
The regulator firmware uses this information to calculate the new offset value to display for time and date in the measured value plotter screen.
在预算、选举和政换届的双年度期间,教科文组织立场坚定地支持旨在促进教育改 革、预防青年暴力、保护物质和非物质文化遗产、增强更好地管理和开发水资源的国家能 [...]
力、促进文化间对话和文化多元性、构建民主、和平与宽容的各项国家倡议,尤其是有关国 家总体发展目标和实现千年发展目标的倡议。
In the context of a biennium marked by pre-electoral, electoral
[...] and governmental transition phase, UNESCO managed [...]
firmly to position itself supporting
national initiatives designed to achieve considerable national progress in the education reform, prevent youth violence, safeguard the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, strengthen national capacities to better manage and develop water resources, promote intercultural dialogue and cultural pluralism, build democracy, peace and tolerance, especially in relation to overall national development objectives and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
选择配备VISION引擎和AMD合作伙伴软件的PC,意味着互联网浏览速度更快、有应用软件一样的体验;1080p高清视频播放华丽、流畅、安静;标清视频看起来像高清;2D内容可 换 成 3D立体画面;即使是图形密集的网站也可快速加载;可快速、简单地操控高清内容;高清分辨率下的3D游戏速度快、栩栩如生。
Selecting a PC equipped with the VISION Engine and software from AMD partners means Internet browsing is a faster, application-like experience; 1080p HD video playback is gorgeous, smooth and quiet; standard
definition video looks high-definition; 2D
[...] content can be converted into stereoscopic [...]
3D; even the most graphics-intensive
websites load quickly; manipulating HD content is fast and easy; and 3D gaming at HD resolutions is fast and life-like.
在发展中国家,大多数农民都有再利用和换种子 ,或向邻居非正式地出售种子,每年购买新种子的行为在大多数发展中国家是较少 见的。
In developing countries the majority of farmers reuse, exchange or sell informally to neighbours, and annual purchase of new seed is relatively rare in most countries.
一国际组织同意受条约拘束,可以签署、 换 构 成 条约的文书、正式确认、接受、核准或 加入,或以所协议的任何其他方式表示。
The consent of an international organization to be bound by a treaty may be expressed by signature, exchange of instruments constituting a treaty, act of formal confirmation, acceptance, approval or accession, or by any other means if so agreed.
本报告确认了人权高专办认为可以作为人权高专办和常 设论坛之间换意见 的主题领域,包括讨论:(a) 常设论坛可以向人权高专办提 供的咨询意见性质和形式;(b) 人权高专办每年向论坛提供的资料的性质 ;(c) 论坛成员在人权高专办国家一级的活动中可与其进行的合作;(d) 改善人权高专 办和论坛观察员(尤其是国家和土著人民组织)之间对话的方式方法 ;(e) 处理 可能在论坛届会上提出的人权申诉的妥善方法。
The present report identifies areas that OHCHR considers could be the subject of exchanges between the Office and the Permanent Forum, including a discussion on (a) the nature and form of advice that the Forum can give to OHCHR; (b) the nature of the information provided annually by OHCHR to the Forum; (c) the possible cooperation of members of the Forum with OHCHR in its activities at the country level; (d) the ways for improving dialogue between OHCHR and observers to the Forum, especially States and indigenous peoples’ organizations; and (e) the appropriate ways of handling human rights complaints that may arise at sessions of the Forum.
还注意到,地理信息工作组在 2011 年组建了几个专门的有时限的工作队,以处 理一些具体问题,如借助地理信息学增强工作人员安全和保障,统一许可发放 标准和数据换标准,确立联合国专门人员在地理信息学领域的职业道路,管 理加入各国际标准组织事宜以及协调为筹备国际高级会议所作的努力,其中包 括联合国可持续发展会议。
It was also noted that in 2011, UNGIWG had formed specialized, time-bound task groups to address specific issues such as enhancing staff safety and security though geo-informatics, harmonizing licensing and data exchange standards, establishing career paths in geo-informatics for United Nations professionals, administering membership to international standards organizations and coordination of efforts in preparing for high-profile international conferences, including the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
由于这些因素,签证方面的各种繁文缛节不断导致货物运输出现延误, 有时甚至还需要在边境口岸换车辆 或至少 换 司 机
As a result, visa difficulties continue to cause delays in the delivery of goods and sometimes require the changing of vehicles or at least drivers at border crossings.
为防止设备的接液零配件发生交 叉污染,切勿换 A 组份 (异氰酸酯)和 B 组份 (树脂)的零配件。
To prevent cross-contamination of the equipment’s wetted parts, never interchange component A (isocyanate) and component B (resin) parts.
委员会的结论意见是,在议程上安排就委员会重点专题进行有关人口问题的 一般性辩论,换各国 政府的观点和各国经验,将会有所助益。
The Commission has concluded that it would be useful to make provision in its agenda for a general debate on population matters relating to the topic of the Commission’s focus, during which Government views and national experiences could be exchanged.
任务的艰巨的,其原因一部分是锁在褐色能源技术上面的巨大投资,以及 其与更广泛的经济体系的相互依存关系;另一部分原因是,如现有知识所显示 的,以现有的换效率,加上在部署这些技术和提高其能源使用效率方面的限 制,想大大扩大可再生能源(如风能和太阳能)技术的规模可能会受到技术上的 限制。
The task will be daunting, partly because of the massive investments locked into brown energy technology and its interdependencies with the broader economic system; and partly because, as present knowledge suggests, there may be technical limits to the massive scaling up of renewable energy technologies (such as wind and solar power), given present conversion efficiency as well as the limits to deployment of those technologies and improvements in their energy-use efficiency.
会议审议了目前的权力下放进程,建议采取更多的措施进一步提高效率:i) 进
一步加强下放办事处的技术能力,尤其要确保向国家办事处提供充分的技术支持; ii)
[...] 加强下放办事处及时应对紧急情况和灾害、解决资金投入问题的能力;iii) 实 施工作人员流动和换政策 ;iv) 建立下放办事处网络,使其在粮农组织内部、与 [...]
The Conference considered the ongoing decentralization and recommended additional measures to further increase efficiency and productivity: i) further strengthening of the technical capacity of the decentralized offices and, in particular, to ensure provision of adequate technical support to country offices; ii) enhancing the capacity of the decentralized offices to provide timely response to emergencies and disasters and address
investment issues; iii) implementing
[...] staff mobility and rotation policies; and iv) [...]
developing a decentralized offices network
with effective linkages within the Organization, as well as with the concerned governments, other UN system organizations and development partners.
XOOPS 作为一个成熟的网站建设管理工具,可以方便地建设管理各类网站:内容管理与界面风格分离,便于方便灵活的设计 换 不 同 的表现风格;成熟的功能模块化机制,有各种丰富多样的模块可供选择定制,比如新闻发布、文章管理、论坛、相册、资源下载、广告黄页、电子商务、博客和知识库等;具有完善的权限管理机制,可以针对不同用户群组设置不同的访问、编辑等权限。
XOOPS website as a mature construction management tool , you can easily manage all kinds of construction sites : separation of content management and
interface style , designed to facilitate
[...] convenient and flexible switch between different [...]
styles of performance; Mature functional
modular system , a variety of modules to choose from variety of custom , such as press releases, article management , forums , photo albums , resources, downloads , advertising, yellow pages , e-commerce , blog and knowledge base ; with complete authority management mechanism , you can set for different user groups different access and editing rights.




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