单词 | 捡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 捡—collect捡verb—gathervpick upv
2月7日凌晨2点30分:一名路人在圣地亚哥国际机场捡到一个钱包,里面装有执法徽章以及印有Dorner照片的身份证。 ktsf.com | Around 2:30 a.m., a passer-by finds a wallet with law enforcement badge and a picture ID of Dorner on a street near San Diego International Airport. ktsf.com |
(e) 球员单脚或双脚踩在死球线或超越死球线,捡起在得分区滚动的球,视 同该球员在比赛区域外捡球。 irblaws.com | (e) If a player with one or both feet on or behind the dead ball line picksup the ball, which was in motion within in-goal, that player has picked upthe ball outside the playing area. irblaws.com |
学生如有东西掉到路中,他/她要挥手向司机示意, 并等待司机的发出确认信号才能捡起物品。 lilburnms.com | Students will signal the driver with a waving motion if something is dropped and wait for the driver to give a signal before picking up object. lilburnms.com |
收到香港地政署的警告信後不久,Hidden Agenda决定给音乐场地内和附近的所有一切录影:从音乐表演、观众访谈、员警行动、街头抗议,到会议、工业区夜生活,再到捡起街 道上的弃置家俱。 venicebiennale.hk | Shortly after receiving a warning letter from the Hong Kong Lands Department, Hidden Agenda decided to film everything that happened in and around the music venue: from music shows, audience interviews, police actions, street protest, to board meetings, night life in the industrial area, to picking up unwanted furniture on the street. venicebiennale.hk |
(d) 他 的 拘 留 须 按 照 该 法 令 第 4 0 条 ( 警 方 拘 留 的 检 讨 ) 所 规 定 的 时 间 , 定 期 予以捡讨。 hkreform.gov.hk | (d) his detention shall be subject to periodic review at the times set out in section 40 of that Act (review of police detention). hkreform.gov.hk |
永瑆捡了旧的仿雄黄玻璃烟壶,让雕工加上环耳、款识,或许有这样的可能,但是我们认为可能性并不大。 e-yaji.com | While the remote possibility remains that Yongxingfound anold, plain [...] realgar-glass bottle and ordered the lapidary to [...]add both the mask-and-ring handles and the mark, this seems unlikely. e-yaji.com |
布洛顿和摩西一样,明白小作为会创造大改变,「我们有一项计画名为『洁净社区』,即复制市中心的垃圾捡拾计画,我认为社区环境品质已低於维护标准,故希望教育邻人各种维护方式,再一传十、十传百」,底特律居民盼望「社区能够乾净与安全」,这种愿望并非遥不可及,但要达成也不容易,尽管全市人口不到百万,要让几个街区拥有健康环境,光靠「下一个底特律」也绝不足够。 thisbigcity.net | Broughton, like Mosey, understands that doing small things can result in big windfalls, “One of our main focuses has been Clean Neighborhoods and we’re duplicating the litter picking program they have in downtown,” Broughton explained, “Our opinion is that the physical quality of neighborhoods has fallen below property maintenance standards and we want to educate our neighbors on maintenance codes so they can teach their neighbors. thisbigcity.net |
(b) 球员单脚或双脚踩在得分线或达阵区,从赛场捡起静 止在地上的球,那 就是该球员把球带进得分区。 irblaws.com | (b) If a player with one or both feet on or behind the goal line, picks up the ball, which was stationary within the field of play, that player has picked up the ball in the field of play and thereby that player has taken the ball into in-goal. irblaws.com |
(c) 球员单脚或双脚站立在22公尺线内,捡起静止在22公尺线外地上的 球,直接把球踢出界,这是球员把球带回自己的22公尺线内,所以是 不占地踢球。 irblaws.com | (c) If a player with one or both feet inside the 22 metre line, picks up the ball which was stationary outside the 22 metre line, and kicks it directly into touch, then the player has taken the ball back inside the 22-metre line, so there is no gain in ground. irblaws.com |
城市提供各式各样的学习空间,甚至还有自我指派的回家作业,带一颗酸梅回家,切片、削皮、品尝、装饰,捡拾各 种不同大小、光泽、重量的石头,即有各种排列、比较与组合。 thisbigcity.net | Bring home a sour plum for cutting, tearing, tasting and decoration. thisbigcity.net |
申请人必须於其先人捡掘遗骸日期前 7 个工作天 缴付清拆墓碑及重铺三合土地台之费用及通知办 事处捡掘日期,以便办事处安排清拆墓碑 (通知日期及捡掘日期不计算在内)。 vgoffice.catholic.org.hk | The applicant shall pay the grave demolition and cement paving fees 7 days priorto exhumation of the human remains of the first interred and notify the Cemetery Office the date of exhumation (the date of notificationand exhumation are not included) vgoffice.catholic.org.hk |