

单词 捐助国

捐助国 ()


See also:

捐助 n

donor n
contribution n

捐助 pl

donors pl


offer (aid)

捐助 v

donate v

External sources (not reviewed)

捐助国参加了新的技术合作项目,提供资金,与区域组 织一道帮助受援国扩大森林覆盖。
Donor countries engaged in [...]
new technical cooperation projects, provided funding and worked with regional organizations to
help recipient countries to expand their forest cover.
它还促捐助国 和国 际金融机构为交通运输基础设施项目及养护提供资金。
It also urged donor countries and international [...]
financial institutions to make funds available for transport infrastructure projects and maintenance.
人们认为,诸如信托基金和类似机制等较长期安排、以捐助国的积 极参与至关重要,应在这些方面进行进一步探索。
Longer-term arrangements, such as trust
funds and similar mechanisms, and the active
[...] involvement of donor countries were [...]
considered critical and should be explored further.
各位部长敦促联合国人道主义实体、其他相关人道主义组织 捐助国 努力 加强与受灾国家的合作与协调,目的是以各种支持尽快复原以及可持续的恢复 [...]
The Ministers urged efforts to enhance cooperation and coordination of United Nations humanitarian entities, other relevant humanitarian
[...] organizations and donor countries with [...]
the affected State, with
a view to planning and delivering emergency humanitarian assistance in ways that are supportive of early recovery as well as sustainable rehabilitation, reconstruction efforts.
教科文组织捐助国和其 他伙伴一道,一直支持会员国通过社区多媒体 中心努力加强地方社区获取、生产、管理和分享信息以促进发展的能力,特 [...]
UNESCO, together with donor countries and other [...]
partners, has been supporting Member States’ efforts in strengthening capacities
of local communities to access, produce, manage and share information for development especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America through Community Multimedia Centres (CMCs).
泰国提出下述能力建设需求:通过经验交流等进行发展中国家 捐助国之 间 的双边援助;在执行《协定》和有关文书方面的技术援助;区域监测、控制和 监督讲习班,以及建立区域监测、控制和监督网络,包括技术转让;为小户渔民 [...]
Thailand identified the following
capacity-building needs:
[...] bilateral assistance between developing States and donor States particularly [...]
through exchange of
experience; technical assistance in implementing the Agreement and relevant instruments; regional monitoring, control and surveillance workshops and establishment of regional monitoring, control and surveillance networks, including transfer of technology; financial management training for small-scale fishers and all stakeholders; training regarding stock assessment and research; and training programmes on boarding and inspection control and activities of flag States.
我呼捐助国支持双方努力利用迄今取得的进展和所作 的投资。
I call upon donor countries to support the [...]
efforts of the parties in order to take advantage of the progress and investments made to date.
为此向人口和艾滋病领域的 129 个主要行为体邮寄了详细问卷,包括主要的
[...] 多边组织和机构、各大私人基金会和提供大量人口活动援助的其他非政府组织以 及加入经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)发展援助委员会 捐助国。
A detailed questionnaire was mailed to 129 key actors in the field of population and AIDS, including major multilateral organizations and agencies, large private foundations and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide substantial amounts of population assistance and donor
countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
[...] (OECD) Development Assistance Committee.
捐助国的行动应统一、透 明和协调捐助国和伙 伴国都应对其行动以及干预的结果负责。
Donors’ actions should be harmonized, transparent and coordinated, and both donors and partners [...]
should be accountable for
their actions and the results of their interventions.
经社会对正在向秘书处执行工作方案提供财政和技术支助的 捐助国 和其他发展伙伴表示感谢。
The Commission expressed its appreciation to donor countries and other development partners that were providing financial and technical support to the secretariat in the implementation of its work programme.
特别是设在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的监察和检查委员会的数 量非常多(其中有些是新兴捐助国 和 /或经合组织成员),教科文组织和联合国各机构正 [...]
在面临自我重新定位的挑战,以确定它们在未来数年发展日益复杂的背景下,将为各成员国 实际提供哪些附加值。
In particular, in the LAC region, with a high number of MICs (some of
[...] which are emerging donor countries and/or [...]
OECD members), UNESCO and United Nations
agencies are being challenged to reposition themselves by defining what will be the actual added value that they provide to Member States in a more sophisticated development context in the years to come.
在这方面,加强国际伙伴关系,使 捐助国 、 发 展 机构和裁军机构能够把武装暴力问题纳入其行动纲 [...]
领之中,这将有可能使现有战略以创新和协调的办法 为导向,这种办法适应各个具体情况,并且围绕有针 对性的目标来努力,以便解决和防止武装冲突的根本 原因,并且调动和利用必要的发展资源。
In that regard, strengthening the international
[...] partnership to allow donor countries, development [...]
agencies and disarmament bodies to
integrate the issue of armed violence into their programmes of action would make it possible to orient existing strategies towards an innovative and harmonized approach that is tailored to each situation and geared around targeted goals to address and prevent the underlying causes of armed conflict and to mobilize and channel the necessary development resources.
塔吉克斯坦地雷行动中心捐助国和 国 际组织合 作,以期在土地测量和清理、处理行动、技术设备、 [...]
提高认识以及向受害者提供援助方面培养该国的地 雷行动能力;并且该国鼓励其他各方向塔吉克斯坦 提供其需要的帮助。
The Tajikistan Mine Action
[...] Centre worked with donor countries and international [...]
organizations to develop the nation’s mine
action capacity in such areas as land surveying and clearance, disposal operations, technical equipment, awarenessraising and assistance to victims; and it encouraged others to furnish Tajikistan with the help it needed.
发展议程建议 2 明确要求“通捐助国提供 资金,增加 WIPO 提供的援助, 在 WIPO 设立最不发达国家专项信托基金或其他自愿基金,同时继续优先重视通过预算内和预算外 [...]
Development Agenda Recommendation 2
expressly calls for “providing
[...] additional assistance to WIPO through donor funding, and establish [...]
Funds-in-Trust or other
voluntary funds within WIPO specifically for LDCs, while continuing to accord high priority to finance activities in Africa through budgetary and extra-budgetary resources, to promote, inter alia, the legal, commercial, cultural, and economic exploitation of IP in these countries.
这样一种议程在政治上 会遭到反对,一方面发达国家作 捐助国 因 其 活动和利益受到损害而反对,另一 方面发展中国家不具备政治力量推进这种议程的也会反对。
There would be political opposition to such an agenda, both
from developed countries whose activities
[...] and interests as donors would be undermined, [...]
and the developing countries that did
not have the political power to push forward such an agenda.
[...] 望在年内改善其与难民署之间关于预算、规划优先事项及战略的对话 捐助国也 表 示,只要能够就保护问题与之明确沟通,它们仍愿意就这些问题提供更多的政 [...]
Government officials in some operations wish to improve their dialogue with UNHCR on budgeting, planning
priorities and strategies in the course
[...] of the year; and donor countries still [...]
express a desire to offer more political
support on protection issues provided that these issues are clearly communicated to them.
我们在此呼吁联国和捐助国和捐助 组 织支持 非盟,办法是根据第 1809(2008)号决议的要求提供必 要的财政资源,解决缺少装备和后勤支助不足的问题 [...]
以及应对非盟由于复杂的冲突环境和缺少能力包括 财政能力来在某些情况中作出迅速反应并加强非洲
Here we call upon
[...] the United Nations and donor countries and organizations [...]
to support the AU, by providing necessary financial
resources, as called for in resolution 1809 (2008), addressing the lack of equipment and insufficient logistical support, and responding to the specific challenges faced by the AU due to the complexity of the conflict environment and the lack of capacities necessary, including financial capacities, to achieve a rapid response in some cases and to strengthen peace, stability and development on the African continent.
粮农组织代表和世卫组织代表对 捐助国 向 信 托基金慷慨捐款表示赞赏,指出信 托基金根据发展中国家要求在区域一级关于食典方面提供培训。
The Representatives of FAO and WHO
expressed their appreciation to the
[...] generous contribution from donor countries to [...]
the Trust Fund and stated that the Trust
Fund was responding to the request from developing countries to provide training in Codex at the regional level.
虽然这两个类别在其条件、需要、任务和与此有关的优先次序方 面存在显著差异,但援助文件、政策 捐助国 官 方 机构、多边银行以及区域和政 府间组织都把它们放在一起,因为它们的主要特点是,两者均不符合正常援助流 [...]
Although the two categories differ significantly in terms of the conditions, needs, tasks and priorities associated with them, they are
nonetheless addressed
[...] jointly in the assistance documents, policies and bureaucracies of donor countries, multilateral [...]
banks and regional
and intergovernmental organizations because their defining feature is that neither fits the conditions and procedures of normal aid processes.
鉴于核心资金的数额不可避免地影响到联合国系统执行这一任务 的能力,我们敦捐助国和其 它有能力的国家,大幅度增加对联合国发展系统, [...]
特别是对其各基金、方案和专门机构的核心/经常预算的自愿捐款,并以持续和 可预测的方式提供多年捐款。
Given that the level of core funding inevitably affects the ability of
the United Nations system to fulfil this
[...] mandate, we urge donor countries and other [...]
countries in a position to do so to substantially
increase voluntary contributions to the core/regular budgets of the United Nations development system, in particular its funds, programmes and specialized agencies, and to contribute on a multi-year basis, in a sustained and predictable manner.
捐助方机构的侧重点与捐助国的需要之间存在偏差被视为一项重要障 碍。
The gap between the focus of donor agencies and the [...]
needs of countries has been highlighted as a major impediment.
(b) 过渡性捐助国(2014-2015 年)在两年期更新时如果仍然在 捐助国门 槛之上,在 2016-2017 年期间将成为正式捐助国;在此情况下,有关国家在 2016-2017 年期间将不再获得 TRAC-1 资源。
(b) Transitional NCCs (during 2014-2015) will become full NCCs during 2016-2017 if they remain above the NCC threshold at the biennial update; as such they will no longer receive TRAC-1 resources during 2016-2017.
[...] 和设施来应对难民人口增长问题,国际社会,特别捐助国和组 织应增加对这些方案的供资,并帮助 [...]
解决财务困难对近东救济工程处预算产生的负面影 响。
The Agency needed more staff and facilities to deal with demographic growth among the refugee
population, and the international community,
[...] in particular donor States and organizations, [...]
should increase their funding for
those programmes and help resolve the financial difficulties adversely affecting the UNRWA budget.
在过去一年中捐助国和有 关实体——如国际移民组织、开发署、 人口基金、儿基会和妇女署——在一些国家实施了一系列举措,如在印度尼西亚 [...]
亚齐、布隆迪、利比里亚、尼泊尔、南苏丹、苏丹、塞拉利昂和乌干达,以推动 解除武装、复员和重返社会方案的性别平等,改进转诊制度,从而使女性前战斗
员和支持者获得有关服务,如保健和心理咨询服务,并使她们获得重返社会的经 济援助。
Over the past year, donor countries and entities [...]
such as IOM, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and UN-Women have implemented a range
of initiatives in, for example, Indonesia, Burundi, Liberia, Nepal, South Sudan, Sudan, Sierra Leone and Uganda to promote gender equality in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes, improving referrals to services such as health and psychosocial counselling for female ex-combatants and supporters and their access to economic reintegration assistance.
决定 决定 决定 决定在大会第六十七届会议临时议程题为“处境特殊的各国家组”的项
[...] 目下,列入题为“与内陆发展中国家的特殊需要和问题有关的具体行动:内陆和 过境发展中国家捐助国及国 际金融和发展机构过境运输合作问题国际部长级 [...]
to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-seventh session, under the item entitled “Groups of countries in special situations”, the sub-item entitled “Specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries: outcome of the International Ministerial
Conference of Landlocked and Transit
[...] Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International [...]
Financial and Development Institutions
on Transit Transport Cooperation”.
事实上,补充供 资捐助国给基金的捐助中 高达 20%,而补充供资的性质就是捐助以外的款项。
In fact, bilateral contributions were a way for donor countries to make up to 20 per cent of their contributions to the Fund, and additional funding was, by definition, over and above those contributions.
大会第 65/176 号决议重申了执行局第 2009/25号决定所载项目厅的任务,
[...] 即“项目厅向联合国系统各机构、基金和方案、国际和区域金融机构、政府间组 织捐助国和受 援国政府以及非政府组织提供服务……项目厅是联合国系统在采 [...]
购与合同管理以及土木工程和有形基础设施发展,包括相关能力建设活动方面的 核心资源。
The General Assembly in its resolution 65/176 reaffirmed UNOPS mandate as contained in Executive Board decision 2009/25, which states, inter alia, “UNOPS acts as a service provider to United Nations system agencies, funds and programmes, international and regional
financial institutions, intergovernmental
[...] organizations, donor and recipient Governments, [...]
non-governmental organizations,
foundations and private sector organizations… UNOPS is a central resource for the United Nations system in procurement and contracts management as well as in civil works and physical infrastructure development, including the related capacity development activities.
赞扬印度洋和东南亚海啸预警安排多方捐助者信托基金开始运作,邀请各国 政府捐助国、相 关国际组织、国际和区域金融机构、私营部门和民间社会考虑 [...]
以捐款和技术合作的方式为信托基金提供捐助,支助按印度洋和东南亚各国的需 要建立海啸预警系统,让信托基金协助建立一个有足够资源的一体化预警系统,
Commending the operationalization of the Multi-Donor Voluntary Trust Fund on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements in the
Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia, and
[...] inviting Governments, donor countries, relevant international [...]
organizations, international
and regional financial institutions, the private sector and civil societ y to consider contributing to the Trust Fund through financial contributions and technical cooperation to support the establishment of the tsunami early warning system in accordance with the needs of the countries of the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia so that the Trust Fund contributes to the development of an integrated early warning system based on adequate resources and comprising a network of collaborative centres connected to the global system
该代表感谢为食典信托基金提供捐款的所有捐助方,提请注意印度成为向食典信 托基金提供捐款的最捐助国这一 情况,并告知最近收到了芬兰的捐助。
The Representative thanked all donors for their contributions to the CTF and called attention to the fact that India had become the newest donor to the CTF and the recent contribution from Finland was also acknowledged.




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