单词 | 捉人游戏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 捉人游戏 noun—catch nExamples:(儿童玩的) 捉人游戏 n—tag n See also:游戏 v—play v 游戏 n—gameplay n 游人—a tourist
9.11 ”事件发生后不久,基地组织的许多成员便逃离阿富汗,越过边界进 入巴基斯坦,自那时起,我们便与他们玩起了许多 猫 捉 老 鼠 的 游戏。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since shortly after 9/11, when many Al-Qaida [...] members fled Afghanistan and crossed the border into Pakistan, we have [...] played multiple games of cat and mouse [...]with them. daccess-ods.un.org |
常见的户外游戏包括捉迷藏、警察与抢 匪、捉与逃、捉人和各种体育活动。 cpsc.gov | Common games outside include hide-n-seek, cops and robbers, capture and escape, tag, and [...] sports of all kinds. cpsc.gov |
目前正在采取步骤控制这种海中入侵,包括通过有组织潜水和钓鱼 旅 游 活 动 开展 教育,提高人们在捕捉到这 种鱼时对它们的认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | Steps are being taken to control this marine invasion, [...] including education awareness about their capture through organized dives and fishing trips. daccess-ods.un.org |
与通常玩的游戏不同 的是:参赛者必须利用对机 器 人 进 行编程,给机器人设计智能来自动指挥它,而不是由键盘、鼠标简单地直接控制。 javakaiyuan.com | And usually play the game is different: Participants must be programmed to use the [...] robot to robot design intelligence to [...]automatically direct it , rather than by keyboard , mouse, simply direct control . javakaiyuan.com |
女监区有一个由非政府组织捐赠的游 戏室,但在代表团查访时无人使用 ,里面只有几个玩具。 daccess-ods.un.org | The women’s quarter had a playroom which was donated by an NGO, but during delegation visits no one used the room, which had a few toys. daccess-ods.un.org |
更换工作难产而且混 乱,导致工程拖延和超支,对教科文组 织 捉 襟 见肘 的 人 员 队 伍又造成了额外负担。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He was only replaced after much delay and in the midst of confusion, which led to delays and cost overruns on the project, and more work for the UNESCO team which was already understaffed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
伊拉克境内的恐怖组织领导人已被捉 拿 ,伊拉克大部分地区在确保安保方面 已取得了重大进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Leaders of terrorist [...] organizations were captured throughout Iraq, [...]and significant progress has been made towards achieving [...]security in most regions of the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
人一生 中的各种仪式(出生、成长、结婚、离婚和殯葬等仪式) , 游戏 和体 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、捕鱼和收获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝绸文化和工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 [...] [...] 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 画)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Life-cycle rituals – birth; [...] rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; [...]settlement [...]patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social practices; practices relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [fabrication], sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting). unesdoc.unesco.org |
几个会员国继续作出进一步努力,在本国管辖范围内, 将出现在国际刑警组织被通缉逃犯名单上的卢旺达嫌 疑 人捉 拿 归案并进行审判。 daccess-ods.un.org | Several Member States have continued to enhance their efforts to bring to trial, within their national jurisdictions, the Rwandan suspects appearing on the INTERPOL list of wanted fugitives. daccess-ods.un.org |
游戏系统 通过感知我们的行动和运动将玩家体验提升到新的水平;汽车通过自动感应和控制车辆的移动提升固有的安全性;工业设备和机床无 需 人 干 预 即可执行作业功能;移动电话具有内置的智能,可以响应我们的手势和位置,从而简化了用户界面,同时还可为我们提供位置感知服务;周围环境通过配备无线传感器的仪表,对我们进行响应;航空电子设备改装后,性能获得提升的同时还降低了系统成本... 解决方案有效时,可能性是无穷的。 digikey.cn | Gaming systems have taken the player experience to new levels by sensing our actions and motion; cars are intrinsically safer by automatically sensing and controlling the movement of the vehicle; industrial [...] equipment and machines [...]perform their functions without human intervention; mobile phones have built-in intelligence so they can respond to our gestures and position, simplifying the user interface, and also providing us with location-aware service; the surrounding environment responds to us when instrumented with wireless sensors; avionics equipment has been retrofitted with our high performance yet lower cost systems… The possibilities are endless when the solutions are effective. digikey.ca |
只有当人游戏时,他才是完整的人,”德国诗人弗里德里希·席勒(Friedrich Schiller)在其《审美教育书简》一书中这样写道。 wacker.com | In his series of letters entitled “On the Aesthetic Education of Man,” Friedrich Schiller, a German poet, wrote that “man is only completely human when he plays. wacker.com |
这些可能性包括那些能够使我们从地球极限后退 的技术;那些足以改变游戏规则 的产品和服务所带来的新的市场、新的增长和新 的就业机会;那些能够真正使人们摆 脱贫困的新的公共和 私 人 筹 资 办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | These possibilities include technologies capable of pulling us back from the [...] planetary [...] brink; new markets, new growth and new jobs emanating from game-changing products and services; and new approaches to public and private finance that can truly lift people out of the poverty trap. daccess-ods.un.org |
Tales of Middle Earth中最引人瞩目的就要属于多 人游戏 模 式 ,也就是说你可以与自己的好友互相战争,在属于自己的领地上一决胜负。 tales-of-middle...cn.uptodown.com | Tales of Middle Earth is the most excellent mod for Age of Empires II of all time. tales-of-middle...en.uptodown.com |
必须作出协调 努力,同国家司法机制进行合作,以便发展它们的能 力,确保将行为人捉拿归案并按照国际标准进行审判。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerted efforts are required to cooperate with national judicial mechanisms in order to develop their capacities and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice and tried in accordance with international standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
在WEB2.0概念深入人心,如猫游记等AJAX 游戏 都 能够 有 人 去 玩 的今天,利用JAVA开发的平台无视,且能如RMXP由普通用户即可制作的游戏框架(而且,利用Java特性,完全可以做到由用户通过网页定制游戏并展示,甚至可以考虑提供一个类似于土豆的平台,用以展示用户DIY自己的游戏或相关图形资源。 javakaiyuan.com | WEB2.0 concept deeply rooted in , such as cats [...] are able to travel and other AJAX was to play the game today , ignoring the use [...]of JAVA development [...]platform , and can as RMXP by ordinary users to make the game framework (and the use of Java features , completely can be customized by the user through the web and game shows, and even potatoes can be considered to provide a similar platform to showcase their games DIY usersOr related graphics resources. javakaiyuan.com |
此外,游戏人物的 视野取决于他双眼方向,其余地图部分保持黑暗,所以你将看不到躲在你背后的任何东西。 project-zomboi...n.uptodown.com | In addition, you'll only view what the character [...] would really see and the rest of the map will remain in darkness, so you won't view what's behind you. project-zomboi...n.uptodown.com |
旅游局主办的“寻城探索 全澳感觉”短片制作比赛,主要目的,是鼓励本澳大学生利用摄录手法,从 旅 游 角 度, 捕 捉 他 们 心目中的澳门,藉此提升大学生对旅游的认知,更希望透过短片、作为一种艺术及沟通媒介,让公众从另一角度认识及欣赏澳门的旅游城市面貌,务求引发全民效应,推 动 人人 热 心 参与“澳门 旅 游 认 知 运动”。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | At the same time, through the short films as an art form and communication medium, the public will be able to learn more about Macau and admire its features as a tourism city. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
随着履行治安 职责 - 如暴乱控制、人群疏散、搜查、捉拿 、 逮捕、拘 留或审讯 - 的中国维和人员在特派团中的人数不断增 [...] 多,针对与执法行为、武力和武器使用、对待犯人相关 的联合国原则开展特别培训至关重要。 crisisgroup.org | Given the growing presence of Chinese peacekeepers in missions [...] where they carry out policing functions such as riot control, [...]crowd dispersal, searches, seizures, arrests, detentions or interrogations, training in particular on UN principles on the conduct of law enforcement, the use of force and firearms, and the treatment of prisoners is vital. crisisgroup.org |
每个人今天是一个摄影师,并为那些希望 捕 捉 令 人 惊 叹 的图像和摄影做更多,佳能推出了EOS反叛T3i和T3,提供在一个伟大的高端功能和易于使用的指导适当的平衡价格。 technologeeko.com | Everyone today is a photographer, and for [...] those looking to capture stunning images [...]and do more with photography, Canon has [...]introduced the EOS Rebel T3i and T3, offering the right balance of high-end features and easy-to-use guidance at a great price. technologeeko.com |
其它工具包括一个图像编辑器,综合性的画面 捕 捉 , 一个独特的用户界面截图工具,一个为Visual [...] Basic弹出帮助设计器和帮助上下文ID映射附加项,综合性任务管理,可定制的内容助手库(自动化创造通用帮助内容)所有这些都是你将拥有的帮助创建工具集。 evget.com | Additional tools include an image editor, [...] integrated screen capture, a unique user [...]interface screenshot markup tool, a popup [...]help designer and help context id mapping Add-in for Visual Basic, integrated task management, a customizable content helper library (for automating the creation of common help content) all add up to the only Help Authoring toolset you will ever need. evget.com |
典型的企业内容管理系统由一系列模块组成,其中包括 [...] 文件管理、记录管理、数码资产管理、网络内容管理和协作工具,还有 捕捉、存 储、再次使用、共享、发布、存储和管理信息等功能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Typical enterprise content management systems comprise a series of modules, including document management, records management, digital assets management, Web content management [...] and collaboration tools, as well as provide [...] functions for capturing, storing, reusing, [...]sharing, publishing, archiving and managing information. daccess-ods.un.org |
选择配备VISION引擎和AMD合作伙伴软件的PC,意味着互联网浏览速度更快、有应用软件一样的体验;1080p高清视频播放华丽、流畅、安静;标清视频看起来像高清;2D内容可转换成3D立体画面;即使是图形密集的网站也可快速加载;可快速、简单地操控高清内容;高清分辨率下 的 3 D 游戏 速 度快、栩栩如生。 tipschina.gov.cn | Selecting a PC equipped with the VISION Engine and software from AMD partners means Internet browsing is a faster, application-like experience; 1080p HD video playback is gorgeous, smooth and quiet; standard definition video looks high-definition; 2D content can be converted into stereoscopic 3D; even the most graphics-intensive [...] websites load quickly; manipulating HD content is fast [...] and easy; and 3D gaming at HD resolutions [...]is fast and life-like. tipschina.gov.cn |
代表们强调,教科文组织必须坚持对整个全民教 育议程的承诺并对教育采取一种全部门方法,尤其强调必须进一步加强中等教育、技术和职业教育 [...] 和师资培训方面的活动,以及在教育中利用信息通信技术,包括数字教 育 游戏。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The delegates emphasized the need for UNESCO to remain committed to the entire EFA agenda and to adopt a sector-wide approach to education, focusing in particular on the need to strengthen further activities in secondary education, technical and [...] vocational education, and teacher training as well as the use of ICTs in education, including [...] digital educational games. unesdoc.unesco.org |