单词 | 挽回 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 挽回adjective—irreparableadj挽回verb—salvagev restorev retrievev 挽回—redeemExamples:无可挽回—the die is cast irrevocable See also:挽v—salvagev pullv savev 挽—coil roll up draw (a cart or a bow) carry on the arm (fig.) pull against draw (a cart)
它还重申,将申诉人驱逐不会导致不可 挽回的伤害,因为申诉人未能提出有表明 [...] 证据的案子。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also reiterates that the deportation of the author would [...] not resultin irreparable harm, as the [...]author failed to present a prima facie case. daccess-ods.un.org |
格鲁吉亚还声称,“这些歧视性暴力行为构成极其紧迫的威胁,会对本案所争议 的格鲁吉亚在《公约》下的权利造成不可 挽回的损 害”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Georgia further claimed that “[t]he continuation of these violent [...] discriminatory acts constitutes an extremely [...] urgent threat of irreparable harmto Georgia’s [...]rights under [the Convention] in dispute in this case”. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,由英国广播公司和独立电视台首次合作发表的票站调查,亦能在投票结束後即时准确预测各政党的得票率和席位变化,为票站调查 挽回声誉。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides, the exit poll, jointly released by the BBC and the ITV for the first time, was also able to [...] make an instant and accurate forecast on the changes of support ratings and [...] seatsobtained,saving face forexit polls. hkupop.hku.hk |
为恢复港人的消费意欲,国泰航空发起 [...] 「同心为香港」运动,同时亦推出了连串的特别宣传和推广活动,希望藉此挽回失去的业务。 swirepacific.com | We also launched a range of special promotions and [...] initiatives aimedat recoveringlost business. swirepacific.com |
该园区用于促进对人权的尊 重,以及告诉当代人和后代人国家当权者以非法的暴力行为取代法制造成的无法 挽回的后果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The “Espacio” serves to promoting respect for human rights, as well as to teaching current and future generations the irreparable consequences of the substitution of the rule of law by illegal violence of those who exercisethe power of the State. unesdoc.unesco.org |
过去两年中,国际社会一直致力于挽救叙利亚儿童的未来,以免陷入不可 挽回的境地。 unicef.org | The international community has been working for two years to rescue Syrian [...] children from irreparably damaged futures. unicef.org |
该条例亦预期,当有更强烈的公众需要,可 压倒保护和保存海港这个法定原则时,方可进行一些可造 成无可挽回的损害的填海工程,这才算是合理。 devb.gov.hk | The statute envisages that irreversible loss to the extent of the reclamation would only be justified where there is a much stronger public need to override the statutory principle of protection and preservation. devb.gov.hk |
扩大了与联合国赴冲突后国家考察队的合作,并且采取行动撤除 列入《世界濒危遗产名录》的财产;然而,欧洲一处新的遗产地因其对财产所具有的显着普 遍价值造成不可挽回的影响而除名。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Cooperation was expanded with United Nations missions in post-conflict countries and action was undertaken to remove properties from the World Heritage List in Danger; however, one new site in Europe was delisted due to the irreversible impact on the outstanding universal value of the property. unesdoc.unesco.org |
必须作出严肃和及时 [...] 的努力,秉持保护被占巴勒斯坦人民包括囚犯和被关押者的法律义务、执行法律、并挽回实现和平与安全的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Serious and timely efforts are needed to uphold the legal obligation to protect the Palestinian people under [...] occupation, including the prisoners and detainees, to enforce the [...] law andto salvage thechances of achieving [...]peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这一数量Inedita似乎没有发现更多,但孤立的发现,仍然经常来来,东库,如圣山和帕特莫斯,君士坦丁堡,和耶路撒冷,西乃山者外,已经产生了未知的宝藏,而叙利亚,科普特人,亚美尼亚人,等等,都应该提供许多损失是无法 挽回的。 mb-soft.com | Inedita in such quantities seem to be found no more, but isolated discoveries have come frequently and still come; Eastern libraries, such as those of Mount Athos and Patmos, Constantinople, and Jerusalem, and Mount Sinai, have [...] yielded unknown treasures, while the Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, etc., have supplied many [...] losses supposed to be irrecoverable. mb-soft.com |
(f) 应引入金融交易税以挽回因金 融拯救计划而给纳税人带来的损失,帮助 稳定金融市场,并创造每年所需的数以千亿美元计的收益以支持发展中国家过渡 [...] 到能满足所有千年发展目标的更公正和更可持续发展的道路上来。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) A financial transactions tax [...] should be introduced torecoup the lossesto taxpayers [...]caused by financial rescue plans, [...]help stabilize financial markets and generate the hundreds of billions of dollars needed each year to support developing countries to transition to more equitable and sustainable development paths capable of meeting all the Millennium Development Goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
Debbe通过此热线帮助了数百位女性,从而 挽回550多 个小婴儿的生命。 clarinsusa.com | Debbe has come to the rescue of hundreds of women, saving thelives of over 550 babies. clarinsusa.com |
有些风险尽管能够预测和预防,仍然会发生并引起不可 挽回的损 失(不可抗力)。 12manage.com | Certain risks may occur and causeirreparable damage despite anticipation and preparation ("Acts of God"). 12manage.com |
针对被宣布为不受欢迎的外国人案件提出的上诉不能自动暂停执行命令,但 [...] 如果该外国人提出理由充分的申诉,法院可以决定暂停执行命令,以避免造成不可挽回的损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | An appeal against being declared as an undesirable alien does not automatically suspend enforcement of the order, but in the event of a [...] well-founded claim by the alien, the court may decide to suspend its enforcement so as to prevent [...] the causing of irreparableharm. daccess-ods.un.org |
本调查并非一个关於海旁发展的可行性研究,研究者亦无意讨论西九龙文娱艺术区的计划及发展是否已经到达无可 挽回的地步。 hkupop.hku.hk | It is not for the researcher of this survey to determine whether such [...] development is plausible or practicable, or whether the planning and development of WKCD [...] has reached a point of no return. hkupop.hku.hk |
他们说,他们提供了关于其所遭受酷刑的 可信而连贯的陈述,他们只是担心被迫返回后会受到无可 挽回的伤害。 daccess-ods.un.org | They claimed that they had submitted credible and coherent accounts about the torture to [...] which they had been subjected and that the mere fear of being [...] forcedto return to Azerbaijan may cause irreparable harm. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会,包括安全理事会,必须及时作出努力,包括采取切实 [...] 措施,履行其法律义务,保护被占领下的巴勒斯坦平民,包括巴勒斯坦囚犯和被 拘留者,执行国际法,挽回实现和平与安全的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community, including the Security Council, must exert timely efforts, including practical measures, to uphold the legal obligation to protect the Palestinian civilian population under occupation, [...] including the prisoners and detainees, to enforce international [...] law and to salvage the chances of achieving [...]peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
9 年多以后、武装抢劫被定罪7 [...] 年以后和他因后几种罪名入狱服刑被 释放若干年以后。 [...] 委员会根据向其提交的资料认为部长的将申诉人驱逐出境的决定对申诉人 造成了不可挽回的后果,是不符合防止发生进一步犯罪的正当目的的,特别是鉴 [...]于在部长所考虑的犯罪案发与驱逐之间的间隔时间漫长,情况更是如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7.11 In light of the information made available before it, the Committee considers that [...] the Minister‟s decision to deport the [...] author has had irreparable consequences [...]on the author, which was disproportionate [...]to the legitimate aim of preventing the commission of further crimes, especially given the important lapse of time, between the commission of offences considered by the Minister and the deportation. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外, 以色列继续阻挠加沙的复原、恢复和重建,这可能 会对整个社会的福祉和稳定造成无可 挽回的伤害。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, Israel’s continued obstruction of recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction in Gaza threatened to do irrevocable harm to the well-being and stability of the society as a whole. daccess-ods.un.org |
各代表团应 当慎重考虑司法行政中的一个错误对受害人来说不 可撤销和无法挽回的性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | Delegations should reflect on the irreversible and irreparable nature of an error in the administration of justice for the victim. daccess-ods.un.org |
我奉劝利比亚代表承诺保护所剩 利比亚平民,并利用他的政治诡辩能力尽力 挽回他的 国家的主权、独立和稳定,以及从利比亚人民处 掠夺的数以千亿计的美元,掠夺这些财富的正是那 些操控第1970(2011)号和第1973(2011)号决议 的同样势力。 daccess-ods.un.org | I advise the representative of Libya to commit himself to the protection of the remaining Libyan civilians and to use his political eloquence to try to regain his country’s sovereignty, independence and stability, as well as the hundreds of billions of dollars plundered from the Libyan people by the same forces that invaded his country after manipulating resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011). daccess-ods.un.org |
作为奥巴马总统首批签署的正式法案之一,2009 年签署成为法律的《莉 莉·列德贝特公平报酬法》帮助受到工资歧视的妇女 挽回失去的工资。 daccess-ods.un.org | As one of President Obama’s first [...] official acts, he signed [...] into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, which helps womenwho face wage discrimination [...]recover their lost wages. daccess-ods.un.org |
在收到来文后和确定案情之前,委员会可随时要求有关缔约国紧急考虑采取 [...] 委员会认为必要的临时措施,以避免对所称违反行为受害者造成无法 挽回的损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | At any time after the receipt of a communication and before a determination on the merits has been reached, the Committee may transmit to the State party concerned, for its urgent consideration, a request that it take such interim [...] measures as the Committee considers [...] necessary to avoid irreparable damage to [...]the victim or victims of the alleged violation. daccess-ods.un.org |
苏丹政府与“正义与平等运动”都必须停止武装冲突, 否则它们有可能给在达尔富尔和乍得东部邻近地区 促进和平、安全、和解以及社会经济发展的各种努力 造成不可挽回的破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Sudan and the JEM must cease their armed clashes, or risk irreparably undermining all efforts to promote peace, security, reconciliation and socio-economic development both in Darfur and the neighbouring region of Eastern Chad. daccess-ods.un.org |
很多情况下,大坝对物种和生态系统造成了巨 大的不可挽回的损失,包括对以下方面的影响:森 林和野生动植物生态环境、水生物的多样性、上游 和下游的渔业;还有下游漫滩、湿地、流域、河口 以及邻近的海洋生态系统 —— 诸如防洪、水质维 护、洪灌农业和渔业等。 banktrack.org | In many cases, dams have led to a significant and irreversible loss of species and ecosystems.This includes the loss of forests and wildlife habitat, aquatic biodiversity, upstream and downstream fisheries, and the services of downstream floodplains, wetlands, and riverine, estuarine and adjacent marine ecosystems – i.e. banktrack.org |
塞拉利昂的项目得出结论,这种类型的项目应该计划为提供的设备/工具采购更多 的零部件,因为,如果没有这种供应,设备可能会造成不可 挽回的损失,并无法为 技术人员所用。 multilateralfund.org | It concludes projects of this type should plan for the procurement of additional spare parts for the equipment/tools supplied as without such supplies equipment may fail irreversibly and become of no use to technicians. multilateralfund.org |