

单词 挺拔

挺拔 ()

tall and straight

See also:

(physically) straighten up
stick out
endure or hold out

pull out
pull up
stand out (above level)
draw out by suction

External sources (not reviewed)

中華兒 女 滿 懷 希望, 信 心 十 足 地 邁 向新世 紀 , 創
[...] 造 更 美好的 生 活 ,挺 拔 於 世 界優秀民族 之 林 。
The world witnessed a people full of vigour, hope and confidence. A people who are looking
forward to the new era to create a better life for themselves
[...] and once again making China a distinguished [...]
nation in the world.
面试过程中,始终要保持坐姿挺拔, 保 持良好精神状态,以及表达出聆听的兴趣。
Sit upright in your chair and look alert and interested at all times.
內置蜂巢板、外挺拔不變 形、堅固耐用。
The interior is reinforced with honeycomb core sandwich which remains it in shape, firm and durable.
根據評論家雷馬利的看法,趙無極在1968年創作了幾幅精緻的小油畫,有的是雪的結晶,或黑色的絲帶;從小畫轉換到大畫的綿延大江,或如宋朝範寬的峻 挺拔 , 或對米芾的孺慕,黑白激烈交錯1。
According to Leymarie Zao Wou-ki created several small but delicate oil paintings in 1968, featuring either snowflakes or black ribbon patterns. As he moved from the small format to larger canvases, these were transformed into big rivers, or scenes reminiscent of Song dynasty Fan K'ouan's towering mountainscapes, or plain admiration for Mi Fou, with interwoven patterns of black and white1.
曾获得金马奖最佳新人奖并入围今年金钟奖最佳男主角的杨佑宁,异材黑色西装礼服显 挺拔 帅 气,袖口间的伯爵黑玛瑙白金袖扣,画龙点睛,衬托出他对于细节重视的不凡品味。
Tony Yang, Former Golden Horse “Best New Actor Award” winner and Golden Bell Award “Best Leading Actor” nominee, was in a handsome black collage suit.
向地方当拔出了 提供和发展社会补贴与服务的资源,以便提供种种服务 [...]
Local authorities have been allocated [...]
resources for providing and developing social benefits and services in order to provide
the kinds of services and assistance which support employment and inclusion and to improve the quality and availability of all social services.
就象 1989 年后我们帮助推倒柏林墙的人建立起 健全的民主政体和市场经济那样;就象 1994 年我们 欢迎南非选择走和解与民主而非种族冲突的道路,因 而重返英联邦那样;如今在 2011 年,在北非和中东 人挺身而 起,表达他们希望建立更开放、更民主的 社会之时,我们有机会,同时也有责任,去 帮助他们。
Just as after 1989 we helped those who tore down the Berlin Wall to build robust democracies and market economies, just as in 1994 we welcomed South Africa back into the commonwealth of nations when it chose the path of reconciliation and democracy instead of racial conflict, so now in 2011, as people in North Africa and the Middle East stand up and give voice to their hopes for more open and democratic societies, we have an opportunity, and, I would say, a responsibility to help them.
在兵变开始时,一名恩杜马保卫 刚果民兵组织前战斗人员亲眼看到,恩塔甘达将军的车辆一次运送了 60 箱 AK-47 突击步枪弹药和 20 箱 PKM 机枪弹药,此外还有 4 挺 PKM 机枪和 2 个 RPG-7 火箭筒。
At the outset of the mutiny, one NDC ex-combatant witnessed a delivery of 60 boxes of AK-47 ammunition and 20 boxes of PKM ammunition, together with 4 PKMs and 2 RPG-7s, which had been transported in Gen.
[...] 级以上工作人员和 P-5 级“管理人员”)的拔程序和培养工作,其做法是以关键性的管理 [...]
In addition, a Senior Managerial
Competency Framework was developed which aims at
[...] improving the selection process and [...]
development of the senior management cadre
of the Secretariat (D-level staff and above and P-5 “managers”) by using “state-of-the-art” assessment techniques, based on key managerial competencies.
叙利亚戈兰居民私有财产的做法,掠夺其自然资源, 包括水资源,并在整个戈兰和巴勒斯坦建立定居点, 利用水资源作为一种对戈兰的叙利亚人民施加压力
[...] 的手段,用推土机摧毁他们的土地,将他们的果树 连拔起, 在经济上对他们实施封锁,对他们特别 [...]
The report also confirmed once again Israel’s continuing practice of confiscating the private property of Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan, plundering its natural resources, including water resources, and creating settlements throughout the Golan and Palestine, using water as a means of exerting pressure on the Syrian
population of the Golan, bulldozing and destroying
[...] their land, uprooting their fruit [...]
trees, blockading them economically and imposing
exorbitant taxes on them, particularly on agricultural workers.
不过秘书长指出,需要开展下述工作:制定全面的人员流动政策,将维持和 平行动的负担在整个全球秘书处工作人员队伍中公平分配;加强在外地工作的优 秀工作人员的职业保障并提高其公平性;重新审议秘书处目前使用相同过程甄选 平调工作人员、拔工作 人员以及征聘合格的外部候选人的做法(A/66/679,第 69 段)。
The Secretary-General states, however, that there is need for a comprehensive mobility policy that distributes the burden of peacekeeping equitably across the entire global Secretariat workforce; greater and more equitable job security for highperforming field staff; and a reconsideration of the current practice of the Secretariat to use the same process to select staff members for lateral reassignment, movement to a higher grade level and the recruitment qualified external candidates (A/66/679, para. 69).
1991年5月,在Shamkir 火车站,执法机构官员在一辆巴库至第比利斯的火 车上逮捕了亚美尼亚 Noyemberyan 区居民 S. Aznaryan,并从他身上缴获了两个地 雷、挺冲锋枪以及阿塞拜疆铁路网和公路网地图。
In May 1991, officials of the law enforcement agencies arrested S. Aznaryan, an inhabitant of the Noyemberyan district of Armenia, on a Baku-Tbilisi train at Shamkir station and removed from his possession two mines, a sub-machine gun and maps of the Azerbaijan rail and road network.
其中一名前战斗人员报告,恩塔甘达将军留下了 30 多箱 弹药(AK-47 突击步枪和机枪的弹药),以及 1 个火箭筒、2 挺机枪、1 枚火箭榴弹、 15 枚迫击炮弹和 2 个火箭筒。
Ntaganda had left over 30 boxes of ammunition (for AK-47 rifles and machine guns), as well as 1 rocket launcher, 2 machine guns, 1 RPG, 15 mortar rounds and 2 rockets.
港進聯 認 為 , 通 過 理 性 的 討論和 切 磋 , 深 入 瞭解和 認 識 《基本 法》有關 政制設計原則的內 涵 , 才 能 取 得共識, 在 維 護 政制健康 發 展和社 會 穩 定的基 礎 上 , 抓 緊 實施 CEPA 和 國家一系挺 港 政 策 帶 來 的發展 機 遇 , 和 衷 共 濟 , 促 進香港經 濟繼續 復甦。
On the basis of maintaining healthy constitutional development and social stability, we should seize the opportunities offered by CEPA and the series of State-initiated support policies, and pull together to promote the sustained recovery of the economy of Hong Kong.
各部门和外部评估者是各种拔委员会的一部分,成立这些委员会的目的是确保所拔 享受 奖学金的候选人是那些最能为他们的国家增强国家能力作贡献的人。
The sectors and external evaluators form part of the various selection committees that have been established to ensure that the candidates chosen for fellowships are those that are the most suitable for enhancing and contributing to the national capacities in their countries of origin.




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