单词 | 挹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 挹—ladle outless common: dip pour out Examples:挹取—scoop up ladle out 挹酌—pour out wine 奖挹—reward and promote
事实上,雕刻工艺大师就如同艺术家,他们在雕刻工作中挹注个人特色和情感,让每件作品升华幻化为独一无二的杰作。 audemarspiguet.com | Doing the work by hand is the only way to render the material responsive and to evoke emotion in those who look at the finished piece. audemarspiguet.com |
晚宴中还举行慈善拍卖活动,所得将全数挹注到企业社会责任计画Room42,用来协助亚洲年轻企业家,促进亚洲地区的企业精神蓬勃发展。 igniteasia.com | Winning bids will contribute to the development of youth entrepreneurship in Asiathrough Room42, a regional CSR initiative that promotes entrepreneurship across the region. igniteasia.com |
投融资除可直接对开发中国家挹注发展所需资 金,亦可促进当地私部门之发展,创造就业机会,并 透过各项活动建立相关经贸网路,进而为我国业者创 造商机。 mofa.gov.tw | Taiwan is a member of the ADB and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, and maintains partnerships with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the EBRD in a bid to create a new, more diversified environment for Taiwan’s foreign aid efforts. mofa.gov.tw |
澳洲储备银行指出 其预测的主要风险在 於欧洲的主权债务与银行问题可能引发间歇性 的高度不确定性与波动性 澳洲储备银行也警 告 若欧洲的下档风险成真 该区域可能陷入 严重衰退 且会透过金融 信心以及贸易关联 [...] 性对世界其他地区产生波动传递的效果 尽管 如此 澳洲与亚洲间紮实的贸易关系使其直接 受到欧洲危机的影响较小 该经济体矿业相关 的产业成长力道强劲 而其他产业方面 [...] 则因 高汇率 先前的财政刺激方案挹注逐渐减少 以及家庭支出与借款行为的改变而呈现疲弱的 状态 apecscmc.org | The RBA cited that the main risk in its forecasts was the sovereign debt and banking problems in Europe which have caused periodic bouts of considerable uncertainty and volatility. It warned that “a materialisation of the downside risks in Europe could plunge the region into a "deep [...] recession" and that there would be "flow-on effects to the rest [...] of theworld throughfinancial, confidence [...]and trade linkages". apecscmc.org |
Oris设计师与制表师以过去的经验为参考依据,将现代与古典品味挹注其中-推出拥有三种色泽可供选择的经典之作。 oris.ch | The designers and watchmakers called upon past experience to create a modern classic – now in three different colour combinations. oris.ch |
此外,在中国大陆电视品牌厂商如创维、海信、TCL、康佳、长虹出货数量提升之下,台湾LED晶粒厂商有机会以较佳的产品品质,进入中国大陆电视背光源供应链中,挹注可观的营收贡献。 jxlcd.com | In addition, in mainland China television brand manufacturers such as TCL, skyworth, hisense, konka, changhong shipment quantity under the ascension, Taiwan LED grain manufacturers have a chance to better product quality, to enter the Chinese mainland TV back light in the supply chain, aid to considerable revenue contribution. jxlcd.com |
不过Carolyn Dry发明的自我修复飞机即将有资金挹注,「美国空军小企业创新研究」计画支持开发自我修复的玻璃纤维与石墨复合垫片,若能使用较薄、抗压性较高的材质,即可降低飞机重量与耗油量,她认为未来应用潜力无穷,包括外海管线在海床上承受极大压力仍无影响,或是船只能迅速修复裂痕避免沉没。 thisbigcity.net | And she sees huge potential for further applications, from offshore pipelines that can remain intact under extreme pressure at the ocean floor, to boats that can heal dangerous ruptures quickly enough to stay afloat. thisbigcity.net |
在我们「改变的力量」中,世界YWCA已开创了新一代的基金,补给持久的资源而无涉政治环境、市值波动、经济不景气或每年不一致的捐献者与会员:一项带领我们超越「乞讨碗」而迈向未来的资源,以此结合热情、愿景与野心而挹注发展女性的领导力,无需因为考量如何支付电话费帐单而分心。 ywca.org.tw | In our Power to Change Fund, the World YWCA has created a new generation of funding, a lasting resource that will be available regardless of political climate, currency fluctuations, economic downturns or inconsistencies in annual support from donors or members: a resource which takes us beyond the "begging bowl" into a future where we can resource the leadership development of women, with passion, vision and ambition, without the distraction of worrying about how to pay the phone bill. ywca.org.tw |
99 年我持续挹注欧银「台湾-欧银技术合作基 金」,参与欧银在中、东欧及中亚区域 [...] 29 个受援国所 推动之技术协助、训练及谘询服务计画,并藉由协助 我厂商参与企业转型计画及争取顾问标案,输出台湾 软实力,有利争取相关衍生商机。 mofa.gov.tw | Taiwan’s soft power [...] is exportedthrough the participation [...]of Taiwan’s firms in business TurnAround Management (TAM) program, [...]as well as bids for consulting projects, which can lead to associated business opportunities in the future. mofa.gov.tw |
除了固守原本即位居龙头地位的中低阶产品线外,我们希望在子公司成立後,更能积极扩展高阶市场版图,期望未来在我们韩国区业务总监高忠燮及其团队的努力下,能挹注更完善的销售资源与技术服务於韩国市场,进而带动宏正於韩国地区的业务成长。 aten.com.tw | Apart from maintaining the leadership in our entry to mid-level product lines, we hope to actively expand our high-end market domains with the establishment of our Korea subsidiary. pl.aten.eu |
在货币政策上 先进经济体在危机发生後 纷纷执行激进的货币政策 以零利率的方式大量挹注流动性 企图以极度宽松的货币政策刺 激经济成长 这些政策的确使流动的资金大增 但这些资金并未进入实体经济进行投资或消 费 反而变成游资四处寻找投机标的 商品市 场因这些热钱而交投热络 导致石油价格窜高 反而不利经济成长 同时又会恶化通膨 所以 基本上 危机後先进经济体的货币政策对经济 成长的贡献不大 反而使商品价格上升 [...] 阻碍 经济成长 apecscmc.org | As to the monetary policies, the advanced economies, one after another, enforced radical monetary policies with zero interest rate to inject huge liquidity into the market to stimulate economic growth. apecscmc.org |
衡 量 目 前 欧 洲 各 经 济 体 情 况 东 欧 面 临 数项挑战 在欧洲债务危机的解决方案部分 银行资本适足要求已明显提高 并且在官方资 金可进场前已寻求私人的资金挹注如众所周 知 东欧高度依赖欧元区的资金以及外商投资 且现在金融机构面临紧缩的流动性情况而急於 2012 年 6 月期限之前抢夺新资本之下 银行 已自东欧撤出现金 而国际货币基金组织首席 Christine Lagarde 最近对此等风险提出警告亦与 本人上段的观点不谋而合 会员体的资本必须 供应紧急情况之需 apecscmc.org | With the new European landscape in mind, East Europe faces several challenges. In the European debt crisis solutions, bank capital requirements were significantly raised, and were given the time to seek private funding before official funding could step in. apecscmc.org |