

单词 挨打受骂

See also:


come under attack
get thrashed
take a beating


receive a scolding


beat and scold

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 里被秘密拘留。这些人说,他们被单独关押,剥光衣服,不许睡觉 挨打受骂、 吃不着饭、并被拍照。
The men say that they were held in solitary
confinement, stripped naked, forcibly kept
[...] awake, repeatedly beaten, verbally harassed, [...]
deprived of food and photographed.216 127.
警官或医务人员等工作人员常常不认真对待受害者; (g) 据报告,受害者打交道的医务或执法人员有时会 受 害 者 进行口头骂。
(g) There are reported instances of verbal abuse of victims by medical or law enforcement professionals dealing with them.
强调因此人人必须能够通过公开和平抗议表达不满,而不必担 受 伤、 挨打、被拘留、遭受酷刑或遇害
Stressing therefore that everyone must be able to express
their grievances through public and peaceful protests without
[...] fear of being injured, beaten, detained, tortured [...]
or killed
据来文方告,他受到辱骂,还 被告知他们对国家和平与 安全构成威胁。
According to the source, they were also insulted and told that they constituted threats to the country’s peace and security.
[...] 年年中,在阿富汗的某监 狱,他认为就是巴格拉姆监狱,“向我们提问的翻译对我们 打 又 骂。
One of the four was Hassan Raba’i, also known as Mohamed Ahmad Mohamed al-Shoroeiya, who stated that, in mid-2003, in a place he
believed was Bagram prison in Afghanistan, “the interpreters who directed the
[...] questions to us did it with beatings and insults.
受了酷 刑,包括使用枪托、掌掴、 打 、 辱 骂 和 威 胁等方 式。
He was subjected to torture, including using rifle butts, slaps, hits, insults and [...]
重申每个公民在真正的定期选举中有选举权和被选举权,不得有种族、 肤色、性别、语言、宗教或信仰、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会出身、财 产、血统或其他身分等任何区别,并强调有权投票者必须能够自由地投任何竞选 党派的候选人的票,能够自由地支持或反对政府,不受有可能扭曲或阻止选民自
由表达意志的任何种类的不当影响或胁迫,国际社会以及所有政党和利益攸关方 均应尊重代表人民选择自己的代表的、定期举行的真正、自由和公正选举的结 果;
[...] 因此强调人人必须能够以和平的方式,通过公开抗议等形式表达不满和 意愿,而不必担受伤、挨打、遭 到任意逮捕和拘留、遭受酷刑、遇害或被强迫 失踪
Reaffirms the right of every citizen to vote and be elected at genuine periodic elections without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and stresses that persons entitled to vote must be free to vote for any candidate of party for election and free to support or to oppose government, without undue influence or coercion of any kind that may distort or inhibit the free expression of the elector’s will, and that the results of genuine,
periodic, free and fair elections representing
[...] the choice of the people for their representatives [...]
should be respected by the international
community, as well as by all parties and stakeholders
一些乘客在边防检查区看到一位上了年纪的乘客在似 挨打 后 受 到 粗 暴对 待。
Some passengers in the passport checking area saw an older passenger being roughly treated after
[...] receiving what appeared to be a beating.
[...] 的受保障的人权,因此人人必须能够通过公开和平抗议表达不满,而不 必担受伤、挨打、被 拘留、遭受酷刑或遇害
Emphasizing that the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly, of expression and of association are human rights guaranteed to all, and that therefore everyone must be able to express
their grievances through public and peaceful protests without
[...] fear of being injured, beaten, detained, tortured [...]
or killed
为向家庭暴力受害者及其子女提供临时住所,设立 挨打 妇 女 临时收容 所。
A halfway house for battered women had been established, in which victims of domestic violence and their children were provided with temporary accommodation.
很显然,内部安全机构的拘留和调查中心里,践踏人的尊严,包括逮捕过 程中的虐待、打、辱骂和羞 辱,以及使被捕者 受 酷 刑 或身体和心理上的压力, 以便获取信息或供词,这已经不是孤立的个人行为。
It is clear that violations of human dignity,
[...] [...] including treatment during arrest, beating, abuse, humiliation and the subjection [...]
of arrested persons to torture or to physical or psychological
pressure in order to obtain information or confessions were not isolated cases of individual conduct in the detention and investigation centres of the Internal Security Service.
埃德加吹嘘敏明和Bob不死的鱼,在恐慌中失去了即将到来的科学公平,激励他们的火箭出的碳酸饮料瓶,这将导致鲍 打 破 他 的胳膊,Rzykruski先生被指责由于发射对他的指控影响和 骂 的 乡亲质疑他的方法时,他为自卫。
Edgar brags about the undead fish to Toshiaki and Bob, which, in panic of losing the upcoming science
fair, inspires them to
[...] make a rocket out of soda bottles, which causes Bob to break his arm and Mr. Rzykruski to be blamed and fired due to his accused influencing and reviling the [...]
townsfolk for questioning
his methods when he steps up for self-defence.
青少年的违法行为,大都比较轻微,例如乘车逃 票或无证驾驶、骂他人、打架斗 殴、购买大麻、偷窃、损坏他人财物或是入室盗窃等。
The offences that young people commit are primarily trifling ones such as travelling without a ticket, slandering, brawling, buying hashish, theft, vandalism or minor break-ins.
该少年被拘留者还说,他受到一 名宪兵威胁,并告诉他,虽然当天晚些 时候他将被释放,但他首先挨打, 以给他一个教训。
The adolescent detainee also said that he had been threatened by one of the
[...] gendarmes and that he had been told that, although he would be released later that day, he would be beaten first to teach him a lesson.
他说,妈妈曾是个酒鬼,因此,当时他觉得,与其经 挨打 , 还 不如到清迈的大街上生活。
She was an alcoholic, he said, and he thought life on the streets of Chiang Mai would be
[...] preferable to her regular beatings.
低种性的儿童在教育方受到歧 视 (CERD/C/IND/CO/19,第25段) ,属于最 弱势的群体,面临着被招募为童工、士兵或性工作者,并动 挨打 和 体 罚。
Discriminated against in terms of education (CERD/C/IND/CO/19, para. 25), children of lower castes are among the most vulnerable, facing recruitment as child labour, soldiers or as sex workers, and rampant torture and corporal punishment.
强调所有人必须能够通过公开和平抗议表达不满和意愿,而不必担受伤、挨打、遭 到任意逮捕和拘留、遭受酷刑或遇害或被强迫失踪
Stresses that everyone must be able to express their grievances or aspirations, including through
public and peaceful protests without
[...] fear of being injured, beaten, arbitrarily arrested [...]
and detained, tortured or killed
or subjected to enforced disappearance
如果青少年被拘留者之间互相斗殴,青少年被拘留者队长听取双方的 意见;双方挨打,但 过错较多的一方被打十下,另一方被打五下
If there was a fight between adolescent detainees, the chief adolescent detainee listened to them both; both were beaten, but the one deemed more culpable had ten strokes and the other five
获得土地和财产对于减少妇女挨饿 和 易 受 穷 的 脆弱性以及赋予妇女权力, 至关重要。
Access to land and property is critical for reducing women’s vulnerability to hunger and [...]
poverty, and empowering women.
如果父母在他或者她年幼的时候常 挨打 , 那 么他们可 能会对自己的儿女不进行任何管教。
If a parent was frequently beaten when he or she was [...]
young, they may shy away from any discipline at all.
A medical examination of the detainee showed injuries consistent
[...] with the extensive beating which he described.
( 一种在家庭暴力中称为挨打妇女 综合症”的 现象 ) 。受害者 可能屡遭毒打、污辱、羞辱和蔑视,迫使其屈从于过度的工作时 间、在休息日无偿超时工作等等。
The victim may be systematically beaten, insulted, humiliated and belittled [...]
to force her to submit to excessive working
hours, unpaid overtime on rest days, etc..
例如,在哈利斯科州,代表团成员听所会见的 许多妇女说,警察最常实施的虐待包括掌掴、 打 、 殴 打 和 辱 骂。
In Jalisco, for example, members of the delegation heard from many of the women
interviewed that the most common types of abuse inflicted by the
[...] police included slapping, kicking, hitting and verbal abuse.
特别报告员在 2010 年 4 月至 2011 年 5 月发给各国政府的信件中,对若干指 控侵犯移徙工人人权的情况表示关切,其中包括:(a) 任意逮捕、性暴力、酷刑 和其他残忍、有辱人格和不人道的待遇或处罚;过度使用武力;强迫劳动;(b) 大 规模驱逐和强迫回返;(c) 生活标准不令人满意,包括不能获取适足的食品和住 房;(d) 包括出于经济剥削目的买卖儿童;(e) 边境当局的杀戮;(f) 为性剥削 和经济剥削目的贩运人口;(g) 移民当局的骂和体 罚;(h) 虐待和剥削国内移 徙工人,包括剥夺基本的劳动权,例如,不支付工资;(i) 限制国民的自由移动; (j) 针对移徙者的种族主义和仇外主义宣传。
In his communications to Governments sent from April 2010 to May 2011, the Special Rapporteur expressed concern at a number of situations of alleged violations of the human rights of migrant workers, including (a) arbitrary arrest, sexual violence, torture and other forms of cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment or punishment; excessive use of force; and forced labour; (b) mass expulsions and forcible return; (c) inadequate standard of living, including lack of access to adequate food and housing; (d) sale of children, including for purposes of economic exploitation; (e) killings by border authorities; (f) trafficking for sexual and economic exploitation; (g) verbal and physical abuse by immigration authorities; (h) abuse and exploitation of domestic migrant workers, including denial of basic labour rights, such as non-payment of wages; (i) restrictions on freedom of movement of nationals; and (j) racist and xenophobic propaganda against migrants.
儿 童及其家人很少得知他们的罪名。55 儿童在审讯期间遭到打脚踢和辱骂。
Children and their families were seldom informed of
the charges against them.55 Children
[...] were subjected to beating, kicking, verbal abuse and threats [...]
during interrogation.
他们的目标本是问鼎,但是博阿斯现在估计得准备 受 球 迷的 唾 骂 了 , 因为他们联赛杯已经被淘汰。
And as for silverware, Andre Villas-boas had better be prepared for a right whipping from fans, because the Carling Cup is gone.
国际计划组织通过试点研究,对加纳、几内亚比 绍和菲律宾的儿童进行了问卷调查,这项仍在进行的调查的最初结果显示,64%的受访者在 此前一个受到同学的骂,女 孩总是比男孩更感觉害怕,比男孩面临更大的性暴力风险。
Plan International questioned children of Ghana, Guinea Bissau and the Philippines, through a pilot study, and the early results of this ongoing survey are that 64% of the participants had been verbally bullied by a classmate in the previous month, that girls are always more scared than boys and are at greater risk of sexual violence than boys.
[...] Turgunov 先生在Jaslyk 监狱拘留时经挨打的指 控作出适当反应。
According to the source, the Government also
failed to adequately respond to allegations that Mr.
[...] Turgunov was regularly beaten while detained [...]
at the Jaslyk prison.
此外,委员会还听到指控对被拘留者采用以下做法:不许 睡觉;打,包括殴打头部;辱骂国 籍及家庭成员;剥夺事奉宗教的能力;多达 30 天不让洗澡;不让律师探视;被迫长时间保持尴尬姿势;往牢房里放各种昆虫; [...]
裸体检查,包括使劲抓睾丸以及企图将物件放入肛门;泼溅滚烫的液体,包括泼 油。
Furthermore, the Committee heard allegations of treatment of detainees that involved such
practices as
[...] deprivation of sleep; beatings, including on the head; insults regarding nationality and [...]
family members; denial
of ability to observe religious practices; prevention of bathing for periods of up to 30 days; denial of visits from lawyers; being forced to remain in awkward positions for long periods of time; filling cells with insects; naked inspections, including the aggressive grabbing of testicles and attempts to force objects into the anus; and the spilling of hot liquids, including oil.
互联网上 可以看到格鲁吉亚士兵在进攻南奥塞梯村庄和首府 时拍摄的手机照片,照片中显示了他们旨在专门消 灭平民的种种手段,在一段众所周知的 YouTube 视
[...] 频中,一名格鲁吉亚士兵一边破口 骂 , 一 边不停 地向屋内射击。
Cell phone photographs taken by Georgian soldiers as they advanced on South Ossetian villages and the capital were available on the Internet, showing their methods, which were aimed specifically at wiping out civilians, and there was a
well-known YouTube video which showed a Georgian soldier firing non-stop into homes while
[...] uttering a string of profanities.




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