单词 | 挨头子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 挨头子 —suffer blamebe criticizedSee also:挨—close to • adjacent to • stall • pull through (hard times) • in order • play for time • in sequence • dawdle 头子—boss • gang leader
孩子们会挨家挨户地走访,交朋友,谈论不同的话题。 unicef.org | Children can go to every house, make new friends and talk about different issues. unicef.org |
他 们的建立了帮助不同群体的项目,包括无家可归者和流落 街 头 、 忍 饥 挨 饿 的儿 童。 thewpca.org | They set up projects to help [...] different groups of people including the homeless, [...]the hungry and street children. thewpca.org |
政黨、 商界人士根本不會熱衷於加入這種行事猶如 瞎 子 摸 象 的 挨 罵 團 隊,到頭來特 首又只能邀請同聲同氣的公務員加入。 legco.gov.hk | Political parties and the business sector will not have any interest in joining a team which is the target of criticisms, and which must grope in the dark in the course of its work. legco.gov.hk |
从去年你们开始讲禽流感以来,它还没来我们的市场,” 一位商贩头子库蒂 拉特.法萨斯说:“你们所说的禽流感与我们这里无关。 unicef.org | Since last year [when] you started talking about bird flu, it has not come to our market,” insisted a leader of the sellers, Kudirat Fasasi. unicef.org |
通过按钮可使推入的起子头缓慢伸出。 bauergroup.com | Bit insert slides out by push button operation. bauergroup.com |
这种原子挨原子的制 造方式几 乎具备无限灵活性,可用以创造任何物质、物 体、设备、机器或材料。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The advantage of this approach would be a nearly infinite flexibility to create any substance, object, device, machine or material through atom by atom construction. unesdoc.unesco.org |
展出了给世 界上忍饥挨饿的孩子们免费提供膳食援 助的 WFP 活动展板和接受援助的孩子 们画的绘画。 itochu.co.jp | The panels on display showed the World Food Programme’s school feeding activities as well as pictures drawn by children who receive WFP food assistance. itochu.co.jp |
2010 年 3 月 26 日,当局逮捕了在该城活动的一个犯罪组织 的 头子 , 里卡 多·瓦莱斯·德拉罗萨。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 26 March 2010, authorities arrested Ricardo Valles de la Rosa, the leader of a criminal organization that operates in that city. daccess-ods.un.org |
各代表团已经被告知逮捕了 Abdulmalik Rigi, 他是一名恐怖分子和所谓真主军的 头子 , 该 团伙过去 几年里一直在伊朗东南边界地带活动,进行武装抢劫 和恐怖主义行径,140 多名无辜的伊朗人,包括妇女 和儿童惨遭杀害,另有 260 多人受伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | Delegations have been informed of the arrest of Abdulmalik Rigi, a terrorist and gang leader of the socalled Jundallah, which has operated over the past few years along Iran’s south-east borders and conducted armed robberies and terrorist acts in which more than 140 innocent Iranians, including women and children, have been killed in the most horrific manner and over 260 wounded. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了以我深爱的祖国的名义发言外,我觉得当我 [...] 站在这里时,代表的是全世界所有妇女——那些默默 无闻的妇女,那些挨饿、无法养育子 女 的 妇女,那些 身患疾病、无法获得治疗的妇女,那些遭受暴力侵害 [...]或在工作、社会和家庭生活中受到歧视的妇女,以及 那些从事家务劳动、养育后代的妇女。 daccess-ods.un.org | Besides speaking on behalf of my own beloved country, I feel that when I stand up here I am representing all the women of the world — the [...] anonymous women, those who starve [...] and cannot feed their children, those who are suffering [...]from illnesses and cannot get [...]treatment, those who are victims of violence or who are discriminated against at work, in society and in their family life, and those who labour at home to bring up future generations. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些部门也是非技术性就业的来源, 因此能够利用否则可能被海盗头子利 用 的闲置人口。 daccess-ods.un.org | These sectors are also sources of [...] unskilled employment and, therefore able to harness the idle population that could otherwise [...] be exploited by the pirate leaders. daccess-ods.un.org |
她讲述了武装男子如何挨家挨 户破 门而入,村民由于村子被围而无法逃跑。 daccess-ods.un.org | She recounted how armed men went from house to house breaking down [...] the doors, and how people were prevented from [...]escaping because the village had been surrounded. daccess-ods.un.org |
它们每 一天都存在——每一天都有母亲为了 子 女 而 挨 饿 ;每 一天都有女童为了兄弟而被迫退学;每一天都有祖母 [...] 接手照管感染了艾滋病毒/艾滋病的孙子女,只因为 她是家里唯一幸存的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | They are challenges every day — every day when [...] a mother goes without food for the sake [...]of her child; every day when a girl is pulled [...]from school for the sake of her brother; every day when a grandmother takes in her grandchild with HIV/AIDS because, quite simply, she is the only one left in the family. daccess-ods.un.org |
深为关切千百万寡妇的子女忍饥挨饿 、 营养不良,做童工,难以得到保健服 务、水和环境卫生,失学、文盲,以及被贩运 daccess-ods.un.org | Deeply concerned that [...] millions of widows’ children face hunger, malnutrition, [...]child labour, difficult access to health care, [...]water and sanitation, loss of schooling, illiteracy and human trafficking daccess-ods.un.org |
带有防尘罩的手工工具,起子头具有推入和锁定功能。 bauergroup.com | Practical tool with closing cap, bit insert and ratchet function. bauergroup.com |
在金边有目的地对从事光盘刻录和淫秽光盘生产并在全国销售的场地 [...] 进行 突 击检查;逮 捕 了 违 法分子 头 目 , 没收了一批 大 型设 备 [...], 如 10 台 CD 光盘/VCD 光盘刻录机,1 台大型录音机和黑白照相机,刻录 好的非法 CD [...]光盘和 VCD 光盘,161 袋数十万张 CD 光盘和 VCD 光 盘,以及 95 盒 57 000 张非法 CD 光盘和 VCD 光盘。 daccess-ods.un.org | places where CD are distributed nationwide, as well as arrested the mastermind of [...] the offenders and confiscated some large equipment such as 10 [...] CD/VCD copy machines, 1 big voice recorder [...]and black-white camera, [...]copied illicit CDs and VCDs, and 161 bags of hundred thousands of CDs/VCDs and 95 cases of blank CDs and VCDs equal to 57,000 units in Phnom Penh and legal actions and procedures have been taken to solve those cases daccess-ods.un.org |
青年活动家们手持扬声器和测绘设备 , 挨 家 挨 户 地 走访,试图改善加尔各答贫民窟的现状。 unicef.org | Young activists armed with loudspeakers and mapping devices go from door to door, looking to transform the slums of Kolkata. unicef.org |
抱 此 立 場 的 人 認 為 , 保 持 緘 默 的 權 利 能 為 弱 者 、 不 成 熟 的 人 和 有 所 不 足 的 人 提 供 基 本 保 障,因 為 取 消 這 權 利 會 增 加 挨 不 住 警 方 詰 問 的 人 作 出 虛 假 供 認 的 風 險 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The right of silence is seen by those who take this position as an essential safeguard for the weak, the immature and the inadequate, since its removal could increase the risk of false confessions by those unable to withstand police interrogation. hkreform.gov.hk |
据第一申诉人称,他的祖父被当时的埃及国王授予 王 子头 衔。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.1 According to the first complainant, his grandfather was awarded [...] the title of Prince by the then [...]King of Egypt. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们说,通过在加尔各答贫民窟挨家 挨 户 地 走访,他们已经成功使其所在社区的脊髓灰质炎免疫接种率翻番 —— 现在的脊髓灰质炎免疫接种率已达到80%。 unicef.org | Going from door to door in the slums of Kolkata, they say, they’ve managed to double the immunization rate for polio in their neighbourhood – which now stands at 80 per cent. unicef.org |
这些事件从在巡逻车上涂写标语和涂鸦,到 石 头 、 子 弹 和其他投射物对车 辆造成的严重实物损害不一而足。 daccess-ods.un.org | These ranged from the painting of slogans [...] and graffiti on patrol vehicles to significant physical damage caused to [...] vehicles by rocks, bullets and other projectiles. daccess-ods.un.org |
用这种方 式定义纳米技术时,纳米技术的预想结果范围 就大大变窄了——工程师和科学家设计新方 [...] 法“自下而上”地制造各种产品和材料 ——意 即产品是在纳米级工厂中以原子挨原 子 的方 式制造出来的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By defining it in this manner, the proposed outcomes of nanotechnology are significantly narrower – engineers and scientists imaging ways of constructing all [...] kinds of products and materials ‘from the bottom up’ – meaning that they [...] are created atom by atom using nanoscale factories. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(b) 在 2015 年年底前,使世界上每日收入低于一美元的人口比例 和 挨 饿人 口比例降低一半,并在同一日期之前,使无法得到或负担不起安全饮用水的人口 比例降低一半。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) To halve, by 2015, the proportion of the world’s people whose income is less than one dollar a day and the proportion of people who suffer from hunger and, by the same date, to halve the proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe drinking water. daccess-ods.un.org |
为提示中国口岸检验检疫机构提前作好特殊货物的查验准备,对源自军事用途 的 子 弹 头 、 子 弹 壳、炮弹头、炮弹壳等特种废金属,必须在证书中表述“货物是军事废金属,已经仔细检验,未发现爆炸物”的证明语;对货物为集装箱直立状态下灌装的,必须在证书中表述“货物为直立灌装,小心开门以防伤人”的说明语。 aqsiq.biz | Chinese port inspection and quarantine for the prompt institution well in advance to prepare a special [...] inspection of goods, from the military [...] use of the bullet, bullet casings, artillery [...]shells head, shells and other special scrap [...]metal, must be expressed in the certificate, "the military cargo of scrap metal, has been carefully tested and found no explosives, "the proof of language; of goods under the filling of the container upright, must be expressed in the certificate" goods upright filling, carefully open the door to prevent injuries, "the description of language. aqsiq.biz |