单词 | 挥汗如雨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 挥汗如雨 —drip with sweatsweat poured off (him)
五楼中庭旁,占地千坪的统一Being Sport健身空间,,让您享受挥汗如雨的 运 动乐趣吗! master2011.com.tw | PCSC Being Sport Gym occupies 1,000 pyeong (or 3,306 square metres) at the fifth floor by the courtyard. master2011.com.tw |
像Dave和我这样的朋友关系是不多的,还记得多年前我们在华盛顿州把巨大的干草块一起推上18轮卡车,共 同 挥汗如雨。 sourcecodechina.com | Not many friends go as far back as Dave and I do, having shared the [...] sweat while loading larges bales of hay onto 18-wheelers together in Washington [...] State what seems like so many years ago. sourcecodechina.com |
正如秘书长在其最近一份报告(S/2010/127)中 强调的那样,阿富汗未来几个月对于朝着由阿 富汗 发挥更大主导作用过渡来说很关键。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Secretary-General stresses in his latest report (S/2010/127), the coming months in Afghanistan will be crucial with regard to the transition to a greater Afghan leadership. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,随着 时间的推移,与阿拉伯国家联盟的合 作 如雨 后春 笋般地发展,现已囊括了西亚经社会所 覆盖的所有实质性领域。 regionalcommissions.org | Over the years, however, cooperation with LAS has mushroomed and encompasses all substantive areas covered by ESCWA. regionalcommissions.org |
本血壓計和袖帶不防水﹐因此應避免 淋 雨汗 水和水。 aandd.jp | Protect the [...] device and cuff from rain, sweat and water. aandd.jp |
在冲突后形势中,例如伊拉 克、阿富汗、巴 勒斯坦被占领土、刚果民主共和国以及西非几个国家的情形 中,该平台仍发挥着其 作为受影响总部外办事处和总部迫切需要的协调机构 的职能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In post-conflict environments like Iraq, Afghanistan, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and several countries in West Africa, [...] the Platform continued its function [...]as a much needed coordination body for the affected field offices and Headquarters. unesdoc.unesco.org |
自那時開始,本港的自資專上 教育便得到長足的發展,各式各樣的自資課 程 如雨 後 春 筍般不斷湧 現。 legco.gov.hk | From that time onwards, self-financing post-secondary education has grown tremendously and all kinds of [...] self-financing programmes have mushroomed. legco.gov.hk |
秘书长的报告以及今天的通报都强调了以下一 些重要而明显的要素:阿富汗未来需要一种明智而现 实的政治愿景以及实现这一愿景的可靠政治进程;尽 管单靠军事努力无法解决阿富汗冲突,但我们不能忽 视安全保障对于确保在其他领域,例 如 在 治理、发展 和人权领域取得进展的重要性;必须使阿富汗政府本 身成为一个能够提供基本服务和采取反腐行动的可 靠、有效伙伴;此外,显然需要高度重视发展阿富汗 的能力,以便朝阿富汗人发挥主导 作用方向过渡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General’s report and today’s briefings underline some crucial and evident factors: the need for an intelligent, hard-headed political vision for Afghanistan’s future and a credible political process to achieve that vision; the fact that while military efforts alone will not resolve Afghanistan’s conflict, we cannot lose sight of the importance of security to making progress in other areas, such as governance, development and human rights; the indispensability of a credible and effective partner in the Afghan Government itself that can provide basic services and take action against corruption; and the obvious need to give priority to developing Afghan capabilities in order to transition to Afghan ownership. daccess-ods.un.org |
立法會選舉塵埃落定,各路專家的分析文章開 始 如雨 後 春 筍。 hkupop.hku.hk | The Legislative Council election is over and commentaries are flooding in. hkupop.hku.hk |
在我发言的最后,我要向安理会保证,欧洲联盟 将与实地包括联合国在内的其他国际行为体密切合 作和协调,在支持阿富汗方面继续发 挥 积 极 的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In closing my remarks, I would like to assure the Council that the European [...] Union will continue to play an active [...] role in supporting Afghanistan, in close cooperation [...]and coordination with other international [...]actors on the ground, including the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作重点的这种集中还使教科文组织得以在这五个领域中重新确立了在国际上的某种 “领导地位”,例如:在 达喀尔会议(2000 年 4 月)之后,它在全民教育运动中的总协调员 的作用得到了承认;它在世界水资源状况的评估和监测方面肩负的首要责任得到了承认;它 是联合国系统中生物伦理问题方面的“牵头人”;它在保护文化遗产的准则和活动(阿富 汗、伊拉克……)发挥着主 要监督者的作用;它在维护表达自由和建设知识社会方面发挥着 唯一一个在政府与公民社会之间进行对话的机构的作用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This concentration of effort has also enabled UNESCO to regain a degree of international “leadership” in these five fields, as is witnessed by, inter alia: the recognition (gradual and difficult, but real) of its role of general coordinator of the Education for All movement, after Dakar (April 2000); recognition, too, of its primary responsibility for the evaluation and monitoring of the state of water resources worldwide; its role as [...] “lead agency” for all [...] questions relating to bioethics within the United Nations system; its role of principal authority, in both normative and operational terms (in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere), with respect to the preservation of the cultural heritage; lastly, its role as the unique institution promoting dialogue, between government and civil society, in all matters relating to the defence of freedom of expression [...]and the organization of knowledge societies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该报告审视了大量适当技术和相 关管理做法,包括传统做法(如雨水集 蓄和储存)以及新技术和新兴技术(例如地 [...] 理信息系统),并讨论了为加速推广和采用这些技术和做法需要采取进一步行动 的关键领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | It reviews a host of appropriate technologies and associated management practices, [...] including traditional [...] practices (such as water harvesting [...]and storage) and new and emerging ones (such as geographical information [...]systems), and discusses key areas for future action to accelerate the diffusion and adoption of those technologies and practices. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十四届会议欣见完全由阿富汗当局负责举行了阿富汗的第一次选 举;强调联合国在促进阿富汗的和 平与稳定方面 发 挥 不 偏不倚的中心作用;请秘 书长在大会第六十四届会议期间每三个月向大会提交一次报告,报告阿富汗的事 [...] 态发展以及执行本决议的进展情况(第 64/11 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly, welcoming the first elections in Afghanistan run entirely under the responsibility of the Afghan [...] authorities, stressed the [...] central and impartial role of the United Nations in promoting peace and stability in Afghanistan, and requested [...]the Secretary-General [...]to report to the General Assembly every three months during its sixty-fourth session on developments in Afghanistan, as well as on the progress made in the implementation of the resolution (resolution 64/11). daccess-ods.un.org |
根据这项请求,并且 如果我们获得授权,联合国和联阿援助团随时准备发 挥作用,与阿富汗选举机构和其他国际伙伴一道提供 技术援助、支持选举进程、协调其他国际行为者的行 动以支持选举进程,以及引进捐助方资金。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conformity with [...] that request and if we are mandated to do so, the United Nations and UNAMA stand ready to play a role, alongside the Afghan electoral institutions [...]and other international [...]partners, in supporting the electoral process by providing technical assistance, coordinating other international actors supporting the process, and channelling donor funds. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些不听指令的人会被受以各种酷刑——开水、柏油、利箭、岩石还有一些早期的武器都 会 如雨 点 般落在这些人身上。 discoverireland.com | Uninvited guests were treated to boiling water, tar, arrows, rocks, and other early [...] weapons of mass destruction rained down on them from [...]overhead. discoverireland.com |
1992 年以来,中国大地如雨后春 笋般出现了无数的科技工业区(STIP),以经济激励措施和完备的科技基础设施,吸引中小型企业入驻其中。 australiachina.com.au | Since 1992, numerous Science and Technology Industrial Parks (STIPs) have been established to lure small and medium-sized enterprises with financial incentives and ready technological infrastructure. australiachina.com.au |
一 個入伙 不 足 3 年居屋單位 , 便 有 鋁窗鬆脫 掉 到 街 上;一個居屋單位的鹹 水 喉 設計錯誤, 以 致 喉 管外露 在 客 廳 , 並因曾 爆裂令 [...] 戶 主 損 失 傢俬和裝修;一個 居 屋單位因住 戶 在 走 廊洗地 [...] 而 令 樓下走 廊 的 天 花 出現裂縫, 水如雨 下;一個 入 伙 不 久 的 屋 苑的走 廊牆磚, [...]數 以 萬 計相繼 脫 落 ;最後 , 一個公屋屋 的 食 水 喉 [...]錯 駁 用作廁 所水的鹹 水。 legco.gov.hk | An aluminium window of a Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flat hardly occupied for three years fell off onto the street; owing to mistakes in design, the toilet water pipe of an HOS flat protruded into the sitting room and burst, damaging the furniture and furnishings; the occupant of an HOS flat in washing the corridor caused leakage to the ceiling [...] of the corridor beneath and water [...] poured down as if it was raining; the wall tiles [...]of a recently occupied HOS flat fell [...]off in tens of thousands; the fresh water pipes of a public housing estate were wrongly connected to the toilet water supply. legco.gov.hk |
另外一个需要注意的问题是,还需进一步定义教科文组织在新 援助方式下所发挥的作用,如直接 预算支持或全部门办法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On another note, there is also a need to [...] better define the role of UNESCO in the operation of new aid modalities, such as direct [...]budget support or sector-wide approaches. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,我们呼吁联合国在阿富汗发挥 更 为 有力的 作用,包括通过采取支持该国所有发展部门的各种努 力,以便使它能够在所有区域巩固和平、发展和稳定, 并且恢复它在区域和国际层面的自然地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, we [...] call for a stronger role for the United Nations in Afghanistan, including through [...]efforts to support all [...]development sectors in that country, so as to enable it to consolidate peace, development and stability in all regions and to restore its natural standing at the regional and international levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
记录盒和袖套不防水,防止雨水、汗 滴 或 水浸湿记录盒和袖套。 biosignal.fr | Prevent rain, sweat and water from wetting [...] the recorder and cuff. biosignal.fr |
他们欢迎2010年11月2日至3日在伊斯坦布尔举行的关于阿富汗的第四次区域经 [...] 济合作会议和2010年7月19日在喀布尔举行的由阿富汗政府主办的区域组织会 议,以及经济合作组织和东南亚区域合作协会在促进阿 富 汗 发 展 方面 发 挥 的重 要作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | They welcomed the Fourth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan held in Istanbul from 2 - 3 November 2010 as well as the meeting of the regional organisations hosted by the Government of Afghanistan on 19 July 2010 in Kabul and recognized the important role of the Economic [...] Cooperation Organization and the South Asian Association for Regional [...] Cooperation in promoting Afghanistan’s development. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于援助的协调和效用问题,这是联阿援助团应 该在阿富汗发挥的主要作用之一,我们赞赏援助团继 续关注特别代表在 [...] 2008 年 10 月安理会的上一次通报 中提到的一些基准,特别是为各项捐助编制一个单独 的政府数据库,以供参考。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding aid coordination and ensuring aid effectiveness [...] as one of the main roles that UNAMA [...] should be playing in Afghanistan, we salute the [...]Mission’s follow-up on some of the [...]benchmarks that the Special Representative presented to the Council at his last briefing in October 2008, especially on the development of a single Government database for information on donor contributions. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着安全过渡以及阿富汗部队发挥越 来越大的主导作用,当地安全机构需要在国 际支持下,通过采取设立减少平民伤亡中心等举措,在其业务活动中形成平民保 [...] 护和问责机制的制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the [...] security transition and Afghan forces increasingly [...]taking the lead, there is a need for local security institutions, [...]with international support, to institutionalize the protection of civilians and accountability mechanisms in their operations through initiatives such as the establishment of a civilian casualties mitigation centre. daccess-ods.un.org |
安 理 会 各成员和其他代表团表示欢迎联 合国在阿富汗发挥至关 重要的协调作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Council members and other delegations welcomed the [...] central coordinating role of the United Nations in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前,阿富汗境内有 1 500 多名西班牙军 人,主要部署在巴德吉斯省和赫拉特省,即阿 富 汗西 部指挥区总部。 daccess-ods.un.org | At present, more than 1,500 Spanish [...] soldiers are deployed [...] in Afghanistan, assigned mainly to the provinces of Badghis and Herat, at the Regional Command West headquarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
在多个会 员国开展的干预措施进展顺利(例如 阿 富 汗 和 刚 果民主共和国),在另一些国家开展的活动 [...] 落后于预定计划,到本双年度结束时产生可持续作用的前景受到影响(例如马达加斯加和莱 索托)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Interventions are well on track in a number of [...] Member States (e.g. Afghanistan and Democratic [...]Republic of the Congo), while activities [...]in some others (e.g. Madagascar and Lesotho) have fallen behind schedule, decreasing the possibility of having a sustainable impact by the end of this biennium. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 2011 年 7 月 7 [...] 日给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/419)中,秘书长宣布他 任命科特迪瓦问题专家组四名成员如 下 :伊 尔 汗 · 贝 尔 科尔(土耳其,海关-运输 专家)、奥马伊拉·贝穆德斯-卢戈(美利坚合众国,钻石专家)、若埃尔·沙莱克 [...] [...] (哥伦比亚,金融专家)和曼努埃尔·巴斯克斯-布瓦达尔(西班牙,区域专家)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a letter addressed to the President of the Security Council dated 7 July 2011 (S/2011/419), the Secretary-General announced [...] his appointment of four members of the [...] Group of Experts as follows: Ilhan Berkol (Turkey, [...]customs/transport expert), Omayra [...]Bermúdez-Lugo (United States of America, diamond expert), Joel Salek (Colombia, finance expert) and Manuel Vazquez-Boidard (Spain, regional expert). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,我们必须提到国际安全援助部队(安援部 队)在北约指挥下,同阿富汗国家 军队一道继续 发挥 的关键作用,以确保人民的安全并保护该国的基础设 施和机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, we cannot fail to [...] mention the crucial role that the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), under NATO command, continues to play alongside Afghan national forces [...]in ensuring the people’s [...]security and protecting the country’s infrastructure and institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,我国代表团要向联合国阿富 [...] 汗援助团、参与国际安全援助部队的各成员、其他 国际机构以及民间社会表示敬意;它们在建设一个 和平与民主的阿富汗的工作中发挥着 不 可或缺的作 用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, my delegation pays tribute to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, participating members of the International Security Assistance Force and other international agencies, [...] as well as civil society, all of which are playing [...] indispensable roles in building a peaceful and democratic Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |