

单词 挤眉弄眼

See also:




brows and eyes

眉眼 n

appearance n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 母生活在一起有生命或健康危险的情况下,儿童保护工作者会着手把儿童从父母 身弄走或剥夺父母的权利。
In cases where counselling does not yield expected results and the life or health of a child are in danger if they
continue to live with parents, a child protection
[...] worker may initiate removal of [...]
a child from a parent or deprivation of parental rights.
他们演示了夜晚如何在牢房地板上躺 下;他们像罐头沙丁鱼一挤在一起。
They demonstrated how they lay down on the cell floor at night; they were packed together like sardines in a tin.
普 通 市民不 知 道自己 的權益 , 正 所 謂 “ 水 不 浸眼 眉 便 不出聲 ” , 所以直 至 4 月 1 日後才 懂 得 發 聲 , 於 是 發生了上次這般嚴 重 的公眾恐 慌 。
Members of the public are not aware of their rights, and as the saying goes, "one does not speak out until he is at death's door"; the public spoke out only after 1 April and eventually gave rise to the serious public panic.
我们对第一批“基督再临论者”(犹太 人)和第二批“基督再临论者”都很同情, 虽然两批人中间只有一小部分人认识到并几 乎能领会理解真理了,但是他们并未领会, 他们各自都被错误的期弄瞎了眼睛。
We have great sympathy for both the First Adventists (the Jews) and the Second Adventists, though only a few of either realized the truths they so nearly apprehended, yet failed to grasp, each being blinded by false expectations.
挤加剧 了恶劣的物质 条件,对在监狱中生活或工作的每个人造成不利影响;它们使狱中的紧张局势增 [...]
加,囚犯之间和囚犯与工作人员之间的关系恶化,这反过来又增加了虐待的风 险。
Poor material conditions are
[...] exacerbated by overcrowding and adversely [...]
affect everyone living or working in prison; they
contribute to the tensions in custody and to the deterioration of relations among prisoners and between prisoners and staff, which in turn increases the risk of ill-treatment.
有時候,坦白說,專業做帳目的人,真的是“挑 眼眉 ” 的 ,要看管他 們,管理他們,別以為會很容易。
People whose profession is working with accounts are smart people and it is no easy task to oversee them and manage them.
其實,做成今日新界交 通運輸㆒團糟,歸根究柢,就是當年設計屯門衛星城市時候計劃錯誤,高估了衛星城 市可以提供的就業機會,完全無準確㆞預計到衛星城市不夠工做,居民便得長途跋涉 往返市區來謀生會帶來嚴重的問題,這個問題在今日來說,已經「水 眼眉 」 , 未來的 大型基本建設,尤其是新機場及海港西移,青衣、大嶼山又多建新的貨櫃碼頭、屯門 又將會發展內河碼頭 等,全部都使客運及貨運的樞紐,尤其㆗港陸路過境交通,重重㆞壓在新界方面,由 荃灣、葵青,以至大埔、元朗以至屯門。
Furthermore, the large infrastructure projects that are going to be built, particularly the new airport, the relocation of the port westward, the new container terminals at Tsing Yi and Lantau Island and the river port at Tuen Mun, will all put heavy pressure on the part of the New Territories stretching from Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun, as the New Territories become the pivot of passenger and cargo transport, especially in the case of the cross-border land traffic between China and Hong Kong.
最近,我跟政府官員 傾談,他們也真的說差不多是“水 眼眉 ” , 這並不是災難,而是真的有太 多錢。
In my recent talks with government officials, they actually said they were literally "drowned in a sea of funds", not because there was a calamity, but because there was too much money.
這 次水眼眉是真正的水眼眉,因為有不少島國最高的地方也只不過距 離海面的水平線不足4米,現在他們已經成為氣候難民,包括圖瓦盧、 [...]
基里巴斯、斐濟和東加等這些太平洋羣島;而新西蘭已跟他們簽署了協 議,便是接受這些氣候難民。
This is literally an overwhelming problem because the highest points [...]
of many island states are less than 4 m above sea level,
and the people of various states, including Pacific islands such as Tuvalu, Kiribati, Fiji and Tonga, have become climate change refugees.
与会者一致认为,为弄清楚 战略与计划之间的联系,应当认真评估预期结果,以衡 量有关计划是否实现了《中期战略》规定的目标。
Participants unanimously agreed, that in order to ascertain the linkage between strategy and programme, expected results should be carefully evaluated to assess whether the programme has achieved the objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy.
他们喜欢松散件多而弄方 便眼睛会动的玩偶和填充玩具。
They prefer dolls and stuffed toys with about a dozen diverse,
[...] easy-to-manipulate loose parts, and moving eyes.
据认为,在关于上述会议室文件所载的资料方面,无线电空间站的名义位 置(国际电联称之为“空间网络”)与卫星实际位置的对比结果显示,有相当 一部分的空间网络在这些位置上没有航天器,因此完全无法运作,如果中止未 使用的无线电空间站或者删除相关提议,那么地球静止轨道过度 挤 的 情 况将 会得到缓解,这将有益于该轨道的所有使用者。
The view was expressed that, with regard to the information contained in the above-mentioned conference room paper, a comparison of the nominal positions of radio space stations, known as “space networks” in the terminology of ITU, with actual positions of satellites had shown that a certain percentage of space networks had no spacecraft at those positions and thus were not able to operate at all, and that if the unused radio space stations were suspended or the relevant proposals deleted, the overcrowding in the geostationary orbit would be lessened, which would benefit all users of that orbit.
這些問題都放眼前,弄出那麼多的社會問題,我們竟然有能力而不去 做,為甚麼呢?
The issues are right in front of us.
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增重点包括此种暴力行为的 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 的推广;b) 全纳教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化学生群体需求的、对遭到 挤 和 被边缘 化的群体给予特别关注的教育体系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治如何在减少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾与质量有关的新的教育挑战。
In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as a follow-up to the recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions of such violence, the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality.
到 SARS 肆 虐 , 港 燈 只 是 叫 用 戶 申 請 電費貸 款 擔 保,對 “水眼 眉 ” 、 陷 於 倒閉邊緣 的 重 災 區 行 業,這些措 施 的 效用接近 “零”。
During the rampant attack of SARS, the HEC had only suggested its customers to apply for loan guarantee for electricity tariffs, but this was virtually useless to the hardest-hit industries which were in deep water and on the verge of folding up.
The SPT received consistent allegations about the general overcrowding of police facilities, and could itself observe situations of overcrowding.
有報章報道,王征並非亞洲電視有限公司(“亞視”)的董事,亦非 亞視管理層,更沒有申報為亞視股東,但由於他的親戚黃炳均購入了 52.4%亞視表決權股份,王征便可以亞視董事盛品儒“私人顧問”的身
份,成為亞視幕後的大老闆,成為亞視真正的“話事人”,可以出席亞 視高層會議,對於亞視的人事、行政、節目,甚至新聞,由間接干預 至直接操控,破壞了香港行之有效,用來監管電視的法規,視《廣播
[...] 條例》如無物,蔑視政府和廣播事務管理局(“廣管局”)的監管權力, 其實這已經是公然“剃政眼眉”。
He attends meetings of senior management of ATV, and wields indirect or direct control over ATV's personnel, administrative and programming matters, even news programmes. He has violated the long-established rules and regulations in Hong Kong on the effective supervision of television broadcasters,
ignored the Broadcasting Ordinance, and scorned the monitoring powers of
[...] the Government and the Broadcasting [...]
Authority (BA).
局長剛才回答李柱銘議員的 補充質詢時,我覺得她是有點自滿,不知道是否要到了“水 眼眉 ” 的 地 步,即出現大規模撤資時,政府才會多做一點事?
I do not know whether the Government will do something only when the worst has become imminent, that is when a large exodus of investment is actually taking place.
正如我在施政報告辯論時亦有提過目前的情況已 是「水眼眉」。
As I have pointed out during the debate on the policy address, the situation now is a pressing one.
和以往的1系相比,可見中控台上的扭鈕減少了,而錶板上方,則出現了一道類似 眼眉 的 設 計。
Compared to the current 1 Series, this new coupe will have
cleaner cabin design including fewer buttons on the center stack and an instrument panel
[...] with more of a dual-brow design.
我記得,當我尚未成為立法會議員時,我 曾向我們民主派的朋友提出以辭職來釀成公投,我當時所得到的,是眼和嘲弄,有人說:“你也不是議員,你當然可以說得風涼,叫我辭職 了 ”。
I can remember that before I became a Legislative Council Member, I once suggested to my friends in the democratic camp that they might resign as a means of bringing forth a de facto referendum.
以书为指导开展的活动使阿尔及利亚得 弄 清 该部门的情况并且与其他马格里布 国家进行交流。
For example, activities undertaken in conjunction with the book sector provided Algeria with an opportunity to review the state of the sector and to engage in exchanges with the other Maghreb countries.
因此,較佳的做 法是協助場地管理人加強能力,要求吸煙者把燃着的香煙、雪茄或煙弄熄;如該人沒有遵辦,則要求該人提供其姓名和地址,以及出示 身份證明文件,或要求該人離開禁煙區。
Hence, a better approach would be to help venue managers build up their capacity in requesting a smoker to extinguish a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe or where the person fails to do so, requiring him to give his name and address and to produce proof of identity or leave the no-smoking area.
(c) 如果所有其他通信手段都失灵,通过既有的督导员体系当面通知弄 清员工下落并保持联系的唯一途径。
(c) When all other communication fails, face-to-face communication through the established system of wardens is the only way to account for staff and to keep in touch.
香港的泛民主派不停受他們的逼 迫,一次又一次地被他們不停的弄 , 眼 巴 巴 錯失了機會。
The pan-democrats in Hong Kong have been oppressed by them, repeatedly deceived by them, thus missing many opportunities.
鑒 於此事涉 及 鉅 額 公 帑 , 他對於政府當局只 是 藉弄法律上的眼以支持 本 身 的 行 動 感 到 遺憾。
In view of the hefty sum of public monies involved, he considered it regretful that the Administration should seek to justify its actions by playing on words in the law.
政府也許會覺得,長者的教育問題不是“水 眼眉 ”, 可以慢一步處理。
The Government might hold that the education problem of the aged
[...] is not that "imminent", and that it [...]
can be dealt with later on.
我 覺 得 很 奇 怪 , 為 甚麼教育界 的 人士會對 教育這 樣沒有信心 , 我剛才聽了十多位 同 事發言 , 其 中 兩 位 來 自 教 育 界 的 同 事 都認為 教育是 10 年 、 20 年的事,可能他們聽慣 了 “十年 樹木, 百 年 樹 人 ” 的 說 法,因此, 認 為用這方法 來 應 付現時“水眼眉” 的 情況是 不 妥 的 。
Maybe they have grown used to the saying "it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to rear a person" that they think that this is not the right method to handle the current urgent situation.
主席,所以,我在數年前一直建議,在監警 會成立後,應僱用更多具有法律專業知識,尤其是擅長處理刑事案 件,經常為認罪口供、苦打成招的個案出庭盤問,對這類案件有透徹 瞭解、“挑眼眉”、 見微知著、洞悉力高、資深的刑事大律師,又或 者僱用一些退休的廉署或其他紀律部隊人員等。
Can they identify clues and loopholes easily? Chairman, that is why I have been advocating all these years that upon the establishment of the IPCC, it is vital to employ more legal professionals who are well-versed in handling criminal cases and who have to conduct cross examination in courts in connection with conviction statements or cases of confessions made under torture.




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