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不过,由於政 治上的反对势力法国及德国等部分成员国的开放市场计 划未成功推行。
However, in some member states such as France and Germany, the liberalization programme has not been successfully implemented because of political opposition.
[...] 即使立法会再加开多天会议,只会浪费时间, 因为他和另外两名议员决意有关架构 重组建议的拟议决议案。
He cautioned that it would only be a waste of time for the Council to meet on more days,
as he and the other two Members were
[...] determined to obstruct the passage of the [...]
proposed resolution on the re-organization proposals.
警务人员、《入境条例》(第 115 章)第 2(1)条所指的入境事务主任或入境事务 助理员、消防处人员、中国人民解放军人员、《香港海关条例》(第 342 章)所指的海关 人员、廉政公署的专员、副专员或廉署人员如需进入铁路处所或其任何部分执行紧急职 务,而假如第 41E 条对其适用则会重削弱其职务的执行,则第 41E 条对其不适 用。
By-law 41E shall not apply to a police officer, an immigration officer or immigration assistant within the meaning of section 2(1) of the Immigration Ordinance (Cap. 115), an officer of the Fire Services Department, a member of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, a member of the Customs and Excise Service within the meaning of the Customs and Excise Service Ordinance (Cap. 342), the Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner or an officer of the Independent Commission Against Corruption who requires access to the railway premises or any part thereof for the performance of his duty in circumstances of such urgency that the performance of his duty might be frustratedor seriously impaired if such by-law was to apply to him.
电 讯 局 亦 会 不 时检讨 及 修 订 有关守 则,以 加 强 防止营 办 商 蓄 意转 线 。
The OFTA will also review and amend the codes from time to time so as to further prevent the operators from wilful obstruction.
其 实 , 对 於这项 议 案所涉 及的事件,即 财政司司长的买 车 事件,我们要 研究的是,立法会究 竟 有否被致 未 能取得 任 何 资料、是 否未能 获得 政 府合作, 或该事件的复杂性 是 否 很 高 、 事 实 是 否 很 多和很 繁 复 , 以 致立法 会 要引用《立法会( 权 力 及 特 权 ) 条例》所 赋 予 的权力 ,成立专责委 员会。
In fact, regarding the incident involved in this motion, that is, the purchase of a car by the Financial Secretary, what we need to study is, whether the Legislative Council has been blocked from obtaining any information, or whether or not it has not procured the co-operation of the Government, or whether or not the incident has such a high degree of complexity, involving a lot of facts and complications that the Legislative Council has to exercise the power conferred by the Legislative Council (Power and Privileges) Ordinance to set up a select committee.
黄定光议员关注到,每当有部分议员 采取"拉布"策略以某些具争议性的法 案或议案时,由内务委员会主席与政府当局商 讨立法会会议议程上处理各项政府法案或议案 的先後次序,会否成为惯例。
Mr WONG Ting-kwong was concerned whether it would becomeausual practice for the Chairman of HC to discuss with the Administration on the order of Government bills or motions on the Agenda of the Council whenever filibustering was employed by some Members to obstruct the passage of certain controversial bills or motions.
依她之见,不支持委任 建议的小组委员会的议员可选择不加入该小组委员 会,而不应该小组委员会。
In her view, Members who did not support the appointment of the proposed subcommittee could choose not to join it but should not hinder its appointment.
他又批评某些议员浪费时间,频 频要求点算立法会会议法定人数,企图令立法
[...] 会会议因不足法定人数而休会,从而候任行政长官建议的政府总部新架构。
He also criticized the wasting of time caused by the frequent requests of some Members for counting the quorum of the Council with the deliberate intent of causing the Council
meeting to adjourn due to a lack of quorum, so
[...] as to obstruct the implementation [...]
of the new organization structure of the Government
Secretariat proposed by the CE-elect.
故意人员进行调查或隐瞒资 料者,均可被要求全數归还已获发的资助,更可能被检控。
Intentional obstructionto our staff in [...]
their course of investigation or concealment of information may lead to full recovery
of the financial assistance already paid and even court proceedings.
主席先生,想做新的、或是旧的殖民㆞孤臣孽子的㆟,请你们不要再㆟了;不 要再㆟迈向民主的步伐,否则你们只会被扫入历史的垃圾堆里。
Mr President, to those who want to be the “surviving courtiers” of the new or old colony, I call upon them not to hinder any more the progress ofthe Hong Kong people or the Chinese people in their march towards democracy, otherwise they will only end up in the rubbish heap of history.
若 我 们 能 充分理 解 法 治 的 意 义 和 角色, 并不屈行 其 原 则,便 可 确 保 我 们 的 社 会 能 继 续 发 展 和得享繁 荣 。
A thorough understanding of the meaning and role of the rule of law, and an unyielding commitment to abide by its principles, will ensure that our community grows and prospers into the future.
第36条下的3个分项,即:第36(a)条 “意图犯可 逮捕的罪行而袭击他人”、第36(b)条 “袭击、抗拒或故意当执行职务的任何警务人员或在协助该警务人员的 人 ”及第36(c)条 “意图抗拒或防止自己或其他人由於任何罪 行受到合法拘捕或扣留而袭击他人”。
The three sub-sections under section 36 are: section 36(a) "assaults any person with intent to commit an arrestable offence", section 36(b) "assaults, resists, or wilfully obstructs any police officer in the due execution of his duty or any person acting in aid of such officer", and section 36(c) "assaults any person with intent to resist or prevent the lawful apprehension or detainer of himself or of any other person for any offence".
再说得简单一点,阻碍我们的民主进程,根本无须“阿爷”出手, 只要我们这个议会内有“保皇派”、有“建制派”,他们一天不可 以有普选,那麽,普选其实是不会出现的。
As long as we continue to have the "royalists" and "pro-establishment camp" in this Chamber, as long as they keep causing obstructionand say that universal suffrage cannot be implemented, then actually universal suffrage will never be realized.
除非政府能运用其特权领导政府的运作,但又不机关的倡议,否则㆒个 在法律许可㆘日益据理力争的立法机关与㆒个处处扞卫领导特权的行政机关之间的 冲突,㆒定会导致某种政治僵局。
Unless the Government uses its prerogative to lead and not to frustrate initiatives, the confrontation between an increasingly and legitimately assertive legislature and an executive which jealously guards its leadership prerogative is a certain recipe for political deadlock.
纵使这种精神包括了一些我们认为值得 赞许的德行,例如百折怕失败、坚守诚信,接受竞争等 ― 据我 所知,梁刘柔芬议员也曾在其他场合谈过这些方面 ― 但最终来说,在整 个表述当中,企业精神便是指在资本主义市场经济之中竞赛的成功,而这个 成功的指标,便是以经济效益作为标准。
Although this spirit includes creditable virtues such as perseverance, resilience, standing fast to integrity and credibility, competitiveness, and so on ― as far as I know, Mrs Sophie LEUNG has also expounded on this aspect on some other occasions ― in the end, in her entire interpretation, entrepreneurship is defined as the success attained in the competition of a capitalistic market economy and the yardstick of such success is economic gains.
同样令㆟痛心的是,政府虽然建 树良多,却竟然怯於与立法局议员作正面交锋,宁可选择从㆗至否认立法局 存在的做法。
It is also saddening that, despite the achievements of the Government, it should lack the confidence to engage Legislative Council Members during the legislative process, but should instead choose to obstruct and deny the existence of the Legislative Council.
I would suggest that, other than academics, all kind of people, whether they are taxi-drivers, caf's waiters, Macdonald's cashiers, employed or waiting for employment, should not twist the facts.
尽 管 近 年 开 始 有 撤 销 管制的 做 法,而一些传 统工业亦 不 再 存在垄 断 , 政 府 仍 须 采 取 进一步 行动, 确 保 没 有 明 显 的 障 碍进入市场的人士及 保 障 消 费者权 益 。
Although deregulation took place in recent years and some traditional industries were no longer monopolies, further action is required to ensure that there are no explicit barriers to enter the market and that consumer rights are protected.
In modern civil societies, any person purposes to twist the facts to trade for his own selfish interests is likely to invite condemnation.
受市场剧烈竞争及价格下降影响,套管业务为集团提供的营运利 润贡献从二零零六年的 5,000,000 港元减至二零零七年的 4,100,000 港元。
Affected by the strong competition and price-cutting, operating profit contribution from plica tubes business to the Group decreased from HK$5.0 million in 2006 to HK$4.1 million in 2007.
为 了 公 众 利 益 , 刑 法 应 予 以 执 行 , 不 应 受 为 某 项 控 罪 作 证 的 人 任 意
It is in the public interest that the criminal law should be enforced and persons who are witnesses to prove an offence, should not be at liberty to prevent enforcement.
既然㆗国的最高领导㆟也承认制度的重要 性,也推许㆒个良好制度的建立,何以㆗方却㆒直恐惧香港建立㆒个民主的政制,千 方百计加以至在基本法内为香港未来的民主政制发展设㆘重重关卡呢?
Given that the top Chinese leader has admitted the importance of having a system and commended the establishment of a good system, why is China all along afraid of Hong Kong building up a democratic political system, so much so that it has tried all means to obstruct democratic development and even putting in place in the Basic Law hurdles after hurdles to the future development of democracy in Hong Kong?
如果有人认为我有直接金钱利益并认为我的投票权利应予剥夺,则 等於认为小组委员会可使用《立法会(权力及特权)条例》的法 律程序。
To accept that I have a direct pecuniary interest and to deprive me of my right to vote would be to accept that the Subcommittee may use the Powers and Privileges Ordinance to disrupt due legal process.
(译文:“我仍有一事要拜托他们:朋友们,等我的儿子长大 以後,如果你们发现他们重视钱财或其他东西更甚於重视德行,没有 出息而自以为是,那麽,请惩罚他们、,责备他们,就像我备你们一样,责备他们忽略了本应看重的事情,没有才能却 自命不凡。
When my sons are grown up, I would ask you, O my friends, to punish them; and I would have you trouble them, as I have troubled you, if they seem to care about riches, or anything, more than about virtue; or if they pretend to be something when they are really nothing, then reprove them, as I have reproved you, for not caring about that for which they ought to care, and thinking that they are something when they are really nothing.
其实,香港人争取普选,本来的意义是很清楚的,便是“一人一票”选 特首,是没有关卡的;“一人一票”选全体立法会议员,令人人有平等的权 利,没有人享有特权,没有人有多一票,没有人能够设立竞争的关 卡。
In fact, the original essence in Hong Kong people's effort in striving for universal suffrage is crystal clear: That it is the election of the Chief Executive on the basis of "one person, one vote" and it should be free of any hurdles; and that it is the election of all the Members of the Legislative Council on the basis of "one person, one vote", which will enable everyone to have equal rights, with no one enjoying any special privileges, no one having any extra votes and no one being able to set up any hurdle that may interfere with fair competition.
(c)查以确保结构构件的最多於跨度的 1/180,而当采用制造商时,应有支持其數 值的测试建议。
(c) deflection checks to ensure that the maximum deflection of the structural elements does not exceed span/180 and, where deflection value is adopted from manufacturers, proposal on substantiation test.
(b) 结构计算文件包括原身结构的设计检查、拟建幕墙系统 的结构足够度和稳定性分析、铝合金构件设计、固定构 件、玻璃构件的设计及主要承重构件
(b) structural calculations comprising design check on the parent structure, analysis on the structural adequacy and stability of the proposed curtain wall system, element design for aluminium alloy, fixing components, glazing, and deflection check on major load carrying members
由於投机者(拉丁 Speculare,关注,敬请期待)类似於一个海盗,时准备改变路线,能够去抢劫和掠夺任何一个城市在​​海边,他认为是不受保护的。
Since the speculator (Latin Speculare, Watch, stay tuned) resembles a pirate, a filibuster, always ready to change the route to be able to go loot and plunder any city by the sea that he perceives to be unprotected.
除了最大许可应力之外,相[% ]涉及到梁的长度的时候是两外一个参数,它可能通常决定梁是否足够。
In addition to the maximum permitted stress, the relative deflection in [%] related to the length of the field (of the beam) is another parameter which may decide and usually decides whether the beam is sufficient or not.
本 公 司 知 悉 , 根 据 收 购 守 则 第 4.1 条 , 当 董 事 会 一 经 接 获 收 购 建 议 时 , 在 未 获 股 东 於 股 东 大 会 上 批 准 前 , 董 事 会 在 本 公 司 事 务 上 , 不 得 采 取 任 何 行 动 , 其 效 果 足 以收 购 建 议 或 剥 夺 股 东 判 断 该 项 收 购 建 议 利 弊 之 机 会 。
It was noted that according to Rule 4.1 of the Takeovers Code, once the Offers had been communicated to the Board, no action which could effectively result in an offer being frustrated, or in the Shareholders being denied an opportunity to decide on the merits of an offer, shall be taken by the Board in relation to the affairs of the Company without approval of the Shareholders in a general meeting.




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