单词 | 挝 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:老挝的adj—Laoadj 老挝语n—Laotiann
本公司致力於 [...] 各个组织之可持续性架构,并以其於老挝的Sepon 矿山作为试点矿场协助 ICMM [...]制定处理及解决社区关注 及不满事宜之指引。 mmg.com | The Company is committed to the sustainability [...] frameworks of each organisation and has made its [...] Sepon minein Laos available as a pilot [...]testing site to assist the ICMM to develop [...]a guide on handling and resolving community concerns and grievances. mmg.com |
确定环境与社会影响评价范围所需的项目职权范围已提交予老挝政府,使得在进一步整理数据及现场工作展 [...] 开的同时,许可程序能够启动。 mmg.com | The project Terms of Reference required to establish the scope for the [...] Environmental and Social Impact Assessment was [...] submittedto the Laos government, enabling [...]the permitting process to commence while [...]further data collation and field work is carried out. mmg.com |
附注: 澳洲及老挝所适用之税率分别为30%及33%。 mmg.com | Note: The taxation rates applicable in [...] AustraliaandLaos are 30% and 33% [...]respectively. mmg.com |
老挝Sepon 业务於二零一二年二月二十八日发生悲剧事故,涉及一台压土机并造成一名承包商不幸丧 生。 mmg.com | A tragic incident occurred on 28 February 2012 involving a contractor and compactor resulting in a fatality at our Sepon operation in Laos. mmg.com |
其中 52%来自 当地,41%来自老挝其他地区,7%为外籍人员。 mmg.com | Of this number, 52% were from the local area, 41% from [...] other partsof Laos and7% were expatriates. mmg.com |
我们位於老挝的Sepon业务於上月发生致命事故,为此我们深感悲痛。 mmg.com | Last month we were immensely saddened by the fatality that occurred at our Sepon operation in the Laos PDR. mmg.com |
MMG 因该项收购而成立,并成为在澳洲及老挝拥有采矿业务及在澳洲、东南亚、中国及 [...] 北 美拥有勘 探及开发项 目之领先矿产 及金属企业 。 mmg.com | The acquisition resulted in the formation of MMG creating a leading minerals [...] and metals business with mining operations in [...] Australiaand Laosand exploration [...]and development projects in Australia, South-East [...]Asia, the PRC and North America. mmg.com |
透过联合国儿童基金会网站展开的匹配捐助活动以及老挝1000天项目等计划,有关合作旨在传播锌及其他微量元素的益处,以预防慢性腹泻造成的死亡,以及在儿童早期发育阶段微量元素缺乏带来的终身影响。 minmetalsresources.com | Through a matched giving campaign via the UNICEF website, and [...] programs such asthe Lao1000Day project, [...]the partnership aims to distribute the benefits [...]of zinc and other micronutrients to prevent the deaths associated with chronic diarrhea and the life-long impacts of micronutrient deficiencies in early childhood development. minmetalsresources.com |
受惠於基本金属价格持续上扬,澳洲及老挝的业务保持强健的产量;所有全年业务的 年产能预期维持不变。 mmg.com | Annual production guidance remains unchanged for all operations. mmg.com |
於本公司收购 MMG 後, LXML 与老挝政府的交易於二零一零年十二月三十一日成为本公司的关连交易。而本公司将就该交易 [...] 遵守上市规则第 14A.41 条。 mmg.com | The transactions between [...] LXML and the Lao Government became [...]connected transactions for the Company on 31 December 2010 following [...]the acquisition of MMG by the Company, and the Company will comply with Listing Rule 14A.41 in respect of these transactions. mmg.com |
本集团为世界最大的锌生产 [...] 商之一,且从事铜、铅、金和银的开采、加工和生産,目前采矿业务位於澳洲及老挝,并在澳洲、 亚洲及北美地区拥有大量的後期及初期勘探项目组合。 mmg.com | It is one of the world's largest producers of zinc, and is engaged in mining, processing and production of copper, lead, gold and silver, and [...] currently has mining operations located in [...] Australia and Laos and alarge portfolio [...]of advanced and early stage exploration [...]projects in Australia, Asia and North America. mmg.com |
联合国儿童基金会及五矿资源有限公司(「MMG」)与老挝卫生部合作改善老挝南部地区儿童的营养状况。 minmetalsresources.com | UNICEF and MMG have partnered with the Laos Ministry of Health to improve the nutrition of children in SouthernLaos. minmetalsresources.com |
本公司目前经营位於澳洲的 Century、Golden Grove 及 Rosebery 矿山,位於刚果民主共和国(「刚果」)的 [...] Kinsevere 矿山以及位於老挝的LXML Sepon 矿山。 mmg.com | The Company currently operates the Century, Golden Grove and [...] Rosebery mines in Australia, the Kinsevere mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) [...] and the LXML Sepon minein Laos. mmg.com |
3月20日:两只幼崽——小公熊 布兰德利(Bradley)和小母熊辛 [...] 特隆(Cintron)被边防人员从老挝、柬埔寨的边界解救回来。 animalsasia.org | 20 March: Two more tiny cubs, Bradley, a male, and Cintron, a female, joined us after being confiscated by border [...] guards near theLaos–Cambodian border. animalsasia.org |
於二零零四年二月二十六日,本公司全资附属公司与 Electricite Du [...] Laos(「EDL」)订立购电协议,据 此,LXML 同意就在老挝共和国经营 Sepon 项目向 [...]EDL 购买能源(「购电协议」)。 mmg.com | On 26 February 2004, LXML, a 90%-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a Power Purchase Agreement with Electricite Du Laos (EDL), pursuant to which LXML [...] agreed to purchase energy from EDL for the purposes of operating the [...] Sepon project in Laos PDF (Power Purchase [...]Agreement). mmg.com |
向非控制性权益支付股息15.0百万美元指LXML於二零一二年二月向老挝政府支付款项(二零一一年︰无)。 mmg.com | The dividend paid to non-controlling interests of US$15.0 million relates to the amount paid to the Government ofLaos byLXML in February 2012 (2011: nil). mmg.com |
初步检查後,奥比斯的义务眼科医生,来自Valley Eye Associates、在威斯康辛州大学担任临床助理教授的Michael Vrabec认为桑哥的个案对当地Preah Ang Duong医院(我们的东道主),以及由老挝和缅甸来访的医生来说,将会是个非常宝贵的教学题材。 ukorbis.org | Dr. Michael Vrabec, ORBIS volunteer ophthalmologist from Valley Eye Associates and assistant clinical professor at the University of Wisconsin, in the United States, conducted Song's preliminary examination and believed that Song’s case would have great teaching value for the local ophthalmologists at Preah Ang Duong Hospital, the host eye center, as well as the visiting ophthalmologists from Laos and Myanmar. ukorbis.org |
本公司就管理国际铜矿项目而言, [...] 从勘探到生产,在发展中市场均拥有可寻的成功记录,其位於老挝的Sepon铜/金矿可谓典范。 mmg.com | The Company has a proven track record of managing copper projects on an [...] international basis, from exploration through to production, in developing markets, typified by its [...] Sepon copper/gold mine inLaos. mmg.com |
MMG在老挝南部Savannakhet省经营Sepon矿山,MMG承诺该计划在三年期间捐赠1.4百万美元,以派发约4百万个微量元素包,其中包含重要维生素、锌及其他营养素。 minmetalsresources.com | MMG Limited, which operates the Sepon Mine in Savannakhet province in Southern Laos, has pledged US$ 1.4 million over a three-year period to an initiative that will distribute approximately 4 million micronutrient sachets which contain important vitamins, zinc and other nutrients. minmetalsresources.com |
在Bereuter先生的任期内,该基金会在印度、老挝和马来西亚重新开设了办事处,并且在新加坡建立了业务,以扩展该机构做为亚洲发展资源的业务和地位。 businesswirechina.com | They are located throughout the Foundation’s 18 offices across the Asia-Pacific, and in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. During Mr. Bereuter’s tenure, offices were reopened in India, Laos, and Malaysia, and a presence established in Singapore, to increase the organization’s presence and position as a resource for development in Asia. businesswirechina.com |
MMG 采矿业务包括位於昆士兰州的 Century 锌/铅矿、位於塔斯曼尼亚的 Rosebery 铅/锌矿、位於西澳洲 的 Golden [...] Grove 铜/锌矿,以及位於老挝的Sepon 铜/金矿项目。 mmg.com | MMG’s mining operations comprise the Century zinc/ lead mine in Queensland, the Rosebery [...] lead/zinc mine in Tasmania, the Golden Grove copper/zinc mine in Western Australia and the [...] Sepon copper/gold project in Laos. mmg.com |
这次旅程终止在远方那被大自然祝福的土地上,巴拉圭仓木的男性气息融和老挝安息香胶产生了一股强烈的棕色皮革香调并赋予这款香氛独特的气质:神秘、迷人而充满诱惑。 hk.eternal.hk | A masculine scent, Passenger Pour Homme is for the discriminating gentleman who prefers subtlety and refinement over a boorish show of strength. hk.eternal.hk |