单词 | 挑灯拨火 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 挑灯拨火 —provokesow discordSee also:挑灯—raise a lantern • light a lamp 挑拨—instigate • incite disharmony 灯火—lights
缓慢地打开喷灯火焰调节阀并使用冲击器点燃火焰。 graco.com | Slowly open torch flame adjusting valve and use striker to ignite flame. graco.com |
索伦管理禁用的斑点,飞入森林火灾和设置一 盏 灯火 焰 ,冒着自己的生命。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Soren manages to disable the flecks, by flying into [...] the forest fire and setting a lamp into flames, risking his [...]own life. seekcartoon.com |
完全关闭喷灯火焰调节阀。 graco.com | Fully close torch flame adjusting valve. graco.com |
西部的最近经验即使避免灯火管制 ,电价浮动 仍然有很大危险。 efchina.org | Recent experience in the West shows that even if blackouts can be avoided, there is still a large risk of very high electricity prices. efchina.org |
此外,就在昨天,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚 胡傲慢并挑拨性地 宣布,以色列永远不会同意任何关于撤出约旦河谷的和平解决 [...] 方案,而以色列自 1967 年以来一直占领这一大片的巴勒斯坦领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, just yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu [...] arrogantly and provocatively declared that Israel [...]would never agree under any peace [...]settlement to withdraw from the Jordan Valley, a large part of the Palestinian Territory that has been occupied by Israel since 1967. daccess-ods.un.org |
很遗憾,海湾阿拉伯国家合作委员会成员国必须再次应对伊朗对海合会事务 [...] 的干涉,如委员会第 120 次部长级会议声明所述:“委员会谴责伊朗继续对海合 会成员国的内部事务进行干预和公然 挑拨。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is unfortunate that the members of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf must once again address Iranian meddling in GCC affairs, as reflected in the 120th Ministerial Council session statement: [...] “The Council condemns Iran’s continuing [...] intervention and blatant provocations in the internal affairs [...]of the GCC States. daccess-ods.un.org |
参加磋商者吁请吉尔吉斯斯坦多民族人民不要受 到 挑拨 和 教唆的影响,不要 使用暴力和武器解决积累的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The participants in the consultations [...] appealed to the multi-ethnic people of [...] Kyrgyzstan to resist provocation and incitement, [...]and to refrain from seeking to solve the [...]growing problems by means of violence and the resort to arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
请您作好准备,观赏爱丁堡巍峨的亚瑟王座 山 灯火 通 明 ,而组成光源的竟然是人群!作为伦敦 2012 文化节和爱丁堡国际文化节活动的一部分,NVA的光之速将让人们在成群结队在山上跑步和步行之前穿上特别的发光服,点亮爱丁堡的自然景观。 visitbritain.com | As part of London 2012 Festival and Edinburgh International Festival, NVA’s Speed of Light will illuminate Edinburgh’s natural landmark by dressing runners and walkers in special light suits, before they start running to and from the hill en masse. visitbritain.com |
鉴于南罗得西亚的挑拨和挑衅行为,以及南非对南罗得西亚持续的军事干涉,安全理事会于1973年2月2日决定派出由四个安理会成员国组成的安全理事会特派团,以评估该地区局势和赞比亚在维护用于保持正常交通的替代公路、铁路、航空和海上交通系统方面的需求。 un.org | In view of provocations and aggressive actions [...] by Southern Rhodesia as well as the continued military interventions in Southern [...]Rhodesia by South Africa, the dispatch of the Special Mission of the Security Council, consisting of four Council members, was decided on 2 February 1973, to assess the situation in the area and the needs of Zambia, in maintaining alternative systems of road, rail, air and sea communications for the normal flow of traffic. un.org |
当夜晚来临的时候,我们应该做的是回到温暖的港湾,放松自己的心灵,不再感受白天黑夜不分明的生活,不再留 恋 灯火 通 明 的街道。 east-view.com.cn | When the night comes, we should do is back to the [...] warm harbor, relax your spirit, and no longer feel not clear day and night life, no [...] longer see the lights in the streets. east-view.com.cn |
环境和自然资源部认为,这是一个由国家各部门、特别是发展理事会和市乡 政府广泛地持续参与的进程,以审查未来 的 挑 战 、 指 拨 资 源 和确定完成时限,使 到在国家所有行动者的合作下,实现可持续发展,造福人民。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the case of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, there was a process with which it began broad and ongoing participation by the different national sectors, especially through the Development [...] Councils and the municipal governments, to [...] review future challenges, allocate resources and [...]establish time frames for execution, [...]to ensure that sustainable development would be obtained with the collaboration of all national actors to benefit the population. daccess-ods.un.org |
这显然已经不简单是一个馈赠仪式,年逾古稀的老人克服了重重困难,不远千里来到宏源,这盏灯已远远超过它本身的价值,他传递给宏源的是一支照明界的火炬,更传承了一种科技创新引领的照明精神,创新始终是照明事业的灵魂,老人期待的是宏源将照明精神永远铭记,将这盏凝聚着照明精神 的 灯火 永 远燃烧,世代传承。 cn.lvd.cc | Mr. Shen wished Hongyuan to always remember the lighting essence and let the lamp burn forever and be passed from generation to generation. en.lvd.cc |
这一夜,小孩子们第一次看到装饰点燃的圣诞树 , 灯火 辉 煌 ,树下摆着包好的礼物。 swissworld.org | This is the evening on which small children get to see the decorated and lit tree in all its splendour for the first time, complete with wrapped gifts underneath. swissworld.org |
中国与西方国家在政策目标上存在分歧,缅甸还在不 断 挑拨 中 国 和西方国家的竞争关系。 crisisgroup.org | China also diverges from the West in the goals for which it is prepared to use its influence. crisisgroup.org |
古巴深为关切以色列 继续毁坏巴勒斯坦人的住家,驱逐东耶路撒冷的巴勒 [...] 斯坦家庭,以及极端主义定居者针对巴勒斯坦人口和 圣地进行的其他非法煽动、挑拨和攻击行为,这使得 目前的形势非常不稳定和危险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba is deeply concerned about Israel’s continued demolition of Palestinian homes and eviction of Palestinian families in East [...] Jerusalem, as well as other illegal [...] acts of incitement, provocation and aggression by [...]extremist settlers against the Palestinian [...]population and holy places, which have made the present situation very unstable and dangerous. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊朗企图在阿拉伯国家挑拨离间和引 发教派纷争的行为构成对主权的侵犯,违反国际准则和国际法以及《联合国宪章》 和伊斯兰合作组织所倡导的睦邻友好原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Iran’s attempt to sow discord and promote sectarian strife in the Arab countries constitutes a violation of sovereignty and contradicts international norms and laws and the principles of good-neighbourliness, principles enshrined both in the United Nations Charter and in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果电池已完全放电,那 么必须等待几分钟后显示屏上才会显示充电指 示 灯 以及 拨打电话。 sonimtech.com | If the battery is completely discharged, it may take a few minutes before the charging indicator appears on the display or before any calls can be made. sonimtech.com |
这项战略必须解 决产生恐怖主义的根源,其中包括:非法使用武力、 侵略、外国占领、长期未能解决的冲突、不断加剧的 国际争端、剥夺生活在外国占领下的人民寻求自决的 权利、政治和经济上的不公平以及政治边缘化 和 挑拨 离间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The OIC group reiterates its support for a comprehensive strategy to combat terrorism that must address the root causes of terrorism, including the unlawful use of force, aggression, foreign occupation, prolonged unresolved conflicts, festering international disputes, the denial of the right of peoples living under foreign occupation to self-determination, political and economic injustices, and political marginalization and alienation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在启动阶段遇到最初挑战后,最初调 拨的 1 000 万美元下的 12 个建设和平 项目的执行进展顺利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The implementation of the 12 peacebuilding [...] projects under the first allocation of $10 million proceeded [...] smoothly, following initial challenges in the start-up phase. daccess-ods.un.org |
游客们可以选择坐火车“Bimmel Bahnen”环游四个主要的圣诞市场,其中最大的圣诞市场就位于科隆大教堂外,一大 片 灯火 辉 煌 的帐篷区就是了,这里有上百种娱乐活动。 vantageshanghai.com | Visitors can opt for a train service “Bimmel Bahnen” that travels in a loop, passing four of the major markets. Sprawling out under starlit tents against the backdrop of gothic Cologne Cathedral is the main market, providing more than one hundred stage events for entertainment. vantageshanghai.com |
南朝鲜在包括延坪岛在内的朝鲜西海五岛纠集了大量攻击力量之后,伺 机挑 衅,同时制订火炮发 射计划和傀儡军队飞行队发射计划,以保卫“北方界限”。 daccess-ods.un.org | After amassing huge strike means on five islands in the West Sea of Korea, including Yonphyong Island, [...] south Korea watched for an [...] opportunity of provocation while working out a firing plan of artillery pieces and [...]flying corps of the puppet [...]army for the defence of the “northern limit line”. daccess-ods.un.org |
對於奧運火炬手的挑選, 很多人已經發表了意見。 legco.gov.hk | Many Members have expressed their views [...] on the selection of Olympic torchbearers. legco.gov.hk |
14 朝鲜政府最新的一轮挑衅——火箭发 射、退出六方 会谈以及五月二十五日的核测试——让中国开始 [...] 重新审视对朝政策,加深了其对邻邦政策的怀疑。 crisisgroup.org | A rocket launch, the withdrawal from the Six-Party [...] Talks, and the 25 May nuclear test all deepened doubts in China about [...]its policies towards its neighbour. crisisgroup.org |
该建筑物的室内净高2.8米,并采用了特制悬吊式条形照明系统,即便在夜间从御堂筋大道上看去也 是 灯火 通 明。 nikken.jp | With a ceiling height of 2.8m and special suspended strip lighting the whole building seems luminescent at night from Midosuji Boulevard. nikken.jp |
目前波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那需要其社区的 [...] 团结和支持,以便应对它面临的重建与发展的巨大挑 战,加剧紧张局势和进行挑拨和分裂,对任何社区都 没有好处。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not in the interest of any community to exacerbate the tension and sow discord and divisiveness at a time when Bosnia and Herzegovina needs unity and the support of [...] the communities making it up in order to [...] take up the vast challenges of reconstruction [...]and development that it is facing. daccess-ods.un.org |
地区中心的资金来源如下:印度政府 拨 付 的 启动资金;教科文组织根据大会决 定 拨 付 的 启动 活动资金;该地区的教科文组织其他会员国通过地区中心的行政管理机制按照商定程序为建立核 心基金可能提供的捐助;地区中心同政府间组织和国际非政府组织共同开发的外部财源;以及收 [...] 取的服务费。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Regional Centre’s resources shall derive from [...] catalytic funds allotted by [...] the Government and, for start-up activities, by UNESCO, subject to the decisions of the General [...]Conference, as well [...]as from such contributions as it may receive from other Member States of UNESCO within the region for the establishment of a core fund following an agreed process through the administrative mechanisms of the Regional Centre, from external sources to be explored with intergovernmental organizations and international non-governmental organizations, and from payments for services rendered. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国家必须尊重和 [...] 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加 和 拨 出 必 要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如,街头流浪儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 [...] 被拐卖的儿童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | States must respect and promote the rights of [...] children living in poverty, including by [...] strengthening and allocating the necessary [...]resources to child protection strategies [...]and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于为“为发展而合作” 划拨正常 计划资金的问题,会议认为,关于预算外资金创收 之所用,只需少量资金,不应动用由正常计划供资的其它计划活动的费用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As regards earmarking of regular programme funds for “cooperation for development”, for the purpose of generating extrabudgetary funds, the point was made that this should only entail modest funds and not be at the expense of other programme activities to be funded from the regular programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
皇轩酒店5 Spice西餐厅诚邀您共享东南亚火锅自助晚餐,冬荫功、咖喱、沙爹、肉骨茶等多 种 火 锅 汤 底任 你 挑 选 ,正宗东南亚式美 味 火 锅 是 这个冬季最诱惑难挡的美味。 astahotel.com | Asta Hotel 5 Spice Restaurant greets all the guests to enjoy the new taste of Southeast [...] Asian hot pot [...] buffet dinner, there are variety of hot pot soup such as Tom Yum Goong, Curry, Satay and Bak Kut you can choose, authentic Southeast Asian delicious hot pot is the [...]first choice for you in this winter. astahotel.com |