

单词 按照法律

See also:


in accordance with
according to
on the basis of
in the light of


keep atv


laws and decrees



External sources (not reviewed)

一些发言者还认为,第 B1 条草案 规定驱逐的决定必按照法律,它也应该适用于在驱逐国境内非法居留的外 国人。
Several speakers were also of the view that draft article B1, under
which a decision on
[...] expulsionmust be reached in accordance with the law, should also apply to aliens unlawfullyin the territory [...]
of the expelling State.
有人还建议,应明确指出,任何驱逐应该具备合法的理由,任何驱逐的理由 必按照法律定予以确定。
It was also proposed that it should be clearly stated that any
expulsion had to rest
[...] on legitimate grounds and that any ground for expulsion had to be determined in accordance with thelaw.
出版自由承认创设报章及出版 物的权利不受审查、许可、存放、前置条件以按照法律定有权自由印制和 发行出版。
Freedom of the press also encompasses the right to found newspapers and other publications, without censorship and independent of any authorization, deposit or prior
qualification, and the right to free and unopposed,
[...] unless by meansprovided forin law, printing and [...]
circulation of publications.
剥夺所 有权按照法律理 条例规定 的方式和程序进 行,且要支 付 公正公 平的补偿。
An ownership
[...] deprivation shall becarried out in accordance with the forms and procedures provided by lawand regulations [...]
and only after the
payment of just and equitable compensation.
玻利维亚重申其对所有 暴力和种族主义袭击的受害者所作的承诺,表示它将确按照法律责任者。
Bolivia reaffirmed its commitment to all victims
of violent and racist attacks, indicating that it will ensure that those
[...] responsible are punished according to the law.
按照法律,波兰的公司治理 结构基本是两层的,并且经营管理权和监督权 分开,监督权由监督委员会行使。
The Polish corporate governance system is basically a two-tier system and the separation of the management and oversight functions carried out by the supervisory board is prescribed by law.
对此项权利的行 使不得加以限制,除按照法律在民主社会中为维护国家安全或公共安全、 公共秩序,保护公共卫生或道德或他人的权利和自由的需要而加的限制。
No restrictions may be placed on the
exercise of this right other than those
[...] imposed in conformity with the lawand whichare necessary [...]
in a democratic society in
the interests of national security or public safety, public order, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
吉尔吉斯 共和国按照法律的程序向受政治迫害的外国人或无国籍人士提供避难权。
Kyrgyzstan may grant a right of
[...] asylum, in conformity withthe law, to foreign [...]
citizens and stateless persons who are persecuted for political reasons.
(b) 确保对移民儿童和少年的拘按照法律,并且是作为最后手段, 拘留时间尽可能短
(b) Ensure that the detention of migrant
children and adolescents is carried out in
[...] accordance with thelaw and used only as a [...]
last resort and for the shortest possible time
各方应按照法律理他们的协议,保护自己的利 益,并且保证协议生效。
Parties should govern the
[...] agreement under thelaw that will secure [...]
their interest and will guarantee that the agreement will come into effect.
在决定一个问题时,信息委员会具有广泛的补救权力,包括: 命令公共机构采取必要的步骤,确保依照法律的以某种特定的形式来提供信息获取的渠道,
[...] [...] 通过指定新信息官员、公布某些信息、改变其记录管理系统、通过加强给官员提供的培训或 要求向委员会提供年度报告;要求公共机构补偿投诉人;按照法律,施加任何其它惩罚 措施,例如,对阻挠信息公开的信息官员进行罚款(第 [...]
19 条第 ( 7 ) -( 8 )款) 。
In deciding a matter, an Information Commission has wide remedial powers, including to: order the public body to take such steps as may be necessary to secure compliance with the Law by providing access, in a particular form, by appointing information officers, by publishing certain information, by making changes to its record management systems, by enhancing the provision of training to its officials or by providing the Commission with an annual report; require the public body to
compensate the
[...] complainant;or impose anyother penalties provided for under the Law, for example [...]
to fine an information
officer for obstructing access (sections 19(7)-(8)).
A State may, in particular, expel an alien on the grounds of public order or public security,in accordance with the law.
公 司 严按 照 法 律规 和《深 圳 证 券 交 易 所 上 市 公 司 公 平 信 息 披 露 》以 及《公 司 章 程 》的 规 定,真 实、准 确、完 整、 及 时 地 披 露 相 关 信 息,并 确 保 全 体 股 东 有 平 等 的 机 会 获 取 信 息。
Relevant information is disclosed in strict compliance with Rules on Fair Information Disclosure by Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles in a true, accurate, complete and timely manner, and ensures that all shareholders have equal access to information.
(2) 任何授权人员可将他合理地怀疑已违反或企图违反本附例某 条文的人移离吊车系统或吊车系统区(如有需要可使用合理武力);如该违 反事项属本附例所订的罪行,在不影响按照本附例可施加的任何处罚 或附
[...] 加费的原则下,该授权人员可扣留该人,直至将该人交由警务人员羁押以便按照法律为止。
(2) An authorized official may remove (if necessary by the use of reasonable force) from the Cable Car System or Cable Car System area any person whom he reasonably suspects of having contravened or attempting to contravene a provision of this Bylaw; without prejudice to any penalty or surcharge which may be imposed in accordance with this Bylaw, and in the case where such contravention is an offence under this Bylaw, the authorized official may
detain such person until that person can be delivered into the custody of a police
[...] officer to be dealt withaccording to law.
否则,吾等将不会代阁下采取任何行动,亦不会负上因未能回应催缴通知的责任。 倘若吾等按照法律缴纳催缴欠款,阁下承诺在吾等提出要求时立即补偿吾等因此等催缴通知 所产生的所有费用。
Otherwise we shall take no action on your behalf and will have noliability whatsoever in respect of the consequences of a failure to satisfy the calls, we may do so and you undertake to reimburse us forthwith upon demand for any expenses or costs incurred in relation to such calls.
(b) 通过指导儿童受害者得到拯救、遣返、康复和融入的明确措施,按 照法律儿童受害者得到免费医疗治疗、精神保健及其他照料的权利
(b) Adopt clear measures guiding the rescue, repatriation,
rehabilitation and reintegration of child
[...] victims and establish by law the right of child [...]
victims to receive free-of-cost medical
treatment, mental health and other care
宪法原则和这些成文法规 定,公务部门成员按照法律着为社会服务的精神行事,主动坦诚地向部长 提出意见,并执行各项部长决定。
Constitutional principles and these statutes dictate that members of the public service act in accordance with thelaw and, in the spirit of service to the community, provide free and frank advice to Ministers and give effect to ministerial decisions.
我敦促所有利益攸关方防止武器流动,将难民与前战斗人员分 开,并确按照法律待疑似前战斗人员。
I urge all stakeholders to prevent the movement of weapons, to
separate refugees from former combatants and
[...] to ensure that suspected former combatants are treated in accordance with thelaw.
从 2009 年
[...] 7 月开始,巴拿马开始执行旨在保护残疾人的特法律按照 法律,残疾人住房都有配套的无障碍设施。
INAMU, in coordination with the Institute of Statistics [...]
and Censuses in the Office of the Comptroller-General, has developed
a system of gender-based indicators and statistics.
[...] 和青少年的需要,此外还成立了另一个委员会,以确按照法律求,在拘禁和审讯中尊重人权。
Second, the Government has established a commission to oversee the needs of children and
juveniles, and another to ensure the observance of human rights during
[...] detention and interrogation, as required by law.
[...] 关方(如规定中所列)并提供相关理由的义务;任何机密信息均按照法律的程度和方式排除在外。
This however does not exempt the independent body from the obligation to notify all concerned (as listed in the provisions) of its decision and provide
reasons therefor; any confidential information will have to be excluded to the
[...] extent and in the manner requiredby law.
按照法律团是一个在若干自然人或法律实体联合的 基础上为了实现和推进《宪法》和法律所规定的特定共同或普遍目标和利益而建 [...]
The association, in
[...] termsof thelaw,is a voluntary, [...]
non-governmental and not-for-profit organization established based
on association of a number of natural persons or legal entities, established to achieve and advance a specific common or general goal and interests, which are prohibited by the Constitution or the law.
2005 年第 77 号部委(贸易和工业部)决定颁布的 1975 年第 118
[...] 号法执行条例 的第 2 条规定:国家所需的货物按照法律执行条例,以符合公共秩序的方 [...]
Article 2 of the implementing regulation of Act No. 118 of 1975, promulgated by Ministerial Decision (Ministry of Trade and Industry) No. 770 of 2005, provides that goods
needed by the country shall be imported in
[...] accordance with the lawandwith the implementing [...]
regulation, and in a manner consistent with public order.
如果有 效支付的特许开采费超过矿业公司应付的营业税,则矿业公司按照法律特许开采费外,不再需要支付相应的营业税。
Mining companies legally required to pay royalties are released from the obligation of paying the corresponding municipal turnover tax if the effectively paid royalties exceed the company’s otherwise payable turnover tax.
In accordance with applicable law, you have the [...]
right to request access to the Personal Information that we hold on you,
to have any errors in that information corrected, to request that the Personal Information is deleted as well as to object, on request and free of charge, to the processing of your Personal Information for direct marketing purposes.
该法第一次 规定了少数民族政党作为政党的条件,除了上述政党属性外,少数民族政党行动 的特殊目的是:提出和代表少数民族的利益按照法律际标准保 护和促进少数民族成员的权利,正如政党创建文件、纲领和章程所规定的。
This law defines for the first time the term of political party of a national minority as a political party the actions of which, in addition to the above-mentioned properties of a political party, aims specifically to
present and represent
[...] the interests of asinglenational minority and to protect and promote the rights of the members of the national minority in accordancewith [...]
the Constitution, law and
international standards, as regulated by its founding instrument, programme and statute of the political party.
注': 除 注2所 涉 及 的 担 保 外,本 公 司 以 持 有 刚 中 电 信 有 限 公 司 的5'%股 权 进 行 质 押 为 控 股 子 公 司 刚 中
电 信 有 限 公 司 的 银 行 贷 款 提 供 担 保,因 刚 中 电 信 有 限 公 司 的 资 产
[...] 负 债 率 超 过'0% ,此 事按 照法 律规 定 经 董 事 会 及 股 [...]
东 大 会 审 议 通 过。
Note ': InadditiontoguaranteesdescribedinNote2,theCompanyprovidedaguaranteeinrespectofabankloanextended tosubsidiaryCongo-ChineTelecomS.A.R.L.bypledgingits5'%equityinterestsinCongo-ChineTelecomS.A.R.L. As the gearing ratio of Congo-Chine exceeded '0%, the said guarantee had been considered and approved by the Board of Directors
and the general meeting of the Company in accordance with
[...] requirements of relevant laws andregulations.




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