

单词 按下葫芦浮起瓢

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他的《太好玩 邮件》是用厨房里的锅瓢盆、耙子和其它一些变更了用处的碎屑来组装成一节火车,并让它在临时 起 的 圆 形轨道上无意义地慢跑。
His Toofun Mail sculpture made from kitchen pots and pans, rakes, and other bits of repurposed detritus, has been assembled to create [...]
a train car that slowly travels its futile
path on a makeshift circular track.
倘貸款或持有至到期投按浮動利 率計息, 計量任何減值虧損之折現率為合下 釐 定之現行有效利率。
If a loan or held-to-maturity investment has a
[...] variable interest rate, the discount rate for measuring any impairment loss is the current effective interest rate determined under the contract.
结构紧 凑,超低净空,双链以及多葫芦, SCB 适起吊大袋的葫芦,为适应四点 同起升的并联葫芦。
Compact construction,
[...] extremely low headroom, twin chain hoists or multi-reeved chain hoists, SCB big bag hoist, coupled chain hoists [...]
for four-point load pick-up.
在底栖蓝藻发生大规模脱离和漂移的情 下 , 大量 漂 浮 的 藻 体 浮 渣 看 起来 像 更常见的蓝藻藻华,但通常比蓝藻藻华小得多。
On occasions where large-scale
detachment and drift of benthic
[...] cyanobacteria occurs, masses of floating clumps can look like a more usual [...]
cyanobacterial bloom, but is usually much smaller.
新的车身面板,配备了20英寸轮毂和车顶空 瓢 相 结 合的功能以及它的外观,尾翼,生产HAMANN。
The body panel is renewed, equipped with 20-inch wheels and roof air scoop that combines functionality as well as well as it looks, rear wing, manufactured all by HAMANN.
它可以让你下载任何视频从50 +在线视频共享网站YouTube上葫芦,VIMEO,VEVO,土豆网,优酷,ABC和BBC等与一个单一的点击:点 下 载 按 钮 出现在顶部的视频。
It lets you download any video from 50+ online video
sharing sites like YouTube, Hulu,
[...] Vimeo, VEVO, Dailymotion, Metacafe, ABC and BBC with a single click: click the Download button that appears on the top of the video.
摩洛哥政府已经审查了切花、香蕉、草莓、番茄、青豆 葫芦 科 行业的消费数据, 并且确信数据是正确的。
The Government of Morocco has reviewed the consumption data
identified in the cut flower, banana, strawberry, tomato,
[...] green beans and cucurbits sectors and is [...]
confident that it is correct.
有了它,你可下载来 自50多个在线视频共享网站如YouTube上,VEVO,VIM EO , 葫芦 , 断 裂,Metacafe和更多的网络视频。
With it, you can download web video from over 50 online video sharing sites like YouTube, VEVO, Vimeo, Hulu, [...]
Break, Metacafe and more.
2.链条:更高强度的链条;对口处焊接精细,经过中频感应淬火处理符合ISO3007-1984国际标准链条技术要求;适应突发超重作业;手拉链手感更好;改变普 葫芦 只 能 垂直 下 拉 ,能从多方向、呈45°角拉拽,适应范围更大。
2. Chain: More the high strength chain; The contra-aperture place solders the specification meticulous , handling by that intermediate frequency induction quenches to accord with ISO3007-1984 international standard chain; Fit in with dash forward sending out superheavy school assignment; Hand zip fastener handle
is much better; Change
[...] the average bottle gourd can only perpendicularity downward play, can assume [...]
45' angles from much
direction, play drag, accommodation is bigger.
本 集 團 大 部 分 借 貸 均 附 有 利 息 成 本,利 息按浮動 利率計算。
The majority of the Group’s borrowings bear interest costs
[...] which are based on floating interest rates.
3.15 水体富营养化:指在人类活动的影响下,生物所需的氮、磷等营养物质大量进入湖泊、 河口、海湾等缓流水体,起藻类 及其 浮 游 生 物迅速繁殖,水体溶解氧 下 降 , 水质恶化。
3.15 Eutrophication of water body: the phenomenon that under mankind’s influence, nitrogen and phosphor needed by living organisms entering in a large amount into slow-flow water bodies like
lakes, river estuary
[...] and sea gulf, causing algae and other plankton to reproduce rapidly, the level of dissolved oxygen in the water to decrease and water [...]
quality to deteriorate.
本集團之政策為 保留其已抵押銀行存款按浮動息率持有銀行借貸,以將公平值利率風險降至最低。
It is the Group’s policy to keep its pledged bank deposits and
[...] bank borrowings at floating rate of interests [...]
so as to minimise the fair value interest rate risk.
果浅黄色,橙,红,或胭脂红,扁球形到近球形,平滑或粗糙;果皮非常薄到厚,容易除去 瓢 囊 7- 14果瓣或很少更多,酸到甜,有时苦,具少数或多数种子或很少无籽;汁胞丰满,短,很少纤细和长。
Fruit pale yellow, orange, red, or carmine, oblate to subglobose, smooth or coarse; pericarp very thin to thick, easily removed; sarcocarp with 7-14 segments or rarely more, sweet to acidic and sometimes bitter, with few to many seeds or rarely seedless; pulp vesicles plump, short, rarely slender and long.
除上文所述來自覃輝先生之貸款外,銀行及其他借 按浮 動 利 率安排,因此本集團須承受現金流量利率 風險。
Except for the loan from Mr. Qin Hui as
mentioned above, the bank and other
[...] borrowing are arranged at floating rates, thus exposing [...]
the Group to cash flow interest rate risk.
按 浮動 利 率取 得的借貸 令 本集 團 承受現 金 流量 利 率風 險,而 按固 定利 率 取得 的借 貸 令 本 集團 承 受公平 值利 率風險。
Borrowings obtained at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest-rate risk.
果黄色,椭圆形到卵球形,两端狭窄,表面通常粗糙且有柠檬味,通常先端有乳头状 起 ; 果皮厚,难除去瓢囊8-11果瓣,浅黄,酸。
Fruit yellow, ellipsoid to ovoid, narrowed at both ends, surface usually coarse and lemon scented, apex usually with a mammilla; pericarp thick, difficult to remove; sarcocarp in 8-11 segments, pale yellow, acidic.
[...] 断扩大精制能力,因此本集团计划在稳固业内地位的基础上,进一步 挖掘葫芦及起重机的市场需求。
The oil and gas industry is expected to expand its refining capacity in the years ahead, and
ARMSEL anticipates capturing even
[...] greater demand for hoists and cranes using its already [...]
established position in the industry as a foothold.
增强与主要合作伙伴在反对歧视和种族主义方面的合作的行动 下: 按照联 合国艾滋 病毒/艾滋病专题组(UNTG)在俄罗斯联邦确定的 2004 年联合国共同行动的优先事项,特 别是实现减少伤痕和歧视的目标,教科文组织/联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署于 2004 年 6 月前往莫斯科进行了一次联合考察,与艾滋病毒/艾滋病专题组举行了磋商,对 起 艾 滋病 毒/艾滋病项目的可能性进行了探讨。
Action to strengthen cooperation with the main partners in action to
combat discrimination and racism included the following: in the spirit of the priorities for joint United Nations action in 2004 set by the United Nations Theme Group (UNTG) on HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation, and particularly the goals to reduce stigma and discrimination, a joint UNESCO/UNAIDS mission was sent to Moscow in June 2004 to hold consultations with the Theme Group to explore possibilities for launching the project on HIV/AIDS.
2 一个带 ST 05 环葫芦的轻型起重机 系统协助给赛车提供维修及 保养服务。
2 A light crane
[...] system with ST 05 chain hoists provides assistance [...]
in the repair, maintenance and servicing of racing cars
1、饺馅:取一盆,放入1 和 2料(图1)拌匀后,放入3料西葫芦( 图 2),用一木勺顺一个方向边搅拌边加入4料的水,搅 拌 8 0 下 至 馅上劲(图3)。
1: Zucchini and pork filling: Combine all ingredients of
Ingredient 1) to
[...] 3) in a bowl, and mix well (picture 1). Add shredded zucchini (picture 2) and stir in one direction for 3 minutes with [...]
a wooden spoon,
slowly adding 5-6 tbsp cold water until the mixture becomes sticky (picture 3).
(b) 关于淘汰青豆葫芦科生 产中用作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴的最终项目,最初提 交的费用总额为 1,506,093 美元,外加给予工发组织的 89,707 美元和给予意 大利政府的 40,300 美元。
(b) A terminal project for the phase-out of MB used as a soil fumigant in the production of green beans and cucurbits, originally submitted at a total cost of US $1,506,093 plus agency support costs of US $89,707 for UNIDO and US $40,300 for the Government of Italy.
朋友间可以用金属吸管(西班牙称bombilla,葡萄牙称BOMBA) 葫芦 中 (也称为一个guampa或队友在西班牙,或在葡萄牙cabaca或cuia)中共同享用。
Drinking mate with friends from
[...] a shared hollow gourd (also called a [...]
guampa or mate in Spanish, or cabaca or cuia in Portuguese)
with a metal straw (a bombilla in Spanish, bomba in Portuguese) is a common social practice in South America.
That's because the beetle, originally from Asia, has multiplied so wildly in the United States and Europe that swarms invade houses in the fall.
該項貸款乃由本集團若干預付土地租金、樓宇及投資物業(附 註15、16及17)、本 公 司 一
位 執 行 董 事 及 其 配 偶 給 予 的 個 人 擔 保 以 及 本 公 司 最 終 控 股 公 司 給 予 的 公
[...] 司 擔 保 扺 押(附 註33),按 浮 息7.66%(二 零 零 八 年:7.74% )年 [...]
利 率 計 息。
The loan is secured by charges over certain of the Group’s lease prepayments, buildings and investment properties (Notes 15, 16 and 17), personal guarantees given by an executive director of the Company and his spouse and a corporate guarantee given by the
ultimate holding company of the Company (Note 33), and
[...] carries interest at a floating rate of 7.66% (2008: [...]
7.74%) per annum.
通过我们“带给客户满意和感动”的努力,不仅有利于提高 葫芦、 起重机的销售额,还能促进团队合作,提高员工技能并让员工感受到工 [...]
Striving to “deliver satisfaction and impression for all
customers,” will not only lead directly to
[...] increased sales of hoists and cranes, but will contribute [...]
to teamwork and increase our employees’ skills and motivation.
研究人员从饱受骚扰的居民家里——包括其中一位研究人员的母亲家——收集了大量野生花 瓢 虫 , 并给其中一些注射了细菌和酵母菌。
Scientists collected wild harlequin ladybirds from infested homes—including the home of the mother of one of the authors—and injected some with bacteria or yeast.
購股權之 行 使乃分三部分自授出日期後 24個起按照下表並視乎本集團及承授人之完成若干表 現指 標與否而定。
The options are exercisable in three
[...] tranches starting from 24 months after the grant date in accordance with the table shown below and subject to the [...]
achievement of certain
performance targets by the Group and the grantee.
当葫芦处于刹车抱紧的状态时,离合器不再传递动 力,所以不会对葫芦的静止状态有任何影响;另外葫 芦有更多的起升速 度可以选择,同时同种规 葫芦 的最 大安起重量增加了 25%;SC 系葫芦动感的线条设计 以及模块化构造原理是我们开发生产以及为客户提供工 程解决方案的基础。
In addition, a wider range of hoisting speeds is available, while the safe working load has been increased by 25 %. The impressive straight-lined design of STAHL CraneSystems’ SC chain hoist and the systematic continuation of the modular construction principle form the basis for developing and manufacturing purpose-built and engineering solutions for individual customers.
常设论坛注意到在土著妇女充分和有效参 下起 草 的 《生物多样性公约 2008 年性别行动计划》,指出《生物多样性公约》秘书处继续与常设论坛秘书处合作, 以确保土著妇女在与生物多样性有关的问题上的观点和战略被纳 按 公 约 而开 展的关于土著传统知识的工作之中,而且能力建设方面的举措要以土著妇女为对 象。
The Permanent Forum takes note of the 2008 Convention on Biological Diversity Gender Plan of Action, which was drafted with the full and effective participation of indigenous women, and notes that the secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity continues to cooperate [...]
with the secretariat of the Permanent
Forum to ensure that the perspectives and strategies of indigenous women in biodiversity-related issues are taken into account in the work being done under the Convention with regard to indigenous traditional knowledge and that capacitybuilding efforts target indigenous women.
花柱长且粗;果浅黄色和淡黄绿色,球状,扁球形,梨形,或宽倒圆锥形,通常直径大于10厘米,具大的突出的油点,达200枚种子或无籽;果皮海绵状瓢囊10 -15(-19)果瓣,白色,粉红色,带红色,或很少乳黄色。
with large prominent oil dots, to 200-seeded or seedless; pericarp spongy; sarcocarp with 10-15(-19) segments, white, pink, reddish, or rarely milky yellow.




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