单词 | 指令 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 指令 noun, plural —directives pl
專員在該個案中審視過資料使用者處理 X [...] 光底片的系統,並對 資料使用者發出執行通知,指令它採取補救措施,防止日後出現遺失事 件。 legco.gov.hk | The Commissioner in that case examined the system of the data user in handling X-ray [...] films and issued an Enforcement Notice on [...] the data user directing it to take remedial [...]steps to prevent possible future losses. legco.gov.hk |
(v) 修訂條例,特別處理敏感個人資料,是符合歐 盟 指令2 第 8 條的 規定,讓條例在個人資料保障是否足夠方面達到歐盟的標準。 legco.gov.hk | (v) Amending the Ordinance to provide special treatment for sensitive [...] personal data is in compliance with [...] Article 8 of the EU Directive2, thereby enabling [...]the Ordinance to pass the EU adequacy [...]test on personal data protection. legco.gov.hk |
在審閱海外私隱法例及國際指引或 指令 後 , 我們發覺「個人資料」並沒 有全球性或國際公認的定義。 legco.gov.hk | Overseas privacy legislations as well as [...] international guidelines or directives are examined [...]and it is concluded that there is no [...]universally or internationally recognized definition on “personal data”. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 修訂安全規例第7及 7A(1)條,以規定簽署危險品運輸文 件的人及收運載有已申報危險品的貨物之貨運代理人員 工,必須完成關於危險品的培訓課程,而該等課程必須 [...] 已獲得民航處處長批准,並由符合安全規例附表第II部指 明的新技術指令條文 所列明的規定的教員提供。 legco.gov.hk | (b) to amend regulations 7 and 7A(1) of the Safety Regulations to require persons signing dangerous goods transport documents and staff members of freight forwarders processing cargo containing declared dangerous goods to complete training programmes on dangerous goods which have been approved by the Director-General of Civil Aviation and are delivered by instructors who [...] satisfy the requirements set out in the provisions of [...] the New TIs specified in Part II of [...]the Schedule to the Regulations. legco.gov.hk |
執行通知可包含要求有關資料使用者停止作出某作為或從事某行 為的指令。 legco.gov.hk | The enforcement notice may contain direction requiring the relevant data user to desist from doing an act or engaging in a practice. legco.gov.hk |
機電署會向擁有人送達法定指令,促 請擁有人準時遞交證明書;如未 能在指定時間內遵從法定要求,當局將會暫時停止其升降機服務。 legco.gov.hk | Statutory orders will be served on the owner to urge for a timely submission of certificates and in case of failure to comply with the statutory requirement within the prescribed time frame, suspend lift services. legco.gov.hk |
就上述建議而言,“指示"指獸醫 指令 個 別 人士進行上 述工作,但其本人不一定要在現場。 legco.gov.hk | For the purpose of the above proposal, “direction” means that the veterinary surgeon instructs the individual to perform such acts while he / she is not necessarily present on the premises. legco.gov.hk |
4.4 倘若一名或多名或所有賬戶持有人去世,本行在有關人士去世後及實際收到有關的書面通 4 [...] 知前,根據授權人員或其中任何一位的要求、指示 或 指令 所 作 出的任何作為、事情、契據 或事項,將對賬戶持有人、其遺產及遺產代理人及透過賬戶持有人或其中任何一名或多名 [...] 人士進行申索的任何人等具絕對及終局性約束力。 hncb.com.hk | 4.4 When any one or more or all of the account holders or the users of the service die(s), any act, thing, deed or matter made [...] or done by us pursuant to the requests, [...] instructions or directions of the Authorized [...]Signatory or any of them after such [...]death but before the actual receipt of notice in writing thereof by us shall be absolutely and conclusively binding on the account holder or the user of the service, his estate and personal representative and any party or parties claiming through or under the account holder or the user of the service or any one or more of them. hncb.com.hk |
以上案例的意義是定下一個年齡的界限,法庭通常不會為超過此 年齡者發出指令。 hkreform.gov.hk | Both of these cases purported to set limits of age over which the Court would [...] not normally make an order. hkreform.gov.hk |
由於《芝加哥公約》適用於香港, 新技術指令對香港亦同樣適用。 legco.gov.hk | Since the Chicago Convention applies to Hong Kong, the New TIs also apply. legco.gov.hk |
(j) 遵守常規行政指令的規 定,包括但不限於(a)根據1 比 15 的師生比例計算所需的人手編制,聘請100%的合格幼稚 園教師;以及(b)幼稚園的核准校長持有幼稚園教育證書 或具備同等學歷;以及遵從教統局不時就幼兒及幼稚園 教育所發出的指示及指令。 applications.edb.gov.hk | (j) comply with the [...] standing administrative directives including but not limited to the requirements of (a) employing 100% Qualified Kindergarten Teachers of the required staff establishment based on a teacher to pupil ratio of 1:15; and (b) the possession of Certificate in Kindergarten Education or its equivalent by its approved principal; and such other instructions and directives as EMB may from time to time issue in [...]relation to the provision [...]of nursery and kindergarten education. applications.edb.gov.hk |
在此案中,法庭要考慮何時可以合理地發出違背該孩子意願 的 指令。 hkreform.gov.hk | In this case the Court was considering when it could reasonably make an order contrary to the wishes of the child. hkreform.gov.hk |
為了補救立法漏洞,專員建議根據第 50(1)條賦予專員明訂權力,讓他 指令執行通知內的有關資料使用者停止作出某作為或從事某行為,以消 除對專員的權力疑問。 legco.gov.hk | In order to mend the legislative loophole, the Commissioner proposes that explicit power be conferred under section 50(1) for the Commissioner to direct the relevant data user in the enforcement notice to desist from doing an act or engaging in a practice in order to quell any doubt on the power of the Commissioner. legco.gov.hk |
在二零一零年五月二十五日的會議上,行政會議建議,行政長官 指令,根據《郊野公園條例》第 14 條,制訂《2010 年郊野公園(指定)(綜 合)(修訂)令》(載於附件 A) 。 legco.gov.hk | At the meeting of the Executive Council on 25 May 2010, the Council ADVISED and the Chief Executive ORDERED that the Country Parks (Designation) (Consolidation) (Amendment) Order 2010, at Annex A, should be made under section 14 of the Country Parks Ordinance. legco.gov.hk |
透過研習與實驗標準,小孩可學習依 [...] 據因果關係來系統說明並驗證預測的結果,區分觀察結果與推論的不同,執行多個試驗 來測試其預測的結果,並且依據一系列書 面 指令 來 進 行科學研究。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, children learn to formulate and justify predictions on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships, differentiate observation from inference, [...] conduct multiple trials to test their predictions, and follow [...] a set of written instructions for a scientific [...]investigation. sfusd.edu |
根據芝加哥公約,這些規定臚列於《危險品安全空運 技術指令》("技術指令")。 legco.gov.hk | Under the Chicago Convention, such requirements are to be [...] set out in the Technical Instructions for the Safe [...]Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (TIs). legco.gov.hk |
我們會在考慮各委員的意見後,再研究在香港設立強制回 [...] 收食物規管架構建議的詳情,例如發出和送達回收令的對象、 回收令載列的指令、執 法和罰則以及上訴機制等,並徵詢業界 [...]對建議詳情的意見。 legco.gov.hk | Taking into account Members’ views, we will further consider the details of the proposed regulatory framework for mandatory food recall in [...] Hong Kong, e.g. the target recipient of [...] the recall order, directives in a recall order, [...]enforcement and penalties and the appeal [...]mechanism, etc. and consult the trade on the details of the proposal. legco.gov.hk |
在打開16進制DUMP功能時,印表機會以16進制格式列印全部 的 指令 及 其它 資料,並列印指南部分幫助您查找專 用 指令。 bixolon.com | When you turn on the hexadecimal dump function, the printer [...] prints all commands and other [...] data in hexadecimal format along with a guide section to help you find specific commands. bixolon.com |
然而,年紀很輕的 子女未必有能力衡量何種環境對本身最為有利,因此,假使法庭認為 某種決定對該名兒童最有利,則會發出違背該兒童意願 的 指令。 hkreform.gov.hk | Thus the court will, if it is in the best interests of the child, make an order contrary to the child's wishes. hkreform.gov.hk |
如果港鐵未能符合 其中任何一項要求,運輸署會指令鐵 路公司即時採取改 善措施。 legco.gov.hk | If MTRCL fails to meet any requirement, TD will demand the railway corporations to take remedial measures. legco.gov.hk |
規例第7A(1)條規定,執行收 [...] 運載有已申報危險品的空運貨物的職能的貨運代理人員工,必須完成 在安全規例附表第II部指明的技術 指令 條 文 所描述的適當培訓課程。 legco.gov.hk | Regulation 7A(1) requires a staff member of a freight forwarder who performs the function of processing air cargo containing declared dangerous goods to complete appropriate [...] training programmes described in the [...] provisions of the TIs specified in Part II of [...]the Schedule to the Safety Regulations. legco.gov.hk |
2.2 於有關交易所或其他市場收市之前,倘若本行仍然未能執行閣下發出予本行的即日證券買 賣指令,則此等即日買賣指令將被 視作已經被自動取消。 hncb.com.hk | 2.2 Any day order placed with us by you that has not been executed before the close of business of the relevant Exchange or otherwise shall be deemed to have been cancelled automatically. hncb.com.hk |
(iv) 除非本行另行同意,閣下於組織變更時,將向本行提供新的賬 戶 指令 及 開 立新戶口。 hncb.com.hk | (iv) unless otherwise agreed by us, you will give us a new Account Mandate and open a new account upon any change of constitution. hncb.com.hk |
4.5 尚存的賬戶持有人同意於任何時候均會追認由任何或所有授權人員根據上述第 4.4 條分條 款作出的所有行為、作為、契據、 指令 、 命 令 或 指 示 ,並且承認上述各項對所有賬戶持有 人均具絕對約束力。 hncb.com.hk | 4.5 The surviving account holder agrees to ratify at all times all acts, things, deeds, directions, orders or instructions given by any or all of the Authorized Signatory in accordance with the preceding sub-clause 4.4 and acknowledges that the same shall be at all times be absolutely and conclusively binding on you. hncb.com.hk |
3.1 閣下同意根據不時由閣下提供予本行的賬 戶 指令 、 簽 字式樣及簽署安排就賬戶及服務的任 何及所有事項發出指示,另有書面協議者除外。 hncb.com.hk | 3.1 You undertake to give instructions to deal with [...] all the matters relating to the Account in accordance with the Account [...]Mandate, the Specimen Signature and the Signature Arrangement from time to time provided to us by you. hncb.com.hk |
為讓專員送達執行通知,指令有關 資料使用者盡快採取補救措施,可取 的做法是修訂第 47 條,除去因使用「擬」字而引起的任何疑問或不確 定。 legco.gov.hk | To enable the Commissioner to serve an enforcement notice to direct the relevant data user to take remedial actions as soon as possible, it is therefore desirable that section 47 be amended to remove any doubt or uncertainty by the use of the word “proposes”. legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 閣下同意,在閣下及/或本行所設定使用網路/電話銀行服務之任何每日限額或其他限 制之前提下,授權使用者可發出指示 或 指令 , 以其認為適當之任何方式操作任何及 所有特定戶口(包括但不限於自指定戶口中提取及/或撥轉款項予其本身及/或任何其 [...] 他人士,不論是否供其本身使用及為其利益)。 hncb.com.hk | (ii) You acknowledge that, subject to any daily limits or other restrictions which may be imposed by you and/or us in using the Internet/Phone Banking [...] Services, the Authorized User [...] may give instructions to operate any and all of the Designated Accounts [...]in any manner as he thinks [...]fit (including, without limitation, withdrawing and/or transferring funds from the Designated Accounts to himself and/or any other persons whether or not for his own use and benefit). hncb.com.hk |
的師生比例計算所需的人手編制,聘請100%的合格幼稚 園教師;以及(b)幼稚園的核准校長持有幼稚園教育證書 [...] 或具備同等學歷;以及遵從教統局不時就幼兒及幼稚園 教育所發出的指示及指令。 applications.edb.gov.hk | (g) comply with the standing administrative directives including but not limiting to the requirements of (a) employing 100% Qualified Kindergarten Teachers of the required staff establishment based on a teacher to pupil ratio of 1:15; and (b) the possession of Certificate in Kindergarten Education or its equivalent by its approved principal; and such [...] other instructions and directives as EMB may [...] from time to time issue in relation [...]to the provision of nursery and kindergarten education. applications.edb.gov.hk |
要約人確認,於本公告日期,除股份銷售協議外,買方、要約人、其最終實益擁有人或 與任何彼等一致行動之人士於本公告日期概無擁有或控制 或 指令 任 何投票權或南聯股份 或可換股證券、購股權、認股權證或衍生工具之權利。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Offeror confirms that as at the date of this announcement, save for the Share Sale Agreement, none of the Purchaser, the Offeror, its ultimate beneficial owners, or parties acting in concert with any of them owned or had control or direction over any voting rights or rights over the shares in Winsor or convertible securities, options, warrants or derivatives of Winsor as at the date of this announcement. wingtaiproperties.com |