

单词 指路


指路明灯 n

beacon n

为...指路 v

direct v

External sources (not reviewed)

千年发展目标自通过以来,一直是发 展政策指路明灯,指导着 各个层面的发展战略。
Since their adoption, the MDGs have been a beacon for development policies, guiding development strategies at all levels.
宣言是否描述了重要的组织行为标准,并以此作为组织战略与价值 指路 明 灯
Does the statement describe important behavioral standards that serve as beacons of the strategy and the values?
我们指 路明灯 不应该是短期利益,⽽是可持续繁 荣、长期可获得资源和条件的能力、这 [...]
些 都能够让全世界更多的人进行社会参与。
The guiding light should not be [...]
short-term profit, but sustainable prosperity, long-term availability of resources and conditions,
which allow for social participation by as many people as possible across the world.
在他突然退出之前,奥尼尔被球迷们成为球队 指路 明 灯
Before his abrupt exit, O’Neill was the one Sunderland fans hankered for to
[...] be the team’s guiding light.
Carolina Herrera擴闊的視野,像一指路明燈 ,反映二十一世紀女士的生活方式和需求。
With this principle as guiding light, Carolina [...]
Herrera Ltd. has broadened its sights to reflect the needs and lifestyle
of twenty-first century woman.
风险投资人在融资项目的发展阶段会担 指路 者 的 身份。
Venture capitalists consider
[...] themselves to be guides during the development [...]
phase of the financing project.
若各位與許多本地民眾一樣,為了避免尷尬,不願抬頭與他人四目相交,奧運期間低頭也無妨,粉紅色圓點散布於倫敦各大車站地上,同樣清楚為人 指路。
If, like many of the locals, you are refraining from looking up to avoid making eye contact with your fellow travellers (awkward), the floor is also your friend for the next few weeks. Pink circles clearly pointing out which direction you need to go in have become a common site on the ground at some of the city’s larger stations.
但我确信会 员国会赞同,在非洲大地即乌干达成功举办罗马规 约首次审查会议是一指路明灯 ,定将在今后十年 中引领国际刑事司法进入下一阶段,因为该会议对 加强《罗马规约》和国际人道主义法作出了相当大 的贡献。
But I am sure that Member States will agree that the successful organization on African soil, in Uganda, of the first Review Conference of the Rome Statute, was the beacon that will certainly lead to the next phase of international criminal justice in the next decade, in view of its considerable contribution to the strengthening of the Rome Statute and international humanitarian law.
教科文组织无疑已经是过去取得巨大进步 指路 人 , 制定了从 1994 年《关于特殊需要教育的萨拉曼卡声明和行动框架》93 到 2008 年 11 月日内瓦国际大会 之后于 2009 年发布的《教育领域包容政策方针》的各种准则和框架。
UNESCO has undoubtedly led the way to the achievement of great progress by setting standards and establishing frameworks, from the 1994 Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education78 to the Policy guidelines on inclusion in education published in 2009 following the International Conference on Education held in Geneva in November 2008.
[...] 道路运输的货物常常要在边境地区或某一 指 定 线 路 沿 线 的装卸点进行转 运,致使在运输过程中增加了不必要的成本和延误。
As a result, goods carried by road often have to be trans-shipped at border areas or
[...] loading points along a designated route.
使用输出路指示灯 来指示是否存在受影响的电路,以便快速进行故障处理和纠正
Uses output circuit indicators to indicate the presence of affected circuits for rapid troubleshooting [...]
and correction
也门代表团认为,选举是通往政 权的路,并指出最 近的总统选举受到所有国际组织的关注。
The delegation believed that elections were the way to reach power, and noted that the recent election of the President had been followed by all international organizations.
按照相同路,指出互操作性是一项涉及多个方面的工作,迄今 为止在实现单一窗口设施互操作性方面的最大挑战来自于需要精简现有程序。
In the same line, it was said that interoperability [...]
was a multifaceted process and that the greatest challenges so far in
achieving interoperability between single window facilities arose from the need to streamline existing procedures.
公 路 局 並 無 披露有關A1(M)高速路指數掛 鈎方程式組 合的進 一 步 詳情, 因 為該局認為 此 屬 商業敏感的資料。
The Highways Agency has not disclosed further details on the composition of the indexation formula for the [...]
A1(M) as it considers
this information commercially sensitive.
根據《規例》及《私路指定交 通標誌及道路標記》(第 374P章 )(下 稱 “交通管制規例”),在私家路安裝交通燈,除非是放置在交替單行路 上,同時又符合有關法例的規定及運輸署制訂的“私家路守則”的指示, 否則均須得到運輸署的允許。
According to the Road Traffic (Traffic Control) Regulations (Cap. 374G) and Specification of Traffic Signs and Road Markings for [...]
Private Roads Notice
(Cap. 374P) ("traffic control regulations"), for installation of traffic lights on private roads, prior approval from the TD is required, unless they are placed on alternate one way roads and comply with regulations under relevant legislation and directions specified in the "Code of Practice for Private Roads" drawn up by the TD.
調整顯示方法以顯示整個路、指定 設 備或第2和第3階層的資訊,以及利用 Microsoft Office Visio 匯出功能來簡化報告。
Adjust representation to show the entire network, specific devices, or layer 2 and layer 3 information, and streamline reporting with Microsoft Office Visio exports.
[...] sheets mainly used for road signs.
这可能是推测,从总体上看,巴勒斯坦犹太法典收到以其目前的形式在太巴列,而在苏拉巴比伦塔木德(comp.在耶路莎米通道,其中[=“这里” ]指的是太巴列,并在Babli那些这同一个词 指 苏 拉 [ 路 易 , LCP 4])。
It may be postulated, on the whole, that the Palestinian Talmud received its present form at Tiberias, and the Babylonian Talmud at Sura (comp. the passages
in Yerushalmi in which
[...] [= "here"] refers to Tiberias, and those in Babli in which the same word denotes Sura [Lewy, lcp 4]).
亚美尼指出,塞浦路斯值 得赞扬,因为尽管存在障碍,塞浦路斯真诚地 参加了普遍定期审议,而且确实希望在排除政治干扰的情况下讨论其人权状况。
Armenia stated that Cyprus deserved sincere [...]
appreciation for its participation in the universal periodic review in good
faith, and its sincere desire to discuss its human rights record without politicization, despite the obstacles.
杜拜的運輸系統相當先進,例如運用尖端科技的捷運系統(如上圖),部分公車站牌配備太陽能空調裝置,還有建設完善的道路網;不過我最近前往當地,也感受到其中部分缺點,例如縱然許多人搭乘捷運,要找到車站入口也不容易, 路指 標 也 令人困惑,不易在市區內往來,若是錯過或走錯交流道,行程就會延誤許久。
Dubai has a fairly sophisticated transportation system: a state-of-the-art metro system (pictured above), solar-powered air-conditioned bus stops (some, not all), and a well-built road network.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速路撥款 ,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速路 的認 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
随后,奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、克罗地亚、塞 路 斯 、 捷克共和国、丹 麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、拉 [...]
脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐 克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞士和美利坚合众国加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
[...] Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, [...]
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America joined the sponsors.
阿塞拜疆共和国一指出, 虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 [...]
的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆领土上开展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些领土(例如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan
[...] has repeatedly stated that, despite [...]
ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution
of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through various illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the most recent document circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).
大会第六十六届会议强指出继 续对《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可 [...]
持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的后续行动和执行情况进行实质性审议的重 要性,并决定在其第六十七届会议上审议为第六十六届会议印发的秘书长关于更 好地执行《小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的行动纲领》和《关于进一步执行小岛
屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的具体建议的报告 (A/66/278)以及秘书长关于审查联合国系统对小岛屿发展中国家支持情况的报 告(A/66/218)(第 66/198 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General
[...] Assembly stressed the importance of [...]
the continued substantive consideration of the
follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and decided to consider at its sixty-seventh session the reports of the Secretary-General on concrete recommendations to enhance the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (A/66/278) and on the review of United Nations system support to small island developing States (A/66/218), issued for the sixty-sixth session (resolution 66/198).
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 [...]
會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金
額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share
certificates representing such shares in such
[...] proportions as he may specify, the Board may, [...]
if it thinks fit, comply with such request
subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北路車 輛或 鐵 路 處 所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北路車輛或鐵路處 所 任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北 路 車 輛或 鐵 路處 所 任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who
[...] finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind [...]
therein, save for the
purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
会议热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制方法方面所取得的进展,不过,它应得当进一步 加强和深化,使数量和质指标之 间的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 [...]
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further strengthened and refined with a view to achieving
a better balance between qualitative
[...] and quantitative indicators, complementarity [...]
with the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term
Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註 指 的 豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.




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