

单词 指使



freely and effortlessly
have perfect command of
as the arm moves the finger [idiom.]


arrogant and bossy
lit. order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture


arrogant and bossy
lit. order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture

External sources (not reviewed)

所谓单点登录,指使用经 过一个系统认证的信息(登录名称与密码),可登录其他系统的功能。
Single sign-on is
[...] the function that enables you log in to other systems using the information [...]
(log-in name and password) authenticated in one system.
第三,通过信通技术进行远程学习 指使 用 信通技术,使学生能 够在远距离获得学习材料和指导。
Third, distance learning through ICTs relates to the use of ICTs to allow students to remotely access learning materials and instruction.
議 事規則委員會主席曾鈺成議員表示,應
內務委員會的要求 ,議事規則委員會曾研究是否需 要明示授權事
[...] 務委員會主席,處 理在事 務委員會會 議上有 議員指使用 冒犯性或侮辱性 言詞的 情況, 以及有關立法會、 [...]
常 設 委員會及專責 委員會會議秩 序 的 《 議 事規則》I部的適
用 範圍, 應否擴 展至其他 委員會。
Mr Jasper TSANG, Chairman of CRoP, said that as requested by the House Committee, CRoP had studied whether it was necessary to provide express authority for a
panel chairman to deal with the situation
[...] where a Member was alleged to have used offensive [...]
or insulting language at a panel
meeting, and whether Part I of the Rules of Procedure (RoP) concerning order at Council meetings, standing committees and select committees should be extended to other committees.
因为极端贫困,儿童往往受逃避法律追究的 指使 , 易于参与贩卖、劳动 或与触犯法律。
Children are exposed to trafficking and labour or come into conflict with the law as a result of extreme poverty, often on the orders of individuals who manage to evade prosecution.
指使用太 陽能、風能、生物質能、水能、潮汐能、浪 潮能、地熱能及廢物能(包括土地堆填和污水氣體) [...]
或港燈與政府日後互相議定的常存在及用之不竭(意 思是無須擔心儲備耗盡的問題)的其他能源來發電的 系統。
means an
[...] electricity generation system employing [...]
solar, wind, biomass, hydro, tidal, wave, geothermal, energy from waste
(including landfill gas or sewage gas) or such other energy sources that are secure and inexhaustible (in the sense that there is no problem of reserve being depleted) as may be mutually agreed by HEC and the Government in the future.
拘留地点应被理解为贝宁共和国管辖或控制下凭借公共机构的命令或在指 使下或 经其同意或默许个人被剥夺或可能被剥夺自由的任何地点。
Places of detention shall be understood to mean any place under the jurisdiction or control of the Republic of Benin where persons are or may be deprived of their liberty either by virtue of an order given by a public authority or at its instigation or with its consent or acquiescence.
自波萨达·卡里莱斯从墨西哥“Mujeres”岛乘“Santrina”号船到佛罗里 达登陆后,如菲德尔·卡斯特罗总司令恰当指出,他一如既往地受到美国政府指使和保护。
Since Posada Carriles arrived in Florida after travelling from Islas Mujeres, Mexico, on board the vessel “Santrina”, as was rightly denounced by Commanderin-Chief Fidel Castro, he has been, as he always was, under the tutelage and protection of the United States Government.
傅立叶分析频谱分析的另一个术语,尽管它一般 指使 用 FF T分析仪进行分析。
Fourier analysis is another term for spectrum analysis, although
[...] it generally refers to analysis using an FFT Analyzer.
當局告知事務委員會,建造業曾提出關注 指使 用 標 準格 式合約者可能在新條例生效前或生效一段時間後,仍會繼續在有 [...]
關合約中使用"本地仲裁"一詞,為解決建造業提出的關注事項,條 例草案擬稿第11部訂明,凡在新條例生效前或生效後6年內的任何 時間簽訂的仲裁協議,如訂明根據該協議進行的仲裁是"
本地仲 裁 ",則附表3內所有可供選用的條文,將自動適用於該仲裁協議, 但如訴訟雙方另有明確協議則不在此限。
The Panel was also advised that to
address the concern raised by the construction
[...] industry where users of standard form [...]
contracts might continue to use the term
"domestic arbitration" in such contracts either before or for sometime after the commencement of the new ordinance, it was provided under Part 11 of the draft Bill that, where an arbitration agreement entered into before, or at any time within a period of six years after, the commencement of the new ordinance, stipulated that an arbitration under that arbitration agreement should be a "domestic arbitration", all the opt-in provisions under Schedule 3 should automatically apply to the arbitration agreement subject to any express agreement to the contrary between the parties.
但第 12 和 13 段却要求必须获得船旗国的 同意,在获得同意后指使船只 前往相应港口接受 检查。
However, paragraphs 12 and 13 require the consent of the nation represented by the ship’s flag.
该定义一方面可满足《刑法》明确性及可预见性的要求,另一方面可满足 《公约》的要求,即区分政府官员或以官员身份行事的任何其他人所犯的或在指使、许可或默认之下所犯的酷刑行为和非国家行为方的暴力行为。
Such a definition would meet the need for clarity and predictability in criminal law, as well as the need under the Convention to draw a distinction between acts of torture committed by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official and any other person acting in an official capacity, and acts of violence committed by non-State actors.
自失效装置”指使内装 有此种装置的弹药无法起作用的一种内装自动装 置。
Self-neutralization mechanism’ means an incorporated automatically-functioning mechanism which renders inoperable the munition into which it is incorporated.
Abu Garda 被指控犯有三项战 争罪,即暴力戕害生命、故指使对 参 与维和行动的工作人员、设施、物质、单 位和车辆进行攻击,以及抢劫,据称犯罪发生在 2007 年 9 月 29 日针对非洲驻苏 丹特派团(非苏特派团)进行的一次袭击中,非苏特派团是一个维和特派团,驻扎 [...] [...]
在达尔富尔北部 Umm Kadada 的哈斯卡尼塔军事集团所在地(MGS 哈斯卡尼 塔)。
Abu Garda was charged with three war crimes, namely violence to life, intentionally directing attacks against [...]
personnel, installations,
material, units and vehicles involved in a peacekeeping mission, and pillaging, allegedly committed during an attack carried out on 29 September, 2007, against the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS), a peacekeeping mission stationed at the Haskanita Military Group Site (MGS Haskanita), in the locality of Umm Kadada, North Darfur.
观察员们对已经采取的步骤表示欢迎,但要 求再接再厉查出这些罪行指使者, 并审判 Kinama(布琼布拉市)和 [...]
Gatumba 等其 他侵犯人权案件。
While welcoming progress already made, observers are calling for more efforts to identify the perpetrators of such crimes
and prosecute the other cases of human rights abuses,
[...] including those committed at Kinama (Bujumbura [...]
Mairie) and Gatumba.
还应当指出,在知识产权登记处进行的登记通 常仅指知识产权担保权,而不指使 用 了知识产权的有形资产上的担保权。
It should also be noted that registration in the intellectual property registry would normally refer only to a security right in intellectual property and not to a security right in tangible assets with respect to which intellectual property is used.
自由新教徒常常反对基督教指使用 的严格传统主义。
Liberal Protestants often oppose the use of Evangelical to refer only to the strict traditionalists.
本站网页所包含的所有信息和功能,并 指使 或 引 导任何管辖区内居住或停留的任何人利用这些信息和功能从事违反其管辖区法律的行为,或者擅自传播未经ACTIV SOLAR公司许可或授权的信息。
The Website and all information and functionality contained within it are not directed at or intended for use by any person resident or located in any jurisdiction where (1) the distribution of such information or functionality is contrary to the laws of such jurisdiction or (2) such distribution is prohibited without obtaining the necessary licenses or authorisations by Activ Solar and such licenses or authorisations have not been obtained.
學生可能會被認為是違反了“學生行為守則”和 相關紀律條例的的一方,因為他/她 指使 了 違 紀 行為的發生,如果(1) 直接違反了“學生行為守 則”的紀律條例;(2) 故意造成他人違反“學生 行為守則”的紀律條例; (3)故意幫助或教唆他 人違反“學生行為守則”的紀律條例;或著(4)故 意建議,鼓勵,聘用,建議,或促使他人實施違 反“學生行為守則”的紀律條例。
A student may be considered a party to a violation of the Student Conduct Behavior Code and disciplined for the underlying offense where the student: (1) Directly violates the Student Conduct Behavior Code; (2) Intentionally causes some other person to commit a violation of the Student Conduct Behavior Code; (3) Intentionally aids or abets another in a violation of the Student Conduct Behavior Code; or (4) Intentionally advises, encourages, hires, counsels, or procures another to commit a violation of the Student Conduct Behavior Code.
3、高喊政治责任,总是有国际市场;在这种情况下,来自政府部门一些开明人士的同 情和支持,就变成了“政府在背 指使 ” 之 类的负资产,这在实际上起到了加深国际社会 和中国之间的相互误解的作用
C. It seems there is always a big market for claiming of “political responsibility of Chinese Government” internationally, under such background the support or sympathy from some government officers will be interpreted as “Government instigated or Government ordered” as always and thus increase the mutual misunderstanding between China and the international community
第 413 号决定禁止伊朗及其侨民和受指使 的 个 人与实体在欧盟成员国管辖 领土上对涉及铀、核技术以及弹道导弹活动的任何商业活动投资(第 5 条)。
Decision 413 prohibits Iran, its nationals or entities acting at their direction from investing in any commercial activity involving uranium mining, nuclear technologies or ballistic activities in territory under the jurisdiction of EU member States (article 5).
(D) 有關本細則關於董事之規條,每位人士出任候補董事(除非有關於委
[...] 任候補董事權利及酬金)須在獨自向公司負責其行為及失誤,並不可 視作為代理人或董指使他。
(D) Every person acting as an alternate Director shall (except as regards power to appoint an alternate Director and remuneration) be subject in all respects to the provisions of these Bye-Laws - 31 relating to Directors and shall alone be responsible
to the Company for his acts and defaults and shall not be deemed to be the agent of or for
[...] the Director appointing him.
因此,使指定的客户端使用了 WebSocket 协议,可能也无法建立连接。
Thus, even if a given client uses the WebSocket protocol, it may not be possible to establish a connection.
正如赖斯使指出的,这 些会议并非总是易事,但是它们理应成为实质性讨论 的论坛,使我们能够了解相互的观点。
As Ambassador Rice has pointed out, those meetings [...]
have not always been easy, but it is right that they should be a forum
for substantive discussion, enabling us to be aware of each other’s perspectives.
[...] 在《实践指南》中纳入有关这方面的明确的准则草案 使指 南 篇幅过大,因此是 无益的。
Nevertheless, the Commission considered that it was not useful to overburden the Guide to Practice by
[...] including specific guidelines in this respect.
瓦克在in-cosmetics 2011上的展示重点是指甲油用创新性助剂:
[...] 商标为Wacker-Belsil®的硅树脂主要对指甲油的胶粘性进行了改进, 并赋予它高柔性和耐刮强度, 从使指甲油 即使在处于高机械应力下也能长时间不脱落。
WACKER’s focus at FCE Cosmetique 2011 will be on innovative nail polish additives: Wacker-Belsil® brand silicone resins improve nail polish adhesion in particular, and also deliver
the enhanced flexibility and scratch
[...] resistance that enables the nail polish to [...]
last for a long time even under high mechanical stress.
24.21 宣佈或議決派付任何類別股份股息或其他分派的任何決議案(無論是本公
[...] [...] 司於股東大會作出的決議案或董事會決議案),可訂明,於指定日期的營 業時間結束時須向登記為有關股份持有人的人士支付或作出該等股息或 分派,使指定日 期為通過決議案之日的前一日;及須按照上述人士各自 登記的持股量支付或作出股息或其他分派,但不會影響任何該等股份的轉 [...]
24.21 Any resolution declaring or resolving upon the payment of a dividend or other distribution on shares of any class, whether a resolution of the Company in general meeting or a resolution of the Board, may specify that the same shall be payable or made to the persons registered as the holders of such shares at the close
of business on a
[...] particular date, notwithstanding that it may be a date prior to that on which the resolution [...]
is passed, and thereupon
the dividend or other distribution shall be payable or made to them in accordance with their respective holdings so registered, but without prejudice to the rights inter se in respect of such dividend of transferors and transferees of any such shares.
在设在马拉维的 非洲指导、咨询和青年发展中心援助下 使指 导 和 咨询制度化的工作正在向前推进,为师范 教师举办了地区培训班,为教师举办了国家培训班,并宣传和支持国家政策和计划的实施。
The institutionalization process is advancing in guidance and counselling with the assistance of the Malawi-based Centre for Guidance, Counselling [...]
and Youth Development
in Africa through the regional training for trainers of trainers, national training of trainers, and advocacy and support to national policies and programme implementation.
然后在右侧指示计的测头下更换相应的量块,借助小角度检查仪的调 使指 示 计 的示值复指零位,此 时按下控制盒上的 “记数” 按钮,水平仪显示 500。
Then replace the gauge under the probe of the right side indication needle, adjust the small angle inspection instrument and make the displayed value of the indication needle to zero position, at such time press the “Save”key on the control box , and the level meter will show -500.
像 1988 年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》下的国家主管 机关名录一样,扩充后的名录目前仅限于指定的机关查阅。3 限制查阅名录的主
[...] 要考虑因素是中央机关工作人员的隐私和安全问题,因为有时列出的是他们的 姓名和个人联系方式;而名录的目的 使指 定 的 机关能够轻松查到其他国家对 应机构的最新联系信息。
Access to the expanded directory is currently limited to the designated authorities, as was the case for the directory of competent national authorities under the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.3 The main considerations in limiting access to the directory were concern for the privacy and safety of the staff of the central authorities, who in some cases are identified by name and personal contact details,
and the purpose of the directory,
[...] which is to provide designated authorities with [...]
easy access to the updated contact information
of their counterparts in other countries.
6.9 在有關到期日(但亦只限於有關到期日當日),期權系統將就價內值百分比相等於或高於聯交所期權結算 所不時釐定的標準的所有價內期權長倉末平倉合約,自動產生 使指 示 , 但閣下可指示吾等按照聯交所 期權結算所的《結算運作程序》在有關到期日系統終止前,取消上述的“自動產生 使指 示 ”
6.9 On the expiry day but only on the expiry day, the Options System will automatically generate exercise instructions in respect of all open long positions which are in-the-money by or above the percentage [...]
prescribed by SEOCH from time to time.




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