

单词 指令名字

See also:




good name



External sources (not reviewed)

1. There is only one syntax:
[...] $ { expression }command names , the use of simpler, [...]
more unified .
几乎所有指令 ( 即使是会弹出对话框的指令 ) 都可以在指令行以指令码执行,指令名加上可以强制该指令不弹出对话框,而纯以指令行选项执行。
All commands are now scriptable at the command line (even commands that have dialog boxes by default).
但是并不是所有重要的预算外项目信息(负责人名字C/5 预期成果的预计贡献,绩项目与正常计划的工作计划间的关系)都被导入了数据库,至今还有超过三分之一的 数据需要更新。
However, not all substantive extrabudgetary project
[...] data (managersnames,expected contribution(s) to the expected C/5 result(s), performanceindicators,project’slinks [...]
to regular-programme
work plans) have to date been fully recorded in the base: at the time of writing, more than one third of these data is still to be updated.
(C) 除非阁下事先通过书面形式通知吾等,指定代表阁下操作帐户人员的址,以及与有关人 员之间关系的性质,否则阁下在任何时间将以自己操作阁下的帐户,为免生疑问,这里 注明包括发指令
(C) Unless you provide us with prior written
[...] notice ofthename and address of and nature of relationship with the person whom you appoint to operate the Account(s) on your behalf, you will operate your own Account(s) at all times, including, for the avoidance of doubt, the giving of orders.
委员会将对某 会员国寻求证实的一项询问作出答复,须证实的事项 为,某些个人和实体既没有被安理指名有被委员指名为需要对其实施旅行/或冻结资产。
The Committee will be responding to a query from a Member State seeking confirmation that certain
individuals and
[...] entities havenot been designatedeither bythe Council or by the Committee as subject to the travel ban and/or assets freeze.
加 拿大在 2008 年执行的特别经济制裁措施(SOR/2008-248) 涵盖了武器交易、武器技术支持人的财产,以 及对津巴布韦飞机的落地181和 4 个实体 受到影响。
Canada’s Special Economic Measures (SOR/2008-248) in 2008 covered weapons transactions,
technical support for
[...] weapons and assetsof designatedpersons, as well as a ban on landing rights for Zimbabwe aircraft; 181 individuals[...]
and four entities are covered.
The government is very skeptical of these signature forms, such as "duplication copies; submissions which contain different names obviously signed
by the same person;
[...] identical signatures on different pages of the same submission; and illegible signatures and dubious names found on signature [...]
forms, etc.".
小组委员会认为,在 2011-2012 两年期应继续开展下列领域的工作:不敏感 爆炸物和氧化性固体的分类;与灰尘爆炸危害有关的问题;腐蚀性标准(审议点 蚀问题以及 C.1 检验对固体的适用性);进一步调整《全球统一制度》的标准以 使其与《示范条例》的标准相一致;对涉及皮肤腐蚀/刺激的章节进行; 水引发毒性的评估;执行问题;进一步改进《全球统一制度》附件 1、2 和 3;编 制小包装标签的进一
The Subcommittee considered that the work in the following areas should be continued in the biennium 2011-2012: classification of desensitized explosives and oxidizing solids; issues related to dust explosion hazards; corrosivity criteria (consideration of pitting corrosion and suitability of tests C.1 for solids); further alignment of the criteria in the Globally Harmonized System
with that of the Model
[...] Regulations; editorialrevision of the chapters addressing skin corrosion/irritation; assessment of water-activated toxicity; implementation issues; further improvement of annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Globally Harmonized System; and development of additionalguidance for the labelling [...]
of small packagings.
有关会话命令(还包括命令和子命令语法)的详细信息,请在命令提示符下键入 Help,后跟令 名前四
For more information on session commands,
including command and subcommand syntax, type Help at the command prompt followed by
[...] the first four letters ofthe command name.
从SEVVA提供的精致甜食引伸,饼店内多款蛋糕造型均充满艺术美感,亦各自配有独特名字如以「Butterfly Kisses」作名称,蛋糕内有多层雪芳蛋糕及鲜果,表面则缀以手制糖霜蝴蝶装饰;「Madame Butterfly」则以多层雪芳蛋糕夹配别具异国风味的红菜头、开心果及朱古力,配以鲜忌廉及糖渍杏桃,并於顶部缀以黑白相间的环状朱古力片;「Memoirs of a Geisha」是一款充满红豆忌廉的雪芳蛋糕,伴的嚐味小品;「Sunshine」则为柠檬罂粟籽雪芳蛋糕配酸甜的柑橘类凝乳,感觉清新。
An extension of its offering at Sevva, the cakes are mini art pieces of their own andeach named individually, such as Butterfly Kisses (layers of chiffon cake with fresh fruit), Madame Butterfly (layers of chiffon cake with beetroot, pistachio and chocolate, with fresh cream and sweetened apricot, topped with black and white chocolate ring), Memoirs of a Geisha (chiffon cake filled with red bean cream, with finger biscuit on the side), [...]
Sunshine (lemon and poppy seed chiffon
cake with sweet and sour citrus cream), Million Dollar Truffle Cake (wrapped with 24 carat gold) and Crepe Suzette Cake (layers of French pancake with orange cream).
35 2008 年 10 月,领土第一夫人引述的统计字指在中学的 青年中,每三天内至少喝过一次酒精饮料;每五名青年男子中 有一名闹饮作乐,他们有半数在以前 12 个月内参加过殴斗。
According to reports in the media, during 2007 over 6,779 low-income pregnant, breastfeeding and non-breastfeedingpostpartum women and children up to the age of five who were found to be at nutritional risk, received supplemental food, health-care referrals and nutrition education.35 In October 2008, statistics cited by the Territory’s First Lady indicated that one in every three young people in high school had had at least one alcoholic drink in the previous three days; one in five young males engaged in binge drinking; and one half of young males had been involved in a physical fight in the previous 12 months.
Malicious scriptsfetch contents from third-party sites and include them in junk pages alongside the relevant [...]
search words or
phrases so that the automatically generated webpage containing legitimate-looking content.
Camila Klein
[...] 呈现了三个系列创作︰Aspen系列 项链和长耳环的金链上缀有深红色和蓝色仿水晶,散发着迷人的古典气质﹔一如艳的 Cleópatra 系列提供两个组合︰一个是深蓝色仿水晶为亮点的穿孔耳环和长项链套装,另一个项链、手链和穿孔耳环套装则将独特别致的深蓝色仿水晶元素,搭配上乘的精金与别具异国风情的长绳﹔Meduse [...][...]
Camila Klein offers three collections: Aspen’s necklace and long earrings, with crystals of
deep ruby and blue
[...] suspended on golden chains, has an antique feel; the bold opulence oftheaptly-named Cleópatra collection offers two looks: the deep blue [...]
crystals of a ring,
earposts and long necklace set, plus a second set featuring a necklace, bracelet and earposts with deep blue statement crystals combined with textured gold and exotically colored slender ropes; lastly, the two necklaces and earrings of her Meduse collection come in soft shades of Graphic Fancy Stones mixed with Crystal Yarn micro-strands threaded with tiny pearls.
Using character pointers is relatively easy since the name of anarray is [...]
a just a pointer to its first element.
在整个流程中,这个电压调整器负责控制,而其他电压调整器作为从站遵守主 站的控指令
This voltage regulator takes over control while all other follower voltage regulators comply
[...] with the control commandsof the master.
因 此 , 在 这 宗 案 件 里 , 某 一 有 限 公 司 的 印 监 连 同 在 印 监 上 一 名 董 事‚ Managing Director‛ 盖 印责 任 须 由 该 公 司 独 自 承 担 而 非 由 签 署 的 个 人 承 担 。
Thus in that particular case,
[...] the stamped name of a limited company, to which was appended the written name ofadirector followed by the stamped words "Managing Director", imposed liability on [...]
the company alone and not on the individual.
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出 席会议的巴勒斯坦名字书长代表抽中,即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 [...]
席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦选择一次会议,然后再从 相对应的盒子内抽出标有会议发言时段的数字。
(c) Once the name of a Member State, the Holy See,
in its capacity as observer State, or
[...] Palestine,in its capacity as observer, [...]
has been drawn by the representative of the
Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, will be invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the appropriate box the number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting.
登记应包含被拘留者的身份;拘留的日期、时间和地 点;拘留该人的机关的身份;拘留的理由;被拘留所收押的日期和时间;被拘留
[...] 者收押时的健康状况;以及任何变更情况;审讯的时间和地点与所有审讯人员名字及释放或转移到另一拘留所的日期和时间。
Registration should contain the identity of the detainee, the date, time and place of the detention, the identity of the authority that detained the person, the ground for the detention, the date and time of admission to the detention facility and the state of health of the detainee upon admission and any
changes thereto, the time and place of
[...] interrogations,with the namesof all interrogators [...]
present, as well as the date and time
of release or transfer to another detention facility.
通过此种违反武器禁运的行为,卢旺达官员把名指个人算作直接的盟 友,也违背了制裁制度的旅行产冻结措施。
Through such arms embargo violations, Rwandan officials have also been in contravention of the sanctions regime’s travelban and assets freeze measures, by including three designated individuals among their direct allies.




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