单词 | 挂载点 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 挂载点 noun —mount point nSee also:挂载 n—mount n 挂 v—hang v • hung v 挂—hang up (the phone) • hitch • register or record • hang or suspend (from a hook etc) • classifier for sets or clusters of objects • be worried or concerned • make a phone call (dialect)
首先使用命令行识别所有附加到系统的驱动与 Windows PE 中当前的挂载点。 kb.parallels.com | First use the command line to identify all drives attached to the system and [...] their current mount point in Windows PE. kb.parallels.com |
继续以上的例子,/usr 之下的一个或多个目录还有可能是其它分区 的 挂载点。 bsdmap.com | Continuing our example, it is also possible that one or more directories [...] below /usr would be mount points for other partitions. bsdmap.com |
这款单圈旋转传感器带有一个直径为 1/8" 的轴,通过两个滚珠轴承和一个伺服 挂载 配 置 支撑。 digikey.cn | This single-turn rotary sensor features an 1/8" diameter shaft supported by dual ball [...] bearings and a servo mount configuration. digikey.at |
预算文件表 34.3 按照构成部分和地点载列资 源分配情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Table 34.3 of the budget document provides the distribution of resources by component and location. daccess-ods.un.org |
C-RAN架构中通过BBU资源池下挂基站站 点 的 收 敛和站点零机房建设,给运营商网络建设带来极大的收 益。 zte.com.cn | With the C-RAN architecture, the convergence and reduction of equipment rooms through the BBU resource pool with base stations greatly benefits network construction for operators. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
主要的负载点应用 包括刀片服务器、RAID存储系统、LAN/SAN适配卡、无线基站、工业自动化、测试和测量、嵌入式计算、通信和多功能打印机。 tipschina.gov.cn | Key POL applications include blade [...] servers, RAID storage systems, LAN/SAN adapter cards, wireless base stations, industrial [...]automation, test and measurement, embedded computing, communications, and multi-function printers. tipschina.gov.cn |
设备可挂载于腰 带,亦可安装在安全帽内。 dat-bergbau.de | This board can be mounted either as a small, sealed device on a belt or can be integrated directly into a head lamp. dat-bergbau.de |
教育领域的活动主要集中在以下领域:a) 作为对《暴力侵害儿童问题世界报告》 (2006 年)所载的建 议的后续行动的暴力侵害儿童的行为,新增 重 点 包 括 此种暴力行为的 性别因素、宗教和文化在防止此类暴力方面的作用以及对非暴力、参与性的做法和支助服务 [...] 的推广;b) 全纳教育,旨在促进建立一个满足多样化学生群体需求的、对遭到排挤和被边缘 [...] 化的群体给予特别关注的教育体系;c) 治理和不平等,研究教育领域的善治如何在减少基于 财富、地点、种族、性别及其他原因的不平等方面发挥作用;d) 对教材进行修订以推广以和 平为导向的方法,同时兼顾与质量有关的新的教育挑战。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the context of education, activities focus on the following areas: (a) violence against children as [...] a follow-up to the [...] recommendations contained in the World Report on the Violence against Children (2006), with an added emphasis on gender dimensions [...]of such violence, [...]the role of religion and culture in its prevention, and the promotion of non-violent, participatory practices and support services; (b) inclusive education, with the aim of promoting an educational system that answers the needs of a diverse group of pupils, paying particular attention to the excluded and marginalized; (c) governance and inequality, looking at how good governance in education can reduce disparities based on wealth, location, ethnicity, gender and other grounds; (d) textbook revision to promote peace-oriented approaches taking into account new education challenges related to quality. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了安装和调预紧的方便, 承受点载荷的 套圈可以采用松一点的紧配合。 schaeffler.com | In order to give easier mounting and allow setting of the bearing preload, however, [...] the ring under point load has a less tight fit. schaeffler.com |
至于“蓝线”的标识,黎巴嫩重申三方会议达成的关于加强并加速这一 [...] 进程的一致意见,同时要知道,以色列军队迄今继续为标识工作设置障 碍,即把具体已商定地点的标识与其他尚未商定 地 点挂 钩。 daccess-ods.un.org | As to the marking of the Blue Line, Lebanon reiterates the agreement in the tripartite meeting to enhance this process and speed it up, knowing that the Israeli Army continued so far to [...] put hurdles to the marking exercise, namely by linking the marking of [...] a specific agreed point to others not agreed upon. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告显示,这些培训方案仍然是由需求推动 的,并与国家和国际能力建设举措挂 钩 ,其 重 点 放 在亚太经社会统计 次级方案的预期成就。 daccess-ods.un.org | The report showed that the training programmes remained demand-driven and linked to national and international capacitybuilding initiatives by focusing on the expected accomplishments of the ESCAP statistics subprogramme. daccess-ods.un.org |
在东耶路撒冷Silwan 街区,一些以色列家庭强制夺占了巴勒斯坦人的住房,把 他们赶进了有人看守的定居点园区 ,那 里 挂 着 以 色列旗。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result, over 60 Palestinians have lost their homes and another 500 remain at risk of forced eviction, dispossession and displacement in the near future.25 In Silwan neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, Israeli families have forcibly taken over Palestinian homes, turning them into guarded settlement compounds flying Israeli flags.26 Many of the settler organizations [...] are backed by private [...] donors from abroad,27 raising the issue of international complicity, as well as [...]Israeli State responsibility, with these [...]continuing violations of international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会尤其获悉,联合 国系统各组织正在提议把自由职业者的薪资率与适当级别正式工作人员的薪金 表加适当地点的工作地点差价调整数 挂 钩 , 以帮助弥补通称的“北美差距”,即 在纽约工作的自由职业者每天的工资少于在其他地区工作的自由职业者,这一差 距可高达 70 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the Committee was informed that the United Nations system organizations were proposing to peg the freelance pay rates to the salary scale for regular staff at the appropriate level plus the post adjustment for the appropriate location in order to help bridge what is commonly referred to as the “North American gap”, whereby freelance interpreters working in New York are paid up to $70 less per day than those elsewhere. daccess-ods.un.org |
要使用带环形悬挂点的折叠式平台 K,只需用 Bow head K-ES 改装平台。 doka.com | To use the Folding platform K [...] with loop-type suspension points, simply retrofit [...]the platform with the Bow head K-ES. doka.com |
它具有和改进后的A-5B相同的外形,包括有更大的燃料箱,较大的机翼面积、吹气式前缘襟翼和机翼后方的四个突起 机翼下一共有四个 外 挂点 用 来 携带副油箱, 但是这些副油箱很少被使用,因为在机身里面已经携带了足够的燃料。 trumpeter-china.com | It incorporated most of the changes that had been introduced with the A-5B, including the hump-backed fuselage with the extra fuel, the larger wing area, the blown flaps on the leading edge, and the four underwing hardpoints. trumpeter-china.com |
车用充电器可以通过标准的 12V 或 24V 直流车载点烟器插座, 快速、安全地为 Vertu 手机电池重新充电。 vertu.com | The vehicle charger recharges your Vertu phone battery quickly and safely from a standard 12 or 24 volt (DC) vehicle cigarette lighter outlet. vertu.com |
由于文中的示例代码使用了JPA/Hibernate,因此在实体加载后需要将这些框架所提供的设 备 挂载 到 Ri chDomainObjectFactory中。 infoq.com | Since the code example of this article uses [...] JPA/Hibernate, the facilities these frameworks offer need to be used to hook in the [...] RichDomainObjectFactory when entities are loaded. infoq.com |
文化市场服务平台移动应用系统安装方式 [...] 广州市文化市场管理工作领导小组办公室在推出文化市场服务平台移动应用的同时,亦提供不同 下 载点 予 市 民选择下载安装,包括手机输入网址http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/index. ht ml 点击下载,手 机扫描二维条形码下载、及于“安卓市场”、“苹果商城”、“广东电信掌上营业厅”、“天翼空间”搜索“广州文化市场服务平台””下载以及手机蓝牙相互传输等途径。 timeless.com.hk | Installing the “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications In parallel with the launch of “Guangzhou Cultural Market Services Platform” mobile applications, GZCMMO provided [...] various ways for the [...] Public to choose and download from, which include : input the link http://gzwgb.talentvalley.cn:8080/apkdownload/in dex.h tml on your phone and click, or scanning [...]the QR code, or [...] search in various online stores such as “Android Market”, “App Store”, “廣東電信掌上營業廳”、“天翼空間”搜索“廣州文化市場服務平臺”. timeless.com.hk |
还应注意到,按照委员会的估算,与上述总部工作地 点挂钩的 意大利布林迪西等其他工作地点的所涉工作人员费用每年会增加大约 120 万美元,如果罗马的工作地点差价调整数有所改变,那么这些费用也会受到 影响,因为适用于布林迪西的工作地点差价调整数与罗马适用的调整数挂钩。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should also be noted that additional financial implications of approximately $1.2 million per annum, estimated by the Commission, would arise for staff costs at other duty stations linked to the above headquarters duty stations, such as staff costs at Brindisi, Italy, would be affected if the post adjustment for Rome were changed since the post adjustment applied in Brindisi is linked to that applied in Rome. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席说,她认为委员会不希望将这一 点载 入评 注中。 daccess-ods.un.org | said she took it that the Commission wished [...] not to include that point in the commentary. daccess-ods.un.org |
如 果 每 次 使 用 相 同 的 计 算 机 ,则 [...] 自上一次下载后的新数据将以最新的数据启动并返回到之前的数据 下 载点 工 作 。 wavetronix.com | If the same computer is used each time, [...] the New data since previous download will start with the newest data and work back to [...] the previous data download point. wavetronix.com |
21 巴勒斯坦权力机构的领导人 [...] 曾多次警告说,如果不彻底冻结定居点的建造,它就不会恢复直接谈判,并明确 将其寻求获得联合国对巴勒斯坦建国的承认的决定与以色列定 居 点 政 策 挂 钩。 daccess-ods.un.org | 21 The leadership of the Palestinian Authority has repeatedly warned that without a total settlement freeze, it will not return to direct negotiations, and has explicitly [...] linked its decision to seek recognition of Palestinian [...] statehood at the United Nations to the Israeli policy on settlements. daccess-ods.un.org |
在Linux下通过将这些被封包的光盘 挂载 ( mo unt)为UDF文件系统也可以进行读取,比如使用命令“mount -t udf /dev/scd0 /cdrom”。 bsdmap.com | Reading these packet CDs also under linux is possible [...] by mounting them with the 'udf' file system, e.g., with a command like 'mount [...]-t udf /dev/scd0 /cdrom'. bsdmap.com |
行预咨委会指出,依据公务员制度委 [...] 员会提议的订正标准,六周休养周期将与危险地点和打仗或有武装冲突的 地 点挂 钩; 经国际公务员制度委员会主席核准,对特殊案例可采用四周修养周期。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee notes that with the revised criteria proposed by ICSC, the six-week rest and [...] recuperation cycle would be associated to [...] dangerous locations and locations where there [...]is war or armed conflict, and that a [...]four-week cycle could be applied, for very exceptional cases, subject to approval by the Chair of the International Civil Service Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
相同位置也可以安装SC 250 型炸弹架,使得E-7型可以挂载一枚 250公斤炸弹。 trumpeter-china.com | The same attachments could also be used to fit a SC 250 bomb rack, allowing the E-7 to carry a single 250 kg bomb. trumpeter-china.com |
在宜普公司之前,Strydom 博士在国际整流器公司及凌力尔特公司分别担任应用工程部门的职位,从事消费及工业电子的应用包括马达驱动器、D类音频放大器、功率模块及支持VRM与 负 载点 的 直 流-直流转换器的研发。 epc-co.com | Prior to joining EPC, Dr. Strydom held various Application Engineering positions at International Rectifier Corporation (IRF) and more recently Linear Technology Corporation (LLTC), working on a wide range of consumer and industrial applications including motor drives, class-D audio, hybrid power modules and DC-DC converters for VRM and POL. epc-co.com |
应用包括稳压器模块 (VRM)、多相稳压器、负载点 (POL) 模块、桌面和服务器 VRM 和 [...] EVRD、基站设备、笔记本稳压器、电池电源系统、图形卡、数据网络以及存储系统。 digikey.cn | Applications include voltage regulator modules (VRMs), [...] multi-phase regulators, point-of-load(POL) modules, [...]desktop, and server VRMs and EVRDs, base [...]station equipment, notebook regulators, battery power systems, graphics cards, data networking, and storage systems. digikey.be |
领先的原始设备制造商均普遍采用这些器件,因为它们能满足驱动现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)、微处理器、数字信号处理器(DSP)、ASIC和其他直流-直流 负 载点 ( PO L)器件的高性能应用的高效率、低噪声、精确电压和快速瞬态要求。 tipschina.gov.cn | Leading OEMs are widely adopting these devices because they meet the high efficiency, low noise, precise voltage and fast transient requirements of high-performance applications powering field programmable [...] gate arrays (FPGAs), microprocessors, digital signal processors (DSPs), [...] ASICs, and other DC-DC point of load (POL) devices. tipschina.gov.cn |
在进一步采取跨部门行动的问题上,与会者建议信息传播技术与教 育 挂 钩 ( 如在上面 “教育”部分已提出的那样),并与教育部门一道促进虚拟大学和培训中心之间的合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As regards further intersectoral action, participants suggested linkages between ICTs and education (as is already elaborated above under “Education”) and the promotion of cooperation between virtual universities and training centres (together with ED). unesdoc.unesco.org |
秘书长报告中明确指出,即便是在国际社会参 与处理阿富汗问题八年之后,它所提供的 80%的援助 仍然绕过阿富汗政府,而且没有与政府的优先 重 点密 切挂钩。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General’s report strikingly points out that, even after the last eight years of engagement in Afghanistan, 80 per cent of international community assistance still bypasses the Afghan Government and is not closely aligned with Government priorities. daccess-ods.un.org |