

单词 挂羊头卖狗肉

See also:


sheep's head
fig. advertisement for good meat

External sources (not reviewed)

当市场移动至对敞头寸有 利可图的仓位时,用 卖 和 买 的 挂 单。
A pending order used to close a trade when the market is moving profitably to the open position.
所以,審裁處便要小心地 研究,確定這個物品的內容是否經過掩飾,是否“ 羊 頭 賣 狗肉 ”。
Therefore, the OAT has to examine carefully to verify
whether or not the content of an article has been camouflaged, that is, whether it is
[...] "crying up wine and selling vinegar".
這些肉類會包含雞肉、肉、羊肉、 熱 狗。
The package contains
[...] chicken meat, beef, mutton and hot dog.
2011年,他们平均每天在网卖出500-600头牛羊,为 200多家农户和当地1,000多人创造了就业机会。
They sold 500–600 sheep and cows online every day [...]
in 2011, creating job opportunities for more than 200 farming households
and more than 1,000 people locally.
这个特别的功能使交易者可以直接在市场上通 挂 买/ 卖 单 来 作为流动性提供者的角色。
This special option allows the traders to act as a liquidity provider by placing individual bids and offers directly to the market.
對於這種“羊頭、賣狗肉”的情況,我希望政府能夠把關,真正把土地用於適當的 地方。
On such instances of "crying up wine but selling vinegar", I hope the Government can keep the gate properly and really use the land for appropriate purposes.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如, 头 流 浪 儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被卖的儿 童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.
我在立法會曾回答這一句,因為有些是“ 羊 頭 、 賣 狗肉 ” 的 ,所以我們便 要審視了。
I also once made the remark in reply in the Legislative Council that this was because there were cases of "crying up wine and selling vinegar", so it was necessary for us to examine them.
宽阔头部和肌肉发达的身躯是它们的标志,也使它们获得了世界各 狗狗 爱 好 者的尊重。
Recognizable by its
[...] broad head and muscular, powerful frame, the Rottweiler demands the respect it is given by dog lovers worldwide.
(c) 有报告称,存在卖和转移街头儿童的器官及为器官移植绑架儿童的 行为
(c) Reports of sale and transfer of organs among children in street situations and of abduction of children for organ transplantation
政 府 推 行 強 制 性 母 語 教 學 最 主 要 原因, 是 不 想 學 校 為 了 迎 合 家長的要 求 ,強行採用英 語 教 學 , 造 成 學 生 因 語 言 不通而對 學 習 失 去 興 趣 , 同 時亦希 望 阻 止學校羊 頭 、賣狗 肉 , 名 為 英文中 學 , 實質卻中、 英 夾雜教 學 , 阻 礙 學 生的語 文發展。
The main reason why the Government implemented compulsory mother tongue teaching in the first place was that it did not want schools to comply with parents' requests and force the adoption of English-medium teaching.
在主要措施中,禁止售货亭和头卖 中 卖 酒。
Among the main measures, the sale of alcohol in kiosks
[...] and in street trading in general has [...]
been prohibited.
鉴于国际进行的反海盗努力以及本法令第 4 条第 13 款提及的军事人员参加 行动,又联系 2008 年 11 月 10 日理事会第 2008/851/PESC 号欧洲联盟联合行动, 在等待联合国国际海事组织海事安全委员会的导则批准之前,授权在未建立第 1 款所述分遣队和符合第 5 款、5 之二、5 之三规定限度的情况下,在挂意大利 旗帜通过第 1 款所述国际海域的商船上,部署 1931 年 6 月 18 日第 773 号皇家法 令批准关于公共安全的统一法律案文第 133 和 134 条核可的“宣誓卫兵”,以保 护所述船舶。
In the context of international efforts for counter-piracy and the participation of military personnel in the operations referred to in article 4, para. 13 of this decree, and also in conjunction with the European Union Joint Action 2008/851/PESC of the Council, of 10 November 2008, and awaiting the approval of the guidelines of the Maritime Safety Committee of the United Nations within the International Maritime Organization (IMO), it is authorized — whereas the detachments referred to in para. 1, are not established — and in any case within the limits established in paras. 5, 5-bis, 5-ter, the employment of “sworn guards”, authorized under articles 133 and 134 of the Unified law text on Public Security, approved with Royal Decree 18 of June 1931, No. 773, on board merchant ships flagged in Italy transiting in international waters referred to in para. 1, for the protection of the said ships.
博海索女士这是初次会见霍诺瑞里的母亲,从欧莱葛巴耶女士的言词判断,她希望她女儿重回市场 头 顶 托 盘 卖 面 包
It is the first time Ms. Bohissou has met Honorine's mother, and,
judging from Ms. Olègbèyè’s expression, she expects the girl will be marched back
[...] into the market with her tray of bread.
在进一步采取跨部门行动的问题上,与会者建议信息传播技术与教 挂 钩 ( 如在上面 “教育”部分已提出的那样),并与教育部门一道促进虚拟大学和培训中心之间的合作。
As regards further intersectoral action, participants suggested linkages between ICTs and education (as is already elaborated above under “Education”) and the promotion of cooperation between virtual universities and training centres (together with ED).
消費者委員會亦說,不少高鈣低脂、低糖甚至無糖的食品均是“羊 頭,賣狗肉”。
The Consumer Council also says that many of these so-called high-calcium, low-fat, low-sugar or even sugarless foods are not really what they claim to be.
因為他們不會代表選民的意見,他 們只是“羊頭賣狗肉”, 說會代表巿民的意見,在議會內為巿民爭取權 益,但事實上,最終他們並不會這樣做。
They are only posing as representatives of the people and fighting for the interest of the people, but in fact they are not and they will not do it.
但是,經過這些宣傳後,他們立即被傳媒和 我們的同事炮轟,說他們是“羊頭 賣 狗肉 ” ,欺騙香港市民。
However, after such publicity, they were immediately bombarded by the media and our Honourable colleagues, who accused them of "crying up wine but selling vinegar" and deceiving Hong Kong people.
蔡素玉議員:主席,請 問 局 長,政 府有否更 好 的 措施,以 防
[...] 止 有 人 魚 目 混 珠 、 “羊頭 賣 狗肉" , 即 假藝術 之 名 , 舉 行以政 [...]
治 為目的的活 動 呢?
MISS CHOY SO-YUK (in Cantonese): Madam President, does the Government have better measures to prevent people from passing off the sham as
the genuine or crying wine but selling vinegar,
[...] that is, hosting activities in the name of arts [...]
but with the actual intention
of achieving some political objectives?
有人說不是賭波合法化, 而是賭波規範化,我認為這只不過是“ 羊 頭 賣 狗肉 " 的文字遊戲而已。
Some people said that it is not legalization of football betting, but authorization of football betting.
ICS的联营公司,其附属机构,人员,董事及雇员,包括参与编制或发行这种材料的人;(一)不时,可能有 头 或 空 头头 寸 , 买入 卖 出 证 券/商品或其衍生物,这里所说的;(二)从事任何其他涉及该证券/商品或衍生工具交易,并赚取佣金或其他报酬;(C)可能有任何其他潜在的利益冲突方面的任何建议和相关的信息和意见。
ICS Associates, its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this material;(a) from time to time, may have long or short positions in, and buy or sell the securities/commodities or derivatives thereof, mentioned here in; (b) be engaged in any other transaction involving such securities/commodities or derivatives and earn brokerage or other compensation; (c) may have any other potential conflict of interest with respect to any recommendation and related information and opinions.
但是,預算案一公布,大家便知道這個親民的廣告原來只是“羊頭賣狗肉”, 因為不單議員,連市民大眾亦認為預算案根本只是閉 門造車,而所謂“留意見不一定要留鬚”,更是玩文字遊戲,因為沒有 留鬚的市民在留下意見後,其實政府只當他們“發  風 ”,仍然是以小 修小補、短視的措施來回應市民的訴求。
Not only Members but also the general public think that the Financial Secretary has just worked behind closed doors in formulating this Budget, and he was just playing on words when he said that "one does not need to have a beard to express his views".
說穿了,這其實只是一個羊頭賣 狗肉 的 機制,即是我找數名懂得法律 的人,利用他們來作出一些行政上的授權,而這個決定在日後是沒有一個既 定和必然會發生的覆檢機制。
To put it clearly, it is one of the deceiving tricks: to identify a few who know the law, and use them to issue executive authorizations.
有些時候,不少僱主為了逃避 付長期服務金,因而用盡各種方法迫僱員「自動辭職」,因此,㆒日法例不改,長期服 務金㆒日都只是「羊頭賣狗肉」的 玩意
From time to time, not a few employers will, for the sake of evading the long service payment, use various means to force their employees to "resign voluntarily".
这个创新的设 置由三列屏幕构成,每列屏幕包含三个 NEC 40 英寸,46 英寸或 52 英寸 LCD 面板,三列屏幕 围绕走廊的支撑立柱组成一个 9:48 的立式显示配置,或者挂在头顶上 空形成一个 48:9 的横式 显示配置。
This innovative setup involved placing three columns of screens, each with three NEC 40", 46", or 52" LCD panels stacked in a 9:48 portrait configuration around support pillars in the corridors of the shopping malls, or in 48:9 banner format overhead displays.
与会者还认为,应当继续开展 32 C/5 中将生物多样性和文化多样挂钩的跨部门联合 活动,并应在教科文组织内另设跨部门机制,根据大会第三十二届会议通过的决议来落实毛 里求斯会议(巴巴多斯+10)的建议。
Participants also felt that the joint intersectoral initiatives in document 32 C/5 of linking biological and cultural diversity should be continued and that additional intersectoral mechanisms should be established within UNESCO for the follow-up of the recommendations of the Mauritius Meeting (Barbados+10) in line with the resolution adopted by the General Conference at its 32nd session.
挂图中 的数据包括农村地区的农村人口规模和增长速度、农业人口规模、 农业区和农田、森林面积、灌溉面积、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、农业中经济 [...]
活跃人口和化肥的使用;以及城市地区的城市人口规模和增长率、人类住区占据 的土地面积、生活在贫民窟中的城市人口、获得改善供水和卫生的情况、二氧化
碳的排放量、空气中颗粒物的密度、产业和服务业中的就业、国内生产总值、使 用中的机动车辆和能源消耗。
The data
[...] contained in the wallcharts include, for the [...]
rural areas, size and rate of growth of the rural population, size
of the agricultural population, agricultural area and cropland, forest area, irrigated areas, access to improved water and sanitation, economically active population in agriculture and fertilizer use; and for the urban areas, size and rate of growth of the urban population, land area occupied by human settlements, urban population living in slums, access to improved water and sanitation, carbon dioxide emissions, concentrations of particulate matter in the air, employment in industry and services, gross domestic product, motor vehicles in use and consumption of energy.
在进展报告(A/66/591)第 12 段中,秘书长强调把全球外勤支助战略提供 服务模式与企业资源规划“团结”项 挂 钩 的重要性,并指出,外勤支助部将继 续与“团结”项目团队密切合作,确保在“团结”项目环境中推广新的业务流程 以及“团结”项目实施的时间框架和部署战 挂 钩。
In paragraph 12 of his progress report (A/66/591), the Secretary-General underlines the importance of aligning the service delivery models of the global field support strategy with the enterprise resource
planning project (Umoja),
[...] and indicates that the Department of Field Support will continue to work closely with the Umoja team so as to ensure alignment with the new business processes in the Umoja environment as well as the time frame and deployment strategy of Umoja.




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