单词 | 挂牌 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 挂牌 noun —quotation n挂牌 —lit. hang up a plate • listed (on stock market) • open up for business See also:挂 v—hang v • hung v 挂—hang up (the phone) • hitch • register or record • classifier for sets or clusters of objects • hang or suspend (from a hook etc) • be worried or concerned • make a phone call (dialect)
在2007年8月,华沙证券交易所设立了 一个新的板块——为有巨大发展潜力的年轻 公司提供交易市场,在这里目前有超过90个 公司挂牌。 paiz.gov.pl | In August 2007 WSE launched the New Connect – a market for young companies with a large growth potential, on which more than 90 companies are currently listed. paiz.gov.pl |
我们欢迎掌握新科技的优秀人才前来新加坡谋求事业的发展,也欢迎世界各地的商家来新加坡投资,成立公司甚 至 挂牌 上 市。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | We look forward to recruiting the best scientific and technological minds for Singapore; we also welcome [...] businessmen from every part of the world to invest [...] in Singapore, set up companies [...]here and even get a listing on the Singapore Exchange. english.sccci.org.sg |
1995 年,斯堪尼亚再一次成为独立公司,并于次年在斯德哥尔摩和纽约的证券交易市 场 挂牌 上 市。 scania.com.cn | In 1995 Scania again became an independent company and was listed on the stock exchange in Stockholm and [...] New York the following year. en.scania.az |
特瑞堡自1964年起在斯德哥尔摩证交所上市 并 挂牌 于 纳 斯达克OMX Nordic List, Large Cap板块。www.trelleborg.com. trelleborg.com | The Trelleborg share has been listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange since 1964 and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic List, Large Cap. www.trelleborg.com trelleborg.com |
这里是我公司全部的目前在市场上 挂牌 的 房 产。 homewithtyra.com | Here are all of my office’s active listings. homewithtyra.com |
如今,Graco 在纽约股票交易所 (NYSE) 挂牌,股票代码为 GGG。 gww.graco.com | Today, Graco is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol GGG. gww.graco.com |
2005年,尚德成为在纽约股票交易所 挂牌 上 市 的第一家中国私人企业。 australiachina.com.au | In 2005, Suntech became the first private, China-based company to list on the New York Stock Exchange. australiachina.com.au |
2010年初,新南威尔士大学扩展医疗项目的组成部分、耗资$1亿澳元的洛伊(Lowy)癌症研究中心正 式 挂牌 成 立。 australiachina.com.au | In early 2010, the A$100m Lowy Cancer Research Centre opened as part of UNSW’s expanded medical program. australiachina.com.au |
法 定 承 諾:遵 守 法 律、法 規 和 規 章 的 規 定,履 行 法 定 義 務,即 自 股 權 分 置 改 革 方 案 實 施 之 日 起,所 持 有 的 公 司 原 非 流 通 股 股 份 在 十 二 個 月 內 不 上 市 交 易 或 者 轉 讓;在 上 述 禁 售 期 滿 後 的 十 二 個 月 內 通 過 深 圳 證 券 交 易 所 挂 牌 交 易 出 售 的 原 非 流 通 股 股 份,出 售 數 量 佔 本 公 司 股 份 總 數 的 比 例 不 超 過 百 分 之 五,在 二 十 四 個 月 內 不 超 過 百 分 之 十。 zte.com.cn | Statutory undertakings: to comply with the laws, regulations and rules and perform its statutory obligations, namely not to transfer or trade the listed shares of the Company, which are converted from the non circulating Shares, held by it within 12 months from the first trading day after implementation of the Share Reform Plan; and not to sell its original Non-circulating Shares amounting to more than five per cent ('%) of the total share capital of the Company by way of trading subsequent to their listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange within 12 months and not to sell more than ten per cent (10%) within 2' months after the above lock-up period. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
作为一家贸易公司,TED 在业内拥有极佳的口碑,它专门服务于电子行业,并在日本东京证券交易 所 挂牌 上 市。 linear.com.cn | TED has an excellent track record as a trading company, exclusively servicing the electronics industry, and is listed on the Tokyo Stock exchange. linear.com |
RVA控股集团首席执行官Rutger von Ahlefeld称:“挂牌让Gr eenvironment进入了股市,同时也将整个管理团队为把Greenvironment打造成清洁技术行业龙头企业所付出的辛苦努力转化成了具体价值。 tipschina.gov.cn | The listing gives Greenvironment access to the equity [...] market and also crystallises the value of [...]the hard work put in by the entire management [...]team to build Greenvironment into a leading player in the cleantech industry," commented Rutger von Ahlefeld, CEO RVA Holding AB. tipschina.gov.cn |
自5月4日起,营业总部位于柏林的清洁技术公司Greenvironment的股票将在德国法兰克福证券交易所公开市场 版 挂牌 交 易。 tipschina.gov.cn | As of 04th May, the shares of Greenvironment, a cleantech company with its operational headquarter in Berlin, are listed on the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. tipschina.gov.cn |
2003年2月13日,中国外运股份有限公司在香港成 功 挂牌 上 市 ,融资总额5.03亿美元。 sinotransone.com | On February 13, 2003, Sinotrans Limited was successfully listed in Hong Kong, pooling US$503 million in total. sinotransone.com |
国际版顾名思义就是两地上市,即允许在中国设有主要业务的跨国企业通过发行人民币计价的A股在上海证券交易 所 挂牌 交 易。 youngchinabiz.com | The idea behind the board, which would allow international companies with major business in China to list in Shanghai using yuan-denominated A-shares, was two-fold. youngchinabiz.com |
如果您对任何一个挂牌感兴 趣,请直接同我联系。 homewithtyra.com | Feel free to browse and contact me directly if you [...] are interested in anyone of them. homewithtyra.com |
按照协议和作业规划,广西同济医药集团有限公司将根据美国证券管委会对上市企业的严厉甚至苛刻的要求,在规定期限内完成集团公司治理结构调整,财务体系与国际会计准则接轨,以及法务、高层团队、内部员工持股规划制度一系列体系的调整与建设,使之达到美国上市公司的要求,并于2006年底完成在美国纳斯达克注册文档与相关文档审核,取得NASDAQ上市身份与代码,2007年第一季度完成IPO的发行以及正 式 挂牌 交 易 等工作。 tjyy.com.cn | By the end of 2006 Guangxi Tongji will get registered and examined on NASDAQ acquired NASDAQ listed status and code and in the first quarter of 2007 the issue of IPO and official listing will be completed. tjyy.com.cn |
根据新型经济的发展,新加坡交易所设计了具灵活性的上市规则,以便让更多具有潜力的中国新兴企业有机会在新加坡市 场 挂牌 上 市。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | In keeping with the developments in the new economy, the Singapore Exchange has also modified its listing rules, enabling even more fledgling yet promising PRC enterprises the opportunity and eligibility to obtain a public listing in Singapore. english.sccci.org.sg |
而現在,隨著全球化得趨勢,專業公 [...] 司已經開展得非常大,其中有些公司甚至已 經 挂牌 上 市 ,因此,他們和客戶公司一樣迫切需 [...]要好得經理人員。 wcec-secretariat.org | Nowadays, with globalization, professional firms have grown much [...] larger and some of them have even gone [...]public so they are also as much in need of [...]good managers as are their clients. wcec-secretariat.org |
住YHA都不必担心住宿条件会很差,因为 要 挂牌 为 YHA必须依据他们所定下的标准。 4tern.com | In order to be a YHA partner, there are quite some rules to be followed by [...] the owner to obtain a YHA licence. 4tern.com |
公司已经完成了此行业当中的数个第一,成为第一家在欧洲海洋能源中 心 挂牌 的 潮 汐能源公司,第一个将潮汐发电接入英国电网的公司,第一个成功展示了直接在海床上安全而经济地铺设涡轮发电机组方法的公司。 diabgroup.com | The company has already achieved a number of industry firsts including being the first to deploy a tidal turbine at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC); the first to connect to and generate electricity from tidal streams onto the UK National Grid; and the first to successfully demonstrate a method of safely and economically deploying turbines directly on the seabed. diabgroup.com |
Interroll 拥有 1,500 名员工,他们工作在 28 家公司中,并在瑞士国家证券交易所 挂牌上 市。 interroll.com | Interroll has 1,500 employees working in 28 companies and is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. interroll.com |
截至 2011 年,该交易所已挂牌上市 1 408 个新 项目,为 516 个新项目进行了配对,并见证了 156 宗成功交易。 daccess-ods.un.org | As of 2011, the Exchange had listed 1,408 new projects, matched 516 new projects and witnessed 156 successful transactions. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些守则全球适用,并且包含了以下方面的指引:高空作业、 安全上锁/挂牌标识、安全用电、狭小空间、给机器安装安全防护 装置、机动工业车辆和易燃/爆炸危险环境。 scjohnson.com | These apply globally and include guidelines for working at heights, lock-out/tag-out, electrical safety, confined space, machine guarding, powered industrial vehicles and flammable/explosive areas. scjohnson.com |
协助资金流动的方法包括信托、洗钱、支票兑现行、其他价 值转让机构、挂牌/空壳 公司、电汇和大笔现金走私者/运钞者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Methods to facilitate the movement of funds included hawala, money exchange, check cashers, alternate value transfer services, front/shell companies, wire remitters and bulk cash smugglers/couriers. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此期间,我们将为公司正式挂牌交 易 做积极的准备工作,包括准备2007年第一季季报、公司公众形象包装与策略、开通专业英文网站、股东选择经纪商开户、准备15c-211表及重大新闻稿、与潜在投资者谈判、并购药房及其他医院、完善符合COSO框架的内部控制制度等一系列的工作。 tjyy.com.cn | In the meantime, we would make all [...] active preparations for hanging out the company's shingle [...]for trading in the United States, [...]including the preparation of the quarterly newspaper of first quarter in 2007, packaging and public image of the company, opening up professional English website, shareholders choosing brokers accounts, 15c-211 form and major press releases, negotiations with potential investors, purchasing and merging pharmacies and other hospitals, perfecting the internal controlling regulations of COSO framework and other related work. tjyy.com.cn |
Zumtobel以ZA为交易码在维也纳证券交易所(XETRA交易系统 ) 挂牌 上 市。 tridonic.cn | Zumtobel is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange (XETRA trading system) under the trading code ZAG. tridonic.com |
普通股于2008年6月19日在美国证券交易 所 挂牌 上 市 且开始交易,股票代码为“HPJ”。 zhonglun.com | Amex: HPJ)in its recent initial public offering and listing of shares on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX). zhonglun.com |
首先,当看中一个挂牌房产 ,要在第一时间尽快下手offer,那么没等别人下offer 之前,卖家如果已经同意了你的offer,就自然避免了同其他竞争者争抢。 angelhome.ca | Because sellers could possibly accept your offer at the first place and then cancel open house and stuff, so that you avoid multiple offer situation totally. angelhome.ca |
作为国际地球科学计划五项优秀项目的成果,国际岩溶研究中心于 2009 年在 中华人民共和国桂林岩溶地质研究所 内 挂牌 成 立。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As a result of five excellent IGCP projects, the International Centre on Karst Research, was opened in 2009 in Guilin, People’s Republic of China, within the premises of the Institute of Karst Geology. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(1) 自改革方案實施之日起,廣藥集團所持非流通股股份在十二個月內不上市交易或者轉讓;在前項規 定期滿後的十二個月內,通過上海證券交易 所 挂牌 交 易出售原非流通股股份的數量佔廣州藥業股份 總數的比例不超過百分之五,二十四個月內不超過百分之十。 equitynet.com.hk | Upon the expiry of that 12 months period, the shares disposed of by GPHL (which are originally non-tradable shares) shall not exceed 5% and 10% of the total issued shares of the Company in the following 12 months and 24 months respectively. equitynet.com.hk |