









External sources (not reviewed)

由於港元与美本集团并无任何重大的货币 风险,毋须进行套戥。
As Hong Kong Dollars is pegged toUnited States [...]
Dollars, the Group does not have any significant currency exposure and does not need to hedge.
如要求者欲送 所要求的资料,则另须缴费。
If the requestor prefers the requested data to be sent by registered mail, the registered mail fee will also be charged.
460 个用工制服的衣架於使用後归还洗衣店,占洗衣店供应的衣架 的 88.5%。
5. 460 clothes hangers for staff uniforms were returned to the laundry shop after use, representing 88.5% of the total hangers supplied.
话以结束编辑步骤之後, EXGSM11 [...]
After you hang up the phone [...]
to finish the programming steps, EXGSM11 will send an SMS to the first phone number including
all phone numbers & passnumber that you programmed for your reference.
为 了 建 立 与 公 司 业 绩
[...] 和 长 期 战 略 紧长 期 激 励 机 [...]
制,从 而 完 善 公 司 整 体 薪 酬 结 构 体 系,为 公 司 的 业 绩 长 期 持 续 发 展 奠 定 人 力 资 源 的 竞 争
优 势,公 司 董 事 会 薪 酬 与 考 核 委 员 会 制 定 了 公 司 第 一 期 股 权 激 励 计 划,该 计 划 已 经 公 司 股 东 大 会 批 准 并 开 始 实 施。
In order to establish a long-term incentive
[...] mechanism closely linked withthe Company’s [...]
business performance and long-term strategy,
so as to help optimise the overall remuneration structure and create a competitive advantage in human resources that will contribute to the long-term, sustainable growth of the Company’s operation, the Remuneration and Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company has formulated the Phase I Share Incentive Scheme of the Company, which has come into effect upon approval by the general meeting of the Company.
交易性金融负债,是指满足下列条件之一的金融负债: 承 担 该 金 融 负 债 的 目 的 是 为 了 在 近 期 内 回 购;属 於 进 行 集 中 管 理 的 可 辨 认 金 融 工 具 组 合 的 一 部 分, 且 有 客 观 证 据 表 明 企 业 近 期 采 用 短 期 获 利 方 式 对 该 组 合 进 行 管 理;属 於 衍 生 工 具,但 是,被 指 定 且 为 有 效 套 期 工 具 的 衍 生 工 具、属 於 财 务 担 保 合 同 的 衍 生 工 具、与 在 活 跃 市 场 中 没 有 报 价 且 其 公 允 价 值 不 能 可 靠 计 量 的 权 益 工 具 投须 通 过 交 付 该 权 益 工 具 结 算 的 衍 生 工 具 除 外。
Financial liabilities are classified as derivative if they satisfy one of the following conditions: they are acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term; they are part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together, and for which there is objective evidence of a recent pattern of short-term profit taking; they are derivative financial instruments, with the exception of derivatives designated as valid arbitrage, derivatives under financial guarantee contracts and derivatives linked to and settled by way of delivery of equity investments not quoted in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured.
4) 如果是资料磁碟分割备份,您可尝复原至少部分的档案和资料夹。
4) If this is a data partition backup, you can try mounting it to recover at least some files and folders.
多项其他因素亦会不时变动(见常问问题 5.2 及 5.4),因产价格的上升未必会导致权 证或牛熊证的价格出现相应於实际杠杆比率的增幅,甚至不会导致权证或牛熊证价格有任何升 幅。
A number of other factors also change all the time (see FAQs 5.2 and 5.4) and, therefore, a mererise in the underlying asset’s price may not necessarily lead to a corresponding increase to the extent of the effective gearing, or to any increase at all in the warrant or CBBC price.
外 汇 风险 来 自进 行海外买 卖 的未 来 商业 交 易及确 认 资产 或 负债,例 如 部分 以 美 元(「美元」)及港元(与美计值的现金及现金等价物(附注13)、已抵押银行存款(附 注12)、贸 易 及 其 他 应 收 账 款(附 注11)、贸 易 及 其 他 应 付 账 款(附 注17)以 及 借 贷(附 注 18)。
Foreign exchange risk arises when the future commercial transactions of sales to and purchases from overseas and recognised assets or liabilities, such as cash and cash equivalents (Note 13), pledged bank deposits (Note 12), trade and other receivables (Note 11), trade and other payables (Note 17) and borrowings (Note 18), certain of which are denominated in United States dollar (the “US$”) and HK$ (pegged with US$).
我们建 议顾客以速递式邮递心意礼券,港龙不会为任何寄失 [...]
Customers are encouraged to send their vouchers by
[...] courieror registered post as Dragonair [...]
will not be responsible for any vouchers that are lost in the post.
本人/我们/本号明了倘若投标落选,上述*支票/本 票将寄还至*本人/我们/本号最後报称的香港地址,如有寄失,房委会概不负责; 若支票或本票经已兑现,则该笔标金将会无息发还。
I/We understand that in the event of *my/our tender being unsuccessful *my/our *cheque/cashier’s order will be returned by registered post to *my/our last known address in Hong Kong at *my/our own risk or if banked on receipt, the tendered premium will be refunded without interest.
Promotion pasted paper, Mountain-climbing and travel maps, Teaching hanging chart, Children's game pictures, Printing pressure adhesive label, Sheet wrap around stick label, Lithographic printing posters, Calendars, commercial and promotion flags, Lithographic press -Catalogue, pictorial magazine, magazine, Character printing paper- Catalogue, Magazine inside paper,aviation baggage tag, Shipment of commodities package tag, Clothing tag, General merchandise name board tag, Laminated surface paper(laminated cardboard), Middle-size and small-size shopping bag, Large-size shopping bag.
本人,并代表每位受保人,明白於申请进行期间,倘因发出黑色暴雨警告或8以上台风讯号、机场或航空公司员工正进行罢工或工业行动,或任何受保 人已知之其他理由而导致行程将会取消或改期,则即使申请已获接纳,保单仍可视作无效。
I, and on behalf of each of the Insured Person(s), understand that the insurance policy will be void even accepted if black-rain warning or typhoon signal number 8 or above ishoisted;strikes or industrial actions or airport or airline staff are in progress or any other reasons known to any of the Insured Person(s) that the trip may have to be cancelled or re-scheduled during the time of application.
可考虑采用渐进式还款时间表,即贷款人可选择首數年还款 较少,後期还款较多,或应将还款额与贷款人的收以减轻新毕业生的财政负担。
A progressive payment schedule can be considered, i.e. the loan borrowers may opt to repay less in the initial years and to repay more in the latter years, or the amount of repayment should be made contingent upon incomeof loan borrowers, in order to ease the financial burden of fresh graduates.
(4) 可透过安全的非电子化方式来完成,这些方法包含(但不限) 经件或快递传送软式磁碟片(或其他储存媒体)。
(4) Can also be accomplished by secure non-electronic methods including (but not limited to) via registered mail or express courier of floppy disk (or other storage media.)
基金经 理可酌情投资於不同地区而不须要集中投资股票,并可不时投资於上市的股据及定息 产品。
Geographical orientation is at the Manager’s discretion and the Fund will not necessarily invest only in shares and will from time to time invest in listed equity-linked instruments as well as fixed income products.
其 余 的
[...] 土地将 於政 府 完 成 搬 迁 现 有 居 民 後 将 进 行 招
The remainder of the land shall be put through the
[...] public auctioning process once relocation [...]
of existing residents is completed by government.
此外,如 果影像档因某些原因被损毁,有时则可能需像,并使用 Windows 档案总管将它们影像中复制,以此来储存大部分档案及资料夹。
Incidentally, if the image file becomes corrupted for some reason, it is sometimes possible to mount the image and save most files and folders by copying them from the mounted image using Windows Explorer.
与认购权证相似,认沽权证的价值状况乃参考行使价格或行使水平产的价格或水平的 差额,除产的价格或水平而计算,如下表所示。
Similar to a call warrant, the moneyness of a put warrant is calculated by reference to the difference between the exercise price or strike level and the underlying asset’s price or level, divided by the underlying asset’s price or level, as illustrated in the table below.
薪 酬 委 员 会 考 虑 之 因 素 包 括 同 类 公 司 支 付 的 薪 金、董 事 及 高 级管 理 人 员 所 贡 献 的 时 间 及 责 任、本集 团 其他职 位的 聘用条 件及 是否适 宜提 供与表薪酬。
It takes into consideration on factors such as salaries paid by comparable companies, time commitment and responsibilities of Directors and senior management, employment conditions elsewhere in the Group and desirability of performance-base remuneration.
BeoLab 12 扬声器系列皆采扁平的造型设计,安装於墙面时,可完美搭配您的电视。
The flat form factor of all BeoLab 12 loudspeakers makes them the perfect companions for your wall-mounted flat screen TV.
本转换公司债发行满三个月之翌日起至到期前四十日 止,本公司普通股股票在普通易市场之收 盘价格连续三十个营业日超过当时转换价格达百分 之五十(含)时,以及本转换公司债经债权人请求转换 後,其尚未转换之债券总金额低於发行总额之10%者, 本公司得选择於债券强制转换或收回基准日,按当时 之转换价格将债权人持有之本转换公司债转换为普通 股或按债券面额将债权人持有之本转换公司债以现金 收回。
After the third month of the issuance to 40 days before maturity, in the event the closing price of the Company’s common share exceeds 50% of the current conversion price for 30 consecutive business days, and the convertible bonds’ outstanding balance is lower than 10% of the total issuance amount, the Company may opt for compulsory conversion or redemption to convert the bonds to common shares at the current conversion price or redeem the bonds in cash at par value from the bondholder.
然而,当牛熊证产的交易价接近其赎回价,牛熊证的价值或会变得更为波动(亦由於 有发生强制赎回事件的风险而产价格变动的敏感度降低),而其价值的变动可能产的价值变动不成比例。
However, when the underlying asset of a CBBC is trading at a price close to its call price, the value of CBBC may become more volatile (and less sensitive to movements in the price of the underlying asset due to the risk of occurrence of a mandatory call event) and the change in its value may be disproportionate to the change in the value of the underlying asset.
(v) 武 汉 中 基 通 用 港 口 发 展 有 限 公 司 应 进 一 步 透过土地招取 得 地 盘 面 积 为 98.91 亩 之 土 地 之 土地使 用 权 , 武 汉 中 基 通 用 港 口 发 展 有 限 公 司 已 支 付 按 金 人 民 币 4,945,500 元 。
(v) CIG Wuhan Multipurpose Port Limited should further obtain the land use rights of the land, with a site area of 98.91 mou, by land tendering, auction or listing procedures, CIG Wuhan Multipurpose Port Limited has paid deposit of RMB4,945,500.
合资格证券交易并 不包括本地买卖之海外证券、任何以非港币结算之上巿证券、i-Shares、 外外基金票据、「五隧一桥」债券、香港特别行政区政府零售债券/通挂挂、透过「「生每月投资计划」买入之交易及新股认购。
Eligible Securities Transactions exclude locally traded overseas stocks, any listed securities settled by nonHong Kong dollars, i-Shares, Exchange Fund Notes, Hong Kong Link retail bonds, Government of HKSAR retail bonds/ibonds, purchase transactions of Hang Seng Monthly Investment Plans and IPO shares subscriptions.
Install the heating element metals in ceramic materials, brittle at room temperature, high temperature has a certain plasticity, electric stove in the general case for the U-shaped component to vertical suspension components are suspended in the furnace, through the support chuckthe top of the purpose of this installation is to avoid mechanical stress to the component side of fever, may cause component fracture, For horizontal mounting, the electric furnace continuous operation, the maximum temperature should not exceed 1550 ℃ or below the component plus the high temperature refractory material support.
(e) 首次警告信通常应件方式送交有关公司,而最後警告信则 应由警方派员亲自送交有关公司的代表,促请持牌人注意不遵从警 告的後果。
(e) The first warning letter shall normally be sent to the company by registered mail. The final warning letter shall be served on the company’s representative(s) by the Police in person, drawing the licensee’s particular attention to the consequences of non-compliance.




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