

单词 持牌人

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External sources (not reviewed)

不過,持牌人/租戶沒有按協議在須停業的日期停止經營活家禽業,政府便 [...]
However, if any licensee/tenant concerned [...]
fails to cease live poultry business so required under the agreement on the termination
date, the Government will no longer be bound to pursue the agreement further and to provide the EGP.
有關改變會導致有關傳送者牌持牌人 或有 利害關係的人能夠顯著及大幅提高價格或 [...]
The likelihood that the change would result
[...] in the carrier licensee or interested [...]
person being able to significantly and substantially
increase prices or profit margins.
倘若農業食品與獸醫局有理 由 相信在持牌 加工場所 加工處 理 的 任 何 肉類製品或魚類製品經 攙雜、受 污染或 因其他理由 不適宜供人 食用,農業食品與獸醫局可 向該加工場所持牌 人 發出書面指示,要求持牌人即 時回收有 關 肉類製品或魚 類製品的所 有 存 貨 ,以及停 止售賣、供應或分銷該肉類製品 或魚類製品。
Where AVA has reason to believe that any meat product or fish product which has been processed in a licensed processing establishment is adulterated, contaminated or otherwise unfit for human consumption, AVA may issue a written directive to the licensee of the processing establishment requiring the licensee to forthwith recall all stocks and to cease the sale, supply or distribution, of the meat product or fish product.
第 109號法律公告由電訊管理局局長作出,以指定《電訊( 指 定須繳付頻譜使用費的頻帶)令》(第 106章,附屬法例Y)的附表第4部列
[...] 出的頻帶,該等頻帶可由電訊管理局局長指配予傳送者牌 持牌人以 提供寬頻無線接達服務。
L.N. 109 is made by the Telecommunication Authority designating the frequency bands in Part 4 of the Schedule to the Telecommunications (Designation of Frequency Bands subject to Payment of Spectrum Utilization Fee) Order (Cap. 106 sub. leg. Y) which
may be assigned by the Telecommunications
[...] Authority to licensees for the provision [...]
of Broadband Wireless Access (BMA) services.
(3) 為 避免在任何 住 宅 物 業 的 買賣協 議 或 租 契 中在 身 分 方 面有具 欺 詐 成 分 的 失實陳 述持牌人 須 採取所有切 實 可 行的步 驟 , 以確保 賣 方的姓 名或名稱 正 確 , 如 賣 方屬一 名 個 人,則該 等 步 驟 可 包括向賣 方 收取一份《人事登 記 條例》 ( 第177 章 )所指 的 身 分證的副本 或其他身 分證明文件的副 本。
(3) A licensee shall, for the purpose of avoiding the fraudulent misrepresentation of identity in an agreement for sale and purchase or a lease of a residential property, take all practicable steps to ensure that the name of the vendor is correct (which steps may include, if the vendor is an individual, collecting a copy of the vendor’s identity card within the meaning of the Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap. 177) or other identification document).
至 於該修訂規例所 帶 來 新服務的範圍,資訊科 技及廣播局首席助理局長(A)補 充 , 透 過 實 施 該 修訂規 例 , 星 電 視 共 用 天持牌人 除 可接收 及分發 星 電 視 及 有 線 電 視 的 收 費 電 視 服 務 外 , 亦 可接收 及分發其他領 有牌照的 收 費 電 視 服 務,包 [...]
括 按 照 星 電 視 上行及下行 牌照所 准許在港提供的 收 費
電 視 服 務及根據《電 視 條例》 領 牌 的 自選影像 節 目 服 務 ; 以 及 接 收 及分發從 星 接 收 擬 供 星 電 視 共 用 天 線 系統使用者收 取 的電訊訊息 ﹔ 以 及 透 過 互連, 讓 星 電 視 共 用 天 線 系統使用者可接收 及 轉送電訊訊息予其 他 電訊系統或服務,而 該 等 電訊系統 或服務 須根據《電訊條例》已經獲發牌照。
On the range of new services to be brought about by the Amendment Regulation, the Principal
Assistant Secretary for
[...] Information Technology and Broadcasting (A) (PAS/ITB(A)) supplemented that as a result of the Amendment Regulation, SMATV licensees would be allowed [...]
to receive and distribute
licensed subscription television services in addition to those of Satellite TV and the HKCTV, including subscription television services under a Satellite Television Uplink and Downlink Licence and video-on-demand programme services licensed under the Television Ordinance, and to receive and distribute telecommunications messages received from satellites intended for reception by users of the SMATV systems, and by interconnection, to receive and relay telecommunications messages between users of the SMATV systems and other telecommunications systems or services licensed under the Telecommunication Ordinance.
通訊 局是電訊業與廣播業的單一規管機構,在作為其執行部門的通訊辦成
[...] 立後,現有的總規管事務經理已就《廣播條例》下與廣 持牌人 的反 競爭行為有關的事宜,承擔額外職務。
With the establishment of OFCA which serves as the executive arm of the CA – the unified regulator of the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors, the existing CRAM
has already taken up additional duties in relation to anti-competitive conducts of
[...] broadcasting licensees under the BO.
(b) 持牌人須採 取一切可行的預防措施,以防止在其持牌處所內 [...]
(b) The licensee must take all [...]
possible precautions to prevent the occurrence or spread of any infectious or contagious
disease in any animal kept in the licensed premises.
(2) 第(1)款適用持牌人以下 的有表決權股份,即就可持牌人的股 東大會上藉投票而決定的任何問題或 其他事宜而言,該等股份所附有的表決權當其時是可 行使的。
(2) Subsection (1) applies to voting shares in a licensee where the voting rights carried by such [...]
shares are for the time
being exercisable as regards any question or other matter whatsoever which may be determined by a poll at general meetings of the licensee.
(a) 若處長根據上文第 3(II)(c)段提出申請,管理委員會的秘書 須就該項申請擇定聆訊日期,並須給予處長及有 持牌人 14 日通知,及在該項通知內,促 持牌人 提 出理由,說明為何不 應命令將其牌照撤銷(見條例第 25(2)條)。
(a) Where an application is made under 3(II)(c) above, the Secretary to the Authority shall fix a date for the hearing of the application and give 14 days’
notice to the
[...] Commissioner and the licensee; and that notice shall call on the licensee to show cause as to why an order for the revocation of his licence ought not [...]
to be made (as provided
for under s.25(2) of the SGSO).
第 7M 條禁止電訊服務牌持牌人在提 供電訊網絡或服務時,作出具誤 導性或欺騙性的行為。
Section 7M prohibits misleading or deceptive conduct of
[...] telecommunications service licensees in the provision [...]
of telecommunications network or services.
這些規 定 可 使 海關對 保 稅持 牌 人 和有關保稅 倉 的 運 作 掌握足夠資料 [...]
、 查 核 存 貨 帳 目及紀錄的 真確性 , 以有效地防 止 和 杜 絕 逃 稅 的 情 況 。
These requirements can enable the C&ED to grasp sufficient
[...] information about the licensee and the operation [...]
of the warehouse concerned, and to check
the authenticity of inventory audits and records, so as to prevent and deter duty evasion effectively.
(d) 管理局在徵詢有關電視節目服務市場 持牌人的 意見後,在根據第 4 條發出的關於市場支配優勢 評估的指引內規定的其他有關事宜。
(d) such other relevant matters as may be stipulated in guidelines concerning the test of dominance issued under section 4 by the Authority in consultation with the licensees in the relevant television programme service market.
(e) 首次警告信通常應以掛號郵件方式送交有關公司,而最後警告信則 應由警方派員親自送交有關公司的代表,促 持牌人 注 意 不遵從警 告的後果。
(e) The first warning letter shall normally be sent to the company by registered mail.
The final warning
[...] letter shall be served on the company’s representative(s) by the Police in person, drawing the licensee’s particular attention [...]
to the consequences of non-compliance.
(b) (如局長在作出上述調 查後,得出意見認為該 項改變具有或相當可能 具有大幅減少電訊市場 中的競爭的效果)局長 可藉送達書面通知予持牌人,指示該持牌人 採取局長認為為消除或 防止出現任何該等效果 而需要、並在該通知指 明的行動,但局長如信 納該項改變令或相當可 能令公眾得益,並信納 該項得益大於任何該等 效果對或相當可能對公 眾造成的任何損害,則 可不發出該指示。
(b) (where the Authority, after conducting such investigation, forms an opinion that the change has, or is likely to have, the effect of substantially lessening competition in a telecommunications market) the Authority may, by notice in writing served on the licensee, direct the licensee to take such action specified in the notice as the Authority considers necessary to eliminate or avoid any such effect, but the Authority may not issue such direction if the Authority is satisfied that the change has, or is likely to have, a benefit to the public and that the benefit outweighs any detriment to the public that is, or is likely to be, constituted by any such effect.
除了上文 (c)段所述勸諭食物業處所持牌人外 , 當局會考慮發出警告信 和採取其他執法行動。
In addition to giving advice to the licensee of the food [...]
premises as stated in (c) above, warning letters as well as other
enforcement actions should be considered.
我們建議若有關持牌小販在三個月內涉及六次違反《公眾 衞生及市政條例》(第132章)或其附屬法例《小販規例》(第132AI章) 與小販有關的條文及被定罪,食環署署長可根據取消牌照制度考慮取 消有持牌人的小販牌照。
It is proposed that if a licensed hawker is convicted for six times within three months for breaching any hawker-related provisions under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) or its subsidiary legislation, the Hawker Regulation (Cap. 132AI), DFEH may consider cancelling his/her hawker licence in accordance with the mechanism.
食物業處持牌 人應查究原因,並採取措施改善。
Licensees of food premises should be advised [...]
to investigate and find out the causes and to adopt measures to improve the hygienic conditions.
為確保有關併購所帶來的聲稱消費者或公眾得益可付諸實現,當局表 示,如有需要,電訊局長持牌人同 意 後,可修改 持牌人 的 牌 照條款,以 期帶來聲稱的公眾利益。
To ensure that the claimed benefits for consumers and the public arising from the merger and acquisition concerned will be realized, the authorities indicate that
the TA may, if
[...] necessary, with the consent of the licensees, amend the conditions under the latter's licence with a view [...]
to bringing about the claimed public benefit.
(c) 確保向閣下發出指示的人遵守期交所規則內所訂明的有關保證金及變價調整的規定,以致在期交所 與持牌人或註冊人之間持牌人或 註冊人應負責確保傳遞指示的人士都遵守該等有關綜合帳戶的 規定,猶如他們每人都是該綜合帳戶的客戶。
(c) ensure that the persons from whom you receive Instructions comply with the Margin and Variation Adjustment requirements as stipulated in the Rules of HKFE, with the result that, as between HKFE and the Company, the Company should be responsible for ensuring that such requirements are complied with by all persons through whom instructions pass with respect to the omnibus account as if each in turn was you for whom such omnibus account was operated.
(4) 如管理局認為某名處於支配優勢 持牌人 作 出目的在 於防止、扭曲或在相當程度上限制有關電視節目服務市場競 爭的行為,或作出有如此效果的行為,則該 持牌人 即 須當 作濫用其支配優勢。
(4) A licensee who is in a dominant position is deemed to have abused its position if, in the opinion of the Authority, the licensee has engaged in conduct which has the purpose or effect of preventing, [...]
distorting or substantially restricting
competition in a television programme service market.
根 據香港法例第 295B
[...] 章《危險品(一般)規例》第 129 條,任何 貯油槽持牌人如果 有合理理由懷疑貯油槽出現溢漏,須立即以 [...]
According to section 129 of the
Dangerous Goods (General) Regulations (Cap.
[...] 295B), if the licensee of any oil tank [...]
has reasonable grounds to suspect that
such tank is leaking, he shall forthwith report the circumstances in writing to the FSD.
(j) 除《持牌動物售賣商營業守則》( 營業守則) 第 19 段的規定 外持牌人須按 照本署指定的格式,詳細記錄及備存每宗動 物交易的最新資料最少一年,以供獲授權人員檢查,有關資 [...]
料包括買賣、轉讓或在持牌處所内死亡的動物的記錄,以及 動物數量結餘。
(j) In addition to the requirement set out in paragraph
19 of the Code of
[...] Standard for Licensed Animal Traders (Code of Standard), the licensee is required [...]
to keep a detailed and
up-to-date record of each transaction (for a minimum period of one year), including the purchase, sale, transfer or death of any animal kept in the licensed premises and the balance of the animal stock in a register in a format prescribed by this Department for inspection by an authorized officer at all times.
4.1 向持牌人或註 冊人提供授權書,容許其按照某份證券借貸協議書使用閣下的證券或證券抵押品、將 [...]
閣下的證券抵押品再質押以取得財務通融,或將閣下的證券抵押品存放為用以履行及清償其交收責 任及債務的抵押品,存在一定風險。
4.1 There is risk if
[...] you provide the licensed or registered [...]
person with an authority that allows it to apply your securities
or securities collateral pursuant to a securities borrowing and lending agreement, repledge your securities collateral for financial accommodation or deposit your securities collateral as collateral for the discharge and satisfaction of its settlement obligations and liabilities.
雖然有持牌人或註冊人根據閣下的授權書而借出或 存放屬於閣下的證券或證券抵押品須對閣下負責,但上 持牌人 或 註 冊人的違責行為可能會導致閣 下損失閣下的證券或證券抵押品。
Although the licensed or registered person is responsible to you for securities or securities collateral lent or deposited under your authority, a default by it could result [...]
in the loss of
your securities or securities collateral.
9.2.6 擬開辦按摩院的擁有人/合夥人/股東,應委派一名能夠充分並親自監管該按 摩院的合適人士擔持牌人。
9.2.6 Owners/partners/shareholders of any proposed massage establishment should appoint a licensee who is considered as a fit and proper person and who can adequately and personally supervise their proposed massage establishment.
(dd) 《證券及期貨(專業投資者)規則》(第 571D 章)第 3 條所指 的專業投資者,而該等客戶在購買迷你債券時,除本身同意被視
[...] 為專業投資者外,亦獲分銷銀行按照《證券及期貨事務監察委員持牌人或註冊人操守準則》第 15.3 及 15.4 [...]
段的規定列為專業 投資者;或
(dd) professional investors under section 3 of the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules (Cap. 571D) and classified by the Distributing Bank and agreed by the customers to be treated as such in accordance with
paragraphs 15.3 and 15.4 of the Code of
[...] Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered [...]
with the Securities and Futures Commission
at the time they purchased the Minibonds; or
(i) 吾等從閣下或任何其他人士(包括結算所)所收取的所有款項、核准債務證券或已批准證券,均須根 據《香港證監持牌人或註冊人操守準則》附表四第 7 至 12 段所指明的方式中由吾等為閣下持有, 及閣下授權吾等可按照《香港證監 持牌人 或 註 冊人操守準則》附表四第 14 至 15 段所指定的方式, 33 運用閣下交付或繳存予吾等之任何該等款項、核准債務證券或已批准證券。
(i) all monies, approved debt Securities or approved Securities received by us from you or from any other person (including the Clearing House established and operated by the HKFE) for your account shall be held by us in the manner specified under paragraphs 7 to 12 of Schedule 4 of the Code of Conduct with SFC and you authorized us to apply any monies, approved debt Securities or approved Securities which you may pay to or deposit with us in the manner specified under paragraphs 14 to 15 of Schedule 4 of the Code of Conduct with SFC.
4.3 此外,假如閣下持牌人或註 冊人在有關授權的期限屆滿前最少 14 日向閣下發出有關授權將被視 [...]
為已續期的提示,而閣下對於在有關授權的期限屆滿前以此方式將該授權延續不表示反對,則閣下 的授權將會在沒有閣下的書面同意下被視為已續期。
4.3 Additionally, your authority may be deemed
to be renewed (i.e. without your written
[...] consent) if the licensed or registered [...]
person issues you a reminder at least 14
days prior to the expiry of the authority, and you do not object to such deemed renewal before the expiry date of your then existing authority.




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