

单词 拿走


(擅自)拿走 v

take v

See also:

(...) v

take v
catch v
seize v
apprehend v
fetch v


go v
run v
leave v
walk v
visit v

go away
move (of vehicle)
die (euph.)
change (shape, form, meaning)

External sources (not reviewed)

如果必须在电池完全充 足电前将它从充电器拿走,则 电池必须经过一次修整的充电过程 [...]
If a battery must be removed from the charger [...]
before it is completely charged, the battery should go through a conditioning
charge to restore optimal performance.
[...] 的两名成员目睹了站在接待区的一名私人保安人员将“棍鞭”放入他的大裤兜 内,并从警察局将拿走。
Two members of the delegation witnessed a private security agent, who was
standing in the reception area, place the “whiplash” in his large
[...] trouser pocket and remove it from the police [...]
如果你创造新产品,如果你有想法,如果你花了很多时间、金钱和精力创造一个新产品、新想法,我们必须确保没人偷走它,没人把它从你身 拿走。
We’ve got to make sure that if you create new products and if you have ideas, if you spend a lot of
time and money and energy creating a new product, a new idea, that nobody steals it,
[...] that nobody takes it away from you.
根据财产管理和库存管制行政指示(ST/AI/2003/5)和国贸中心的财产管理 管制准则第 D2 章,非消耗性财产包括:(a) 购置时单位价值 1 500 美元以上(含 1 500 美元)、使用寿命五年或以上的财产和设备(发电机等);(b) 特殊物品,即 购置时单位价值 500 美元以上(含 500 美元)、使用寿命三年或更长的有吸引力且 由于其体积小而容易从房舍拿走的 物 品(如照相机、电脑);(c) 使用寿命为五 年或更长的团体用库存物品,不管其价值为何。
According to the administrative instruction on property management and inventory control (ST/AI/2003/5) and chapter D2 of the guidelines for property management control of ITC, non-expendable property consists of: (a) property and equipment valued at $1,500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and having a serviceable life of five years or more (generators, etc.); (b) special items, which are property items considered to be of an attractive nature and easily removable from the premises because of their size, costing $500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and with a serviceable life of three years or more (e.g., cameras, computers); and (c) group inventory items with a serviceable life of five years or more, irrespective of value.
一 名囚犯详细讲述了看守人员是如 拿走 他 母 亲照片的。
One of the inmates recounted how the guards had taken away a photo he had of his mother.
黄金、海洋、河流和我们的土地是上帝赐予(我们利希尔人) 的礼物,任何人都不能这样轻易地从我们这 拿走 ”。
The gold, the sea, the rivers and our lands are God-given gifts (for us, Lihirians) which no man should take away from us that easily.
这是一种带有殖民色彩的模式,土著人民的领地受到外来者的侵害,即使这 些外来者承诺承担企业社会责任,但他们控制土著人民居住地的某些部分,拿 走属于土著人民的东西。
It is a model of colonial overtones, in which indigenous peoples see their territories again encroached upon by outsiders who control aspects of their habitats and take from them, even when done with the promise of corporate social responsibility.
3月23日,民主同盟军又在 Bilimani 杀害了 8 名刚果(金)武装部队的士兵,拿走 了 他们的武器,迫使刚果军队撤退 到防御阵地,推迟对民主同盟军的行动。
ADF proceeded to kill eight FARDC soldiers in Bilimani on 23 March and recovered their weapons, forcing the Congolese army to retreat to defensive positions, thereby stalling operations against them.
确保您的宝宝仰睡在硬质的褥垫上, 拿走 床 上 的任何障碍物,如玩具、羊毛围巾或枕头。
Make sure your baby sleeps on their back on a firm mattress and take away any obstructions such as toys, comforters, or pillows.
正如我剛才所說,我們原本不 知道當釣到鯊魚後須把牠放回海中,是那位船家告訴我們的,他告訴我
[...] 們只要釣到的是這種魚,便要放生,如果不想把魚放生,便不要釣這種 魚,而且即使釣到也不可拿走。
As I said just now, originally we did not know that, having caught a shark, we had to release it back to the sea, and it was the vessel owner who told us that whenever this kind of fish is caught, it has to be released
alive; and those who do not want to do so must not catch it, and even if they have caught it,
[...] they cannot take it away.
它还担心,以色列当局拿走在挖 掘时可能发 现的所有文物。
It also fears that the Israeli authorities would remove any objects that may be found during the excavations.
我也很同情局長及政府,因為事 實
上,CEPA 的 好 處至今 仍 未 能夠落 實 , 肯 定 並 非 香 港 特 區 政
[...] 府所能夠控制, 即 使把一個 大 關拿走了 ,大家也 會明 白 和同意 [...]
,國內市場 仍 是 重重深 鎖 ,令有意 到 國 內 開 創 業務的不同行業 從
業 員 面 對 困 難 重重。
I very much sympathize with the Secretary and the Government because CEPA's failure to realize its potentials is definitely beyond the control of the Government of the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region (SAR). Even if a
[...] major hurdle is removed, Members would [...]
still understand and agree that the mainland
market remains closely guarded, thus creating numerous obstacles for practitioners of different industries intending to start up businesses on the Mainland.
他到达后被拦在机场护照检查口,有人询问 他父亲的活动与下落,他的一些私人物品被从行李 拿走。
Upon his arrival, he was stopped at passport control at the airport, questioned about his father’s activities and whereabouts, and some private belongings were taken away from his luggage.
如我上次报 告(S/2010/565)所指出的,在联黎部队调查组获准进入事发现场之前,可能的证 据就已经被人做了手脚或已拿走, 因此联黎部队调查组无法确定爆炸的原因, 也无法确定事件是否是因为未经许可的军火及有关物资的存在而造成的或该房 子是否被用于从事违反第 1701(2006)号决议有关规定的其他活动。
Owing to the fact, as stated in my last report (S/2010/565), that possible evidence had been tampered with or removed before the UNIFIL investigation team was allowed access to the incident site, the UNIFIL investigation was not able to determine the cause of the explosion, whether the incident had been caused by the presence of unauthorized arms and related materiel or whether the house had been used for other activities in contravention of resolution 1701 (2006).
分析仪回到打印机拿走前显 示的最后一 个屏幕。
The analyzer will return to the last screen that was displayed
[...] before the printer cover was removed.
在许多社会中,老年丧 偶妇女特别有被遗弃和其财产拿走 的 风 险。
In many societies, older women are at special risk of being abandoned and having their property seized when they are widowed.
交通警察,別再貪污了,如此我國才會發展,假使每天我們辛苦賺來的微薄收入,都讓你 拿走 , 我們該如何進步?
Traffic police, stop the corruption.
后来,一个孩子谁被称为是一个强迫症的骗子侦探男孩告诉他的家已被入侵, 拿走 他 的 父母。
Later, a kid who is known to be an obsessive liar tells the Detective Boys his home has been
[...] invaded but is taken away by his parents.
如果有人拿走此知 识财产、你的想法,那你为什么还想要在未来五年或六年或十年开发一个新想法或一种新药物或新产品,如果别人可以从你手中将 拿走?
And if someone can take that intellectual property, your idea, why would you ever want to spend the next five or six or ten years developing a new idea or a new drug or a new product if someone else can take it away from you?
不得走或拿走物件 ,只有在官方考古挖掘框架内,并在一名得到 相关主管当局授权的专业考古人员的监督下才能这样做。
Do not move or recover objects other [...]
than in the framework of an official archaeological excavation and under the supervision
of a professional archaeologist authorized by the competent authorities.
此外,根据宪法规定的适当程序保护,政府不能为公共目 拿走 私 人 财产 而不给予适当的补偿。
Moreover, on the basis of due process protection in the constitution, private property cannot be taken by the government for public purpose without just compensation.
在船上,保安人员有拿走乘客 行李中的饮料,并在登岸前的晚上归还。
On board, staff reserve the right to remove any beverages present in passenger baggage.
诉讼开始于 1540 年 12 月 31 日,一位名叫佩德罗·德·维加拉(Pedro de Vergara)的男人请求宗教裁判所将某些从唐·卡洛斯的地产 拿走 的 果 树归还给他,他声称唐·卡洛斯几年前就已经按照合同将这些果树卖给他了。
Litigation began on December 31, 1540, when a man identified as Pedro de Vergara petitioned the Inquisition to return to him certain fruit trees taken from the property of Don Carlos that Vergara claimed were his under a contract that had been concluded with Don Carlos several years earlier.
可是如果你想救这些失去的羊,根据我的经验,你常常会遇到教会里其它人的敌意,特别是机构化的领袖,他们似乎是在扮演狼的角色,认为你是想办法把他们的食物偷偷 拿走。
Yet if you try to saved these lost sheep, it has been my experience that you often run into hostility by others in the church, especially institutional leaders who seemingly play the role of wolves, who think that you're trying to steal their food away.
不 要在测试期拿走"温度卡",重 复进行温度测试。
Repeat temperature test without removing the Temperature Card during the test.
[...] 还具体提到各国必须适当承认土著人民法律、传统、习俗和土地所有权制度;归还 被没收拿走、占 有的土地、领土和资源;为此,各国应采取有效措施,以确保未 [...]
The articles also specifically address such issues as the need for States to give due recognition to indigenous peoples’ laws, traditions and customs and land tenure systems;
restitution for land, territories and resources
[...] confiscated, taken or occupied; and [...]
States taking effective measures to ensure
that there is no storage of hazardous materials or disposal of such materials in the lands and territories of indigenous peoples without the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous peoples.
另一方面,对于怀着将来能获得一定养老金的期望而辛勤工作了一生的退休人员而言,在他们上了年纪无法获得收入、没有储蓄、无力工作的时候 拿走 他 们 的养老金,这照实不公平。
On the other, it would be really unfair to pensioners, who have worked all their lives with the expectation they'd have a certain pension, to take that away from them when they're at an age where they can't replace the income, don't have the savings and can't work anymore.
因为曾经未经同意或未给予补偿就从土著人手 拿走 土 地 ,因此,如果声称 的土著土地所有权受到质疑,就所涉土地提供证据的负担应属非土著方。
As lands have been taken from indigenous peoples with neither consent nor compensation, where indigenous land claims are challenged, the burden of proof should fall to the non-indigenous party with regard to the land in question.
1987年,梁前进先生毕业于中国陈家沟武术学校,师从陈式太极拳第十九代传人:陈春雷、陈小旺、陈世通,陈克勤等著名的武术大师,他精通陈式太极正宗传统各式套路:陈式太极拳老架一路74式、二路炮拳,陈式太极剑49式、太极绝命刀,太极春秋大刀、陈式太极绝门枪、陈式太极五种推手及108式 拿走 化 等,并以精湛的功夫赢得多项荣誉。
Graduated from China Chenjiagou Wushu School in 1987,he learned Chen-Style Taichi Boxing from famous Wushu masters like Zhenglei CHEN,the 19th direct line successor of Chen-Style Taichi Boxing Chunlei CHEN and Xiaowang CHEN etc. He mastered various kingds of traditional Chen-Style Taichi,such as:The Old Frame of Taichi Boxing One and Two ,Chen-Style Taichi Sword ,Taichi Saber ,Taichi Spear,and Five kinds of Chen-Style Push-Hands etc. His excellent Gongfu won him various laures.




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