

单词 拿权

See also:


right n
power n
authority n

External sources (not reviewed)

加拿大最高法院在引渡诉讼过程中适用《 拿 大 权 利 与 自由宪章》 并主张,除特例外,加拿大政府有义务需求得到不执行死刑的保证。
Applying the
[...] Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in extradition proceedings, the Supreme Court of Canada held that in [...]
all but exceptional
cases the Government of Canada is obliged to seek assurances that the death penalty will not be carried out.
联合会宣扬应将环境正义,即享有健康和富有生 产力的环境权利载入《拿大权利 和 自由宪章》。
The Coalition promotes the ideal
that environmental justice, the right to a healthy and productive environment, should be
[...] enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
宪法法案》授予原住民和官方语言 少数群体以集权利,1982 年《拿大权利和自由宪章》要求必须以符合保护和 发展加拿大多元文化遗产的方式,解释该宪章的规定。
The Constitution Act granted
[...] collective rights to aboriginal people and official-language minority groups and the 1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms [...]
required that its provisions
be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians.
加拿大具有残疾人享受平等和非歧视保护的基础,这点以宪法形式载于 《拿大权利和 自由宪章》第 15 节,并载于所有管辖范围内颁布的人权立法中(见 本报告第二部分)。
Canada has in place a foundation of equality and non-discrimination protection for persons with disabilities, which is entrenched
constitutionally in
[...] section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and in human rights legislation [...]
enacted in all jurisdictions (see Part II of this report).
巴拿马共和国很高兴参与关于世界 权 状 况 ,特别是 拿 马 人 权 状 况 的审议 过程。
The Republic of Panama is pleased to participate in this review process on the
[...] situation of human rights in the world, and specifically in Panama.
Humphrey 先生还帮助促进拿大的人权,提 出了促进妇女权利的变革建议, 并帮助创建了大赦国际加拿大分部。
Mr. Humphrey had also helped
[...] advance human rights in his own country, recommending changes to promote women’s rights and helping [...]
to found Amnesty International Canada.
与此同时,仅拿投票权来做交易以反映 当前全球经济中各个游戏者所拥有的份额,只会让人 [...]
想起 1945 年利用过的模式。
At the same time, simply
[...] trading off voting powers to reflect the current [...]
shares of players in the global economy is but
a reminder of the pattern exploited in 1945.
此外,自从一年半前上任执政以来,马蒂内利总统的政府 一直在审查拿马担负的权领域 国际义务。
Moreover, since it took office, a year a half ago, the
Administration of President Martinelli had
[...] been reviewing Panama’s international obligations in the area of human rights.
1802 年拿破仑授权出版 了该考察团的发现成果,这是一部不朽的多卷巨著,其中包括插图、地图、学术文章以及详细的索引。
In 1802 Napoleon authorized the publication [...]
of the commission’s findings in a monumental, multi-volume work that included
plates, maps, scholarly essays, and a detailed index.
拿马支持人权理事 会第 S-15/1 号决议,并希 望紧急派遣一个独立的国际委员会去调查利比亚境 [...]
Panama supports Human Rights Council resolution [...]
S-15/1 and hopes for the urgent dispatch of an independent international
commission to investigate serious human rights violations in Libya.
为了强化拿马的人权政策 , 进一步改善法治,巴拿马愿意接受各成员国提出的建议。
Panama looks forward to receiving the recommendations of the member States with a view to strengthening national human rights policies and the [...]
rule of law.
后者产生于英国,在 交换批准书时,英国声明它与奥地利、普鲁士和俄国缔结的《同盟条约》第八条是邀请法国
[...] 加入同盟,但必须“理解为约束各缔约方……协同努力反 拿 破 仑· 波 拿 巴 的 权 力 … …,却不 应被理解为约束英王陛下继续进行这场战争,以期将某种特定形式的政府强加于法国”。
The latter came from Great Britain, which, when the instruments of ratification were exchanged, declared that article VIII of the Treaty of Alliance concluded with Austria, Prussia and Russia, which invited France to join the Alliance, must be “understood as binding the
Contracting Parties ... to a common
[...] effort against the power of Napoleon Bonaparte ..., but is [...]
not to be understood as binding His
Britannic Majesty to prosecute the War, with a view of imposing upon France any particular Government”.
例如,拿大的人权记录 不良, 特别是在对待移民、少数民族和土著人民方面。
Canada, for example, had a poor human rights record, especially [...]
with respect to migrants, minorities and indigenous people.
(d) 下列国家人权机构的观察员:拿大 人 权 委 员 会、菲律宾人权委员会; (e) 下列非政府组织的观察员:哥伦比亚法学家委员会、人权联系会、人 权联盟国际联合会、人权常设会议。
(e) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Colombian Commission of Jurists, Conectas Dereitos Humanos, International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, Permanent Assembly for Human Rights.
关于第 2(iii)条,加拿大将依照现行的拿大和国际权法解释“尊重人的生命”这一词句。
With respect to Article 2(iii), Canada will interpret the phrase
“respect for the life of human beings” in a manner consistent
[...] with existing Canadian and international human rights law.
2010 年6月3 日,特别报告员在联合国日内瓦办事处举行的人权理事会第十
[...] 四届会议期间题为“法官和律师的保护措施”的会外活动中发言,该活动是由律 师帮律师组织和拿大律师权利观 察与法官支持法官组织和国际法学家委员会合 [...]
On 3 June 2010, the Special Rapporteur addressed a side event on “Protective measures for judges and lawyers”, organized by Lawyers for Lawyers and Lawyers Rights Watch Canada, in collaboration with Judges for Judges and the
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) at the 14th
[...] session of the Human Rights Council at the United [...]
Nations Office in Geneva.
在这方面,是否存在国际法规定的自决权,从而 赋予魁北克国民议会、立法机构或魁北克政府单方面将魁北克从 拿 大 脱权利?
In this regard, is there a right to self determination under international law that would give the
National Assembly, legislature or
[...] government of Quebec the right to effect the secession of Quebec from Canada unilaterally?
2007 年人权高专办区域办事处 设立以来,拿马一直与权高专 办合作,以及在诸如建立打击歧视现象以及保 护和促进人权新体制面开展的合作。
With reference to the concluding observations of the Committee on the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination,
[...] Latvia also noted Panama’s collaboration with OHCHR since the establishment [...]
of its Regional Office
there in 2007, as well as other aspects such as the creation of new institutions to combat discrimination and to protect and promote human rights.
拿 大注意到,权委 员会和经 济 、社会及文化权利委 员会对歧视少数 民族,尤 其对歧视罗姆人 现 象 的关注 ,并建议塞尔维亚通过一项专门 [...]
的 反 歧视框 架 立法,确保诸 如 罗姆人 之类的少数民族在生活 所有各方 面,包括在 享
有 医疗保 健 和 教育方 面 免 遭 歧视性 待 遇 。
Canada noted the concerns of the Human Rights Committee and [...]
the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights regarding
discrimination against minorities, particularly the Roma, and recommended that Serbia adopt a specific anti-discrimination framework legislation to ensure that minorities such as the Roma are treated without discrimination in all aspects of their lives, including access to health care and education.
注意到在这方面,国权对圣赫勒拿 人 的重要性,以及他们以往关于原则上 应当将该权利载入新宪法的要求
Noting in that regard the
[...] importance of the right to nationality for Saint Helenians and their [...]
previously expressed request
that the right, in principle, be included in a new constitution
加拿大报告说,转运活动必须得到 其立法权,打算在拿大港 口进行渔获上岸或转运活动的悬挂外国国旗的船只 需要通过港口检查。
Canada reported that trans-shipment must be authorized under its legislation, and foreignflagged vessels intending to land or trans-ship in Canadian ports were [...]
required to undergo a port inspection.
加拿 大法院还认定,加拿大政府当局对 Stanford International Bank
[...] 进行了调查,而清 算人没有提供要求提供的信息,并采取了非法行动,因为他们不是根据 拿大 法律被权的受托人。
The Canadian court found further that investigation by government authorities in Canada was undertaken in regard to Stanford International Bank and that the liquidators had not provided
information as requested and had entered into acts which were illegal as
[...] they were not authorized trustees under Canadian law.
例如,在拿大,安大略权委员 会于 2009 年通过《人权和租赁房政 策》,其中规定不能以种族、肤色、种族背景或公民身份、包括难民身份为由拒 绝向潜在租户出租公寓。
For example, in Canada, the Policy on Human Rights and Rental Housing, adopted by the Ontario Human Rights Commission [...]
in 2009, states that
a prospective tenant cannot be refused a rental apartment on the grounds of, among other things, his or her race, colour, ethnic background or citizenship, including refugee status.
这包括拿大利用著权 保护 措施保护基于传统知识的发明创造,如:土著艺术中的面具、图腾和录音带;利用外 观设计保护物品的外观,如:哈萨克斯坦的头饰和地毯;利用地理标志保护传统产品,如: 委内瑞拉和越南的烈性酒、调味品和茶。
In recent surveys of the existing protection of traditional knowledge and folklore, a number of countries have provided further examples of how IP tools have been utilised to promote and protect traditional knowledge and folklore.12 These include the use of copyright protection in Canada to protect tradition-based creations including masks, totem poles and sound recordings of Aboriginal artists; the use of industrial designs to protect the external appearance of articles such as head dresses and carpets in Kazakhstan and the use of geographical indications to protect traditional products such as liquors, sauces and teas in Venezuela and Vietnam.
2011 年,中美洲区域办事处组织了各种讲习班,为伯利兹、哥斯达黎加、 萨尔瓦多、尼加拉瓜和拿马的国家 权 机 构提供关于不歧视非洲人后裔和非洲 人后裔的权利的技术援助。
In 2011, the Regional Office for Central America organized various workshops to provide technical
assistance on
[...] non-discrimination and the rights of Afro-descendants, to NHRIs of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, [...]
Nicaragua and Panama.
普遍定期审议工作组在其第八届和第九届会议分别审议肯尼亚和 拿 马期 间,权高专办协助这些国家的国家人权机构组织了有关普遍定期审议准备过程 和国家人权机构可发挥什么作用的并行活动。
During the review
[...] of Kenya and Panama by the Working Group of the UPR at its 8th and 9th sessions respectively, OHCHR provided [...]
assistance to the NHRIs of these countries to organize
side events on the UPR preparation process and the role that the NHRI could play in this regard.
我们赞扬爱尔兰已开始出色地履行这一任 务拿出了促进权和基 本自由、民主、善治以及法 治原则的方案和优先事项,这些原则是欧安组织的基 础。
We applaud how Ireland has set about the task, with a
programme and priorities that promote
[...] those principles of human rights and fundamental freedoms, [...]
democracy, good governance and
the rule of law on which the OSCE is founded.
伯利兹外交和外贸部部长与权高专 办在 拿 马 进行的讨论正处在最后阶 段,目的是在伯利兹组织一次研讨会,以建立政府和利益攸关者起草向条约机构 [...]
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of
Belize was in an advanced stage of
[...] discussions with OHCHR in Panama to organize a workshop [...]
in Belize aimed at building the
capacity of Government and stakeholders in drafting reports for the treaty bodies.
(c) 以下非政府组织的观察员:大赦国际、阿拉伯 权 委 员 会、 拿 大艾滋病毒 /艾滋病法律网 、人权观察社、南美洲印 地 安人理事会、国际 人权服务社、解放社、二十一世纪南北合作会、喀麦隆促进国际经济 [...]
(c) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Amnesty
International, Arab Commission
[...] for Human Rights, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Human Rights Watch, Indian [...]
Council of South America,
International Service for Human Rights, Liberation, Nord-Sud XXI, OCAPROCE International.
2010 年8月30 日,权高专办在拿马为 公务员及洪都拉斯、 拿 马 、巴 拉圭和委内瑞拉国家权机构 的成员们组织了关于普遍定期审议的分区域培训会 议。
On 30 August 2010, OHCHR organized in Panama a sub-regional training session on the UPR for civil servants, and members of the NHRIs of Honduras, [...]
Panama, Paraguay and Venezuela.




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