单词 | 拿捏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拿捏—graspless common: create difficulties coy (dialect) affecting shyness See also:拿(...)v—takev catchv seizev apprehendv fetchv 捏—knead pinch (with one's fingers) make up 捏v—squeezev
舆论的焦点,主要在於「长毛」如何拿捏其在建制内外的角色矛盾;而政界的困扰,则是如何与这个不速之客周旋。 hkupop.hku.hk | The focus of the discussion, was how "Long Hair" could handle his contradictory roles within and outside the establishment. hkupop.hku.hk |
如何拿捏分寸,可能根本不是一个科学的问题。 hkupop.hku.hk | How to draw the lines probably is simply not a scientific question. hkupop.hku.hk |
假若《Empire》是看到Kasabian的急进野心而尚没有拿捏准绳,新专辑则是乐团愈趋成熟之作。 think-silly.com | If we see a glimpse of Kasabian’s ambition in ‘Empire’, we see the more elaborate expression of that ambition in the new album. think-silly.com |
其实煮并不是很难,拿捏分量却有点考功夫,我怕对客人太客气,老板会生气。 4tern.com | The cooking was easy, the hard part was the estimation. If I am too generous to the customer, the boss will be angry with me. 4tern.com |
背包客栈里都没有衡量器,那怎麽拿捏要多少面粉、牛油等等材料? 4tern.com | How to determine how much powder, butter are needed? 4tern.com |
特首可能需要加倍努力,去拿捏『务实』与『进取』之间的平衡,和阐释他指出面对未来特首的三项挑战。 hkupop.hku.hk | It seems that he has to work much harder in striking a balance between "pragmatic" and "proactive", and elaborating the three challenges he depicted for the next CE. hkupop.hku.hk |
老是背靠祖国,以为经济主导一切,根本拿捏不到香港的民心和优势。 hkupop.hku.hk | Keep relying on the Mainland with simple economic motives would only make us lose sight of our own advantages, and lose touch with our own people. hkupop.hku.hk |
各界人仕,包括朝野中人,都要小心拿捏民情,不要把好事变成坏事。 hkupop.hku.hk | People in all spheres, including those inside and outside the establishment, must interpret public opinion with care, and not to make good things bad. hkupop.hku.hk |
Optimal TEMP 技术可完美熨烫天然与合成衣料,蒸气和温度之间的平衡拿捏恰到好处,熨衣效果最好,熨烫後衣物不会微微发亮。 philips.com.hk | The Optimal TEMP technology provides perfect ironing from natural fabrics to synthetics, the steam and temperature balance deliversexcellent results with no micro shines. philips.com.au |
文章建议,传媒於报道民意调查时,应符合「样本资料下限原则」;另外,文章又指出,本地传媒报道的调查,往往未能拿捏数字的准确程度,又或将评分与百分比两者混淆,有时更将变值与变幅混为一谈。 hkupop.hku.hk | The article suggested the media to observe the so-called "principle of minimum disclosure" when reporting opinion polls. hkupop.hku.hk |
火候自己拿捏,只要不懒惰,一直搅拌,大火还是小火都不是问题。 4tern.com | As long as, you keep on stirring, prevent over heat on apples, you can cook with any level of fire. 4tern.com |
到时,你被逼吃焦饭是小事,清洗才是麻烦大事!当然,你煮了几次饭後,就会把时间和火候拿捏得刚刚好。 4tern.com | It is alright to eat burnt rice, but it is a big problem in cleaning the pot afterwards. 4tern.com |
需要试验几次,才可以把蛋糕的甜度、口感拿捏好。 4tern.com | Experiment for a few time, to get the precise sweetness and texture. 4tern.com |
他认为上述方针「流於肤浅,拿捏不到香港的民心和优势」。 hkupop.hku.hk | It failed to grasp the public mood and Hong Kong's advantages. hkupop.hku.hk |
总体而言,新兴地区面对着增长不足,以及商品价格可能已实质推高通胀的威胁,仍需小心拿捏,平衡两者之间的风险。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Overall, however, emerging nations still have to perform a juggling act, balancing the risks of too little growth against the threat - if not yet the reality - of too much inflation. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |