单词 | 拿手菜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拿手菜—specialty (dish)See also:拿手—expert in good at 手拿n—clutchn 菜n—vegetablespl cuisinen 菜adj—vegetableadj
主厨Sisha Ortúzar拿手菜为美式菜肴,灵感皆来自农园当季食材,例如烤鸡、农园沙拉、夏季综合义式蛋饼等,各式菜单也都以农园丰富蔬菜种类为核心。 thisbigcity.net | The restaurant’s superior chef, Sisha Ortúzar, features American cuisine masterpieces inspired by the farm’s seasonal ingredients, such as grilled chicken, farm lettuces and greens, and a summer-squash frittata. thisbigcity.net |
派饼是极具英国代表性的菜肴,而派饼大小的范围可从手拿大小到足以喂饱一家人的一大盘。 ukeas.com.tw | Pies are very representative of [...] British cuisine and range insize fromhandheld piesto larger dish sized pies to [...]feed a family. ukeas.ph |
蔬菜以双手最多可以拿到的份量为合适。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | For most adults aged 18 to 64, a BMI of 25 or higher* is overweight. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
餐桌礼仪——在野餐、烧烤等非正式用餐场合或食用外卖食品时,可以用手拿东西吃。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Table manners – you [...] can eatwith yourfingers at informal meals [...]such as a picnic, barbecue or when eating takeaway food. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
如要佩戴,用一只手拿住头带,另一只手拿住受话器/扬声器。 jabra.cn | To attach, hold the headband inone handand the receiver/speaker in [...] the other. jabra.com |
如果您未选择自动开始下载,那么下载将会显示在 Task Menu(任务菜单)中,您可以手动开始下载。 knowledge.seagate.com | If you do not select to start the download automatically, the download will show up [...] in theTask Menu, where youcan manually start thedownload. knowledge.seagate.com |
在这阶段,他们透过五个感官学习, 由他们喜欢把东西放入口㆗探索,及喜欢以手拿取㆒切吸引他们注意的物 件,可见㆒斑。 legco.gov.hk | They are at the stage of learning through the five senses, as shown by putting things in their mouths and a strong desire to grasp items that attract their attention. legco.gov.hk |
7 月 25 日应王冠超与王敏霞夫妇的爱心邀请,在他们家美仑美奂的後花园里举办 了暑期中的烤肉爱晏,香喷喷的各式烧烤,精美甜点,什锦水果外尚加每家的拿手私房菜,真是色香味齐全的美味大餐。 mccc.org | Different grilled meats, delicately made desserts, and various fruits complemented the specialty dishes brought by each family to make a heartyfeast. mccc.org |
还有 40 名官员,身着笔挺衬衫和裤子,手拿笔和笔记本,以身作则。 daccess-ods.un.org | With them were 40 officers in crisply ironed shirts and pants, with pens and notebooks ready, as they led by example. daccess-ods.un.org |
鱼油替代品正在被大量使用。关键的替代脂质包括具有更受欢迎的高含量欧 米加 3的植物油(例如亚麻子、大豆、加拿大油菜和棕榈)和家禽油。 fao.org | Alternatives to fish oil are being used in [...] greater amounts. key [...] alternative lipidsincludevegetable oils (e.g.linseed, [...]soybean, canolaand palm) – those with a high omega-3 [...]content are preferred – and poultry oil. fao.org |
自己动手调配,在菜肴烹饪中学习如何 搭配波尔多葡萄酒,结识充满热情的葡萄农,这些都 是提供的活动。 filhot.net | Activities offered includemaking your own blend of wines from different grape varieties, cooking dishesto [...] match Bordeaux wines, meeting [...]winegrowers passionate about their profession, etc. filhot.net |
车站,码头那些等车等船的,饭店里那些等饭菜的,他们手上都是拿着手机,发信息,玩游戏,看电子书,下班后的公交车地铁上,旅途的火车上他们还是拿着手机,游戏机,电子书,PSP,平板电脑,数码相机那些消费电子产品来打发时间,总之;只要谁在无聊的时候,手上都拿了一个数码产品在尽情的享受,请抬头看看你身边那些人他们都在做什么......在这个电子消费品横行的年代越多的新的产品不断的横空出世,它覆盖了通讯,网络,游戏,播放,视频,音影,电子书,拍照,录音,邮件,聊天,导航,雷达....... fxldoo.com | Stations, wharves those waiting for the bus, boat, [...] restaurant and otherfood, their handsare holding a cell phone, send [...]messages, play games, read [...]books, bus after work on the subway, train journey holding mobile phones, game consoles, e-books, the PSP, tablet PCs, digital cameras, consumer electronics products to pass the time, short; who is boring, hands and took all of a digital product to enjoy, please look up those they see around you what to do ... more new products in the era of rampant in the consumer electronics turned out, which covers communication, network, game, play, video, sound or video , books, photographs, recordings, e-mail, chat, navigation, radar ... fxldoo.com |
随着鱼粉价格继续上涨,浓缩的植物蛋 白(大豆蛋白浓缩、加拿大油菜蛋白浓缩、豌豆蛋白浓缩和玉米/小麦麸皮)将在 高营养层养殖物种和甲壳类水产饲料中得到比一般植物蛋白粉更显着的地位。 fao.org | With the continued rise in the fishmeal price, plant protein concentrates (soybean protein concentrate, canola protein concentrate, pea protein concentrate and corn/wheat gluten meals) will gain increasing prominence over regular plant protein meals within aquafeeds for high-trophic-level cultured species and crustaceans. fao.org |
包菜可以拿来做什么料理? 4tern.com | What can [...] you cook out froma cabbage? 4tern.com |
巴基斯坦:在一处基础医疗点,一名男子抱着他两岁的儿子艾弗拉特,手拿着孩子的药品。 unicef.org | PAKISTAN: A man holds his two year old son Ifrat, and medicines to treat the child at a basic health unit. unicef.org |
您可以使用您手机中的讯息菜单来向其他手机或其他任何 能够接受短信和彩信的设备发送短信和彩信。 sonimtech.com | You can use theMessages menuinyourphone to send an SMS and MMS message to other mobile phonesor any other [...] equipment that can receive SMS and MMS. sonimtech.com |
您也可以从下拉菜单中手动选择选项来设定角色的源 类型。 images.autodesk.com | You can also set your character's [...] sourcetypebymanually selecting an option from the drop-down menu. images.autodesk.com |
因此,我很多时候也指出,强积金本来是为员工在将来退休时提供保 障,不管员工拿到的是一棵菜,还是一个桔也好。 legco.gov.hk | For this reason, I often point out that the original intention of the MPF is to provide protection to [...] workers in their retirement in future, even though what the workers [...] will get isonlysome vegetableora mandarin orange. legco.gov.hk |
您可以通过运行自动校 准或 CALIBRATE CTRL(校准控制)菜单中的手动校准过程自动改变这些值, 或通过输入您自己的 Gap/Mark Threshold(间隙/标记预设值)或 [...] Paper Out Threshold(缺纸预设值)进行手动修改。 printronix.com | You can change these values automatically by [...] performing the Auto [...] Calibrateor Manual Calibrate procedure in the CALIBRATECTRLmenu or change them [...]manually by entering [...]your own Gap/Mark Threshold or Paper Out Threshold values. printronix.de |
他们可 把物体从一只手换到另一只手,并开始自行使用双手,如一只手拿物体,另一只 手进行操控。 cpsc.gov | They can transfer an object from hand to hand, and begin to use both hands independently; for example, one hand may hold an object while the otherhand manipulates it. cpsc.gov |
此外,渔农自然护理署(「渔护署」) 及蔬菜统营处(「菜统处」) 亦携手推行信誉农场计划,目的旨在推广优良园艺操 作及环保作物生产方法;鼓励农友采用综合病虫害管理技 术,正确及安全使用农药;及执行定期农场测检,确保农友 生产优质及安全食用的蔬菜,保障市民健康。 legco.gov.hk | The Scheme aims at promoting the adoption of good horticulturalpractice and environmentally friendly production, encouraging the adoption of integrated pest management and the proper and safe use of pesticides, as well as safeguarding public health through regular inspections of the farms to ensure production of quality vegetables that are safe for consumption. legco.gov.hk |
这好比 吃饭㆒样,拿了菜单给㆟看,头盘是这样的,汤是这样的,主菜是这样的,翅是这样 的,海鲜是这样的,饭,甚至最後甜品是这样的。 legco.gov.hk | The menu shows what the appetizer will be,what [...] the soup will be, what the main course will be, how the shark's fin soup [...]will be prepared, how the seafood will be prepared, how the rice will be served and what the dessert will be. legco.gov.hk |
由于当今技术在进步而且恐怖主义实体为适应不 断变化的世界而使其手法不断翻新,我们也必须表明 我们能够适应和改变,在他们最拿手的游戏中胜过他 们。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the current advances in technology and the innovation being shown by terrorist entities to adapt to a changing world, we too must show that we can adapt and change to be a step ahead of them in their own game. daccess-ods.un.org |
幸好卓璋不偏食,也喜欢吃蔬菜水果,莫太於是先从饮食入手,每餐多菜少肉,并减少煎炸食物,改以蒸煮为主。 news.gov.hk | Once she understood the problem, Mrs Mok began to alter his diet, giving Cheuk-cheungmore vegetables andless meat. news.gov.hk |
可是,房委会不但没有努力减轻居民的负担,反而拿手上的现金“炒股 票”,还自豪地宣布今後的投资策略会更进取,由以往以定期存款和债券为 [...] 主,转为将四分之一的资金投放在环球股市,希望每年可以有 6%的投资回 报,跟金管局看齐。 legco.gov.hk | However, not only has the HA not striven to relieve the burden [...] borne by its tenants, instead, it is [...] using the cashin its hand to speculate on stocks [...]and even proudly declared that its [...]future investment strategy will be even more aggressive and will change from using time deposits and bonds as its mainstay to investing a quarter of its capital in stock markets worldwide, in the hope of getting an annual investment return of 6%, which is on a par with that of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. legco.gov.hk |
皮特凯恩出口水果、蔬菜、手工艺品和优质蜂蜜,主要从新西兰进口燃油、 机械、建筑材料、麦片、牛奶、面粉和其他食品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pitcairn [...] exports fruits, vegetables,handicrafts andhigh-quality [...]honey and imports (mostly from New Zealand) fuel oil, [...]machinery, building materials, cereals, milk, flour and other foodstuffs. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们正在支持社区卫生工作者,他们不仅提供医药,最重要的是还教导社区工作者指导儿童如何食用蔬菜、如何正确洗手——养成这些良好习惯将帮助儿童们茁壮成长。 unicef.org | We are supporting community health workers who are not only providing things like medicine, but most of all helping teach [...] community workers to teach [...] childrento eat vegetablesand to wash their hands –to doall the [...]things that will make them [...]well nourished, and then to provide micronutrients, supplements, so that children have the nutrition that they need,” he said. unicef.org |
解放斗争在痛苦中催生出今天的非洲,虽然我们有一千零一个理由抱怨命运 不公,但我们也承认,手拿武器夺取或是私底下赐予的这份自由,为所有人开辟 [...] 了新的天地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The liberation struggles have painfully brought forth the Africa of today, and despite the myriad reasons that we have to bemoan [...] our fate, we recognize that this freedom, [...] whetherachieved througharmed struggle [...]or granted in a duplicitous way, has opened up new horizons for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们现在的经济政策,其实便是像《圣经》所说的“crumbs from the rich man's table”,即是那些有钱人暴饮暴食後吃不下的饭菜,拿出来分一点给大家。 legco.gov.hk | Our existing economic policy is, in fact, similar to "crumbs form the rich man's table" mentioned in the Bible, that is, taking the stuff left over by the rich after their banquets for the public to share. legco.gov.hk |