单词 | 拿手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拿手 —good atless common: expert in 手拿 noun —clutch nExamples:拿手菜—specialty (dish) 手拿包—clutch bag 拿不出手—shoddy and too embarrassing show • not presentable 拿出手—not presentable • not fit be seen in company See also:拿 (...) v—take v • catch v • seize v • apprehend v • fetch v
學前兒童如果拒絕戴上連指手套,外出時便會感 到雙手冰冷,那麼他便會返回家中 拿手 套。 yorkcas.org | If a preschooler refuses to put on his mittens, his hands will be cold when he goes outside and he’ll have to come [...] back in to get mittens on. yorkcas.org |
重低音对电影和游戏来说十分重要,而这正是MM -1 的 拿手 好 戏。 bowers-wilkins.cn | Powerful bass is important for movies and games – and it's something MM-1 delivers in spades, thanks to Dynamic EQ technology that maximises bass output. bowers-wilkins.eu |
运用古老的推拿手法,作用于全身的经络、穴位,有助于恢复机体能量,达到解除疲劳,放松肌肉, [...] 改善组织代谢。 horizonsanya.com | Using the ancient [...] Chinese Tui Na massage on the whole [...]body, helps to recover energy, release fatigue, relax muscles, and improve tissue circulation. horizonsanya.com |
研究所成立之后得到的第一项任务,正是 其 拿手 的 电 子束和离子束技术。 vonardenne.biz | The first tasks that were worked on after the founding of the Institute were predominantly those attached to the established areas of electron and ion beam technology. vonardenne.biz |
国际著名的米其林三星厨师Jean-Georges Vongerichten著有多部烹饪书籍,为MARKET by Jean-Georges餐厅带来拿手的创 意活力美食。 shangri-la.com | Internationally acclaimed, three-star Michelin chef, entrepreneur and author of numerous cookbooks, Chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten brings his 'vibrant cuisine' approach to MARKET by Jean-Georges. shangri-la.com |
文同是中国北宋时期的著名的画家,他 最 拿手 的 是 画竹子。 chinesestoryonline.com | Wen Tong was a great painter In a Northern Song Dynasty. chinesestoryonline.com |
由于当今技术在进步而且恐怖主义实体为适应不 断变化的世界而使其手法不断翻新,我们也必须表明 我们能够适应和改变,在他们最拿手 的 游 戏中胜过他 们。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the current advances in technology and the innovation being shown by terrorist entities to adapt to a changing world, we too must show that we can adapt and change to be a step ahead of them in their own game. daccess-ods.un.org |
可是,房委會不但沒有努力減輕居民的負擔,反 而 拿手 上 的現金“炒股 票”,還自豪地宣布今後的投資策略會更進取,由以往以定期存款和債券為 [...] 主,轉為將四分之一的資金投放在環球股市,希望每年可以有 6%的投資回 報,跟金管局看齊。 legco.gov.hk | However, not only has the HA not striven to relieve the burden [...] borne by its tenants, instead, it is [...] using the cash in its hand to speculate on stocks [...]and even proudly declared that its [...]future investment strategy will be even more aggressive and will change from using time deposits and bonds as its mainstay to investing a quarter of its capital in stock markets worldwide, in the hope of getting an annual investment return of 6%, which is on a par with that of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. legco.gov.hk |
很多时候,我们在电话中交谈,并不总是有机会与他 的 手拿 着 手 机。 cn.badgood.info | Very often we talk on the phone and do not always have the opportunity to hold the phone with his en.badgood.info |
主廚Sisha Ortúzar拿手菜為 美式菜餚,靈感皆來自農園當季食材,例如烤雞、農園沙拉、夏季綜合義式蛋餅等,各式菜單也都以農園豐富蔬菜種類為核心。 thisbigcity.net | The restaurant’s superior chef, Sisha Ortúzar, features American cuisine masterpieces inspired by the farm’s seasonal ingredients, such as grilled chicken, farm lettuces and greens, and a summer-squash frittata. thisbigcity.net |
如要佩戴,用一只手拿住头带,另一 只 手拿 住 受话器/扬声器。 jabra.cn | To attach, hold the headband in one hand and the receiver/speaker in [...] the other. jabra.com |
7 月 25 日應王冠超與王敏霞夫婦的愛心邀請,在他們家美侖美奐的後花園裡舉辦 了暑期中的烤肉愛晏,香噴噴的各式燒烤,精美甜點,什錦水果外尚加每家 的 拿手 私房 菜,真是色香味齊全的美味大餐。 mccc.org | Different grilled meats, delicately made desserts, and various fruits complemented the specialty dishes brought by each family to make a hearty feast. mccc.org |
跟Ryan Adams一同創作的〈Light As A Feather〉掏掉結他,用上管風琴作為基調,是原來Country曲式的變奏;〈It’s Gonna Be〉是較有爵士味道的一首,鼓擊添上點點的Punk;〈Back To Manhattan〉則是Norah Jones的拿手抒情小曲;〈Stuck〉在Blues的結他弦線上譜寫了流行的旋律。 think-silly.com | With organ as the core instrument in ‘Light as A Feather’(a collaboration with Ryan Adams) , the track is a twist on country music; ‘It’s Gonna Be’ is a jazzy number with a touch of punk percussion; ‘Back to Manhattan’ is a ‘classic Norah Jones’ track; ‘Stuck’ is a pop melody written on top of blues guitar. think-silly.com |
当他修理的时候,总要有一个女儿给他打 下 手 , 拿 着 手 电 筒或者提着工具箱。 embassyusa.cn | While he was doing this, he would always have one daughter with him [...] helping to hold the flashlight and carry his tool box. eng.embassyusa.cn |
他们可 把物体从一只手换到另一只手,并开始自行使用双手,如一 只 手拿 物 体 ,另一只 手进行操控。 cpsc.gov | They can transfer an object from hand to hand, and begin to use both hands independently; for example, one hand may hold an object while the other hand manipulates it. cpsc.gov |
餐桌礼仪——在野餐、烧烤等非正式用餐场合或食用外卖食品时,可以 用 手拿 东 西 吃。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Table manners – you [...] can eat with your fingers at informal meals [...]such as a picnic, barbecue or when eating takeaway food. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
在這階段,他們透過五個感官學習, 由他們喜歡把東西放入口㆗探索,及喜歡 以 手拿 取 ㆒ 切吸引他們注意的物 件,可見㆒斑。 legco.gov.hk | They are at the stage of learning through the five senses, as shown by putting things in their mouths and a strong desire to grasp items that attract their attention. legco.gov.hk |
还有 40 名官员,身着笔挺衬衫和裤子,手拿 笔 和 笔记本,以身作则。 daccess-ods.un.org | With them were 40 officers in crisply ironed shirts and pants, with pens and notebooks ready, as they led by example. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴基斯坦:在一处基础医疗点,一名男子抱着他两岁的儿子艾弗拉特 , 手拿 着 孩 子的药品。 unicef.org | PAKISTAN: A man holds his two year old son Ifrat, and medicines to treat the child at a basic health unit. unicef.org |
派餅是極具英國代表性的菜餚,而派餅大小的範圍可 從 手拿 大 小 到足以餵飽一家人的一大盤。 ukeas.com.tw | Pies are very representative of British cuisine and [...] range in size from handheld pies to larger dish [...]sized pies to feed a family. ukeas.ph |
Krechetnikov和他的研究生Hans [...] Mayer去年参加了一个流体力学的学术会议,在会上看见很多 两 手拿 满 了东西的与会者端着咖啡走路时,常常把咖啡弄洒。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Krechetnikov and his graduate student Hans Mayer decided to investigate coffee [...] spilling at a fluid dynamics conference last [...] year when they watched overburdened [...]participants trying to carry their drinks to and fro. chinese.eurekalert.org |
手拿露出 當天日期的全國性報紙(例如:USA Today或當地的報紙),拍一張您自己的正面照。 resetdestination.com | Have a photograph taken of yourself from the front, holding that day’s edition of a national newspaper (example: USA Today or a local daily paper). resetdestination.com |
雕像仅占纪念碑总高度的四分之一,设计者是雕刻家派欧特·克罗德(Pyotr Klodt,1805–67 年),雕塑的是弗拉基米尔,他右 手拿 着 一 个十字架, 左 手拿 着 王 子帽。 wdl.org | It features the figure of Vladimir [...] with a cross in his right hand and a prince's cap in his left hand. wdl.org |
当这个角可以从上方用手拿住时,将纸转回正常位置。 printronix.com | When this corner can be grasped from the top, rotate the paper back to the normal position. printronix.cn |
这款手工手拿包全部由水晶镶嵌而成, 配有抛光金属边框, 旋转搭扣。 playbling.com | This handcrafted clutch bag is finished [...] in full crystals with matching polished metal frame. playbling.com |
解放斗争在痛苦中催生出今天的非洲,虽然我们有一千零一个理由抱怨命运 不公,但我们也承认,手拿武器 夺取或是私底下赐予的这份自由,为所有人开辟 [...] 了新的天地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The liberation struggles have painfully brought forth the Africa of today, and despite the myriad reasons that we have to bemoan [...] our fate, we recognize that this freedom, [...] whether achieved through armed struggle [...]or granted in a duplicitous way, has opened up new horizons for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
此兩款相機所搭載的功能包括防手震(anti-shaking),可避 免 手拿 相 機 時造成的模糊,智慧模式可自動偵測八種不同場景及選擇合適的相機設定,幫助您拍出所需要的表演照片(performance [...] photo);而高達6400的ISO值,則可有效抑制相機所受到的震動效應。 geniusnetusa.com | Features include anti-shaking to avoid any blurring when holding [...] the camera by hand, an intelligent [...]mode that helps you take a performance photo [...]that automatically detects eight different types of scenes and chooses the appropriate camera settings, and a high ISO value up to 6400 reduce camera shaking effects. geniusnetusa.com |
巧色玉髓;掏膛不整齊而徹底,平斂底、突出平底圈足,一面利用暗色材質浮雕一官吏騎駱駝, 右 手拿 著 一 枝香櫞,下面有一隻狗獾跟著走,上邊有太陽或月亮 e-yaji.com | Chalcedony; well but slightly irregularly hollowed with a recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; a natural darker plane in the stone edited on one side to create a midday scene of some kind of official seated on the back of a camel and holding a fruiting branch, with a racoon dog on the ground beside him, the sun above e-yaji.com |