

单词 拿不出手

See also:




take out
put forward (a proposal)
come up with (evidence)


put one's hand to sth.

External sources (not reviewed)

However, only partly true because most have
[...] some surgeryon the special character, Black Jackis nottaking money and vice versa.
解放斗争在痛苦中催的非洲,虽然我们有一千零一个理由抱怨命但我们也承认手拿夺取或是私底下赐予的这份自由,为所有人开辟 了新的天地。
The liberation struggles have painfully brought forththe Africa of today, and despite the
[...] myriad reasons that we have to bemoan our fate, we recognize that this freedom, whetherachieved througharmed struggle or granted in a duplicitous [...][...]
way, has opened up new horizons for all.
阿拉伯联盟秘书长在本周的报告中非常清楚地反对不拿器,以便应对叙利亚 政府为制止抗议而滥用武力以及安全机构使用 的镇压、拘留、酷刑和侵犯人权
the opposition had to carry arms in response to the excessive use of force by the Syrian Government to counter protests, the use of repression, detention and torture and violations of human rights by security agencies”.
此两款相机所搭载的功能包括防手震(anti-shaking),可避手拿时造成的模糊,智慧模式可自动侦测八景及选择合适的相机设定,帮助您要的表演照片(performance photo);而高达6400的ISO值,则可有效抑制相机所受到的震动效应。
Features include anti-shaking to avoid any
blurring when holding the camera byhand,an intelligent mode that helps you take a performance photo that automatically detects eight different types of scenes and chooses the appropriate camera settings, and a high ISO valueup to6400 reduce camera shaking effects.
守以下义务:不将源材料或特殊裂变材料,或特别为处理、使用或 生产特殊裂变材料而设计或配备的设备或材料,提供给任何无核武器国家以用于 和平目的,除非这种源材料或特殊裂变材料受原子能机构各项保障监督措施的约 束;并遵守 1995 年条约审议和延期大会第 2 号决定第 12 段的规定(印度除外),只批准同符合以下条件的无核武器国家进行涉及可能会扩散的物品的 核合作:已出不核武器或其他核爆炸装置的具有国际法律约束力的承诺, 已接受原子能机构对其所有核活动的保障监督措施。
Consistent with its obligation not to provide source or special fissionable material, or equipment or material especially designed or prepared for the processing, use or production of special fissionable material to any non-nuclearweapon
State for peaceful
[...] purposes unless the source or special fissionable material is subject to IAEA safeguards, and with decision 2, paragraph 12, of the 1995 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review and Extension Conference, with the exceptionof India,Canada willonly authorize nuclear cooperation involving proliferationsignificant items with those non-nuclear-weapon States that have made aninternationally legally binding commitment not to acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices and that have accepted IAEA safeguards on the full scope of their nuclear activities.
学前儿童如果拒绝戴上连指手套,便会感 到双手冰冷,那麽他便会返回家拿手
If a preschooler refuses to put on his mittens, his
[...] hands will be cold when he goes outside and he’ll have to come back in to get mittens on.
Chalcedony; well butslightly irregularly hollowedwith a recessed flat foot surrounded byaprotruding flat footrim; a natural darker plane in the [...]
stone edited on one side
to create a midday scene of some kind of official seated on the back of a camel and holding a fruiting branch, with a racoon dog on the ground beside him, the sun above
The view was also expressed that some States were blocking the consideration of proposals before the Special Committee without presentingany arguments.
由于当今技术在进步而且恐怖主义实体为适应不 断变化的世界而使新,我们也必须表明 我们能够适应和改变,在他们拿手戏中胜过他 们。
With the current advances in technology and the innovation being shown by terrorist entities to adapt to a changing world, we too must show that we can adapt and change to be a step ahead of them in their own game.
至少 6 小时的音乐播放时间和 6 小时的通话时间,您可以放心地想走多远就走多远,从从您的口袋里出手
With a minimum of 6 hours music time and 6 hours of talk time, you’re free to go as far as you like, without ever having to take your phone out of your pocket.
乌克兰对此坚主动争取在关于海洋和海 洋法的决议草案(A/64/L.18 和 Corr.1)中列入一项规 定,请各国和国际组织,即国际海事组织和国际劳工 组织(劳工组织)考虑为成为海盗行为受害人的海员 和渔拿出的解决办法。
Fully convinced of that, Ukraine took the initiative to press for inclusion in the draft resolution on oceans and the law of the sea (A/64/L.18 and Corr.1) of a provision that invites States and international organizations, namely, the International Maritime Organization and the International Labour Organization (ILO), to consider possible solutions for seafarers and fishermenwho are victims of piracy.
再次申明《世界粮食安全罗马宣言》及《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后宣言》 中粮食作为施加政治或经济压力并在这方面重申国际合作 和团结的重要性,以及必须避免采取不符合国际法和《联合国宪章》且危及粮食 [...]
Reiterating, as in the Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the
Declaration of the World Food
[...] Summit: five years later, that foodshould not be usedas an instrument of political or economic [...]
pressure, and
reaffirming in this regard the importance of international cooperation and solidarity, as well as the necessity of refraining from unilateral measures that are not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations and that endanger food security
Table manners – you
[...] can eatwith yourfingers at informal meals [...]
such as a picnic, barbecue or when eating takeaway food.
不过,我国代表 团担心这项提议可能不会永远摆在谈判桌上,如果以 色不拿出姿态,在平等条件下与邻国媾和的 话。
However, my delegation fears that this offer may not remain on the table indefinitely if there is no sincere overture from Israel to achieve peace on equal terms with its neighbours.
这 些会议还将用于审查与委员会工作相关的一般问题,目的是鼓励以更具创造力和 活力的方法开展执行局的工作,并就本组织如何更有效地应化的恐怖威 胁拿出想法。
These meetings will also be used to review general issues of relevance to the Committee’s work, with the aim of both encouraging a more creative and dynamic approach to the
work of
[...] the Executive Directorate andgenerating new ideas on how the Organization [...]
might more effectively address theevolving terrorist threat.
九月初,市政府宣布要在多座公园设园篱,市长马克里(Mauricio Macri)的支持求政拿出打击犯罪,故围墙显然是为降低周遭社区的犯罪率,然而这项措施却遭到反对,尤其在百年公园附近的反弹声浪格外强烈。
The political base of Chief of Government Mauricio Macri constantly demands increased measures to fight crime, thus the apparent purpose of this move is to reduce crime in surrounding neighbourhoods.
这些障碍包 括警不出手、不落实保护妇女人身安全的措施、一再袭击执法人员和女权 [...]
These include the failure ofpolice intervention, [...]
a lack of implementation of security measures for women, repeated attacks
on law-enforcement officials and women’s rights advocates, and inaccessible detention locations in areas under the control of insurgents and other illegally armed groups.
梅德韦杰夫总统指出,最近的积极事态发 展对于本届审议大会应对以下这些紧迫关切事项 ——即全面加强制度;危险的核材料落入 恐怖分子密核扩散网络;核材料黑市 的发展;以及有必要建立和平利用核能,防止敏感 [...]
技术扩散,同时也满足各缔约国合法能源需求的国 际合作架构——的能力而言是个好兆头。
The recent positive developments noted by President Medvedev augured well for the ability of the Review Conference to address such pressing concerns as the need to comprehensively strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation
regime; the danger of
[...] nuclear material falling intothe hands ofterrorists; the emergenceof clandestine proliferation [...]
networks and the
growth of black markets in nuclear materials; and the need to build an international architecture for cooperation on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy that would prevent the spread of sensitive technologies while also meeting States parties’ legitimate energy needs.
29目前楚移动革命如 何支持了、或能够支持更复杂的信息共享和信息交流活动――在这些活动中,密 集的数据通信和显示需求出手容量。
This is creatingan access infrastructure that may hinder or prevent more sophisticated data communication applications, because of limitations present in infrastructure that has not been constructed for data communication and other advanced telecommunication services.28 For instance, it is clear that mobile phones are capable of supporting poverty alleviation initiatives and improving the conditions of life for those with the least income.29 However, it is less clear how the mobile revolution has supported or can support the activities of more complex information-sharing and information-exchange activities in which intensive data-communication and display needs outrun the capacities of the mobile phone.30 Thus, any assessment of the development of global information infrastructure needs to be supplemented by an assessment of wireless developments, including a critical assessment of the opportunities for and limitations ofmobile applications.
Jabra BT2045 实现免提通话,集真正的便利性易用性于一体,您可以在手不向盘的情况下以无线方式随时接听电话和拨打电话,确保驾驶安全。
Jabra BT2045 provides truehands-freeconvenience andexceptional ease-of-use, so [...]
that you can drive safely, keeping in touch and making your calls without wires and withboth hands on the wheel.
(c) 审查现有的奖学金制度(该制度为高中毕业考试中成绩最优秀的考生颁 发去海外学习的全额奖学金),力求使这一制度更为公平,为低收入家庭的优秀 学生提供机会,否则他们尽管十也可拿不学金。
(c) The review of the existing laureate scheme (which offers fully funded scholarships for overseas studies to the best candidates at the Higher School Certificate examinations) aims at bringing more equity into the system and providing opportunities to bright students from low-income families who would otherwise have been deprived of a scholarship although they are highly meritorious.




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