单词 | 拿下 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拿下verb—capturevless common: seizev 拿下—win (a set, a game etc) arrest Examples:拿得起放得下—be adaptable to circumstances [idiom.] See also:拿(...)v—takev catchv seizev apprehendv fetchv
黄先生于2004年加入上海微创软件,全面接管上海微创的对日外包事业部运营工作,并一举拿下如日立情报、NTTDATA等日本重量级客户。 wicresoft.com | After joining Wicresoft in 2004, Mr. Huang was fully in charge of Wicresoft's Japan outsourcing unit and developed heavyweight Japanese clients like NTT Data and Hitachi Information Systems. wicresoft.com |
威廉姆斯女士共拿下13次大满贯单打冠军和两块奥运会金牌,她承诺,将在赛场上的努力运用到担任联合国儿童基金会亲善大使的角色中。 unicef.org | Ms. Williams, who has won 13 singles grand slam titles and two Olympic gold medals promised to bring the focus she displays on the court to her new role with UNICEF. unicef.org |
同时,参加地方政府的妇女百分比也 是极低:例如在最近的大选(2007 年)中,妇女只拿下1.8%的市政府(共有 333 个) 和 5.84%的市政府职位(共有 [...] 4 035 个)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The percentage of women in local government is also very small. daccess-ods.un.org |
亲中阵营调整策略後,民主派拿下三席其实并不困难。 hkupop.hku.hk | After the pro-China camp had altered its strategy, it was in fact not difficult for the democratic camp to obtain 3 seats. hkupop.hku.hk |
这个在2008年拿下足总杯桂冠并在次年驰骋联盟杯的球队现在不得不在英甲联赛中挣扎。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | UEFA cupthe nextseason, but now [...] is struggling in League one. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
若您要将支撑架拿下,请轻拨透明吸盘上突出的一小块透明处,让空气进入後就可以拿 下支撑架。 camangi.com | If you want to take off the stand from WebStation, please pull the small limpid area around the limpid sucker, to release some air in and you can take of the stand easily. camangi.com |
上赛季,当拉科还在乙级的时候,他们拿下了最後15个主场中的14场胜利,同时他们有两周的时间对于即将来到的碰撞做好准备。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Last season, when Deportivo was in Liga B, they won 14 of their last 15 home games, and now they have two weeks to get ready for the impact of galacticos. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
在对这个问题作了答复的 25 个组织中有一个组 织建议减少主题行动的数量,把有关妇女和青年的主题拿下来,然后把有关非洲和最不发达 国家妇女和青年特别计划与之合并进来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Out of the 25 responses on this item, one suggested reducing the number of mainstreaming areas by dropping women and youth and incorporating specific programmes on women and youth in Africa and the LDCs; another proposed replacing Africa by families; yet another considered this approach to be too arbitrary and detrimental to other equally important areas. unesdoc.unesco.org |
到 2011 年 12 月底时,肯尼亚军队和埃塞俄比亚部队配合过渡联邦政府盟军 的联合行动在摩加迪沙之外继续取得进展,包括拿下贝莱德文。 daccess-ods.un.org | By the end of December 2011, the combined operations of Kenyan and Ethiopian military troops, working with forces allied [...] with the Transitional Federal Government, [...] continued togain ground outside of Mogadishu, including bytaking Beledweyne. daccess-ods.un.org |
午後闪耀的阳光轻盈的洒在赛车道上,车手们紧张的等待,而每位车手都相信自己将成为今天的赢家拿下冠军宝座。 oris.ch | The glaring afternoon sun beats down on the track. The drivers wait anxiously in their seats, poised for action. oris.ch |
在F1战场上拥有几十年征战经验,多次拿下年度车手与车队冠军的McLaren,1993年推出首辆市售超级跑车McLaren [...] F1,接近二十年後的今天,仍然是世界上最快的自然吸气跑车,不论从外型到性能等不同的角度衡量,依旧是如传说般的名机种。 think-silly.com | With decades of experience and multiple [...] championmedals under its belt, McLaren [...]launched its first commercial sports car [...]McLaren F1 in 1993. Twenty years later, it remains the fastest normally aspirated sports car, its appearance and specification is legendary. think-silly.com |
通过捉拿下令犯罪的人,并向 利比亚和其他地方的其他潜在凶手发出明确的信息, [...] 表明国际社会不会容忍这种罪行,司法行动将会遏阻 犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Judicial activity will [...] deter crimesby removing thosewho ordered [...]the crimes and by sending a clear message to other potential [...]perpetrators, in Libya and elsewhere, that the international community will not condone such crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
凭借约 9000 万美元的初始投资,Sinopec拿下了3号与 7 号油区 6%的股权。 crisisgroup.org | Sinopec has a 6 per cent equity stake in Blocks 3 and 7, for an initial investment of about $90 million. crisisgroup.org |
来自白俄罗斯的电玩大厂,拿下不小的摊位数,并展出多种博弈类机台,如「Game Bank」系列产品、「Multi Millionaire」系列拉霸机,以及各种机台框体。 taiwanslot.com.tw | As a gaming powerhouse in Belarus, the exhibitor occupied a good number of stands and displayed a variety of gaming machines including the “Game Bank” series of products and the “Multi Millionaire” series of slot machines as well as a range of cabinets and new game kits for the outstanding platform “Multivision Super Plus 4 in 1”. taiwanslot.com.tw |
在下潜深度110米的‘Constant Weight定重潜水’ (CWT)项目中,Carlo拿下季军头衔,并创下辉煌新纪录。 oris.ch | Carlos secured joint 3rd place and the new record with a dive of -110m in the ‘Constant Weight’ (CWT) category. oris.ch |
充足电前,不要把电池从充电器上拿下来,否则,会降低电池 的性能。 protimetest.com | Do not remove battery from charger until it is fully charged; doing so may result in less than optimal battery performance. protimetest.com |
闪猎THERON】雷射引擎电竞滑鼠以全球电竞领导品牌的权威姿态将想像力、创新力和竞争力集结於电竞配备上,一举拿下『2012红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards』,这代表着曜越Tt eSPORTS将优越的电竞设计理念清楚地传达至所有电竞领域,同时也更凸显了【闪猎THERON】以卓越的设计思维,搭配优越的技术面,以画龙点睛之效果在多逹58个国家的众多竞争对手最佳姿态赢得所有陪审团成员的青睐脱颖而出,一举摘下欧洲最具声望的德国设计协会Design [...][...] Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen 所设立的红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards,一项迄今已有五十年悠久历史,且为目前国际上数一数二的重要设计竞赛之一。 ttesports.com.tw | In 2012 THERON is the only gaming mouse that has won the reddot Design Award (click here for more information), with prestigious recognition by the institute of The Design Zentrum – the organizer of reddot. ttesports.com.br |
禁止为拿下某项合同或获得其它业务或财务上的利益,直接或间接向任何客户或 供应商代表赠送钱财或实物,其中包括娱乐款待或赞助。 faurecia.fr | It is strictly forbidden to offer and/or accord any cash or cash-in-kind for gratuity purposes, sponsorship deals or for other purposes to any representative of a customer or a supplier, directly or indirectly, in order to obtain a contract or any other commercial or financial benefit. faurecia.fr |
闪猎THERON 电竞滑鼠】以卓越的设计思维,搭配优越的技术面,搭配画龙点睛之效果在多逹58个国家的众多竞争对手最佳姿态赢得所有陪审团成员的青莱脱颖而出,一举摘下欧洲最具声望的德国设计协会Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen 所设立的红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards,一举拿下『2012红点设计奖Red Dot Design Awards』,这代表着曜越Tt eSPORTS把优越的电竞设计理念清楚地传达至所有电竞领域。 ttesports.com.tw | In 2012 THERON is the only gaming mouse that has won the red dot Design Award (click here for more information), the chosen one to receive such prestigious recognition by the institute of The Design Zentrum – the organizer of red dot. ttesports.com.au |
上半年,在DLP市场,欧系品牌比利时的巴可拿下了一些高端项目,巴可的竞争伎俩在DLP市场具有代表性。 jxlcd.com | In DLP market, in the first half of European brands in Belgium barco scored some high-end projects, the trick in DLP representative market's competition. jxlcd.com |
这位目前排名世界第一的网球健将也曾在2008年的北京奥运中拿下铜牌,在职业生涯中累计已摘下30多个锦标赛冠军头衔,其中甚至包括五座网球大满贯冠军。 audemarspiguet.com | Also a bronze medal winner at the Beijing Olympic Games (2008), the current world No 1 has more than 30 tournament victories under hisbelt, including five Grand Slams. audemarspiguet.com |
此外,他以黒沢清导演的『X圣治』(97)荣获东京国际影展最佳男主角、以今村昌平导演的『鳗鱼』(97)拿下坎城影展的金棕榈大奖、以青山真治导演的『人造天堂(浩劫余生)』(01)囊括坎城影展国际影评人联盟大奖以及Ecumenical奖、以今村昌平导演的『红桥下的暖流』(01)赢得芝加哥国际影展最佳男主角等等,不但有多部参与国际影展的作品而且获奖多数。 cofesta.jp | In addition, a lot of films that he appeared on were exhibited at international film festivals, and he won many prizes including the Best Actor Prize in a Leading Role at Tokyo International Film Festival by Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s “Cure” (‘97), the Palme d’Or Prize at Cannes Film Festival by Shohei Imamura’s “The Eel” (‘97), the FIPRESCI and Ecumenical Prize at Cannes Film Festival by Shinji Aoyama’s “Eureka” (‘01) and the Best Actor Prize in Leading Role at Chicago International Film Festival by Shohei Imamura’s “Warm Water Under a Red Bridge” and so on. cofesta.jp |
深受欢迎的Pilará Piaget马球队以3比2的优势率先拿下第一小节,但第二小节却眼睁睁地看着Magual马球队以4比4将比分拉平。 piaget.com.cn | Heavily favored Pilará Piaget took an early 3-2 lead after the opening chukker, but watched Magual tie it up at 4-4 in the second period. piaget.com |
迈克尔·舒马赫确实当之无愧,这位现年42岁的德国赛车手的战绩辉煌,除七次摘下世界冠军头衔外,也拿下68次首发杆位次数冠军、91次分站冠军,站在颁奖台上的次数总计高达154次,缔造体坛令人印象最深刻的亮眼纪录。 audemarspiguet.com | That’s to be expected; with seven world champion titles, 68 pole positions, 91 victories and 154 podiums, the 42-year-old German driver has the most impressive record in the sport. audemarspiguet.com |
有匿名美国国防部官员坚称,「绝无任何象显示无人机遭敌 对炮火击落」,也质疑伊朗以电子战拿下该飞机的说法,认为是机件失灵导致坠落。 hkcert.org | Ferguson said that his card provider's implementation of Verified by Visa's password reset page asks for three pieces of information obtainable from the cardand a fourth which is easy for a cyber criminal to findout. hkcert.org |
来自德国的博弈大厂,在本届展会中拿下了最大的摊位,并以精湛的德国技术,推出了不少优质拉霸产品,如「Alhambra」、「The Plünder Pack」、「Cashline Platino」、「Spooky Cash」、「Magic Mirror」、「VLT and SBG systems」与框体等,另外他们也展出了验钞机等相关周边产品。 taiwanslot.com.tw | As a leading gaming solution provider from Germany, Merkur Gaming occupied the largest stand at the show and introduced a good mix of high-quality slot products built with exquisite German technologies such as “Alhambra”, “The Plünder Pack”, “Cashline Platino”, “Spooky Cash” and “Magic Mirror”. taiwanslot.com.tw |
警告:携书团不适合光出一张嘴的运动员和懒散的人!需要一定程度的体能和力量才能拖着装满圣经和其他基督教书籍的沉重行李到处走;把它们放到火车上,再拿下来,同时还要让旁观者以为这些行李十分轻省!神带领我们的方式令我们十分惊奇和谦卑:让机场官员的眼睛盲目,使扫瞄器无法正确扫瞄,还有一度差遣天使(我相信是)来帮助我脱离紧张局面,否则我的行李可能会遭到检查。 amccsm.org | It requires a certain level of fitness and strength to lug around heavy bags filled with Bibles and other Christian literature; to load them onto trains and unload them again, allthe while giving the appearance to onlookers that the baggage is much lighter in weight! amccsm.org |
最终 Cola 获胜,Knoll 排名第五并一举拿下业余组冠军,第二名和第三名分别是 Charouz/ Varvaroussis 和 Geraci/Tanca。 lamborghini.com | Cola emerged victorious, with Knoll taking fifth position overall and taking first place on the Am podium, to be joined by Charouz/ Varvaroussis and Geraci/Tanca on second and third steps respectively. lamborghini.com |
在相对湿度高的环境下处理胶片,防止湿汽的渗透比事后去处更容易些,如果要延后一两 天拍摄,把装有用剩胶片的摄影机盒拿下来,放置在干燥防湿的室内,这样可以阻止胶片 受潮, 拍摄好的曝了光的胶片,应该迅速把其放回片盒内,并且用封布带封好,防止湿汽 进入。 motion.kodak.com | If there are delays of a day or more in shooting, remove the magazine containing partially used film from the camera and place it in a moisture-tight dry chamber. motion.kodak.com |
不久前,佛山本地的LED企业国星光电、雪莱特、佛山照明、美的、欧司朗等10家刚刚拿下了当地家博城的LED照明工程订单,总规模10万盏以上,采购总值预计超过1亿元。 ledfchina.com | Lately, Foshan’s 10 LED enterprises including Nationstar, Cnlight, Foshan Lighting, Midea, Osram, etc have just won an order of Foshan International Furniture Expo Mall for its LED lighting project, with more than 0.1 million lights and total purchase value of more than 0.1 billion. ledfchina.com |