单词 | 拾荒者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拾荒者 noun —scavenger n (often used)less common: waste collector n See also:拾荒—glean • collect scraps • eke out a meager living 拾—ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral) • ascend in light steps • collate or arrange 荒 adj—absurd adj • ridiculous adj • desolate adj 荒—shortage • scarce • uncultivated • out of practice
即使是深圳,我們也可看到街上的垃圾桶是分為盛載 可回收物料和不可回收物料,但在香港,我們卻只靠這 些 拾荒者 來 維 持如此 小規模的回收行業。 legco.gov.hk | But in Hong Kong, we must rely on scavengers to sustain a very small-scale recovery industry. legco.gov.hk |
香港正是欠缺有效的回收途徑,現時回收業主要是透 過 拾荒者 、 清 潔工 人、非牟利團體和學校等回收。 legco.gov.hk | At present, waste is mainly [...] collected by scavengers, cleaning workers, [...]non-profit-making organizations and schools. legco.gov.hk |
在这些发展中国家的拾荒者——其中很多是儿童——在垃圾场和垃圾堆间徘徊捡值钱的东西,在那种环境里,他们会接触到铅、水银及其他有害物质。 unicef.org | There, scavengers – many of them children [...] – work in junk yards and dumpsites to extract valuable materials from the waste. unicef.org |
向捡破烂者和拾荒者等最 贫穷群体进行宣 传和教育是最大的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is a major challenge to reach the poorest segments of the population such as scavengers and rag-pickers. daccess-ods.un.org |
代理主 席,我的意思不是要拾荒者也要 領牌,而是如果能夠向從事這個行業的 人發牌,便可以規管他們,亦可以減少很多回收的問題。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, what I mean is [...] not asking scavengers to apply for licences. Rather, if we issue licences to the operators in this industry, [...]they can then [...]be regulated and many problems related to recycling can be avoided. legco.gov.hk |
當然不是向街上的拾荒 者發牌 ,而是向真正從事回收行業的人發牌。 legco.gov.hk | Of course I am not talking about issuing licences to scavengers on the streets but bona fide operators in the recycling trade. legco.gov.hk |
非正式的利益攸关者包括(女性)街道清扫工、在废物收 [...] 集车上工作的(男性)工人、垃圾场的 “ 拾荒 ” 者 ( 其 中 有些人可能就住在垃圾场 或周围)、靠回收废物谋生的家庭企业。 daccess-ods.un.org | The “unofficial” stakeholders include (female) street sweepers, [...] (male) workers on collection trucks, [...] dump site waste pickers, some of whom may [...]actually live on or at the edge of the dump [...]site, and family-based businesses that live off recycling. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果缺乏綜援的幫助,這些不符合領取綜援資格的老人,便要靠從事一 些邊緣勞動工作,例如當清潔工人、 拾荒者 等 , 賺取微薄收入,才能維持生 計。 legco.gov.hk | Without CSSA, these ineligible elderly people will be forced to take up some marginal manual work, such as cleansing and scavenging, to earn a meagre income to support themselves. legco.gov.hk |
政府也沒有一如其他國家般,設立家居有毒廢料的回收系統,最近,當 我們在立法會上討論有關能源標籤的條例時,多位專家向我們表示,很多光 管及慳電膽其實是含有水銀的,但我們缺乏一個有系統的回收方法,致 令拾 荒者也會有危險。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, when the Legislative Council discussed the legislation on energy efficiency labelling, many experts told us that many fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent lamps actually contain mercury. legco.gov.hk |
有業界人士反映,回收業目前由於面對欠缺回收渠道的系統,所以 仍然須依靠長者及拾荒者回收。 legco.gov.hk | Some members of the industry have reflected that as a network of channels for waste [...] recovery is lacking, the recycling industry still has to [...] rely on the elderly and scavengers to supply [...]the wastes for recovery. legco.gov.hk |
蔡素玉議 [...] 員剛才發言時提及的俗稱“婆仔”的人,便是一些年紀老邁 的 拾荒者 , 無論 是烈日當空,還是橫風橫雨 ─ [...] 我們有公民黨黨員拍攝到他們在刮大風、 下黑雨的時候拾荒,原因是那些紙皮滲了水後會較重,而且不會有很多人跟 他們爭奪。 legco.gov.hk | She was actually [...] talking about elderly scavengers who, despite [...]the scorching sun or stormy weather…… Some Civic Party members [...]once took photographs of them when they were scavenging in strong winds and the Black Rainstorm Signal. legco.gov.hk |
這是因為 對數方面都有所幫助:一方面是市民,另一方面是正在從事這個行業的人, 當然還包括投資者,以及為拾荒者提 供 保障。 legco.gov.hk | The reason is that it is advantageous to different groups of people. legco.gov.hk |
2005 年,環境保護署(“環保署”)估計本港 有超過 540 家廢物回收商,但大部分廢料只靠社區人士,例 如 拾荒者 、 清 潔 工人等非經常性、零碎地收集,難以保證貨源的穩定性及質素,嚴重限制了 回收業的發展。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the stability and quality of waste supply cannot be guaranteed, and this has seriously restricted the development of the recovery industry. legco.gov.hk |
地方 拾荒者发挥 了重要而且不断增大的作用。他们成立多个组织,并获得非政府组织 [...] 的援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Local garbage pickers perform an essential [...] and increasing role, and have formed organizations with aid from NGOs. daccess-ods.un.org |
同時, 需求下降帶來的價格下調問題亦會影響回收業從業員 及 拾荒者 的 生 計。 legco.gov.hk | At the same time, the drop in prices [...] brought about by the fall in demand will also affect the [...] livelihood of practitioners in the recycling industry and scavengers. legco.gov.hk |
香港現時的回收業,甚至是回收系統,皆不是專業 化的,主要是依靠一些街頭回收店鋪 及 拾荒者 執 行。 legco.gov.hk | Recycling is mainly carried out by [...] recyclers in local areas and scavengers. legco.gov.hk |
我們建議向建築工業收取堆填區的費用,讓廢物棄置 [...] 者在權衡開支之後,考慮將廢物分類,以及選擇把廢物交給收費較為便宜的 回收商或拾荒者進行處理。 legco.gov.hk | We suggest charging the construction industry landfill fees so as to make those dumping waste consider separating their waste and, after weighing [...] the expenses involved, opt to deliver their waste for disposal to waste [...] collectors or gleaners whose charges [...]are cheaper. legco.gov.hk |
我剛才沒有提到,香港現在有 6 萬名所謂“婆仔”,即拾荒者,每天撿 拾這些垃圾賣給公司。 legco.gov.hk | Currently, some 60 000 old women, [...] or scavengers, are engaged in the business of collecting waste and selling it to waste recovery operators every day. legco.gov.hk |
據 8 月 13 [...] 日《星島日報》報道,葵涌荔景山道同一地點,發生半個月 來第二宗車撞拾荒者意外。 legco.gov.hk | According to a report in the Sing Tao Daily on 13 August, a second [...] accident of a scavenger being knocked down by a vehicle happened at the same spot on [...] Lai King Hill Road in a fortnight. legco.gov.hk |
在今 年11月 5 日、 7 日和 8 日 , 入 境 處 派 出了特遣隊, 在 紅磡、 尖沙咀和 灣仔多處拾荒者 販 賣 廢 物的地點進行了 3 次 掃蕩行 動 , 共 拘捕了 21 名涉嫌違 反 逗 留 條件的內 地 訪 客 , 以 及1名涉嫌教 唆 別 人 違 反 逗 留 條件的港 人 。 legco.gov.hk | On 5, 7 and 8 November this year, a Task Force of the ImmD took three raid operations in various places in Hung Hom, Tsim Sha Tsui and Wan Chai where ragpickers sold wastes and arrested 21 mainland visitors suspected of violating the conditions of stay and a Hong Kong resident suspected of abetting other people to violate the conditions of stay. legco.gov.hk |
浸會大學早前的一項調查也顯示,在3 58 名 拾荒 長 者 中 , 86%沒有領 取綜援,當中不少長者便是因為擁有一點積蓄,無法申請綜援。 legco.gov.hk | According to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Baptist University some time ago, 86% of the 358 elderly scavengers covered by the survey were not in receipt of CSSA. legco.gov.hk |
是次調查訪問了 96 位拾荒長者,六 成受訪者雖然與 家人同住,卻只有一半獲得家人的財政支持。 procommons.org.hk | The survey had interviewed 96 old aged persons engaging in the [...] collection of recyclable materials, 60 [...] per cent of the respondents were living with [...]family members but only half of them received family support. procommons.org.hk |
例如,早前12間在觀塘營運的廢紙回收商,曾一度因為搬遷問 題,跟政府談不攏,一度醞釀罷市半個月,不僅從業員憂慮“飯碗”, 連街邊撿拾廢紙維生的拾荒者更是馬上叫苦,擔心每天三餐的問題。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, not only members of the industry were worried about their means of livelihood, but scavengers who scrape a living out of collecting waste papers on the streets also complained bitterly for they were worried about their daily meals. legco.gov.hk |
當我準備議案辯論時,我的腦海中不斷浮現很多街頭的景象,剛才黃成 智議員也提到,我們最常看見拾荒者 在 垃 圾桶內尋找汽水罐,大家或會在街 上看見一些老人家,他們可能是露宿者,他們在垃圾桶上放煙蒂的位置,拾 [...] 起那些點 的煙蒂來吸,吸那剩餘的數口煙。 legco.gov.hk | When I was preparing for the motion debate, many street scenes were conjured up in my mind. legco.gov.hk |
在政府提交立法會的資料指出,2007 年的家居廢物回收率只有 23%,當 [...] 然,回收率實際上可能會較環境保護署的數字為高,因為部分在回收設施內 的物料,可能已被年老的拾荒者等取 走,特別是在公共屋邨內。 legco.gov.hk | Admittedly, the actual recovery rate might have been higher than the figure provided by the Environmental Protection Department because many materials in [...] some recovery facilities, especially those in public housing estates, might have [...] been taken away by elderly scavengers. legco.gov.hk |
不過幾年前,市政府鼓勵民眾將垃圾分類,但分類後收集成效卻不佳,主要是因為分類工作長期都 由 拾荒者 處 理,這些工人也許在分類中心任職,也可能跟著垃圾車或前往掩埋場,挑選金屬、玻璃、紙張、塑膠等有價值的物品,再轉賣給回收廠,廚餘則另送至處理中心製作堆肥,每年可生產7000噸堆肥,用於市區內的公園及綠地。 thisbigcity.net | Just a few years ago, the city government encouraged citizens to start separating their waste. thisbigcity.net |
此外, 從事回收廢料的有清潔員工、拾荒者 及 渠 道收集者等,約 8 萬人,他們默默 耕耘,為環保回收作出貢獻,但卻完全沒有獲得政府任何資助。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the about 80 000 cleaning workers engaging in waste recovery, scavengers and waste collectors have been working silently and making contribution to environmental protection and yet, they do not receive any subsidy from the Government at all. legco.gov.hk |
发展中国家主要通过无组织部门进行回收:非正 规 拾荒者 网 络 (从最初处置 地点和中间/最后处置场地)、挨门挨户收集者、一级和二级中间商及最后回收企 业。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recycling in developing countries is mainly [...] through the unorganized sector: an informal [...] network of rag-pickers (both from primary [...]disposal points as well as intermediate/final [...]disposal areas), door-to-door collectors, primary and secondary dealers and, finally, recycling industries. daccess-ods.un.org |
今時今日,仍有依靠“生果金”及綜援過活的 長 者 及 家 庭要 靠 拾荒 幫 補生 計。 legco.gov.hk | Today, we can still find elderly and families relying on [...] OAA and CSSA resort to picking used and unwanted articles to supplement their living. legco.gov.hk |