单词 | 拼搏精神 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拼搏精神 noun —fighting spirit nSee also:拼搏 v—struggle v 拼搏 n—work hard n 拼搏—wrestle 精神 n—spirit n • drive n • mind n
律政司司長黃仁龍的 [...] 故事,激勵了無數家長和學生繼續努力,也充分體現了香港人在獅子山 下的拼搏精神:“ 只要有夢想,凡事可成真”。 legco.gov.hk | The story of Secretary for Justice WONG Yan-lung has encouraged numerous parents [...] and children to continuously work hard, [...] and epitomized the spirit of perseverance [...]and diligence of Hong Kong people under [...]the Lion's Rock: "Where there is a dream, there is a way". legco.gov.hk |
便是 當局長由負責執行的公務員轉為問責官員後,我認為他缺少了一份魄 力;也許不應該說是魄力,應該說是膽量,以及一 份 拼搏精神。 legco.gov.hk | I think that when the Secretary, who used to be a civil servant responsible for policy enforcement, becomes an official [...] under the accountability system, he lacks the drive, not exactly the drive [...] but the boldness indeed, and the fighting spirit. legco.gov.hk |
他們的拼搏精神,是全世界都欽羨的。 legco.gov.hk | After all, the [...] foundation of Hong Kong's economic success rests with small entrepreneurs whose fighting spirit is admired around [...]the world. legco.gov.hk |
憑藉港人靈活變通的生意頭腦和勤奮努力 的 拼搏精神 ,配 合完善的法例和基建設施所提供的理想營商環境,香港成功躋身國際金融中 心的地位。 legco.gov.hk | Relying on shrewd business sense [...] featuring great [...] flexibility and a fighting spirit underlined by a willingness to work hard, and blessed with an ideal [...]business environment [...]with sound laws and infrastructure, Hong Kong successfully worked its way up to rank among top international financial hubs. legco.gov.hk |
香港能夠發展為今時今日的國際經濟城市,很大程度上有賴香港 人的拼搏精神。 legco.gov.hk | That Hong Kong can grow into an international city and an advanced economy owes to a very large [...] extent to the can-do spirit of its people. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,香 港 人 一向賴 以 成 功 的 拼搏精 神 , 就 是 建 基 於 勤 勞 工作必 有 [...] 回報。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, the enterprising spirit on which Hong Kong [...] relies for its success is founded on the hard work must be rewarded. legco.gov.hk |
然而,我相信,香港人擁抱的民主夢,始終如一;我相信,香 港人一向引以為傲的拼搏精神;我 相信,今天由5名泛民主派議員請 辭所引發的‘五區公投’運動,正是發動全民參與的一次機會。 legco.gov.hk | Nonetheless, I believe that the dream of democracy embraced by Hong Kong [...] people has remained unchanged; I [...] believe in the gung-ho spirit which is the long-held [...]pride of Hong Kong people; and I [...]believe in the campaign of 'five geographical constituencies referendum' triggered by the resignation of five Members of the pan-democratic camp today, which presents the opportunity for all people to participate. legco.gov.hk |
我們要進一步努力,但卻不是透過遊行凝聚的,而是在於要好好維護和 [...] 建立香港作為一個自由經濟的體系,要繼續維繫香港人 的 拼搏精神 , 要 繼續 投放資源在下一代的教育,令香港有條件在全球經濟一體化下,作知識型經 [...]濟的發展。 legco.gov.hk | We must work harder, not by way of mustering forces through processions or rallies, but by properly safeguarding and developing Hong Kong's [...] position as a free economy, continuously [...] upholding the enterprising spirit of Hong Kong people [...]and continuously injecting resources [...]into education for the next generation, so that under the globalization of the world economy, Hong Kong will have the conditions to develop as a knowledge-based economy. legco.gov.hk |
我很有信心,在國家無私的關愛和強力的支持下,憑着香港的 優越和獨特條件,以及港人的 拼搏精神 , 我們的下一代一定會繼續享有這份 福氣,香港的建設一定會繼續繁榮美好。 legco.gov.hk | With our country's selfless care and strong support, with the favourable and [...] unique conditions that Hong Kong enjoys [...] and with the enterprising spirit of Hong Kong people, [...]I am convinced that our next generations [...]will continue to enjoy the same blessings and build an even more prosperous and better Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
香港的運動員,特別是在東亞運動會或剛剛在廣州舉行的亞運會 中所展現的拼搏精神和取得的成績,大家有目共睹,大家也覺得很鼓 舞。 legco.gov.hk | We can all witness the strenuous efforts of the [...] athletes of Hong Kong, particularly at the [...] East Asian Games or the Asian Games recently held [...]in Guangzhou, and we are greatly elated by their remarkable results. legco.gov.hk |
還是局長在爭取時的拼搏精神、膽 量及魄 力均不足夠呢? legco.gov.hk | Is it because the Secretary [...] lacks the fighting spirit, boldness and drive [...]to fight for his work? legco.gov.hk |
我們成功面對逆境,又跨過種種考驗, 這完全體現了香港人不屈不撓的堅韌 及 拼搏精神。 legco.gov.hk | We have successfully tided over [...] adversities and overcome various challenges. This has fully demonstrated the [...] unyielding and fighting spirit of Hong Kong people. legco.gov.hk |
主席,我們可看到近期的工展會有很多產品受到國內同胞及香港 [...] 市民歡迎,我們也看到自國內實行CEPA政策後,很多香港名牌的銷 [...] 路確實比從前多了,所以政府必須提升香港的地位,利用現代科技, 以及過往香港人的拼搏精神,甚至善用我們周圍的環境,來創造香港 [...]未來的工業,這是大家所期望的,這亦能夠為社會的和諧創造更好的 明天。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, since the implementation of the CEPA in the Mainland, numerous famous Hong Kong brands have sold much better than before. Therefore, the Government has to enhance Hong Kong's [...] status, capitalize on modern technology and [...] the enterprising spirit of Hong Kong people, [...]as well as our neighboring environment [...]for the creation of its industries in future. legco.gov.hk |
如果說,香港過往的成功是依靠港㆟勤奮及靈活 的 拼搏精神 , 那 麼,香港的未來 就㆒定有賴於香港㆟教育水準的提高以及有計劃及積極的㆟才培訓。 legco.gov.hk | hard working and agile enterprising spirit, then the future [...] of Hong Kong will have to depend on the upgrading of the educational [...]standard of Hong Kong people plus a planned and active manpower training programme. legco.gov.hk |
我認為, [...] 香港之所以成為國際金融中心和資訊中心,除了倚仗我們的法治制度、 自由經濟、國際網絡和拼搏精神之外,還有賴於《基本法》的保障和國 家的扶持,而新聞自由也是其中一個很重要的因素。 legco.gov.hk | Fortunately, we managed to restore order and peace on every occasion and tide over every crisis. In my opinion, apart from our system of the [...] rule of law, free economy, global [...] networks and enterprising spirit, as well as safeguards [...]provided by the Basic Law and national [...]assistance, freedom of the press is also one of the very important elements that make it possible for Hong Kong to become an international financial and information centre. legco.gov.hk |
他们可以选择干干净净 的比赛,即便他们知道相比作弊的选手,自己会明显处于劣势地位,但他们仍然希望凭借天赋 和拼搏精神取得胜利。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They can choose to compete clean, knowing they are at a distinct disadvantage to those who cheat, but hope that their talent and dedication can see them to victory. unesdoc.unesco.org |
正如很多同事 [...] 所說,茶餐廳所提供的食品非常多元化,服務很有效率;陳婉嫻議員剛才更 說,“窮則變、變則通”,是很適合和切合我們香港人 的 拼搏精神 的。 legco.gov.hk | Miss CHAN Yuen-han even quoted the saying of "necessity [...] leads to changes, and changes lead to prosperity" [...] which has precisely reflected the combatant spirit of Hong Kong people. legco.gov.hk |
上周末,枪手3-1战胜诺维奇城,充满了戏剧性,这足够阿森纳向人们证明,他们 的 拼搏精神 , 仍 然劲头十足。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | The Gunners’ drama-filled, come-from-behind 3-1 win over Norwich [...] City over the weekend was good enough for Arsene and company to [...] prove that fighting spirit remains thriving [...]in the outfit. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
回顧五六十年代香港經濟起飛的時候,香港的中小企充分利用自由市場 的龐大空間,以它們的拼搏精神大展 拳腳,然而,時至今天,社會的進步反 [...] 而窒礙了它們的發展,導致它們往往被取締。 legco.gov.hk | In retrospect, when the '50s and '60s saw the take off of Hong Kong economy, the SMEs in Hong Kong, fully utilizing the enormous opportunity of the free market [...] and their fighting spirit, created their own [...]horizons. legco.gov.hk |
在恶劣环境中挣扎求存,除了具备坚强的意志力 和 拼搏精神 , 还 必须以包容的心态,才能克服难关。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | As we struggle for survival in a challenging environment, it is essential to have [...] perseverance and an indomitable spirit. english.sccci.org.sg |
参加比赛的船员必须具备精湛的技术、过人的耐力及勇 于 拼搏 的 精神 , 因为在某些赛段,他们需要不分昼夜地航行20天。 iwc.com | The race will require their utmost skills, physical endurance and competitive spirit as they race day and night, with some legs lasting over 20 days. iwc.com |
簡介 首播日期: 2012.11.19 [...] [...] 每年的11月19日,電視城內鼓樂喧天,精銳盡出!沒錯,因為當日正是TVB的生日!踏入45周年台慶,一班當家小生花旦、男女藝員為慶祝TVB寫下光輝新一頁,以「凝聚力量、一齊向上」 的 拼搏精神 , 日以繼夜加緊練習,務求施展混身解數,在一年一度的《萬千星輝賀台慶》中為觀眾獻上無與倫比的精彩表演節目。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2012.11.19 Production Credits Producer: Wong Chung Ho Editor: Tang Wai Pang, Leung Wai Ting Main Cast: Amigo Choi, Astrid Chan, Carol Cheng, Eric Tsang, King Kong, [...] Lisa, Luisa Maria Leitão, Natalis Chan, [...] 崔建邦, 曾志偉, 汪明荃, 鄭裕玲, 金剛, 陳百祥, 陳芷菁, 黎芷珊 Source [...]HDTV Format RMVB Language Cantonese Subtitle [...]Chinese Source 720p HDTV Format MKV Language Cantonese Subtitle Chinese Latest Search: 2012年萬千星輝頒獎典禮 hotfile, 法網狙擊 ch06 720p torrent, youtube tvb anniversary awards 2012, 2012 tvb anniversary awards torrent, 萬千星輝賀台慶 2012 [... justlatte.com |
三四十年前,社會上的低下階層可以憑自己的努力 和拼 搏精神,向 社會的階梯晉級,也可以改善生活環境,大家也覺得機會是均等 的,只要努力,便可以“發達”。 legco.gov.hk | Three or four decades ago, the lower social stratum could climb up the social ladder and improve their lot by their own efforts and fighting spirit. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,我想呼籲港人要爭氣,透過團 結,重振港人積極進取、拼搏的精神。 legco.gov.hk | Madam Deputy, I call upon the people of Hong Kong to brace up, and with unity, to rekindle the will to [...] advance and the spirit to fight on. legco.gov.hk |
我們覺得要立即推動這項工作,因為如 [...] 果香港人工作越來越受到壓迫,工時越來越長的話,可能令人感到悲哀 的是,將來香港人有的並不是 拼搏精神 , 而 是精神病,越來越多人可能 要向我們的同事潘醫生的同僚求醫。 legco.gov.hk | We have to take the initiative forward immediately, because if Hong Kong people feel more and more oppressed at work and have to work increasingly long hours, it may be [...] woeful to find that in future, Hong Kong people no [...] longer have the spirit of hard struggle [...]but suffer from mental illness. legco.gov.hk |
每當我看到這些情景,都不禁對傷殘人士的 堅毅不屈及拼搏精神表示 由衷的讚嘆;對悉心照顧他們的家人表示敬意;對 自己得到上天的厚待,表示無限的感恩。 legco.gov.hk | I cannot fail to admire and respect the resilience of the disabled and the parents who find themselves in such situations. legco.gov.hk |
政府在瞭解全球各項的運作後,應知道香港最主要的強化政策是要 令香港人自強不息,經常有拼搏的 精神。 legco.gov.hk | After looking at the whole world, the Government should realize that the best self-strengthening policy for Hong Kong should be one that can make Hong Kong people strive for improvement and struggle continuously. legco.gov.hk |
方剛議員:主席,香港人對經濟的起伏已身經百戰,從中英就香港前途 談判、股災,以至亞洲金融風暴、SARS,每一次,香港都憑着穩健的 經濟、金融基礎,以及香港人的永不言敗、肯捱和敢 於 拼搏 的 精神 ,不 單度過危機,而且每次也再創高峰。 legco.gov.hk | From the time when the Chinese and British Governments held negotiations on the future of Hong Kong to the stock market crash, the Asian financial turmoil and SARS, perseverant Hong Kong people who never bowed to defeat and dared fight hard, tided over difficulties and scaled new heights on the basis of a robust economic and financial foundation. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,近年,香港並不是過分經濟主導,相反,是過分重視福利分配, 因而遏抑了積極拼搏的企業精神,以 致香港的競爭力正呈現下降的趨勢。 legco.gov.hk | In recent years, instead of being excessively economy-led, Hong Kong has in fact attached too much importance to welfare distribution, resulting in the suppression of the positive and vigorous entrepreneurship and a dwindling of Hong Kong's competitiveness. legco.gov.hk |