单词 | 拳击手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:拳击选手—boxer See also:拳n—boxingn fistn 拳手—boxer 拳击n—boxingn 拳击v—boxv
(a)拳击或殴打:球员不许用拳头或手臂打击敌方球员,包括用手肘、肩 膀、头或膝盖。 irblaws.com | A player must not strikean opponentwith the fistor arm, including the elbow, [...] shoulder, head or knee(s). irblaws.com |
小熊被迫骑自行车和拳击、老虎 和狮子被迫表演跳圈,还有的小 熊鼻子上拴铁环,脖子上牵 [...] 铁链被迫表演滑冰等毫无教育意 义的把戏。 animalsasia.org | Bear cubs forced to [...] ride bikes andbox each other, tigers [...]and lions forced to leap through hoops, and young bears with metal [...]muzzles on their noses and chains pulled tight around their necks forced to skate and perform. animalsasia.org |
调查员被指在Basham的车中,发现一张假冒陆军的身分证明文件,并在其家中起出一些怀疑可制造炸弹的物料、来福枪、手枪和攻击武器。 ktsf.com | Wong said in the documents that investigators found a forged U.S. Army identification [...] card in Basham’s car as well as alleged bomb-making [...] materials, rifles, pistols and assault weapons in [...]a search of his home. ktsf.com |
Impakt混合武术中心设有拳击台、健身室、举重室,以及为个人训练和团体课堂而设的地蓆训练场。 redpacket.hk | Impakt’s [...] facilities includea boxing ring, cardio room, [...]weightlifting room and mat areas for personal training and group classes. redpacket.hk |
虽然击剑或拳击也许更能比喻国际冲突,但各国对这些项目兴趣不大;游泳、田径、体操尽管吸引大批观众,但除了少数团体赛事,成败大多为个人考验,而非两队之间的表现或互动。 thisbigcity.net | Swimming, athletics, and gymnastics draw huge crowds but success, outside of a few team events, is based on the trials of an individual rather than the chemistry and volatility of one team versus another. thisbigcity.net |
不久之前我们谈到的还是赤手空拳的抗议者,今 天他们变成了起义,开始拿起武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Until recently, we spoke of [...] protesterswith barehands;today they have [...]become a rebellion, having begun to take up arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
穆罕默德·阿里(美国)是举世公认的“最伟大拳击手”,曾三度荣获世界重量级拳击冠军,于1998年被任命为联合国和平使者。 un.org | Known worldwide as "the Greatest", three-time World [...] Heavyweight Champion boxer Muhammad Ali (USA) [...]was designated UN Messenger of Peace in 1998. un.org |
当局应重点打击经常出现「高压」、「饵诱」及「预缴式」销售手法的行业,以 及以游客为销售对象的店舖。 forum.gov.hk | The government should particularly crack down on those [...] industries which are often found using “high-pressure tactics”,“bait-and-switch” and “pre-payment” practices [...]as well as shops targeting at tourists. forum.gov.hk |
在一名美国军官 在场的情况下,他被戴上手铐,套上头罩,带到一家警察局,不久后 被送到拉合尔郊外的一个古堡,在那里与来自巴勒斯坦、突尼斯、阿 拉伯叙利比亚民众国和埃及的其他人员关押在一起,遭到拳打脚踢, 电击声和人们的尖叫声不绝于耳。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the presence of an American officer, he was then taken, handcuffed and hooded, to a police station and, shortly afterwards, to an old fortress outside Lahore, where he was held with other men from Palestine, Tunisia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Egypt, [...] and beaten and kicked, and heard electroshocks and people screaming. daccess-ods.un.org |
各地区赤手空拳的平民时常密切监 测联黎部队的业务活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | On occasion, the operational activities of UNIFIL were [...] closely monitored by unarmedciviliansin various areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们已从三方面着手打击滥用公屋资源的问题,包括作出预防、进行调查和透过进行宣传教育。 housingauthority.gov.hk | We have adopted a three-pronged approach to tackle tenancy abuses, which includes prevention, investigation and education through publicity. housingauthority.gov.hk |
其三,部份报章已经变成丑闻打手,并且把打击对像扩展到政策智囊、民调组织和学术机构。 hkupop.hku.hk | Thirdly, some news medias have become dirty news collectors, and their target range has expanded to public policy think tank, opinion survey units and academic organizations. hkupop.hku.hk |
当野兽的攻击,贝奥武夫攻击他赤手空拳,赤身露体,确定自格伦德尔似乎是免疫致命的武器,不携带武器,他自己的,盔甲和剑将是毫无意义的斗争中。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When the beast does attack, [...] Beowulf attacks him unarmed and naked, determining [...]that since Grendel seems to be immune to [...]mortal weapons and carries no weapons of his own, armour and a sword would be pointless in the fight. seekcartoon.com |
这个迷人的童话拳击袋鼠所用的拳击手套就是标示时间的指针。 swatch.com | With its charming, children’s book image of a pugilist [...] kangaroo whose boxing gloves indicate the time, this Swatch Art Special is a knockout! swatch.com |
维护建议 - 拳击手套的内置手套,专为吸汗而设计。 decathlon.com.cn | Care advice - Using the specially-designed [...] mittens insideyour boxing gloves will protect [...]them from the effects of perspiration. decathlon.com.cn |
扩大监督团的第二个备选是部署一个具备必要规模的武装部队,即保护单 位,为赤手空拳的观察员和文职工作人员开展工作提供安全保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | A second option for bolstering the Mission would entail the deployment of a necessarily [...] sizeable armed force-protection element as a security guarantor for [...] the workof the unarmedobserversand civilian staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
梅祖基(Mouradn [...] Merzouki)发放一场糅合现代舞、拳击及古典音乐的表演,台上乐师坐着移动椅仔满场飞,斗智斗力幽默抵死,而法国HIP-HOP「格飞舞团」更炮制场场到肉力量澎湃的出奇舞剧。 whatson.macautourism.gov.mo | The urban dance of BoxeBoxe - CCN [...] Creteil & Val-De-Marne / Compagnie Kafig (8/6) mixes street moves and martial arts, visual [...]influences from the silent movie era, shiny flowing fabrics and glowing boxing gloves, all to the accompaniment of a string quartet playing classics and hip-hop. whatson.macautourism.gov.mo |
潜泳或借助呼吸器具潜水、任何种类的户外攀爬或攀山、探索洞穴、跳伞、特技跳伞、悬挂式滑翔、滑翔、伞滑翔、热气球飞行、小型飞机飞行活动、高空弹绳跳、涉及爆炸品的活动 [...] (包括但不限於如爆竹及烟花) 、任何类型的拳击运动、高卡车、雪地或冰面运动、骑马打猎或骑马或需要驾驶或骑乘的任何种类比赛以及各种形式的专业运动 citibank.com.hk | underwater swimming or diving involving the aid of breathing apparatus, any kind of outdoor climbing or mountaineering, pot-holing, parachuting, skydiving, hang-gliding, gliding, para-gliding, ballooning, micro-lighting, bungee-jumping, any activities involving explosive or explosion [...] (including but not limited to firework [...] or firecracker),boxing of any kind, go-kart, [...]sports that take place on snow or [...]ice, hunting or riding on horse-back or driving or riding in any kind of race and all forms of professional sports citibank.com.hk |
尤其处於目前经济不景的情况下,如何利用「环保税」及其他优惠的方法扶助环保产业,如何正面鼓励「绿色消费」而非以惩罚手段打击消费者及生产商,是「环保税」最终会否获得大多数市民支持, 以及「污染者自付」会否成功的关键因素。 greencouncil.org | All these hinge on the ways how the Government assists the environmental industry with the environmental tax and other incentive schemes; and, the ways how the Government promotes green consumerism through positive actions, not the discouragement of consumers and manufacturers through punitive measures. greencouncil.org |
尖锐、锋利或有可能导致受伤的物品,例如弹簧刀(或任何以同样原理操作的手动或电动刀具)、折刀、匕首、大弯刀、中式/日式飞镖、蝴蝶刀,及附带任何长度或形状的刀刃之真刀或纪念用刀具,包括连鞘的刀、宗教刀具、剃刀、解剖刀、冰凿、剑杖、滑雪杖、登山杖、附刀刃或箭头的雨伞、及任何附尖刺或刀刃、使用时须先紧握手柄然後刀刃或尖刺会从手指间或拳头突出的武器,例如指节套环(knuckle [...] duster)。 dragonair.com | Pointed or bladed items made or adapted to cause injury, flick knives (or any knife operated in the same manner, mechanically or electrically), gravity catch knives, stilettos, daggers, kukris, Chinese/Japanese style throwing dart, Gurkha knives (butterfly knives), other knives both real or ceremonial with blades of any length or description, including sheath knives, kirpans and skeandhus, open razors, scalpels, ice picks, swords, sword sticks, ski poles, hiking poles, umbrellas containing sword blades or arrows, any bladed or pointed weapon designed to be used in a fashion whereby [...] the handle is held in a clenched fist and the blade or point protrudes [...] between the fingers or fists (e.g. knuckle duster). dragonair.com |