

单词 拱手相让

See also:


cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting
fig. submissive


features of a palm (in palmistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

妇女在阿富汗得到的权利很不稳固,十分容易丧失,并有可能在妇 女无法获得充分代表权的正式和平进程谈判中 拱手相让。
The rights women had gained in Afghanistan were fragile, easily reversible and under threat of being negotiated away in a formal peace process in which women were at the risk of having no substantive representation.
由行政長官和我 們的三人小組手拱手相讓“ 高度自治”,令我感到非常遺憾。
That the Chief Executive, together with our three-member Task Force, has surrendered our "high degree of autonomy" makes us feel most sorry.
此外,政府亦私下簽 訂 各 種 協
[...] 議,把多幅甚具價值的土 地拱 手 相 讓予 地 下 鐵 路 、 九 廣 鐵 [...]
路 、 機 場 管 理局、數 碼 港 及 科 學 園 等 。
[...] the Government has handed out a substantial [...]
amount of valuable land to the Mass Transit Railway, Kowloon-Canton
Railway, the Airport Authority, the Cyberport and the Science Park, through private treaties grants.
既得利益者是不會把自己的政 拱手相 讓 的,正如我上次已說過,這是 一個訂定所有制度和法例的權力核心,怎可 拱手相 讓 呢
As I said last time, this is a nexus of power that prescribes all institutions and legislation, so how possibly can one surrender everything voluntarily?
面對㆗方不斷插手未來特區內部事務的情況㆘,我們今日若為求 龍顏息怒、百般遷就,甚至自我閹割,主動提出將九五年的議員任期限制在九七年六月㆔ 十日時,無疑是將㆒國兩制、特區高度自治的權利 拱手相 送。
In the face of the Chinese Government’s incessant interference with the internal affairs of the future SAR government, if we readily yield to its demands or even volunteer to castrate ourselves by spontaneously proposing to limit the tenure of the Members elected in 1995 to 30 June 1997, we will be virtually giving up our own rights to having the SAR administered according to the principles of “one country, two systems” and “a high degree of autonomy”.
便是發展至今天,的確有不少人覺得行政長官及三人小 組在政制發展的問題上出賣了香港人的利益,把“高度自治 拱手相 讓 ,以 及把香港人當作愚民。
Given the development of events to date, there are indeed many people who think that the Chief Executive and the Task Force have betrayed the interest of Hong Kong people on the issue of constitutional development, surrendered our "high degree of autonomy" and treated the people of Hong Kong as fools.
预计中心将提升国家和地区在水收集领域的能力,并确保有效 让相 关 技 术,这是实现 长期自力更生和可持续发展的重手 段 ;对于该地区国家来说,这始终是一项优先工作。
The Centre is expected to upgrade national and regional capacities is terms of water harvesting and ensure effective transfer of appropriate technologies as an important means of securing long term self-reliance and sustainable development; these remain a priority for the region states.
通过利用Quadro的诸多特性,例如大容量显存、CUDA并行计算与OpenGL图形 相 得 益 彰以及3D立体显示器,NVIDIA®(英伟达™)、斯坦福以及Cyberheart公司的多方 手让 医 师 能够在不开刀的情况下互动地查看异常血液流动形式,从而可加快诊断速度。
Harnessing Quadro features such as
large graphics memory,
[...] the combination of CUDA parallel computing with OpenGL graphics, and 3D stereoscopic display, this collaborative effort between NVIDIA, Stanford and Cyberheart offers non-invasive and interactive [...]
insights to abnormal
blood flow patterns, enabling faster diagnosis.
可能就是這種想法,令 到原居民婦女心甘情願將自己的利 拱手相 讓 , 或許這樣她們才可以得到其社區的認同。
Maybe it is out of this kind of thinking that the indigenous women willingly surrender their own interests to others.
[...] 個“五年規劃”中,即“十二五”,認為被整頓後的上海已很聽話,說明只 有上海才是國家的金融中心,要香 拱手相 讓 ,退下來做旅遊中心,屆時, 由於我們已融入國家規劃之內,所以失去了“一國兩制”的保障,於是便只 [...]
However, Madam President, the problem is: If, in the next "Five Year Plan", that is, the "12th Five-Year Plan", it is considered that Shanghai, after all the adjustments, has become very obedient and it is explicitly stated that only Shanghai will be a centre of
financial services of the country, and
[...] if Hong Kong is told to hand over its role and step [...]
down to become a tourism centre instead,
then, as we are already incorporated into the country's planning, we would lose the protection of "one country, two systems" and as a result, we could only do what the Central Authorities tell us to and we would never be able to get away.
這正是英國政府另㆒次將港㆟利 拱手相 讓 的 ㆒項明證。
This is just another clear proof that once more the British
[...] Government is handing over the interests of the Hong [...]
Kong people on a plate.
有議員表示,因為《基本法》沒 有說明中央這項罷免行政長官的條款,所以不應 拱手相 讓。
Some Members hold that as the Basic Law has not expressly provided for such power of the Central People's Government to remove the Chief Executive, therefore we should not offer it on a plate.
主席女士,其實行政長官這份報告,不但犯了上述 3 點錯誤,而且我們 覺得行政長官是把香港“一國兩制”,“高度自治 拱手相 讓 ,違反了《基 本法》讓香港人實現“一國兩制”,“高度自治”的原則。
Madam President, in fact, this Report of the Chief Executive, apart from making the three above errors, has made us feel that the Chief Executive has surrendered the "one country, two systems" and the "high degree of autonomy" of Hong Kong, betraying the Basic Law which allows Hong Kong people to practise the principles of "one country, two systems" and "high degree of autonomy".
第四代发现的外观设计大气,全新格栅、崭新的前后大灯及与车身同色的保险杠及 拱 ( 选 配车型 让 人 眼 前一亮。
New grille, plus new lights both front and rear are complemented by the introduction of body
[...] colour bumpers and wheel arches – on selected models.
咨询委员会进一步获悉,为了改进知识转让和信息共享,该司的数 据库(iSCAD)已经过扩大和改造,对工作人员进行了输入数据以及将数据库用作 研究工具及信息共享和知识让手段 的 培训。
The Committee was further informed that, in order to improve knowledge transfer and information-sharing, the Division’s database (iSCAD) had been expanded and revamped and staff members had been trained to enter data and to use the database as a research tool and as a means of sharing information and transferring knowledge.
新款 Jabra CLEAR 可以解放您的手,让您随 心滑动、浏览和玩游戏;蓝牙耳机让您能够充分利用您的智能手机。
Free up your hands to swipe, browse and [...]
play with the new Jabra CLEAR, the Bluetooth headset that lets you get more from your smartphone.
相传林 顿•约翰逊总统是Vulcain的疯狂爱好者和收集者,他有超过200块Vulcain手表,有次去日内瓦出席联合国会议时 让手 下 把 全城的Vulcain手表都买下来。
He gave away more than 200 Cricket watches, and during a UN summit in Geneva, he gave the order to buy every Vulcain watch available in the city.
每个缔约国在决定是否核准本《条约》范围内常规武器的转让时,都须按照 第二十条的评估标准对此项转让进行评估,同时考虑到其他缔约国之前的相关评 估,并将核证与让相关的所有证书和文件都是完整、真实和准确的。
In deciding whether to authorize a transfer of conventional arms under the scope of this Treaty, each State party will assess the transfer against the assessment criteria in article XX, will take the relevant previous assessments of other States parties into consideration and will verify that all certifications and documentations related to the transfer are complete, authentic and correct.
(iv) 中心将帮助提升国家、地区和全球在其活动领域专业知识方面的能力,并确保有 效让相关技术。
(d) The Centre will contribute to upgrading national, regional and global capacity in
terms of expertise in the fields of its activities, and will help ensure
[...] effective transfer of appropriate technologies.
秘书长在进展情况报告(A/66/591)第 78
[...] 段中指出,全球外勤支助战略的最终愿 景包括实施全面支助服务模式让相 同 的 区域服务中心服务于地理上接近的所有 [...]
In paragraph 78 of his progress report (A/66/591), the Secretary-General states that the end-state vision for the global field support strategy includes the
full support model implementation by which
[...] geographically related missions will [...]
all be served by similar regional service centres.
这两个控制带有一个弹性磁性附着物和额外的幻彩表带,用于安全 安装和快速变换位置,或者在手上 (向 上或下)或者在垂直压缩支柱上,或者甚 至在附拱门形 状的减重系统框架的管上。
Both controls come with a flexible magnetic attachment and additional velcro strap for secure mounting and fast
changing of positions either on the handrails (facing up or down) or on the vertical telescope pillars or even on the nearby tubes of the arch shaped unweighting system frame.
發言反對的議員,大部分均擔心此項建議可能會將香港高度自 拱手相 讓予 中央,也擔心此舉會令中央有無限權力,恐怕香港成為“人治”而不是 [...]
Most Members who have spoken in opposition are worried that this proposal would surrender the high degree of autonomy of
Hong Kong to the Central People's Government
[...] on a plate, and they are also concerned [...]
that the Central People's Government would
have unlimited powers, rendering Hong Kong into a place ruled by man and not by law.
他應該有責任保護我們 的郊野公園,但相反地,他把郊野公 拱手相 讓 , 闢作堆填區。
He should be responsible for protecting our country
[...] parks, yet he has handed over the country [...]
park land for landfill purpose.
人权理事会第八届会议在其关于消除对 麻风病人及其家人的歧视的第
[...] 号决议中请联合国人权事务高级专员办事处收集 有关各国政府为消除对 受麻 风病影响的人及其家人的歧视所 采取的 措施的 资料,如有预算外经费,便 举行会 议让 相 关行为者、 包 括各国政府、联合国观察员、联合国相 关 机构、专门机构 和规(计)划 署、非政府组织、科学家、医学专家以及受麻风病影响的人及其家人的 [...]
代 表 交流意见,
并向理事会和人权理事会咨询委员会提交 一份报告。
In its resolution 8/13 on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, the Council requested OHCHR to collect information on the measures that Governments had taken to eliminate discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, and, if extrabudgetary funding was
available, to hold
[...] a meeting to exchange views among relevant actors, including Governments, observers of the United Nations, relevant United Nations [...]
bodies, specialized
agencies and programmes, non-governmental organizations, scientists, medical experts as well as representatives of persons affected by leprosy and their family members, and to transmit a report to the Council and the Advisory Committee.
与技术让相关的 一些重要方面,例 如优惠获得,以人力资源形式合作研发,地方制度 能力建设等,采用的一些技术并不是那种可触及的 具体支持方式。
Important aspects relating to technology transfer, such as preferential access, collaborative R&D in the form of human resources, building local institutional capacity to apply technology are some of the less tangible forms of support.
高等教育部按照其任务授权手让更多 穷人获得高等教育,方法包括将针对合格的最后一年学生的贷款转为 助学金。
In line with its mandate, the Department of Higher Education has set out to increase access to higher education to the poor by, among other, converting loans into bursaries for qualifying finalyear students.
(b) 应会员国请求提供援助,以增强国家主管机构有效执行《联合国
[...] 反腐败公约》的能力,为此采取各种技术合作形式,包括政策咨询、法律咨 询服务、培训和协助让相关专 门知识;”。
(b) Providing assistance to Member States, upon request, to enhance the capacity of national competent institutions to effectively implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption through various forms of technical
cooperation, including policy advice, legal advisory services, training and
[...] facilitating the transfer of related expertise;”.
主席先生,㆒個世紀前,美國憑藉殖民主義列強的軍事壓力,首次與㆗國締結最惠國 貿易協議時,美國的談判官員庫欣在當時的場合㆖說:「我進入㆗國,心㆗已凝固了㆒ 股普遍的信念,就是無論在任何情況㆘,美國不應將國家對其公民的生命和自由的管 轄權拱手讓予外國,除非這個國家是我們這個國際大家庭的㆒份子,換句話說,即 是㆒個基督教國家」。
MRS ELSIE TU: Mr President, when the United States first made its Most Favoured Nation trade agreement with China, under military pressure by the colonial powers a century ago, the United States negotiator, Caleb CUSHING, on that occasion said: "I entered China with the formed general conviction that the United States ought not to concede to any foreign state, under any circumstances, jurisdiction over the life and liberty of a citizen of the United States, unless the foreign state be of our own family of nations, in a word, a Christian state.
主席,時至今天 , 我 們只感到行政長官 是不斷 地 把 香港的“高度自治拱 手相讓, 如果“高度自治 ”是香港特 區 的 主 要 制 度 的設計和原 則 , 我希望 行政長官 不要違 反 這個原 則 , 我希望行政長官 能 收 回 這 9 項 原 則 , 讓 [...] [...]
我 們 的 民主政制改 革 得以實踐 。
I hope the Chief Executive can withdraw these nine principles, so that our constitutional reform towards democracy could materialize.
不 過 ,理想 歸 理 想 ,運送 過程中 難 免 會 出現阻滯, 例 如 天 災 、 工業行動 等,那麼,貨 物 便 會 短 暫 滯 留,而部分貨 物 亦 須 另 行 包 裝,因而須 利 用倉庫 , 香港要保 持 與 珠 三 角 在 低 產 值 物 流方面 的 競 爭 力 , 便 須為業 界 提 供後勤 基 地 , 而不拱 手 相 讓 。
For instance, there would be a brief hold-up of goods as a result of fire, industrial actions, and so on, and some goods have to be re-packaged for storage in warehouses. For Hong Kong to remain competitive against the PRD in respect of low-value logistics, we must provide the industry with a back-up base instead of offering this sector of the market on a plate.




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