单词 | 拱手旁观 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 拱手旁观 —watch from the sidelines and do nothing [idiom.]See also:拱手—cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting • fig. submissive 旁观—spectator • non-participant 旁观 n—duel n
但是,我们必须清 楚地认识到,在确保我们这个星球未来的问题上,没 有人可以袖手旁观。 daccess-ods.un.org | But we must clearly recognize that [...] there can be no spectators when it comes to [...]securing the future of our planet. daccess-ods.un.org |
在這情況㆘,難道我們要袖手旁觀, 甘心將自己應有的參 與權利,拱手讓與他㆟嗎? legco.gov.hk | In such a situation, should we stand idly by and hand over to other people our due right to participate? legco.gov.hk |
叙利亚历来向求援者伸出援手,其他国 家却出于懦弱而袖手旁观,只顾及有限的政治谋算。 daccess-ods.un.org | His country had never withheld assistance to those seeking it, while others had shied away from doing so out of cowardice, only heeding limited political calculations. daccess-ods.un.org |
全 世界看到了许多暴行,并看到了更多的暴行,却只是 袖手旁观:加沙无辜人民遭受毁灭的记忆挥之不去— [...] —从窗口毫无理由地射杀了五姐妹。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world at large has witnessed much cruelty, and more [...] cruelty, as a mere spectator: the haunting [...]memories of the devastation inflicted on [...]the innocent population of Gaza, the killing of five sisters through a shot in the window for no apparent reason. daccess-ods.un.org |
这两个控制带有一个弹性磁性附着物和额外的幻彩表带,用于安全 安装和快速变换位置,或者在扶手上 (向 上或下)或者在垂直压缩支柱上,或者甚 至在附近拱门形 状的减重系统框架的管上。 hpcosmos.com | Both controls come with a flexible magnetic attachment and additional velcro strap for secure mounting and fast [...] changing of positions either on the handrails (facing up or down) or on the vertical telescope pillars or even on the nearby tubes of the arch shaped unweighting system frame. [...] hpcosmos.com |
由行政長官和我 們的三人小組親手拱手相讓 “高度自治”,令我感到非常遺憾。 legco.gov.hk | That the Chief Executive, together with our three-member Task Force, has surrendered our "high degree of autonomy" makes us feel most sorry. legco.gov.hk |
随着小岛屿国家联盟气候变化宣言的通过,小岛 [...] 屿国家已表示,我们不会由于人类活动引起的气候变 化影响,袖手旁观,眼看着我们的岛屿沉没、我们的 生计丧失及我们的孩子变得无家可归。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the adoption of the AOSIS Climate Change [...] Declaration, small island States have said we will [...] not stand by and watch our islands sink, [...]see our livelihoods disappear and witness [...]our children made homeless due to the effects of human-induced climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会不能袖手旁观,坐 视这场灾难的发生而 无所作为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community cannot afford [...] to sit back and watch this calamity unfold [...]before our eyes without doing anything. daccess-ods.un.org |
面對㆗方不斷插手未來特區內部事務的情況㆘,我們今日若為求 龍顏息怒、百般遷就,甚至自我閹割,主動提出將九五年的議員任期限制在九七年六月㆔ 十日時,無疑是將㆒國兩制、特區高度自治的權利 , 拱手 相 送。 legco.gov.hk | In the face of the Chinese Government’s incessant interference with the internal affairs of the future SAR government, if we readily yield to its demands or even volunteer to castrate ourselves by spontaneously proposing to limit the tenure of the Members elected in 1995 to 30 June 1997, we will be virtually giving up our own rights to having the SAR administered according to the principles of “one country, two systems” and “a high degree of autonomy”. legco.gov.hk |
国际社会不应仅仅袖手旁观,而 应支持我们迅速 执行短期和长期的方案和措施,帮助我们实现我们各 [...] 国人民的愿望。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community [...] should not just stand by and watch, but should [...]support us through the speedy implementation [...]of short- and long-term programmes and measures to help us realize the aspirations of our peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
当一个生活在外 国占领下的全体人民被剥夺他们不可剥夺的人权,包括尊严生活的权利之时,当 他们的社会被蓄意破坏和削弱之时,国际社会不能 袖 手旁观。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community cannot stand idly by while an entire people living under foreign occupation is denied their inalienable human rights, including the right to live in dignity, and while their society is being deliberately devastated and debilitated. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会对巴勒斯坦无辜平民的死亡 袖 手旁 观和无动于衷,而这些人民甚至成为过度和滥用武力 的受害者,对此我们又如何理解? daccess-ods.un.org | How can we understand the inaction and dysfunction of the Security Council in the face of the death of innocent Palestinian civilians, who themselves have even fallen victim to the excessive and indiscriminate use of force? daccess-ods.un.org |
主席先生,㆒個世紀前,美國憑藉殖民主義列強的軍事壓力,首次與㆗國締結最惠國 貿易協議時,美國的談判官員庫欣在當時的場合㆖說:「我進入㆗國,心㆗已凝固了㆒ 股普遍的信念,就是無論在任何情況㆘,美國不應將國家對其公民的生命和自由的管 轄權,拱手讓予外國,除非這個國家是我們這個國際大家庭的㆒份子,換句話說,即 是㆒個基督教國家」。 legco.gov.hk | MRS ELSIE TU: Mr President, when the United States first made its Most Favoured Nation trade agreement with China, under military pressure by the colonial powers a century ago, the United States negotiator, Caleb CUSHING, on that occasion said: "I entered China with the formed general conviction that the United States ought not to concede to any foreign state, under any circumstances, jurisdiction over the life and liberty of a citizen of the United States, unless the foreign state be of our own family of nations, in a word, a Christian state. legco.gov.hk |
此外,政府亦私下簽 訂 各 種 協 [...] 議,把多幅甚具價值的土 地,拱 手 相 讓予 地 下 鐵 路 、 九 廣 [...]鐵 路 、 機 場 管 理局、數 碼 港 及 科 學 園 等 。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, the [...] Government has handed out a substantial [...]amount of valuable land to the Mass Transit Railway, Kowloon-Canton [...]Railway, the Airport Authority, the Cyberport and the Science Park, through private treaties grants. legco.gov.hk |
便是發展至今天,的確有不少人覺得行政長官及三人小 組在政制發展的問題上出賣了香港人的利益,把“高度自治 ” 拱手 相 讓 ,以 及把香港人當作愚民。 legco.gov.hk | Given the development of events to date, there are indeed many people who think that the Chief Executive and the Task Force have betrayed the interest of Hong Kong people on the issue of constitutional development, surrendered our "high degree of autonomy" and treated the people of Hong Kong as fools. legco.gov.hk |
既得利益者是不會把自己的政權拱手 相 讓 的,正如我上次已說過,這是 一個訂定所有制度和法例的權力核心,怎可 以 拱手 相 讓 呢? legco.gov.hk | As I said last time, this is a nexus of power that prescribes all institutions and legislation, so how possibly can one surrender everything voluntarily? legco.gov.hk |
正 是 這 樣 ,局長不 但 自 己削減 自 己 的 職 [...] 權,亦 同 時 將 香港的 自 治 權 一 步步拱 手 奉 送 中央。 legco.gov.hk | This is precisely how the Secretary has trimmed his own [...] roles and functions while at the same time surrendering the autonomy of Hong Kong to [...] the Central Authorities step by step. legco.gov.hk |
可是,主席女士,問題是,如果中央在下一 [...] 個“五年規劃”中,即“十二五”,認為被整頓後的上海已很聽話,說明只 有上海才是國家的金融中心,要香港 拱手 相 讓,退下來做旅遊中心,屆時, 由於我們已融入國家規劃之內,所以失去了“一國兩制”的保障,於是便只 [...]能任由中央擺布,以後便無法抽身。 legco.gov.hk | However, Madam President, the problem is: If, in the next "Five Year Plan", that is, the "12th Five-Year Plan", it is considered that Shanghai, after all the adjustments, has become very obedient and it is explicitly stated that only Shanghai will be a centre of [...] financial services of the country, and [...] if Hong Kong is told to hand over its role and step [...]down to become a tourism centre instead, [...]then, as we are already incorporated into the country's planning, we would lose the protection of "one country, two systems" and as a result, we could only do what the Central Authorities tell us to and we would never be able to get away. legco.gov.hk |
如果政府在 公共設施方面撒手不理,並把它雙 手拱 讓 給所謂的商業機構,完全以商業原 則處理,那政府不是把自己的責任推卸得一乾二淨嗎? legco.gov.hk | If the Government [...] washes its hands clean in public facilities and if it just hands them over [...]to those so-called business [...]entities which are run entirely under commercial principles, then is the Government not shirking its responsibility? legco.gov.hk |
当两个成员国在 2011 年违反东盟宪 章及根本性协议时,东盟既不能袖 手旁观 也 不 能置 身事外,这两种做法均不现实。 crisisgroup.org | ASEAN did not have a realistic option to do nothing or recuse itself when two members violated its own fundamental documents treaty and charter in 2011, but it was lucky that Jakarta was in the chair when major hostilities erupted. crisisgroup.org |
最后,多米尼加共和国青年部致力于培养这样的 年轻公民:他们积极参与,从变革的旁观者变为变革 的推动者;他们走下看台,到运动场上参加比赛;他 们敢于冒险并坚持不懈;以及他们保证干一番事业, 因为归根结底我们知道,在 21 世纪,沉默和袖手旁 观不再是年轻人的选项。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Youth is committed to shaping young citizens who participate deeply, who go from being spectators to being agents of change, who go from the stands to the playing field, who dare to take chances and remain dedicated, and who make sure that things happen, because, in the end, we understand that, in this twentyfirst century, being silent and detached is no longer an option for young people. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际 社会面对这一局势不能袖手旁观。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community cannot stand idly by in the face of such a situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际社会不能继续袖手旁观:此 时,以色列政权仍在 巴勒斯坦领土殖民,容许非法定居者肆意劫掠,不断 [...] 加剧对国际法的侵犯,并以此捍卫其战争罪、国家恐 怖行动和系统侵犯人权行动的记录。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community cannot [...] continue to stand idly by as the Israeli [...]regime continues to colonize the Palestinian [...]territory, allowing its illegal settlers to rampage unbridled and to incrementally continue its violations of international law, thereby upholding its record of war crimes, acts of State terrorism and systematic human rights violations. daccess-ods.un.org |
对于人道主义干预,有人错误地以为只能 对两个极端作出选择:要么面对平民死亡人数增加而 袖 手旁观 , 要 么部署胁迫性 军事力量来保护受威胁的弱势民众。 daccess-ods.un.org | Humanitarian intervention posed a false choice between two extremes: either standing by in the face of mounting civilian deaths or deploying coercive military force to protect the vulnerable and threatened populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们不会对美国日益加剧的敌对行 动袖手旁观,而 将竭尽全力捍卫我国和我们民族的命运。 daccess-ods.un.org | We will not sit idle watching the increased [...] hostile moves of the United States, but will make every effort to defend the [...]destiny of the country and the nation. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席女士,其實行政長官這份報告,不但犯了上述 3 點錯誤,而且我們 覺得行政長官是把香港“一國兩制”,“高度自治 ” 拱手 相 讓,違反了《基 本法》讓香港人實現“一國兩制”,“高度自治”的原則。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, in fact, this Report of the Chief Executive, apart from making the three above errors, has made us feel that the Chief Executive has surrendered the "one country, two systems" and the "high degree of autonomy" of Hong Kong, betraying the Basic Law which allows Hong Kong people to practise the principles of "one country, two systems" and "high degree of autonomy". legco.gov.hk |
莫斯塔尔老桥拱顶工 程已在八月竣工,九月在威尼斯办事处召开了一次国际专家会 议,为保护整个巴尔干地区的文化遗产,拟定了一项冲突后行动战略。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The arch of the Mostar Old Bridge was completed in August, and an international meeting of experts, held at the Venice Office in September, drew up a post-conflict intervention strategy for the cultural heritage in the Balkans. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港日後如 何 可以順 理成章成為 人民幣 離 岸 中 心, 便 必須端 視 香港特 [...] 區 政 府 現 時 以至未來 能為達 成 這個目標作出的 措施是 否 足 夠 , 否 則,香港作為 中 國人民幣 離 岸 中 心 [...] 的 目標本來 應 是 指日可待 , 也 會 拱 手 讓 人,大大削弱香 港 的國際 金 融 中 [...]心 地 位 。 legco.gov.hk | The question of whether or not Hong Kong can become an off-shore centre for RMB in the future as a matter of course depends on the adequacy of the measures taken by the SAR Government now and in the future towards this end. Otherwise, even if Hong Kong should be able to achieve very soon the goal of becoming an [...] off-shore centre for RMB, the opportunity [...] would still slip through our fingers and this would [...]greatly undermine Hong Kong's status [...]as an international financial centre. legco.gov.hk |
这些原因包括生命权的根本 [...] 性质;死亡以及在某些情况下致残的不可逆转性;发生事实和判断失误的可能性; 无辜旁观者被 杀或受伤的可能性;对警察和国家的合法性的影响;当暴力造成生 [...] 命损失时,每个相关者受到的创伤——这可能包括有关的警察。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include the fundamental nature of the right to life; the irreversible nature of death, and in some cases, disability; the potential of [...] errors of fact and judgement; the [...] possibility that innocent bystanders may be killed or [...]wounded; the effect on the legitimacy [...]of the police and the State; and the trauma suffered by everyone involved — which could include the police officers concerned — when a life is ended through violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
最 令人不安的是,尽管以色列的政策不仅违反国际法和 国际合法决议,而且还损害一切实现和平的机会,但 国际社会却袖手旁观,对 以 色列的顽固做法和政策坐 视不管。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most troubling of all is that the international community stands idly by, a passive spectator to Israel’s unchanging practices and policies, despite the fact that those policies not only violate the most rudimentary rules of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy, but undermine any chance to achieve peace. daccess-ods.un.org |