

单词 拱坝

See also:


arch n
arches pl

cup one's hands in salute
dig earth with the snout


arched adj

External sources (not reviewed)

塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32 个国家的 350 多名专家、杰出科学家、环境保护主义者和水资源管理专家,以及大约
30 个有 影响力的国际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机 构、世界水事理事会、全球水事伙伴关系、世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲经济
[...] 委员会、国际挽救咸海基金、美国国际开发署、国际排灌委员会、国际 坝 委员 会和其他机构。
The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the preparations for the World Water Forum, was attended by more than 350 experts, prominent scientists, environmentalists and water management specialists from 32 countries, as well as representatives of some 30 influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the
[...] International Commission on Large Dams and other bodies.
主席先生,㆒個世紀前,美國憑藉殖民主義列強的軍事壓力,首次與㆗國締結最惠國 貿易協議時,美國的談判官員庫欣在當時的場合㆖說:「我進入㆗國,心㆗已凝固了㆒ 股普遍的信念,就是無論在任何情況㆘,美國不應將國家對其公民的生命和自由的管 轄權拱手讓予外國,除非這個國家是我們這個國際大家庭的㆒份子,換句話說,即 是㆒個基督教國家」。
MRS ELSIE TU: Mr President, when the United States first made its Most Favoured Nation trade agreement with China, under military pressure by the colonial powers a century ago, the United States negotiator, Caleb CUSHING, on that occasion said: "I entered China with the formed general conviction that the United States ought not to concede to any foreign state, under any circumstances, jurisdiction over the life and liberty of a citizen of the United States, unless the foreign state be of our own family of nations, in a word, a Christian state.
目前,在缅甸还有几处坝正在 修建,主要由中国公司出资,包括缅甸中部的装机 容量为 790 兆瓦的耶涯 (Yeywa) 大坝和 280 兆瓦的邦朗 (Paunglaung) 大坝。
Several dams in Burma are currently underway with major support from Chinese companies, including the 790 MWYeywa Dam in central Burma and the 280 MW Paunglaung Dam.
[...] 以及环境和自然资源管理中使用与气候风险有关的信息;加强和维护沿海 防波堤、河流坝、泄 洪道和蓄洪池等防护工程;要求基础设施项目、建 [...]
筑设计和在其他工程实践中对气候风险作出例行评估和报告;建立风险转 移机制和社会安全网;支持生计多样化方案;在具体的灾后恢复计划中开 展适应活动。
Measures can include incorporating climate riskrelated considerations in development planning processes, macroeconomic projections and sector plans; requiring the use of climate risk-related information in city planning, land-use planning, water management, and environmental and natural resource management; strengthening and
maintaining protective works such as coastal wave
[...] barriers, river levees, floodways and [...]
flood ponds; requiring routine assessment
and reporting of climate risks in infrastructure projects, building designs and other engineering practices; developing risk transfer mechanisms and social safety nets; supporting programmes for diversification of livelihoods; and instituting adaptation activities in plans for recovery from specific disasters.
借助坝,河 流的防洪和通航问题均能明显改善。
With the help of dams, they provide flood [...]
protection and improve the navigability of rivers.
这两个控制带有一个弹性磁性附着物和额外的幻彩表带,用于安全 安装和快速变换位置,或者在扶手上(向上或下)或者在垂直压缩支柱上,或者甚 至在附拱门形 状的减重系统框架的管上。
Both controls come with a flexible magnetic attachment and additional velcro strap for secure mounting and fast changing of positions either on the handrails (facing up or down) or on the vertical telescope pillars or even on the nearby tubes of the arch shaped unweighting system frame.
港口、机场、垃圾场、坝等城 市外的基础设 施工程通常为城市提供服务和资源,因此同城市和城市化密不可分。
Infrastructural works outside cities, such as harbours,
[...] airports, waste dumps and dams, often provide cities [...]
with services and resources, and thus
are closely linked with cities/urbanization.
莫斯塔尔老拱顶工 程已在八月竣工,九月在威尼斯办事处召开了一次国际专家会 议,为保护整个巴尔干地区的文化遗产,拟定了一项冲突后行动战略。
The arch of the Mostar Old Bridge was completed in August, and an international meeting of experts, held at the Venice Office in September, drew up a post-conflict intervention strategy for the cultural heritage in the Balkans.
目前,正在调查并清除卡奥拉巴萨 坝 和 马 普托 省电力塔的地雷。
Survey and clearance of
[...] the Cahora Bassa Dam and the Maputo Power [...]
pylons are ongoing.
以前和以后的”卫星图像将用于说明环境变化情况,如土 地使用变化情况、城市扩展、水文变化( 坝 、 河 流改道和受浸湿地)、土地退 化和荒漠化、海岸区变化、珍贵生境的丧失、战争和冲突的影响、气候变化的 [...]
Before and after” satellite images will be used to show environmental changes
such as land use change, urban growth,
[...] altered hydrology (dams, river diversions [...]
and drained wetlands), degradation of land
and desertification, coastal areas change, loss of valuable habitats, impacts of war and conflicts, impacts of climate change and shrinking bodies of water.
(5) 初期分析根据对残存壳体和内部的目测检查,并运用多个来源的各种模 拟和科学方法,迅速设定了 15 种可能造成天安舰沉没的原因(弹药库爆炸;油箱 爆炸;柴油机灾难性故障/失火;燃气轮机灾难性故障/失火;海底水雷;感应锚 雷;触发雷;龙骨下方鱼雷;触发鱼雷;表面爆炸;弹道击中;简易爆炸装置/ 非触发式水雷;拱/塌陷 /焊接故障/材料疲劳破裂;触礁;与潜水艇或其他物 体碰撞);但是,其中 13 种可能性被排除,焦点转移到外部水下爆炸(感应锚雷 和龙骨下方鱼雷)。
5) Early analysis based on results of visual inspection of the salvage hull and interior as well as various modelling and scientific methodologies from various sources quickly identified 15 possible causes that could have resulted in the sinking of theCheonan (gun magazine(s) explosion; fuel tank explosion; catastrophic diesel engine failure/conflagration; catastrophic gas turbine engine failure/conflagration; bottom mine; moored influence mine; contact mine; under keel torpedo; contact torpedo; surface explosion; ballistic contact; improvised explosive device (IED)/non-contact mine; hogging/sagging/welding failure/material fatigue failure; grounding; and collision with submarine or other object); however, 13 were ruled out and focus shifted to an external underwater explosion (moored influence mine and under keel torpedo).
(f) 建議在小欖興建一條短隧道以代替大 型削坡,以及興建 富 有 美 感的拱 橋 ”以 代替在小欖及大欖涌 建造的傳統高 架 路,以解決村民對景觀欠佳的關注。
(f) A short tunnel instead of a deep cutting at Siu Lam and "Arch Bridges" instead of conventional viaducts at Siu Lam and Tai Lam Chung are proposed to address villagers' concerns of adverse visual impact.
在集水项目中,苏丹政府执行并计划执行更多的发展项目,包括在各州修 建水库、坝和水井,以为农业、畜牧业和饮水提供充分的水供应。
In the context of water-harvesting projects, the Sudanese Government has implemented and plans to implement still more
development projects consisting in the
[...] construction of reservoirs, dams and wells in various [...]
states in order to ensure an adequate
supply of water for agricultural, grazing and drinking purposes.
[...] 往往作为国有森林,包括地方政府代表土著人民管理的信托土地,都可能用于采 矿、水电坝、城 市化和木材采伐,几乎无视土著人民的权利。
Untitled lands, often considered as State-owned forests, including trust lands administered by local governments on behalf of
indigenous peoples, are subject to
[...] mining, hydroelectric dams, urbanization and [...]
timber concessions, with little if any
regard to the rights of indigenous peoples.
许多情况都能引发洪涝,如暴雨、海水、涨潮、河水泛滥以及 坝 决 堤 或城市排水系统溢流等。
Flooding can be caused by a range of situations that include heavy rainfall, seawater, high tides, run-off
[...] from rivers and dams or urban drainage.
[...] 念,同位素技术是研究人员能够评估 坝 的 落 实情况,查明容易受到地表水 和灌溉水污染的地下水区。
Based on a general concept of tracing, isotope techniques enable
[...] researchers to assess dam leakage and identify [...]
groundwater zones that are vulnerable
to contamination from surface water and irrigation water.
许多的河流上均建造坝和围 堰以优化水源管理、进行发电以及改善运输条件。
Dam and weir control is used on [...]
numerous rivers to optimize water resource management and generate energy as well as to
improve conditions for shipping.
在德拉,当朝拜者离开位于前往坝 路 上的 Hussain 清真寺后,有人聚集在 [...]
营地门口,向警卫和执法部队投掷石头和两枚自制燃烧弹,导致驻德拉国家安全 部队五人受伤,伤者被送往国家医院救治。
After worshippers had left the Hussain mosque
[...] on the road to the dam in Dar’a, people [...]
gathered at the entrance to the camp and
threw stones and two Molotov cocktails at security and law enforcement forces, injuring five men from the State security forces in Dar’a, who were taken to the National Hospital for treatment.
它一般是作为获得开发项目规划审批的 一个强制性步骤执行的,如坝、机 场、高速公 路、输电线路、电站、大型工业、城市基础设施建 [...]
It is generally conducted as a mandatory step to
obtain planning approval for development
[...] projects such as dams, airports, highways, [...]
transmission lines, power plants, large
industries, urban infrastructure developments and irrigation projects.
世界坝委员会的两位成员,Deborah Moore 和 Thayer Scudder 总结了他们在对坝开发 效力进行 的最为全面的调查中得到的发现,提出了创新的框 架,也是世界坝委员 会为未来的水力和能源项目 提出的框架。
Deborah Moore
[...] and Thayer Scudder, two members of the former World Commission on Dams, summarize the findings of the largest review of the development effectiveness of dams ever undertaken, and present the innovative framework which the WCD [...]
for future water and energy projects.




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