

单词 拟定

拟定 ()

draw up



Permanent Virtual Connection

See also:

plan to
draft (a plan)


order v
set v
decide v
fix v

External sources (not reviewed)

没有 任拟定其他措施或新措施的计划。
No additional or new measures were planned.
Slovakia deemed this framework sufficient and did not foresee any new legal instrument.
最后,委员会主席 可以要求相关部委对其职权范围内的问 拟定 一 项 研究。
Lastly, the chairperson of the Commission can ask relevant ministries to prepare a report on an issue within its sphere of competence.
实际监测活动将委托卫生部臭氧机构负责,并由为此目的聘用的一名人拟 定。
The actual monitoring activities will be delegated to Ozone Unit of the Ministry of Health, and they will be developed by a personnel hired for this purpose.
科技伦理,特别是生物伦理:教科文组织将继 拟定 国 家 和国际政策框架,解决因科 技进步而出现的伦理问题,并在开展这项工作中,巩固其推动全球制定标准以及通过政策、 立法、研究和专业活动执行这些标准方面的作用。
Ethics of science and technology, with emphasis on bioethics: UNESCO will continue to develop and implement national and international policy frameworks for the ethical problems arising from the advances in science and technology, consolidating in the process its role as a driving force in the development of global standards and their implementation through policy, legislation, research and professional activities.
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表示满意,预计这 种做法会给地区办事处和全国委员会 拟定 下 一 个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视为教科文组织中主要工作组成部分的任何事项能举行的多 国磋商和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源提供资金(参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected to give a more important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and parcel of UNESCO’s core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
秘书长提议设立 1 个 D-1 职等的政策和方案司司长员额,负责深入
[...] 指导和管理该司的工作方案和工作人员,并负责确保与伙伴国家密切合 作拟定由需求驱动的与贸易有关的技术援助方案。
The Secretary-General is proposing the establishment of a D-1 post for a Director of the Division of Policy and Programme, responsible for providing in-depth direction and management of the Division’s work programme and staff and for
ensuring close cooperation with partner
[...] countries in the formulation of needs-driven [...]
trade-related technical assistance programmes.
任何一种或几种食品的食典标准均应按照食典 商品标准的格式加拟定,并 包括格式中列出的相关部分标准。
A Codex standard for any food or foods should be drawn up in accordance with the Format for Codex Commodity Standards and contain, as appropriate, the sections criteria listed therein.
经社会注意到 2012 年 1 月在缅甸仰光举行的亚太经 社会公私伙伴关系促进发展讨论会提出的建议,其中包括如何应对在执行公 私伙伴关系方面遇到的各种各样的制约和障碍,以及针对与公私伙伴关系有 关的各种具体领拟定一个政策框架。
The Commission noted the recommendations of the ESCAP workshop on public-private partnerships for development held in January 2012 in Yangon, Myanmar, which included addressing a broad range of constraints and barriers to the implementation of public-private partnerships and developing a policy framework to address specific areas relating to public-private partnerships.
在这一问题上,该 代表团建议由亚太经社会与西亚经社会秘书处共 拟定 一 项联合举措,以推 动开展双边和区域合作并寻求解决这一问题的技术办法。
In that context, it suggested the development of a joint initiative by ESCAP and the secretariat of ESCWA to facilitate bilateral and regional cooperation and technical solutions to manage the problem.
对证据的审查确定了危机预防与恢复方面有待改进的领域,其中包括:需 要对冲突后治理支助采用更具战略性和重点突出的办法; 拟定 开 发 署方案时, 更好地将减少灾害风险纳入主流;确保在战略上更好地平衡对长期恢复需要的支 助和“基于事件”提供的支持;确保开发署的支助不仅产生短期惠益,还产生更 长期的发展成果。
A review of evidence identified areas for improvement in crisis prevention and recovery, including: the need for a more strategic and focused approach to post-conflict governance support; better mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction in UNDP programming; ensuring better strategic balance between supporting long-term recovery needs and “event-based” support; and ensuring that UNDP support leads not only to short-term benefits but to longer term development outcomes.
这 些原则将拟定更详 细的准则确定一个框架。
The principles will set the
[...] framework for the elaboration of more detailed [...]
在《教育组织法》拟定过程 中颁布了相关皇家法令,其中明确了在不同 教育阶段――幼儿园、小学、中学――的核心课程,包括语文、音乐、舞蹈,在核 心课程之外可依次进行体育、美术及设计课程。
In pursuance of the Organization of Education Act, royal decrees have been issued laying down minimum [...]
educational content
in the three stages of schooling - pre-primary, primary and secondary, thus establishing the basic elements of the syllabi for the teaching of languages, music and the dance and as a step in the general organization of teaching of sports, plastic arts and design.
我还期望看到在一年拟定一个连贯的办法,以确定联合国支助的补偿方案、 冲突后临时就业以及各项复员方案向妇女分配福利的等值费用,以便用数据来显 示追踪这些方案福利的指标。
I also expect to see developed within a year a coherent approach to identifying the financial [...]
equivalents of benefits allocated
to women of United Nations-supported reparations programmes, post-conflict temporary employment and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes, so that indicators tracking these programme benefits can be populated with data.
巴基斯坦核管制局正在把国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的 INFCIRC/225 号文
[...] 件“核材料和核设施的实物保护”以及《原子能机构放射源安全与保安行为准则》 作为指导性文件拟定国内 核安全条例。
The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority is using IAEA document INFCIRC/225, entitled “The Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities” and the IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety
and Security of Radioactive Sources as
[...] guidance documents for the formulation of national [...]
regulations on nuclear security.
[...] 能够在其主要科学政策研究的基础 拟定 真 正的能源和环境政策建议;并建立了 [...]
教育政策中心,旨在让学生参与地方和国家教育体制,使其不仅能够进行研究并 且思考和分享其在教育方面的个人经验。
The Institute established, inter alia, an energy and environment
policy centre at the Campus Network to
[...] empower students to draft real energy and [...]
environmental policy recommendations on the
basis of their own critical science policy research; and the Education Policy Center, which aims to engage students within the local and national education systems and empower them not only to conduct research, but also to reflect on and share their personal experiences in education.
在这些努力之中,正如由墨西哥共同协调的 2010 年对建设和平委员会所作审查的报告(S/2010/393 附 件)中确认的那样,建设和平委员会在提供建议以拟定和执 行建设和平战略方面必须发挥更重要的作 用。
In these efforts, as recognized in the report (S/2010/393, annex) of the 2010 review of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), co-facilitated by Mexico, the Peacebuilding Commission must play a more relevant role in providing advice and in drafting and implementing peacebuilding strategies.
秘书处根据这项 审评的建议采取的后续行动改善了该基金的范围、作用和优先领域拟定了战 略通讯和资源调动计划,使更多的合作伙伴和机构参与对融 资项目提案的同行审查,提高了基金各项目之间的协调一致,而且加 强了对小国或资源较少的国家的重视。
Follow-up actions undertaken by the secretariat in response to the recommendations of the review resulted in refinement of the scope, roles and priorities of the Fund, development of strategic communication and resource mobilization plans, engagement of a broader range of partners and institutions in peer review of project proposals for funding, increased coherence across the Fund’s projects, and enhanced focus on small or less resourced countries.
由于这一原因,粮农组织及其合作伙伴采取了举措,详拟定各项 基本原则,以便可以指导各成员国在其农业部门制定政策、设立标准和 [...]
It is for this reason that FAO and its partners took the
[...] initiative to elaborate the basic principles [...]
that can guide Member States in policy
development, standard setting and regulations promoting investment in their agricultural sector.
文件建议通过各种可能的途径拟定 一 种 区域贸易 安排,这种安排不仅应全面、有深度和广度,而且亦应通过把公平原 则作为其核心内容来注重亚太区域较不发达国家的关切事项,并列出 关于特别而有区别的待遇的规定和保障措施。
The document suggests various possible routes for evolving a regional trading arrangement that not only is comprehensive, deep and broad but also keeps equity at its heart by being sensitive to the concerns of lesser developed countries of the region and incorporating provisions and safeguards regarding special and differential treatment.
规则 67 应作出努力,围绕妇女所犯罪行、妇女对抗刑事司法制度的诱因、二次判罪 和监禁对妇女的影响、女性罪犯的特性以及用以减少妇女再次犯罪可能性的方案 等问题,组织和促进注重成果的综合研究,以此作为有效规划 拟定 方 案 和制定 政策的基础,以期对女性罪犯重新融入社会的需要做出回应。
Efforts shall be made to organize and promote comprehensive, result-oriented research on the offences committed by women, the reasons that trigger women’s confrontation with the criminal justice system, the impact of secondary criminalization and imprisonment on women, the characteristics of women offenders, as well as programmes designed to reduce reoffending by women, as a basis for effective planning, programme development and policy formulation to respond to the social reintegration needs of women offenders.
在卡塔赫纳首脑会议上,缔约国商定协助进一 拟定 联 合 国《国际排雷行 动标准》,将其作为一个参考框架,据以制定处理地雷和其他爆炸物污染各方面 [...]
At the Cartagena Summit, the States Parties agreed to
[...] contribute to further development of the UN’s [...]
International Mine Action Standards
(IMAS) to be used as a frame of reference to establish national standards and operational procedures for addressing all aspects of mine and other explosive ordnance contamination.
俄罗斯联邦支持并正在参与实施和平利用外层空间委员会科学和技术小组 委员会有关在 2011 年工作计划下继续开展该领域工作的相关建议,预计将在国 家和国际各级扩大开展观测和分析近地天体的联合活动的范围,改进对观测的 协调,逐步建立在观测方面开展国际合作与互动的相关机制 拟定 关 于 在国际 一级预防该威胁的相关程序的方法。
The Russian Federation supports and is participating in the implementation of the recommendations of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space regarding the continuation of work in this area under the workplan for 2011, which envisages the expansion of joint activities to observe and analyse near-Earth objects at the national and international levels, the improved coordination of observations, the development of mechanisms for international cooperation and interaction in conducting observations and the establishment of a methodology for the development of procedures relating to the prevention of the threat at the international level.
21 缔约国报告拟定、审 查或修订政策、计划和法律框 架的情况:阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、柬埔寨、乍 得、哥伦比亚、克罗地亚、刚果民主共和国、萨尔瓦多、几内亚比绍、伊拉克、 约旦、莫桑比克、尼加拉瓜、秘鲁、塞内加尔、苏丹、塔吉克斯坦、泰国和乌干 达。
Since the Cartagena Summit, 21 States Parties have reported on the development, review or modification of policies, plans and legal frameworks: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Chad, Colombia, Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Jordan, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Peru, Senegal, Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, and Uganda.
会议对粮农组织在权力下放过程 拟定 采 取 的初步措施表示欢迎,同时也认 识到,要想将授权及配套的资源相互匹配仍需要做出很多努力,敦促粮农组织继续 推进该进程。
While welcoming the initial steps agreed to under the decentralization process in FAO, the Conference recognized that more remains to be done with respect to the commensurate delegation of authority and allocation of resources and urged FAO to advance the process accordingly.
他说,缔约方第 二十一次会议作出了关于氟氯烃和无害环境替代剂的第
[...] XXI/9 号决定,请执行委员会“拟定和运 用关于特别是对氟氯烃淘汰项目与方案的资助标准时,考虑于适当情况下对产生 [...]
较多气候效益者增加提供资金和(或)提供鼓励 [和 ]在审议项目与方案的成本效益时,考
He recalled that the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties had taken decision XXI/9 on HCFCs and environmentally sound
alternatives, which requested the Executive
[...] Committee, “when developing and applying [...]
funding criteria for projects and programmes
regarding in particular the phase-out of HCFCs,… to consider providing additional funding and/or incentives for additional climate benefits where appropriate…[and] to take into account, when considering the cost-effectiveness of projects and programmes, the need for climate benefit”.
(d) 应拟定积极 的信息,例如提到改进健康或省钱等附带收益; (e) 应该让男女都收到信息,使他们意识到其不同的作用、态度、偏好和 技能,从而推动克服性别角色及其局限性。
(e) The messages should reach women and men and make them aware of their different roles, attitudes, preferences and skills and contribute to overcoming gender roles and their limitations.
各项活动是根 据行动分类(例如性别平等主流化政策和战 拟定 、 能 力建设、支助当地妇女组 织、研究和知识管理、咨询服务等)并按每个行动领域进行分组的。
Activities are
[...] clustered under each area of action according to a typology of action, for example, gender mainstreaming policy and strategy development, capacity-building, [...]
support to
local women’s organizations, research and knowledge management, and advisory services.




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